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Hillary will end up around 2200 pledged delegates (I called this two weeks ago, BTW) once Cali is called and accounted for.

Pretty sure over 2200 before D.C.

She got pretty close to securing the nomination without any super delegates.

San Fran had 150k votes or so for Dem Pres Primary while the Repubs had 10k.

I find this hilarious.

He will be lucky to cross the 35% mark there in the GE.
Ouch just heard Rachel Maddow's comments:

"He's not building an organization. They've made no effort to build any sort of ongoing organization, any sort of ongoing effort.


He really isn't building anything that's trying to do anything other than elect him as the Democratic nominee for President."



I'm seriously worried about HA Goodman's mental health. He's totally lost it.

I do hope the guy takes a break from the internet once the FBI does not recommend an indictment for Hilary. Cenk actually came back to reality today and said good things about Hilary if I recall. HA Goodman is still talking about Hilary getting indicted by the FBI eventually despite no one caring much about it especially right now and yesterday. It may take awhile for him to come back to reality which the process will start once the FBI comes out and says they do not recommend an indictment for Hilary, but I don't think he will ever support Hilary.
So on Facebook tonight I posted simply: Historical Night, The First Woman Nominee for President in the US

And all I got was someone lawyering me saying not till the Convention , Supers don't vote till the convention and when I said don't care she's won, it's not going to change, it's as historic as Obama winning at this point in 08. Friend said ok but it's not legal.

Another friend then replied saying basically her entire feed is all Sanders no Clinton so she can't possibly understand how Clinton is getting all these votes but then said she overheard some women on a bus saying they're voting for Clinton because she's a woman and not Bernie because he looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future, and thus my friend concluded from this one example that everyone who votes for Clinton must be a superficial moron. and that apparently there are a lot of superficial morons in California. All because she saw no Clinton people on her facebook

And I note literally all I said was Historic Day: First Woman Nominee for President.

Didn't even say her damn name or praise her ideas, just that cool a woman could be President.

And I'm a Canadian in Canada. LOL It's why I completely have not said anything publicly on facebook about this primary. It encourages people to crawl over and shit on anything I write.
So on Facebook tonight I posted simply: Historical Night, The First Woman Nominee for President in the US

And all I got was someone lawyering me saying not till the Convention , Supers don't vote till the convention and when I said don't care she's won, it's not going to change, it's as historic as Obama winning at this point in 08. Friend said ok but it's not legal.

Another friend then replied saying basically her entire feed is all Sanders no Clinton so she can't possibly understand how Clinton is getting all these votes but then said she overheard some women on a bus saying they're voting for Clinton because she's a woman and not Bernie because he looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future, and thus my friend concluded from this one example that everyone who votes for Clinton must be a superficial moron. and that apparently there are a lot of superficial morons in California. All because she saw no Clinton people on her facebook

And I note literally all I said was Historic Day: First Woman Nominee for President.

Didn't even say her damn name or praise her ideas, just that cool a woman could be President.

And I'm a Canadian in Canada. LOL It's why I completely have not said anything publicly on facebook about this primary. It encourages people to crawl over and shit on anything I write.
Ya... But are you from southern Canada, though?


The most exciting thing about Hillary winning isn't that she's the first woman nominee for a major party in the U.S.A. It's that soon Jeff Weaver will disappear back to his comic book store never to be seen again.

Thanks Hillary.
The most exciting thing about Hillary winning isn't that she's the first woman nominee for a major party, it's that soon Jeff Weaver will disappear back to his comic book store never to be seen again.

Thanks Hillary.

He'll be back in 2024, leading another candidate to failure and obscurity.


Well the parts of Canada that have internet. And McDonalds too, I assume. Or is this the low information parts of Canada? So many questions. I'm sure the answer is fraud though.

AP finally called it too.

Anywhere really worth living in Canada is something like within 100 km of the border.

Anywhere really worth living in Canada is something like within 100 km of the border.
We use miles in Murcia not your commie metrics.

I can't imagine anyone looking at that imagine and still saying she's fake.

They'll say she's revealed her true power-hungry nature.

So on Facebook tonight I posted simply: Historical Night, The First Woman Nominee for President in the US

And all I got was someone lawyering me saying not till the Convention , Supers don't vote till the convention and when I said don't care she's won, it's not going to change, it's as historic as Obama winning at this point in 08. Friend said ok but it's not legal.

Another friend then replied saying basically her entire feed is all Sanders no Clinton so she can't possibly understand how Clinton is getting all these votes but then said she overheard some women on a bus saying they're voting for Clinton because she's a woman and not Bernie because he looks like Doc Brown from Back to the Future, and thus my friend concluded from this one example that everyone who votes for Clinton must be a superficial moron. and that apparently there are a lot of superficial morons in California. All because she saw no Clinton people on her facebook

And I note literally all I said was Historic Day: First Woman Nominee for President.

Didn't even say her damn name or praise her ideas, just that cool a woman could be President.

And I'm a Canadian in Canada. LOL It's why I completely have not said anything publicly on facebook about this primary. It encourages people to crawl over and shit on anything I write.

You're Canadian? I've spent this whole election cycle thinking you were in the U.S.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
That politico article talks about him still insisting on removing Malloy and Frank. Also he wants to remove Dumbie Washedupman-Shill (i c u Retro).

Good luck with that. You lost South Dakota, lol.

They'll say she's revealed her true power-hungry nature.

You're Canadian? I've spent this whole election cycle thinking you were in the U.S.

Yeah, I just care a lot about US politics because I dunno I just do lol.

Mostly because I learn a lot and it's made me a better person, I used to be one of those Obama would be a conservative in Canada types, and now I'm not.

I try to drop hints and stuff, though I've said I'm Canadian a few times, I'll always usually refer to the US directly to distance it from being directly connected to me, like I'll say the US Supreme Court system rather than the Supreme Court System. But I'm active and loud so I can see how people make assumptions, most don't know I'm a woman either lolz


So California is creeping closer and closer to being finished in the count. 93.4% reporting in and Clinton has maintained a 13 point lead. It really seems like something changed in the last few days around this. I can't blame the polls being wrong because they are the same polling companies that were predicting a 20 point blow out not too long ago, so am wondering whether the party has decided to end the content in the same way the republicans did for Trump by coalescing around the winner?
So California is creeping closer and closer to being finished in the count. 93.4% reporting in and Clinton has maintained a 13 point lead. It really seems like something changed in the last few days around this. I can't blame the polls being wrong because they are the same polling companies that were predicting a 20 point blow out not too long ago, so am wondering whether the party has decided to end the content in the same way the republicans did for Trump by coalescing around the winner?

I'd have to see his % of Latino votes but that Univision interviews sucked for him, the spirit of Nevada I still think lingered, he had an awful week a few back with the whole Barney Frank and throwing that AIDS group under the bus thing, he had no real insight on the water issues in California because he was too busy running for President.

And young people don't vote. Though that's also I guess because I don't have the stats on that.

That and demographics not polls have been the best predictor this primary. It's why many here were not that surprised that Sanders won Michigan.


Haha, based on what's going on Morning Joe, Trump's speech last night was worthless.

I mean, he said, word for word;

On immigration policy, America first means protecting the jobs, wages and security of American workers. Whether first or tenth generation, no matter who you are, we're going to protect your job. Because let me tell you, our jobs are being stripped from our country like we're babies.

While he is the middle of suggesting a judge with Mexican heritage cannot do his job and should be removed. Whoever wrote this for Trump is desperate to make him sound like not a monster and it sounds hollow as shit. If this is him on message lord is he in trouble.
Went to bed before Sanders speech, shocked he didn't concede.

Anything I said in the past month about him just trying to make a push for Cali was invalidated, Sanders is what I originally thought he was, an asshole who thinks the "progressive" movement is his and his alone.

Get fucked asshole


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Went to bed before Sanders speech, shocked he didn't concede.

Anything I said in the past month about him just trying to make a push for Cali was invalidated, Sanders is what I originally thought he was, an asshole who thinks the "progressive" movement is his and his alone.

Get fucked asshole

I'm not sure why people thought he would immediately concede the night of.

Also we get a new, wonderful round of eurosplaining in the OT after this. I'm thrilled.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 26m26 minutes ago
Nate Silver Retweeted BuzzFeed News
Final scores for FiveThirtyEight primary models:
Polls-only: 54 of 59 correct (92%)
Polls-plus: 53 of 59 (90%)

Kind of a low accuracy rate for him, no? I feel like in the past they get every state or almost every state. Maybe that's the general.


That's was the general in 2012, and people really, really overstate how impressive that was. *I* got the general right in 2012 - the data was so overwhelmingly pointing towards one outcome.

He has a very good track record, no doubt, but the 'he predicted every state' thing is actually the least impressive of his accomplishments given the circumstances. It was only the bizarre republican group think and the desperate need of the media to make it a horse race that ever made anyone think it wasn't in the bag for Obama.
I'm not sure why people thought he would immediately concede the night of.

Also we get a new, wonderful round of eurosplaining in the OT after this. I'm thrilled.


He ain't got no money
He ain't got no staff
He ain't got no votes
He ain't' got no delegates
He's an old white dude refusing to admit that we just made history with the Democratic party selecting the first female nominee by a significant margin.

I hope he's fucking ready, if Weaver shows his sorry face to the media I expect absolute destruction with Weaver blinking his eyes rapidly as he wishes he never took this job to begin with

He ain't got no money
He ain't got no staff
He ain't got no votes
He ain't' got no delegates
He's an old white dude refusing to admit that we just made history with the Democratic party selecting the first female nominee by a significant margin.

I hope he's fucking ready, if Weaver shows his sorry face to the media I expect absolute destruction with Weaver blinking his eyes rapidly as he wishes he never took this job to begin with
I seem to remember a certain white woman doing the same thing on June 3rd, 2008.

Sanders is laying off half his staff according to the NY Times. He'll go to DC as is his right, and likely concede afterwards. It takes a few days to sink in that it's over. Losing isn't fun.

I no longer believe he'll go to the convention.


Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 26m26 minutes ago
Nate Silver Retweeted BuzzFeed News
Final scores for FiveThirtyEight primary models:
Polls-only: 54 of 59 correct (92%)
Polls-plus: 53 of 59 (90%)

Kind of a low accuracy rate for him, no? I feel like in the past they get every state or almost every state. Maybe that's the general.

I'm not sure if what I'm saying is correct, but I remember him saying that with any model that calls something with 90% confidence, it's absolutely "healthy" for the results to be wrong 10% of the time. Because that's how statistics work.
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