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Isn't the Hispanic vote in CA being reported closer to 60-40 Clinton? Like Silver said on Twitter, he big news from yesterday for me was that Clinton's margins with Hispanic voters were huge and largely way above what the polling was showing. This means that 1) Hispanics are still difficult to poll accurately, and 2) Hispanics really seem to be behind Clinton.


Isn't the Hispanic vote in CA being reported closer to 60-40 Clinton? Like Silver said on Twitter, he big news from yesterday for me was that Clinton's margins with Hispanic voters were huge and largely way above what the polling was showing. This means that 1) Hispanics are still difficult to poll accurately, and 2) Hispanics really seem to be behind Clinton.

Stupid low information (on) Hispanics.


Clinton had swept the previous states with large Hispanic groups save for one iirc. Not sure why anyone would expect any difference in CA. As for Sanders.

Unless it's an usually bad year, it's hard to imagine that, if Feinstein retires in 2018, a Republican makes it to the general election.


Sarcasm was a mistake, it's nothing but trash.

I noticed a lot of news articles today that mentioned how Bernie refused to acknowledge Hillary's historic victory.

Also seen some Bernie surrogates on Twitter (e.g. Mark Ruffalo) congratulating her. Some of his supers (Grijalva, Merkley) are also stressing unity. They know the writing is on the wall, at least, and are classy about it.


I think we can all agree Fight Song is literally the worst part of the Clinton campaign.
Whoever picked that as a theme song needs to get thrown off a bus.
I bet that alone dropped her a point or two.


Video / summary?

It does seem like Trump's speech accomplished nothing in the coverage, other than people talking about him prepping another speech for next week.

The Trump surrogate was saying that Trump never said Judge Curiel's heritage had anything to do with his impartiality as a judge. She was also saying that Trump doesn't need anyone in the GOP who opposes him. Kate called her out on on the first remark with a direct quote and the Trump surrogate decided to continue to live in lala land. Surrogate made the remark that Trump is a unifier and he wants everyone's support. Kate said that contradicted her previous remark, but the Trump supporter continued to live in lala land. Trump supporter starts saying Kate is not being honest, Kate gets pissed and kills the segment.
Queen Kamala got 2 million votes. I didn't know so many people voted in the senate elections lol. She might end up with around the same amount of votes as Hillary.


Oh god, the headlines of articles people are posting on FB.

"How superdelegates ROBBED 11 million voters of their vote"

"Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Super-Delegates Declare Winner Through Media"

"'The Struggle Continues': Sanders Refuses to Bend the Knee to Establishment"


Oh god, the headlines of articles people are posting on FB.

"How superdelegates ROBBED 11 million voters of their vote"

"Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Super-Delegates Declare Winner Through Media"

"'The Struggle Continues': Sanders Refuses to Bend the Knee to Establishment"

This is the most annoying one, like their votes mattered more


Guys are the worst. Big mistake. Mess. Sad.

I watched Hillary's speech again. Twice. Okay, three times. But that's it, I swear. Lawd JESUS, yassss. The look on her face when she came out there. My god. Gets me in the feels.

Do you have a proper link? The ones I found on youtube were messy, skipping parts, etc. Or,is there a torrent?? For posterity.




The thing is there are a decent amount of Hillary supporters, but they've all been super quiet once things turned ugly a few months ago because of how rabid the Sanders supporters are.

Truth. Every one of my Bernie friends will absolutely jump on any Hillary supporter with the same talking points spouted over and over again, without consideration for whether or not it's true. A Bernie FB page or website said it, so it must be true, seems to be the consensus in my circle of bros. I think most Hillary supporters just didn't want to get involved in the online chatter and instead, went outside to vote.
So California's results were almost a direct mirror of the national popular vote between Hillary and Bernie.

Still can't believe how many people were fucking delusional enough to think "oh yeah, Bernie can win 80% of the vote there np"


So California's results were almost a direct mirror of the national popular vote between Hillary and Bernie.

Still can't believe how many people were fucking delusional enough to think "oh yeah, Bernie can win 80% of the vote there np"

But people overwhelmingly Googled Bernie more than Hillary.




The thing is there are a decent amount of Hillary supporters, but they've all been super quiet once things turned ugly a few months ago because of how rabid the Sanders supporters are.

Yup. I've stayed neutral on the Democratic side to avoid stupid shit. Finally posted my support and was immediately jumped by a Johnson supporter. So I had to smack that down. God, I remember when I was an 18 year old white male. Otherwise, I only really have two people that seem to be rabid Sanders supporters. Then again, I work in state government and the people I know are by and large rational, sane adults.
Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.

If there were ever one specific moment where LetThemFight.jpg worked for us, that had to be it. Seeing how the GOP is united right now, there's little doubt in my mind that we'd be sweating balls if Rubio were the nominee. Instead, Christie did us a huge favor.

I hold that any book or post-op of this primary has to include this moment. If the GOP primary was a NASCAR race, then Trump was in the lead by a bit. This new guy Rubio starts gaining a lot of ground, and (maybe it was coordinated with Trump over the headset or it was Christie just doing him a solid) then Christie just puts Rubio in the wall. The resulting pile-up slowed other people down in the fight for second so that Trump took a commanding lead.

Second: I don't think Trump wants to do this anymore. I don't think he entered this thing to win it. I think he saw it as a marketing tool. He could build up his brand and make money off the deal. He was going to flip the primary for a profit. But, because he's a sad, egotistical, small handed man....he couldn't give it up. He had to win because he couldn't stand the thought of losing. Now, though, he doesn't actually want to go through this shit, but he's totally stuck. Thoughts?

I've also always argued this. Trump was going to be like the Huckster or Carson, but he wouldn't be selling books to church groups, he'd be doing it for a yuuuuge TV spectacle. The problem is he was too good and ended up winning. He wants off the ride, but can't do it. If the GOP stole the nomination from him, he'd keep all of that popularity and wouldn't lose to Hillary. I bet he wishes for it every night.
Congrats to Tyler on correctly calling 4 out of 6 winners last night, with as little as a 6-point miss in New Mexico! (Wrong winner though. Also the 34-point miss in SD.. and the 22-point miss in MT. And the 11-point miss in NJ.)


Congratulations Hillary on such a historic moment.

I voted for Sanders in the NY democratic primary because I really liked what Sanders has been preaching. I hadn't ever seen myself going out there and knocking on doors, going to rally, and being politically active. At a time in my life where I was feeling especially down on my luck, he gave me a cause that I was passionate about and fighted for. I am really grateful that in my lifetime I was going out there and supporting a candidate who really felt like they were speaking directly to me.

At first, I was drinking the kool-aid how it was rigged against him, fraud, superdelegates etc. As the time went on and he didn't drop out and get behind Hillary for the general election, he basically threw the monopoly board off the table and my view of him really started to sink. It's like he didnt care that what he was doing was trying to bring Hillary down with him. Eventually, I stopped telling people I supported Sanders and stopped defending him because his campaign turned to a complete mess. I didn't want to back a sore loser.

Eight years ago I originally wanted to vote for Hillary. I thought she was a really inspiring woman and I wanted a woman as president of the US. When she dropped it, I was fullt behind Obama. I couldn't vote, though.

This November I will proudly vote for Hillary Clinton. She's not perfect. She needs to rethink some of her policies, like legalizing marijuana (no, not just because I like getting high but because it's just another way to put black men behind bars). I'd also really like single payer healthcare, but it doesn't seem like its plasuble at the moment. I viewed Obama fairly positively and I will be happy to see her continue Obama's legacy. One thing though, I don't care about the email thing. But why did she have her own email server in her house unprotected? As a techie guy, I just think it was really dumb. If I was a politician you'd bet I'd make sure I was doing everything by the book because my life is so public.




But people overwhelmingly Googled Bernie more than Hillary.



If this mattered, the primary map would have looked like the 1984 electoral map, without Minnesota going to Hillary. I still remember the Facebook, Twitter, and Google Search trends during the debates, lol.
Ryan reaffirms support for Trump to rank-and-file Republicans

Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) reaffirmed his support for Donald Trump as the GOP presidential nominee during a closed-door meeting Wednesday with rank-and-file Republicans.

Ryan explained that he’d lashed out at Trump a day earlier to try to put to rest a growing controversy over Trump’s remarks that a judge was biased against him because of his Mexican heritage. Ryan described Trump’s remarks as the “textbook definition of a racist comment.”

“Basically, [Ryan] said he did what he did so we could focus on our agenda in the House,” said a GOP leadership aide who attended the closed-door meeting of House Republicans in the basement of the Capitol.

I'm sure that will be end of that.


The thing is there are a decent amount of Hillary supporters, but they've all been super quiet once things turned ugly a few months ago because of how rabid the Sanders supporters are.
Speaking of which, I posted on social media that I'm excited that we are having the first female Presidential nominee in history and someone just has to comment on it "she's not a good candidate. Voting third party." Someone else saying "it isn't over until July." Like.. let me be excited. I didn't post to have a discussion. I didn't post to have an argument. I just posted a celebration for having the first female Presidential nominee in history. Why is this such a bad thing to them? I don't do this to their posts when people talk about Bernie..



Next week when Trump puts another person on blast who doesn't deserve it we'll get the same song and dance. DISAVOW, I DISAVOW THOSE COMMENTS on Monday. Then move on to IT'S ABOUT UNITY, PARTY UNITY by Friday.

Paul Ryan: We should put this fire ou-Oh shit!
Also, two things:

Second: I don't think Trump wants to do this anymore. I don't think he entered this thing to win it. I think he saw it as a marketing tool. He could build up his brand and make money off the deal. He was going to flip the primary for a profit. But, because he's a sad, egotistical, small handed man....he couldn't give it up. He had to win because he couldn't stand the thought of losing. Now, though, he doesn't actually want to go through this shit, but he's totally stuck. Thoughts?

People have been saying this forever, and I agree that I don't think he entered this seriously, and that he doesn't want to campaign anymore.

BUT I do think HE thinks he can be President, and that he wants to be President.

Because I think his vision of Presidenting is leaving literally all of the wonky "knowledge" stuff to aides and cabinet members and being presented with a menu of this-or-that executive gut decisions he can rattle off each morning, then hit the phone for some wheelin and dealin with international bigwigs and knock off around noon.


Still think the best moment from the primaries was Christie absolutely destroying Rubio in that debate, and then Rubio going right back to his scripted talking points that Christie just destroyed him over.

I think the last time I saw something that bad was Biden crushing Paul Ryan in the VP debate.
Still one of the best things Ive ever seen on tv.
Oh god, the headlines of articles people are posting on FB.

"How superdelegates ROBBED 11 million voters of their vote"

"Perfect End to Democratic Primary: Anonymous Super-Delegates Declare Winner Through Media"

"'The Struggle Continues': Sanders Refuses to Bend the Knee to Establishment"

11 million people did vote just that 15 millin others voted for Clinton... ooops... sorry stolen vote narrative you have no grounds!


Second: I don't think Trump wants to do this anymore. I don't think he entered this thing to win it. I think he saw it as a marketing tool. He could build up his brand and make money off the deal. He was going to flip the primary for a profit. But, because he's a sad, egotistical, small handed man....he couldn't give it up. He had to win because he couldn't stand the thought of losing. Now, though, he doesn't actually want to go through this shit, but he's totally stuck. Thoughts?

Nah. It may well have started as him showing that no good media that he is too running for president. But he wants to win at this point. He's just terrible at it.
My god the salt today. "I thought I was voting between good versus evil this year but I'm just getting a choice of my position on the human centipede."

I'm waiting until at least the convention before I even attempt to engage these people.
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