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Yassss Representative Daddy.

I find him hot as all hell. Like nearly O'malley level of thirst, tbh. Yassssss.

Real talk, every time I bring up Perez to my father-in-law, he says "But he's ugly! At least Castro is photogenic like a real politician".

I'm like, do I have a guy for you!



I don't get why people didn't learn this as the primaries went on, more liberal places aren't more likely to go to sanders. Hillary won Alameda County, which Berkeley is in.

That wasn't my reasoning. I thought Bernie would win it because Obama did, and Obama and Bernie had that whole Change! thing in common.
We just got this email from TPM Reader DL. And as far as I can tell, she's right. There does not seem to be any mention of Donald Trump on the official Republican Party website, gop.com. Hillary is there. Bernie is there. George H.W.Bush is there. Reagan is there. Reagan/Bush. Lincoln is there. No Trump anywhere. Not on the blog, signups. Not anywhere that I could find.

If you go to the Republican National Committee website, there is a crowded homepage with no mention of Donald Trump. I’ve been watching it for a few days. They recently had a petition asking people to sign if they want to “Take Back The White House.” Even in the body of that petition, there was no mention of Trump. Judging from their website, the RNC is acting as if Clinton is running unopposed.

This is particularly amazing because the Trump campaign, or rather “campaign” is relying on the RNC to do the things campaigns usually do themselves, to essentially be their campaign structure. The fact that the Republican leadership, or rather “leadership,” is supporting Trump has gotten a lot of attention; the funny part is that they think they can also pretend it isn’t happening.​




yeah, you really can't ignore the South.

I am still shocked and proud that we managed to get Hillary Missouri. The Bernie signs were everywhere where I am and we still went out and voted for her anyway despite thinking it was gonna be hopeless. In the end it doesn't make much difference, but still...


The California Senate GE is going to have 2 Democrats and 0 Republicans.

Because we voted it that way.

But Trump is going to spend money to win California.

This is real life. It's happening.

This is amazing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Everything is going to be on the table if this is true. Everything.

I'm not as confident as other people are that Trump is that toxic with Republicans, but if the lack of money actually has an effect on down ticket races? Hoo-boy.


Hillary needs to swerve and pick Becerra. He doesn't lose you a Senate seat and he actually has the political experience. Throw everyone off their game.

And he is Mexican of Mexican descent. I don't know, which would be the more troll pick? So hard to decide.


I know it's not the most sensible choice given the senate seat risk but I so want Warren on the ticket. I don't know. It just seems so right. So so right. I love me Liz Warren.

Same. I'd also be happy with Al Franken (who is less of a longshot that people think). Anyone but Tim Kaine. The dude has no charisma and would make Clinton's ticket look even more boring and corporate. Put me in the camp that thinks Clinton's VP needs to turn out progressives and millenials, not appeal to centrist swing voters. With such high unfavorables on both sides, this election will be won by whoever gets their base to the polls, and not by trying to cast the widest net.

And Clinton's getting VA with or without Kaine.


I know it won't happen but I wish during one of the presidential debates a Hispanic moderator would ask Trump if he should be replaced due to his heritage.


Same. I'd also be happy with Al Franken (who is less of a longshot that people think). Anyone but Tim Kaine. The dude has no charisma and would make Clinton's ticket look even more boring and corporate. Put me in the camp that thinks Clinton's VP needs to turn out progressives and millenials, not appeal to centrist swing voters. With such high unfavorables on both sides, this election will be won by whoever gets their base to the polls, and not by trying to cast the widest net.

And Clinton's getting VA with or without Kaine.

Exactly NOVA gonna deliver VA. VA is on lock.
I think picking Warren would be as much about having an eye on 2020 as it is about 2016. Winning reelection is going to be an uphill battle (unless we're blessed with a Cruz nomination), and Hillary is going to need a party that is as energized and unified as possible going into the general election vying for a fourth straight term. I doubt she'd ever be primaried, but she's not going to receive the same benefit of the doubt Obama has generally enjoyed from the party's left flank in office and they could get pretty noisy by 2019 when President Clinton is having to deal with a Republican House and Senate. It'd be a lot harder for the likes of Sanders and the groups that support him now to flirt with other options if Warren becomes VP and can be sold as a constant liberalizing influence on Hillary's administration.

Though it's just as likely she'd be thrown under the bus and the Warren Wing of the Democratic Party gets renamed as the Tulsi Wing.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Was dis posted?



I can't stop reading Reddit today. It's the best it's ever been. People trying to figure out how to get EVERY primary in which the results were outside of the margin of error of exit polling revoked since that indicates "fraud".
I know it won't happen but I wish during one of the presidential debates a Hispanic moderator would ask Trump if he should be replaced due to his heritage.

Well, let me tell you. Okay? Are you going to ask fair questions. Are you going to be fair to me. Because, I promise you, that I need you to be fair to me? Okay. If you can't do that because, look, I want to build a wall, okay. And, I have the best words. Okay, the best words. So, look, I want you to be here, listening to my best words. But if you can't be fair, and maybe you can, I don't know, then you'll have to go. Now, ask Crooked Hillary why she helped Bill rape 30 women.

Have any of you see this new ad from Priorities Action USA?

Grace Ad

Just aired in Northeast Ohio. My mom, a retired special ed teacher, just fucking FROZE. Brilliant, BRILLIANT ad.


My Christian Conservative friends are already tying themselves in knots trying to justify voting for Trump (short version: he's not Hillary). I'd love to see Trump/Gingrich. How can we make this ticket more appealing to "values voters?" I know, how about the guy who handed terms for divorce to his wife while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery so he could marry his mistress? Perfect!
No, Clinton won pretty much all of California, including the North. Sanders won the deep, backwoods north, which is an extension of Oregon demographically.


New York Times: ‘It’s Something I’m Still Processing’: Hillary Clinton on Winning, and Why Her Mother Would be Nervous

“I’ll finally have a break where I’ll have some time,” she said. “I love to wander around bookstores and see what strikes my fancy.”

She pointed to one book she had read recently that she said would stay with her through the general election: the swimmer Diana Nyad’s memoir, “Find a Way,” about her nearly 111-mile swim at age 64 from Cuba to Florida.

“When you’re facing big challenges in your life, you can think about Diana Nyad getting attacked by the lethal sting of box jellyfishes,” she said. “And nearly anything else seems doable in comparison.”

Asked if Mr. Trump would be her “box jellyfish” over the coming months, Mrs. Clinton let out a hearty laugh, then demurred. “I don’t know about that,” she said.


The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Who was it who said that its so utterly fitting that Clinton's historic presidential bid would be against someone as cartoonishly regressive and misogynist as Trump? I feel like I saw an article being quoted around a week or so ago





(it's Tulsi Gabbard btw)

Susan Collins on MSNBC delicately navigating the question of 'will you vote for Clinton'. She is saying that she is unlikely to vote for Hillary but isn't ruling anything outm and trying to jump through hoops to make it look like she isn't shitting on Trump but isn't supporting his racists statements either. It really highlights how much of a pickle Trump puts downballot races because a great follow up question to something like that would be 'so you'll be voting for Trump, the racist, then?'. Too bad Todd pussied out.


No Scrubs





(it's Tulsi Gabbard btw)





Y'all are so mean to Sister Gabbard. We can't all be as ideologically pure and consistent as she has been. Sad.

Westboro is going to protest the GOP convention in Cleveland. Haven't we suffered enough!?


Ugh Clinton gave a terrible answer to Anderson about the Clinton foundation. How don't they have answers prepared for this stuff?


Hill on CNN talking about VP: "I'm looking at the most qualified people. That's most important to me. Can they take the job day one?" Says her VP timetable will be roughly by the convention.
Becerra doesn't make sense to me. He's a representative from California. What is the benefit? If you're picking him because he's Hispanic I don't think that makes sense either. Maybe if Rubio was the GOP nominee and was magically winning a large % of Hispanics in polls I could semi understand it as a desperation pick.

But Hillary is going to win Hispanics heavily, and turnout will be high. If he was from Virginia or North Carolina? Sure I'd consider it. But I believe Hillary wants someone with executive experience.

Tim Kaine!


Y'all are so mean to Sister Gabbard. We can't all be as ideologically pure and consistent as she has been. Sad.

Westboro is going to protest the GOP convention in Cleveland. Haven't we suffered enough!?

I hope an empty chair protests at the GOP covention this year also.


Becerra doesn't make sense to me. He's a representative from California. What is the benefit? If you're picking him because he's Hispanic I don't think that makes sense either. Maybe if Rubio was the GOP nominee and was magically winning a large % of Hispanics in polls I could semi understand it as a desperation pick.

But Hillary is going to win Hispanics heavily, and turnout will be high. If he was from Virginia or North Carolina? Sure I'd consider it.

Tim Kaine!

There's no real evidence that VP choice affects swing states. Also, motivating Hispanic turnout in more ways than just "Trump is the devil" could help lock in Hispanics for a generation and make a big difference long term with Hispanic turnout in tons of states with growing Hispanic populations, even ones she loses.
I'm going to say something that might ruffle some feathers, here.

I don't think the VP matters much. As long as you don't nominate a Palin person, I don't think it moves the needle much. What did Ryan do in Wisconsin, again?

All you need is someone who is ready to take the job, can be an attack dog on the campaign trail, and not say really stupid shit. well..that's about it.

Too much hand-wringing over the VP. That's all just fun and games for media but mostly meaningless.
Becerra doesn't make sense to me. He's a representative from California. What is the benefit? If you're picking him because he's Hispanic I don't think that makes sense either. Maybe if Rubio was the GOP nominee and was magically winning a large % of Hispanics in polls I could semi understand it as a desperation pick.

But Hillary is going to win Hispanics heavily, and turnout will be high. If he was from Virginia or North Carolina? Sure I'd consider it. But I believe Hillary wants someone with executive experience.

Tim Kaine!

Kaine is so freakin' borrrinnnngggg. Who does he excite? If Hillary is so contingent upon a 1-2 point boost in Virginia running against Trump, we're so screwed anyway.


I'm going to say something that might ruffle some feathers, here.

I don't think the VP matters much. As long as you don't nominate a Palin person, I don't think it moves the needle much. What did Ryan do in Wisconsin, again?

All you need is someone who is ready to take the job, can be an attack dog on the campaign trail, and not say really stupid shit. well..that's about it.

Too much hand-wringing over the VP. That's all just fun and games for media but mostly meaningless.

Totally. Are you ready to be President in a heartbeat? Can you not embarrass yourself or the President? Can you effectively be an extension of the President's agenda while in the White House?


I'm going to say something that might ruffle some feathers, here.

I don't think the VP matters much. As long as you don't nominate a Palin person, I don't think it moves the needle much. What did Ryan do in Wisconsin, again?

All you need is someone who is ready to take the job, can be an attack dog on the campaign trail, and not say really stupid shit. well..that's about it.

Too much hand-wringing over the VP. That's all just fun and games for media but mostly meaningless.

I don't think it's going to ruffle feathers as it generally does nothing good and in extreme cases can only cause harm.
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