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No Scrubs
Jordan Chariton using anecdotal evidence to say the Democratic party won't be around anymore in the future. The same idiot who likes to talk about journalism and being a good journalist. Also, is it just me or is low information voter a dog whistle? I generally see it only used when talking about minorities, but I'm not sure if I'm just seeing what I want to see here.

In the context he uses it, hell yes it's a dog whistle.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 1m1 minute ago
Seems possible Democrats are sick of Sanders's arguments over process, as Republicans got sick of Cruz in April.

yaaas that's true as fuq


Unconfirmed Member
David Wasserman on 538 noted that that the early returns in california are going to be Hillary's best, since earily voting gets counted first and early voting was mostly older people.

She's probably still going to win the state, but expect those margins to shrink.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nicole Wallace said that apparently Trump taped an interview on Hannity tonight where he continued to attack the judge. Is that true? If so lol.

It aired today apparently. Aint nobody here watching Hannity lol

David Wasserman on 538 noted that that the early returns in california are going to be Hillary's best, since earily voting gets counted first and early voting was mostly older people.

She's probably still going to win the state, but expect those margins to shrink.

Everybody knew that, but we didn't expect her margins to be THIS big.


Nate CohnVerified account
Imperial and Lassen County--the two counties which have counted the most election day precincts--still show Clinton strongly overperforming

Nate CohnVerified account
She's up 74-24 in Imperial County and down just 3 points in Lassen County (a rural, white working class county he needed to win big)



Take the combative statement after the Nevada showdown.
“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.
“Thank you for your views. I’ll relay them to the senator, as he is driving this train,” Weaver wrote back.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/bernie-sanders-campaign-last-days-224041#ixzz4AxMdK400
Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook

:O :O :O


all bernie has to do is get a million more votes in california and then he'll be 700k ahead of hillary. checkmate, atheists.
Christ this is going to be one of the biggest margins Clinton has run up in a State that Bernie actively campaigned in...

Bernie must feel worse than Romney did in Nov 12. False Hope everywhere.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I am just going to recant my prior comment because I refuse to believe anything Poshitico posts.

There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders.

It was the Vermont senator who personally rewrote his campaign manager’s shorter statement after the chaos at the Nevada state party convention and blamed the political establishment for inciting the violence.

He was the one who made the choice to go after Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television.

He chose the knife fight over calling Clinton unqualified, which aides blame for pulling the bottom out of any hopes they had of winning in New York and their last real chance of turning a losing primary run around.

And when Jimmy Kimmel’s producers asked Sanders’ campaign for a question to ask Donald Trump, Sanders himself wrote the one challenging the Republican nominee to a debate.

But more than any of them, Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect -- all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention

“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.

“Thank you for your views. I’ll relay them to the senator, as he is driving this train,
” Weaver wrote back.

This isn’t about what’s good for the Democratic Party in his mind, but about what he thinks is good for advancing the agenda that he’s been pushing since before he got elected mayor of Burlington.

Sanders and aides laugh at the idea that he’s damaging the party and hurting Clinton. They think they don’t get enough gratitude for how much they held back, from not targeting more Democratic members of the House and Senate who opposed him to not making more of an issue out of Clinton’s email server investigation and Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, all of which they discussed as possible lines of attack in the fall. They blame Clinton going after him on gun control for goading him into letting loose on her Goldman Sachs speeches.

“If they hadn’t started at it by really going hard at him on guns, raising a series of issues against him, that really was what led to him being much, much more aggressive than he otherwise would have been,” said Tad Devine, the consultant who helped engineer Sanders’ plans for a protest candidacy into a real campaign (and convinced him to run as a Democrat).

Since he finished approving the ads for California not long after the Kentucky strategy spat, Devine has been back home in Rhode Island, noticeably missing from cable news as a surrogate but still regularly in touch with Sanders. Devine, who’s been more anxious about what an endgame looks like, he says he hasn’t heard anything from the senator that suggests he would alter his plans because of the Clinton campaign’s eagerness to have President Barack Obama endorse her and declare the primaries done.

Aides say Sanders thinks that progressives who picked Clinton are cynical, power-chasing chickens — like Sen. Sherrod Brown, one of his most consistent allies in the Senate before endorsing Clinton and campaigning hard for her ahead of the Ohio primary. Sanders is so bitter about it that he’d be ready to nix Brown as an acceptable VP choice, if Clinton ever asked his advice on who’d be a good progressive champion.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s call was part advice, part asking a favor, urging Sanders to use his now massive email list to help Democratic Senate candidates. Russ Feingold in Wisconsin was the most obvious prospect, and Reid wanted to make introduce Sanders to Iowa’s Patty Judge and North Carolina’s Deborah Ross—to help Democrats win the majority, but also to give Sanders allies in making himself the leader of the Senate progressives come next year.

Reid, according to people familiar with the conversation, ended the discussion thinking Sanders was on board. He backed Feingold. But that’s the last anyone heard.

Word got back to Reid’s team that Weaver had nixed the idea, ruling out backing anyone who hadn’t endorsed Sanders. Weaver says it’s because the Senate hopefuls had to get in line for Sanders’ support behind top backers like Gabbard and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.)—though neither has a competitive race this year.

What? Devine worked for a authoritarian?
Reaching out to the Trump campaign was a different story. Devine knows campaign chairman Paul Manafort from, among other things, their collaboration on the campaign of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. According to campaign aides, the morning after Trump was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Weaver asked Devine to give Manafort a call to see if they could actually make the debate happen. They were already fielding offers from most of the networks—including a producer for Stephen Colbert, who wanted to host the debate on his own late night show.
Top Sanders aides admit that it’s been weeks, if not months, since they themselves realized he wasn’t going to be win, and they’ve been operating with a Trump’s-got-no-real-shot safety net. They debate whether Sanders’ role in the fall should be a full vote-for-Clinton campaign, or whether he should just campaign hard against Trump without signing up to do much for her directly.

They haven’t been able to get Sanders focused on any of that, or on the real questions about what kind of long term organization to build out of his email list. They know they’ll have their own rally in Philadelphia – outside the the convention hall—but that’s about as far as they’ve gotten.

“He wants to be in the race until the end, until the roll call vote,” Weaver said.

Aides say they’re going to discourage people from booing Wasserman Schultz, who’s emerged as public enemy number one among Sanders supporters, when she takes the stage at the convention. But they think it’s going to happen anyway.

Meanwhile, they’re looking into trying to replace the Florida congresswoman as the convention chair with Gabbard, and forceWasserman Schultz to resign as DNC chair the day after the convention.

Sanders, the aides say, believes Frank has hated him for years, but the former Massachusetts congressman’s calling him a “McCarthyite” pushed him over the edge. He never really registered who Malloy was, despite his being from a neighboring home state and his status as one of the most liberal governors in the country, but Sanders was enraged to hear the governor say he had blood on his hands for not supporting the gun manufacturer liability law.

That’s because Sanders is a savvier politician than almost anyone’s given him credit for. He likes that he’s been in front of almost a million people since the campaign started. But he knows that as soon as the campaign’s done, the crowds will start thinning, and he’s not going to get on television anymore. He’s certainly not running for president again.

Sanders knows the ride is about to stop—but he’s going to push it as far as he can before it does.
Jesus, I am so glad Bernie is not going to be president. He sounds outright trumpish in this.


Bernie's strategy of losing the delegate race but casting doubt via winning a string of states at the end backfired like a '75 ford


contribute something
Bit late, but I want to give a big congratulations to Hillary and her supporters. You guys ran a great campaign and won fair and square. Clinton is going to be extremely formidable against Trump, and definitely has the chops to be a very effective president.

I'm sorry that some Bernie supporters are being so irrational and even hateful this late in the game. The behavior of these Bernie or Bust types, particularly on Reddit, is unforgivable.
I am just going to recant my prior comment because I refuse to believe anything Poshitico posts.

Weaver and Devine go on the record.


There’s no strategist pulling the strings, and no collection of burn-it-all-down aides egging him on. At the heart of the rage against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party, the campaign aides closest to him say, is Bernie Sanders.

It was the Vermont senator who personally rewrote his campaign manager’s shorter statement after the chaos at the Nevada state party convention and blamed the political establishment for inciting the violence.

He was the one who made the choice to go after Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz after his wife read him a transcript of her blasting him on television.

He chose the knife fight over calling Clinton unqualified, which aides blame for pulling the bottom out of any hopes they had of winning in New York and their last real chance of turning a losing primary run around.

And when Jimmy Kimmel’s producers asked Sanders’ campaign for a question to ask Donald Trump, Sanders himself wrote the one challenging the Republican nominee to a debate.

But more than any of them, Sanders is himself filled with resentment, on edge, feeling like he gets no respect -- all while holding on in his head to the enticing but remote chance that Clinton may be indicted before the convention

“I don’t know who advised him that this was the right route to take, but we are now actively destroying what Bernie worked so hard to build over the last year just to pick up two fucking delegates in a state he lost,” rapid response director Mike Casca complained to Weaver in an internal campaign email obtained by POLITICO.

“Thank you for your views. I’ll relay them to the senator, as he is driving this train,
” Weaver wrote back.

This isn’t about what’s good for the Democratic Party in his mind, but about what he thinks is good for advancing the agenda that he’s been pushing since before he got elected mayor of Burlington.

Sanders and aides laugh at the idea that he’s damaging the party and hurting Clinton. They think they don’t get enough gratitude for how much they held back, from not targeting more Democratic members of the House and Senate who opposed him to not making more of an issue out of Clinton’s email server investigation and Bill Clinton’s sex scandals, all of which they discussed as possible lines of attack in the fall. They blame Clinton going after him on gun control for goading him into letting loose on her Goldman Sachs speeches.

“If they hadn’t started at it by really going hard at him on guns, raising a series of issues against him, that really was what led to him being much, much more aggressive than he otherwise would have been,” said Tad Devine, the consultant who helped engineer Sanders’ plans for a protest candidacy into a real campaign (and convinced him to run as a Democrat).

Since he finished approving the ads for California not long after the Kentucky strategy spat, Devine has been back home in Rhode Island, noticeably missing from cable news as a surrogate but still regularly in touch with Sanders. Devine, who’s been more anxious about what an endgame looks like, he says he hasn’t heard anything from the senator that suggests he would alter his plans because of the Clinton campaign’s eagerness to have President Barack Obama endorse her and declare the primaries done.

Aides say Sanders thinks that progressives who picked Clinton are cynical, power-chasing chickens — like Sen. Sherrod Brown, one of his most consistent allies in the Senate before endorsing Clinton and campaigning hard for her ahead of the Ohio primary. Sanders is so bitter about it that he’d be ready to nix Brown as an acceptable VP choice, if Clinton ever asked his advice on who’d be a good progressive champion.
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid’s call was part advice, part asking a favor, urging Sanders to use his now massive email list to help Democratic Senate candidates. Russ Feingold in Wisconsin was the most obvious prospect, and Reid wanted to make introduce Sanders to Iowa’s Patty Judge and North Carolina’s Deborah Ross—to help Democrats win the majority, but also to give Sanders allies in making himself the leader of the Senate progressives come next year.

Reid, according to people familiar with the conversation, ended the discussion thinking Sanders was on board. He backed Feingold. But that’s the last anyone heard.

Word got back to Reid’s team that Weaver had nixed the idea, ruling out backing anyone who hadn’t endorsed Sanders. Weaver says it’s because the Senate hopefuls had to get in line for Sanders’ support behind top backers like Gabbard and Rep. Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.)—though neither has a competitive race this year.

What? Devine worked for a authoritarian?
Reaching out to the Trump campaign was a different story. Devine knows campaign chairman Paul Manafort from, among other things, their collaboration on the campaign of ousted Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. According to campaign aides, the morning after Trump was on Jimmy Kimmel Live, Weaver asked Devine to give Manafort a call to see if they could actually make the debate happen. They were already fielding offers from most of the networks—including a producer for Stephen Colbert, who wanted to host the debate on his own late night show.
Top Sanders aides admit that it’s been weeks, if not months, since they themselves realized he wasn’t going to be win, and they’ve been operating with a Trump’s-got-no-real-shot safety net. They debate whether Sanders’ role in the fall should be a full vote-for-Clinton campaign, or whether he should just campaign hard against Trump without signing up to do much for her directly.

They haven’t been able to get Sanders focused on any of that, or on the real questions about what kind of long term organization to build out of his email list. They know they’ll have their own rally in Philadelphia – outside the the convention hall—but that’s about as far as they’ve gotten.

“He wants to be in the race until the end, until the roll call vote,” Weaver said.

Aides say they’re going to discourage people from booing Wasserman Schultz, who’s emerged as public enemy number one among Sanders supporters, when she takes the stage at the convention. But they think it’s going to happen anyway.

Meanwhile, they’re looking into trying to replace the Florida congresswoman as the convention chair with Gabbard, and forceWasserman Schultz to resign as DNC chair the day after the convention.

Sanders, the aides say, believes Frank has hated him for years, but the former Massachusetts congressman’s calling him a “McCarthyite” pushed him over the edge. He never really registered who Malloy was, despite his being from a neighboring home state and his status as one of the most liberal governors in the country, but Sanders was enraged to hear the governor say he had blood on his hands for not supporting the gun manufacturer liability law.

That’s because Sanders is a savvier politician than almost anyone’s given him credit for. He likes that he’s been in front of almost a million people since the campaign started. But he knows that as soon as the campaign’s done, the crowds will start thinning, and he’s not going to get on television anymore. He’s certainly not running for president again.

Sanders knows the ride is about to stop—but he’s going to push it as far as he can before it does.
Jesus, I am so glad Bernie is not going to be president. He sounds outright trumpish in this.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bit late, but I want to give a big congratulations to Hillary and her supporters. You guys won a great campaign and won fair and square. Clinton is going to be extremely formidable against Trump, and definitely has the chops to be a very effective president.

I'm sorry that some Bernie supporters are being so irrational and even hateful this late in the game. The behavior of these Bernie or Bust types, particularly on Reddit, is unforgivable.

90+% of Sanders supporters here have been fine. That Nevada caucus situation turned off many of his more casual supporters here.
Really no need to say sorry.


On msnbc they read something about sanders and Obama meeting Thursday. Sanders is one selfish fuck. Just talking about continuing his histroic campaign etc. Lmao. Like this dude is the one making history. It Hillary. I don't want the democrats to stroke this guys ego at all.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
One step closer to a world in which we can safely say the President has had sex with one of the previous Presidents.


Man Michigan really was the worst thing to happen to Sanders huh? Seems that's when he bought his own hype.

^^Seems I was wrong. Looks like Bams is going to talk him down.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Sanders is getting mauled in California. It doesn't matter.

If that polshitico article is correct, things could still get ugly. But the confidence from that Clinton speech takes much of the worry away.


contribute something
90+% of Sanders supporters here have been fine. That Nevada caucus situation turned off many of his more casual supporters here.
Really no need to say sorry.

I spent some time on /r/sandersforpresident last night and got called a Hillary shill for saying people should donate money to down-ticket races instead of Bernie's campaign


90+% of Sanders supporters here have been fine. That Nevada caucus situation turned off many of his more casual supporters here.
Really no need to say sorry.

Yeah, this.

The true believers that are still left and screaming are insignificant enough at this point. Do wonder how they're going to go out...
Poor Nina Turner has lost her voice, but boy will she not back down for Bernie on MSNBC...

That said, Benchmark now is saying Bernie needs to win day of voting 70-30 to catch up to Hillary in early vote.

Which means Benchmark is probably going to call it soon...
She has MT, I think, based on the population centers (such as they are) going for her by 5ish but having low reporting.
One step closer to a world in which we can safely say the President has had sex with one of the previous Presidents.
When POTUS fan fiction turns real!

It's Sanders that asked for an audience with Obama? lol. You don't invite yourself to a meeting with the President. Obama is quite the humanitarian to agree!
Welp I have made over 1000 bucks tonight betting on Hillary. Montana made me most of that haha. I am now going to smoke myself into a weed coma in honor of Hillary, party unity and sweet, sweet, cash.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Poor Nina Turner has lost her voice, but boy will she not back down for Bernie on MSNBC...

That said, Benchmark now is saying Bernie needs to win day of voting 70-30 to catch up to Hillary in early vote.

Which means Benchmark is probably going to call it soon...

Benchmark has rightly received criticism, but I do hope they can continue to do what they do and tweak their model and learn from their mistakes. They are either onto something, or just very lucky this primary.

Welp I have made over 1000 bucks tonight betting on Hillary. Montana made me most of that haha. I am now going to smoke myself into a weed coma in honor of Hillary, party unity and sweet, sweet, cash.

Whoa, you bet on Montana, that was lucky.
Can't say i'd have put money on it.
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