Neo asked if I cried last night?
I cried with the video, seeing the struggle that women have gone through to just be treated with the absurd notion that they're people. I cried when the video mentioned the fight trans women are going through EVERY SINGLE DAY just to use the fucking bathroom of their choice.
I cried when she stood there, on stage, eight years after getting so damn close. I cried because she earned it, through blood, sweat and tears. No one handed her shit. She worked for it. I cried when she thanked Bernie and his supporters (as self serving as it may be) she reaffirmed that she has more class and grace in her pinkie finger than he has in his entire body.
I cried when my mom teared up. She never thought a woman would be nominated, especially after 2008. I cried thinking about how much my dad wanted to vote for her, but she was finally going to get to run...hopefully like a girl.
I cried when my 93 year old neighbor, an African American woman, knocked on my door to ask if we heard Hillary won. This is the woman my mom personally took to the polls on primary day to make sure she could vote. I cried when the two of them hugged each other and when she said she never, ever thought a Black man and a woman would be given the opportunity to run for the highest office in the country.
I cried because she won through a multicolored, quiltbag of people. Her coalition is women, African American, Latinos, LGBT people, progressives, liberals, rich and poor. It's about bridges not walls. It's made up of people who have said fuck you to Islamaphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia and every other invention small minds can come up with.
And I kinda got happy because I realized Trump has no fucking idea what is about to be unleashed on him. She is the perfect person to run against an asshole like Trump. She's dealt with men like him her entire life. Small brains, small hands, big egos and even bigger mouths. And she will own his soul.
And, it just hit me that after this moment, there will never be another girl who wakes up in this country and thinks she can't be President. Because she can! She can run like a girl, fight like a girl and win like a girl.
And it was because of us, the Democratic party, that it happened.