Establishment hacks tell Sanders to get in line.
Yes, the hold on Hillary's surrogates from discussing Bernie's exit has officially been removed.
Establishment hacks tell Sanders to get in line.
Three Sanders surrogates.
And Mark Ruffalo is a certifiable nutjob. Conspiracy theorist, GMOs, vaccines, chemtrails, the works.
This is why #bernieorbust means nothing. Even crazy people aren't necessarily stupid.
There's a difference here, though. The Republicans you mentioned don't have any principles or convictions beyond "party first."I'm getting tired of the narrative that dropping out is hard and that we have to give the candidate some time. The Republicans had no issues dropping out when it became obvious that Trump would get a majority of delegates and affirming the pledge they signed to support the Republican nominee.
Either this is an issue with Bernie or maybe, considering Hillary's actions in '08, it's just an issue with Democrats.
There's a difference here, though. The Republicans you mentioned don't have any principles or convictions beyond "party first."
"Remember when Obama led Amazing Grace in church during a eulogy? Nah, must be a Christian-hating Muslim faking it.
God told me Trump was his chosen leader and the one to lead our nation back to Godliness!" - My whole Facebook
I'm a goddamn broken record but the inclusion of trans women in the video was incredible. I choked up a bit. Her speech made me go fuck yeeeeah throughout the night.I didn't cry during the speech, but that ad got me really emotional. Way more emotional than I was expecting.
I'll take Christopher Walken.I'd like to hear actual speeches of JFK and FDR as read by William Shatner.
How much time does Bernie need to land his plane? He's been running a campaign that had no chance of winning for 3 months. He's been crying about a process thats "rigged" against him, he lost the popular vote by over 15 points. He lost. Its only now the media decided to finally end this charade and him having no chance but to stubbornly admit it. He couldn't even acknowledge the history made last night by Hillary, he still can't even admit he actually lost.
Neo asked if I cried last night?
I cried with the video, seeing the struggle that women have gone through to just be treated with the absurd notion that they're people. I cried when the video mentioned the fight trans women are going through EVERY SINGLE DAY just to use the fucking bathroom of their choice.
I cried when she stood there, on stage, eight years after getting so damn close. I cried because she earned it, through blood, sweat and tears. No one handed her shit. She worked for it. I cried when she thanked Bernie and his supporters (as self serving as it may be) she reaffirmed that she has more class and grace in her pinkie finger than he has in his entire body.
I cried when my mom teared up. She never thought a woman would be nominated, especially after 2008. I cried thinking about how much my dad wanted to vote for her, but she was finally going to get to run...hopefully like a girl.
I cried when my 93 year old neighbor, an African American woman, knocked on my door to ask if we heard Hillary won. This is the woman my mom personally took to the polls on primary day to make sure she could vote. I cried when the two of them hugged each other and when she said she never, ever thought a Black man and a woman would be given the opportunity to run for the highest office in the country.
I cried because she won through a multicolored, quiltbag of people. Her coalition is women, African American, Latinos, LGBT people, progressives, liberals, rich and poor. It's about bridges not walls. It's made up of people who have said fuck you to Islamaphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia and every other invention small minds can come up with.
And I kinda got happy because I realized Trump has no fucking idea what is about to be unleashed on him. She is the perfect person to run against an asshole like Trump. She's dealt with men like him her entire life. Small brains, small hands, big egos and even bigger mouths. And she will own his soul.
And, it just hit me that after this moment, there will never be another girl who wakes up in this country and thinks she can't be President. Because she can! She can run like a girl, fight like a girl and win like a girl.
And it was because of us, the Democratic party, that it happened.
Trump asked on his belief in Christianity.
Not sure how many here have an evangelical background, but man. Karl Rove weaponized Christianity, but at least Bush sounded like he went to church as a kid. Trump sounds like he just heard about this Jesus guy from TV. Trump totally panders, and yet Obama and the Dems are the "fake Christians".
Pretend to be Republicans right now. How do you fix this nationally? You need minorities, but the only base you've got hates their guts so much they'll never share space with them. You basically have to choose right now; definitely get white racists or maybe chip into minorities.
Either way, you're damned for generations on the national scale. I legitimately don't know how I'd fix this. If I was dictator of the GOP (where my decisions were law, no matter what), then I'd force the resignations of almost every GOP member nationwide, then run my own chosen candidates in each district/state so that our image would be completely separate from anyone currently in office. Yes, those dog-whistle-using reps from Oklahoma always win their seats, but they have a terrible effect on people in other states that you'll never win as a GOP candidate. If the GOP ever wants more seats in purple/blue states, they've got to clean up their safe red seats.
But that would require some insane realignment from the party to allow that many people to fall on swords for someone's plan. They'd never do it.
Mark Cuban ‏@mcuban 4h4 hours ago
1) I expect @realDonaldTrump to try to calm down. He doesn't have the cash to fund his campaign, he needs to appease donors quickly
2) he had less than 165mm in cash and falling for a campaign that will cost 750mm or more. He will have to grovel for that cash and will
3) the real fun/drama will come from all the "hidden" videos from his private fundraisers. He will say what they want to hear. Get ready !
4)the real "index" for this election will be RNC vs DNC fundraising.RNC will need less $ for POTUS but much more downstream to counter Trump
5) the reality is that @realDonaldTrump will be MORE beholden to donors than @HillaryClinton because his fund raising is so far behind
How does one be Presbyterian and Protestant. The man is a joke. And notice he's so narcissistic he cannot even say he needs a lot of forgiveness from God.
Hillary vs Bernie
Obama vs. Hillary
Just spoke with a lady on the phone about a (different) job interview. Of course, right after hanging up I look it up and it's a scam. They ask for money and then more money etc
Fuck this bullshit.
Sam SteinVerified account
Sanders campaign just sent out a new fundraising email. "The struggle continues.
Read into that what you will.
How does one be Presbyterian and Protestant. The man is a joke. And notice he's so narcissistic he cannot even say he needs a lot of forgiveness from God.
Yes, the hold on Hillary's surrogates from discussing Bernie's exit has officially been removed.
How much of staying in the race is just covering debt?
Duncan Hunter has got a nuclear take.
How much of staying in the race is just covering debt?
Duncan Hunter has got a nuclear take.
Duncan Hunter has got a nuclear take.
This is actually worse than Trump's position.
How much of staying in the race is just covering debt?
Hillary and Trump tied right now in Pennsylvania, but if Bernie Stans come home, she kills Trump in Pennsylvania.
Duncan Hunter has got a nuclear take.
I'm from Oregon. The delusion on my Facebook page regarding Bernie is so real. And now I'm trying to argue them with facts and logic. Ugh.
Is it possible the judge comments are not hurting Trump at all?
I'm willing to wager PA isn't in play by November.Hillary and Trump tied right now in Pennsylvania, but if Bernie Stans come home, she kills Trump in Pennsylvania.
Bernie still fundraising? You can't be serious. It's over.
Toomey numbers too. A lot of GOP incumbents are having the same problem where they're stuck around 40% in polling, which was also true for Pryor and Hagan and etc. in 2014.Hillary and Trump tied right now in Pennsylvania, but if Bernie Stans come home, she kills Trump in Pennsylvania.
I'm willing to wager PA isn't in play by November.
This is another part I love. I've never seen her on the verge of tears before and after she reaches her arm out, her eyes squint a bit as if to hold back a deluge of tears and then she pulls herself together.