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Howard Dean, a Democrat and a former governor of Vermont, can sympathize. “It’s very hard to concede,” he said. “You are tired. You are cranky. You’ve worked your butt off for two years.”

Nobody, Mr. Dean said, resisted ending a presidential campaign more than he did. Once a high-flying front-runner, he had a string of setbacks that left him feeling, by February 2004, much as Mr. Sanders does today: furious at an unfair system and determined to fight on.

Then Al Gore called. Mr. Dean fulminated, uninterrupted, for 10 minutes, “ranting and raving,” he recalled. But Mr. Gore, schooled in the art of painful concessions, was blunt. “You know, Howard,” he said, “This is not really about you. This is about the country.”

Mr. Dean, taking the advice to heart, quit the campaign a few days later. “The minute he said it,” Mr. Dean recalled, “I looked like an idiot to myself.”

He said he wonders whether Mr. Sanders will heed the warning. “Bernie has changed politics, but his changes are not going to be realized unless he leads — and leading is not going to mean tilting at windmills at the convention,” Mr. Dean said. “He has to switch into the mode of a statesman.”

“You don’t get any points for carrying on or complaining about it,” Mr. Dean added. “You get points for sucking it up.”

From a NYT piece this morning. I really do think he'll concede after talking to Obama and Reid (and Clinton, since it sounds like their campaigns have been in talks.) You could already see him setting the tone for concession, even if he's not quite ready yet.
This was a nice column from Gail Collins.
This is one of my favorite mind games – pretend you’re returning to 1872 and telling the story to Susan B. Anthony while she was being handcuffed for the crime of voting while female.

Or there’s the other route of telling some historical figure who would faint with horror. Like Thomas Jefferson – wouldn’t you want to see his face? We all know how good Jefferson was on freedom of speech, but he was possibly the worst sexist in the very competitive group known as the Founding Fathers.
But Clinton wouldn’t want this to be a moment for rancor. So I asked for her own pick.

And her answer was: if she could go into the past to tell someone that she’d been nominated for President of the United States, it would be her mother.
Dorothy Rodham had an auspicious date of birth — June 4, 1919, the very same day the Senate passed a constitutional amendment giving women the right to vote. But otherwise, she had a terrible beginning. Her parents abandoned her. At 8, she was riding across the country, unaccompanied except for her younger sister, on the way to live with grandparents who didn’t want them. She went off on her own at 14, working as a housekeeper during the Depression. But she got herself through high school, was a good student and raised her own daughter to believe the sky was the limit.

Before we head off on the rest of this deeply imperfect election, take a second and enjoy. Imagine Hillary Clinton going back in time. She sits in the train next to a frightened little girl, and delivers the news about what happened this week.
If you believe the Politico article he's apparently been really careful about money. I'm sure he's got enough to stay in through DC and cover whatever is left at the end of his campaign.
Lol he's been spending like a drunken sailor on shore leave. He had five million in bank at the end of April.


I wonder what would hurt the Republicans more in the long rung, denying primary voters' their candidate or nominating a candidate who is reviled by minorities and women, potentially turning those groups off from the Republican party for decades.
Did Sanders say anything about the establishment in his speech last night? I can't remember.

No, he didn't have any negative words for the DNC or for Clinton. Just the usual stuff Bernie has always talked about - campaign finance reform, social/economic/racial/etc justice, Wall Street, etc. If he didn't let the crowd get away with booing Clinton it would've been from start to finish a fine speech all considered.


I've done a number of statistical analysises in CA election results and they just don't make any sense. Yup, CA was yet another site of massive election fraud. I am now taking a hard line approach. Sanders needs to run third party. At a bare minimum, Hillary cannot be allowed to win the presidency. Her corruption and control of the MSM will guarantee that this country dies a quiet, unreported death. Can you imagine people questioning "President Hillary" and being called a sexist? Don't worry. It's coming if she wins. Hillary is quite literally, the most vile candidate in recent history. A Trump victory is a quick flame out. A Hillary victory is a nuclear explosion detonated underground - where we find out 8 years later the drinking water is no longer safe to drink.


No, he didn't have any negative words for the DNC or for Clinton. Just the usual stuff Bernie has always talked about - campaign finance reform, social/economic/racial/etc justice, Wall Street, etc. If he didn't let the crowd get away with booing Clinton it would've been from start to finish a fine speech all considered.

Yeah, that's what I thought. No talk of supers or contesting the convention either. Hopefully by this time next week he's out.


I've done a number of statistical analysises in CA election results and they just don't make any sense. Yup, CA was yet another site of massive election fraud. I am now taking a hard line approach. Sanders needs to run third party. At a bare minimum, Hillary cannot be allowed to win the presidency. Her corruption and control of the MSM will guarantee that this country dies a quiet, unreported death. Can you imagine people questioning "President Hillary" and being called a sexist? Don't worry. It's coming if she wins. Hillary is quite literally, the most vile candidate in recent history. A Trump victory is a quick flame out. A Hillary victory is a nuclear explosion detonated underground - where we find out 8 years later the drinking water is no longer safe to drink.

Dafuq did I just read ? that a joke post ?

Another goddess impersonating trash.


No no no no

I know seeing Trump dumpster fire is fun, but I'm starting to think that if he gets much worse the RNC WILL take the nom from him.

I doubt they could put up someone who would beat Hillary at this point, but hold it together Trump! Wait until AFTER the convention to go full fuckboy!!
Last night shook him with how shit trump's recovery speech was.

Yeah Trump is hoping the media moves onto another issue, but republicans in Washington want an apology. Hewitt isn't an outlier.

RIP California GOP:

Mark MurrayVerified account
Pete Wilson, CA & future of GOP: 2nd place Loretta Sanchez got more vote (18.5%) than top 3 GOPers combined (17.1%)


Does he really want to stay in so he can lose DC by 40 points though?

40pts is being very very generous

i realize that people did the same thing in 2008 with hillaryis44, but its tiring reading either paid for, or just plain idiot posts just to make fun of them. They are an inconsequential and vapid tiny corner of the internet, they should just be ignored.
RIP California GOP:

Mark MurrayVerified account
Pete Wilson, CA & future of GOP: 2nd place Loretta Sanchez got more vote (18.5%) than top 3 GOPers combined (17.1%)
GOP didn't really run any serious candidates.

Kamala cleaned up all over the state. 70% in SF. Went even with Sanchez in Sanchez's home county, Orange. She just struggled in parts of Central Valley but the margins were still incredibly close.


I wonder what would hurt the Republicans more in the long rung, denying primary voters' their candidate or nominating a candidate who is reviled by minorities and women, potentially turning those groups off from the Republican party for decades.

they made their own bed as soon as they showed fear of trump. look at how much their pledge bullshit has now handcuffed them, etc.

They should have whittled their trump opposition down as early as possible where they could have denied him votes. Instead they let him win states with like 34% of the vote and their winner take all system kept him alive and let him beat up the other candidates until the very end. They're going to have to take this L.


they made their own bed as soon as they showed fear of trump. look at how much their pledge bullshit has now handcuffed them, etc.

They should have whittled their trump opposition down as early as possible where they could have denied him votes. Instead they let him win states with like 34% of the vote and their winner take all system kept him alive and let him beat up the other candidates until the very end. They're going to have to take this L.

Jeb, Kasich and Paul, all guys who had zero chance after the first few primaries, stayed in basically ensuring the momentum for Trump.


Jeb, Kasich and Paul, all guys who had zero chance after the first few primaries, stayed in basically ensuring the momentum for Trump.

Rand Paul dropped out after Iowa

Jen, Kasich, Carson and Rubio definitely over stayed their welcome though. But then you're just left with Cruz


GOP didn't really run any serious candidates.

Kamala cleaned up all over the state. 70% in SF. Went even with Sanchez in Sanchez's home county, Orange. She just struggled in parts of Central Valley but the margins were still incredibly close.
Kamala will be the 46th president, just you watch.


Rand Paul dropped out after Iowa

Jen, Kasich, Carson and Rubio definitely over stayed their welcome though. But then you're just left with Cruz


Look how easily they could have dealt with him with proportional (made after Indiana)

i forgot about Paul dropping early.

I think there was time to coalesce around Rubio, if he didn't completely get shuttered like a little child in that one debate. Cruz only garnered enough attention because he stayed in long enough to gather the rest of the crazy, i think with a 3 way race it could have worked out as well.

I blame Christie completely... but the guy is a gigantic pile of shit, so it was expected


Jeb, Kasich and Paul, all guys who had zero chance after the first few primaries, stayed in basically ensuring the momentum for Trump.
I'll always remain amused that Scott Walker, of all people, ended-up playing the GOP role of Cassandra for this primary season.

Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field in this race so that a positive, conservative message can rise to the top of the field," Walker said. "With this in mind, I will suspend my campaign immediately."

He went on to directly take on Trump, who has dominated the rest of the field in the polls since getting into the race this summer.

"I encourage other Republican presidential candidates to consider doing the same so the voters can focus on a limited number of candidates who can offer a positive, conservative alternative to the current frontrunner," Walker added.


He didn't scold the crowd for booing Hillary but he didn't exactly embrace it. He signaled for them to tone it down, but i agree that he could have been more aggressive. He also should have owned up to the facts and conceded. As I watched his speech for a second time it SEEMS that he is moving into the convention as in taking his ideals there and fighting for them but is preparing to concede. At least that's what I think.

Of course if Robert Costa is right then maybe Bernie is just trolling and really wants to fight it out in Philly. I just don't know where his head is at.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.


GOP didn't really run any serious candidates.

Kamala cleaned up all over the state. 70% in SF. Went even with Sanchez in Sanchez's home county, Orange. She just struggled in parts of Central Valley but the margins were still incredibly close.

What's a serious GOP candidate? If it's anything like Mass theres RINOs that look to peel off conservative Democrats and then there are the nut jobs that dont support them and run little pockets of crazy around the state; identifying with the national party crazy.

Every now and then a RINO rises like Baker. But they're only a problem hen they have national ambitions like Romney.


Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.

it was terrible. Rubio's star shone for like 30 seconds until he was summarily shit upon. Water boy and rubot 2.0 will be his lasting impressions. He's done on a national stage after that.


Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.
If there were ever one specific moment where LetThemFight.jpg worked for us, that had to be it. Seeing how the GOP is united right now, there's little doubt in my mind that we'd be sweating balls if Rubio were the nominee. Instead, Christie did us a huge favor.
Facebook comments on news articles are super crazy today. My body can't handle all this salt....Im going to get kidney stones. I need more establishment water.


If there were ever one specific moment where LetThemFight.jpg worked for us, that had to be it. Seeing how the GOP is united right now, there's little doubt in my mind that we'd be sweating balls if Rubio were the nominee. Instead, Christie did us a huge favor.

100% agree. If Rubio was able to make it out without being embarrassed, i dont think hillary would win.
Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.

When Rubio took a shot at Biden, I was like "Oh no you didn't!!"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
My favorite moment in the campaign was Hillary's South Carolina victory speech when she started talking about Mothers of the Movement. After that would be rubot.

After South Carolina, everybody finally chilled out.


Explain something to me, why don't the democratic goals resonate with working class whites?

People keep saying the DNC needs to appeal to working class whites, what else can they say?


Explain something to me, why don't the democratic goals resonate with working class whites?

People keep saying the DNC needs to appeal to working class whites, what else can they say?

its hard to appeal to working class whites and minorities at the same time


If there were ever one specific moment where LetThemFight.jpg worked for us, that had to be it. Seeing how the GOP is united right now, there's little doubt in my mind that we'd be sweating balls if Rubio were the nominee. Instead, Christie did us a huge favor.

Rubio got owned by Christie then shit his pants on national TV and then got repeatedly pulled into penis and oral jokes by Trump. Are you really proposing that he would have made it through 5 months of GE and 3 debates without cracking?


No Scrubs
The funniest moment of the entire campaign had to be when Trump started talking about his dick in that debate. I lost all of my shit that day. I don't know what's coming for the general election debates, I assume he's going o call her a bitch, but I doubt it will be anything as funny/sad as Trump talking about his dick on stage.
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