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Neo asked if I cried last night?


I cried with the video, seeing the struggle that women have gone through to just be treated with the absurd notion that they're people. I cried when the video mentioned the fight trans women are going through EVERY SINGLE DAY just to use the fucking bathroom of their choice.

I cried when she stood there, on stage, eight years after getting so damn close. I cried because she earned it, through blood, sweat and tears. No one handed her shit. She worked for it. I cried when she thanked Bernie and his supporters (as self serving as it may be) she reaffirmed that she has more class and grace in her pinkie finger than he has in his entire body.

I cried when my mom teared up. She never thought a woman would be nominated, especially after 2008. I cried thinking about how much my dad wanted to vote for her, but she was finally going to get to run...hopefully like a girl.

I cried when my 93 year old neighbor, an African American woman, knocked on my door to ask if we heard Hillary won. This is the woman my mom personally took to the polls on primary day to make sure she could vote. I cried when the two of them hugged each other and when she said she never, ever thought a Black man and a woman would be given the opportunity to run for the highest office in the country.

I cried because she won through a multicolored, quiltbag of people. Her coalition is women, African American, Latinos, LGBT people, progressives, liberals, rich and poor. It's about bridges not walls. It's made up of people who have said fuck you to Islamaphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia and every other invention small minds can come up with.

And I kinda got happy because I realized Trump has no fucking idea what is about to be unleashed on him. She is the perfect person to run against an asshole like Trump. She's dealt with men like him her entire life. Small brains, small hands, big egos and even bigger mouths. And she will own his soul.

And then...today, it just hit me that after this moment, there will never be another girl who wakes up in this country and thinks she can't be President. Because she can! She can run like a girl, fight like a girl and win like a girl.

And it was because of us, the Democratic party, that it happened.

I cried just reading this. Thank you for sharing that, adam.

The feels are beyond real and my body is ready to stand in the fall.


This is all I needed to see. It's over. He doesn't have the money and he isn't getting the big donors.

He's gonna get stomped by the DNC and Clinton ground game.



Gabbard's political career is dependent on Sanders' success, it's no surprise that she's urging him to continue.

This is all I needed to see. It's over. He doesn't have the money and he isn't getting the big donors.

He's gonna get stomped by the DNC and Clinton ground game.

It really shows that he doesn't know what goes into a political campaign if he thinks the money is just spend on awareness and publicity.
1. Black people are just as religious as white evangelicals but you don't see the former going crazy over social issues. Why the disconnect you think?

2. Are white liberals just leaving the plains and southern states making it no chance they can become big enough down the road to replace the current crop of conservative whites or white kids are just becoming R like their parents?

I'll preface this by saying I'm biased since I'm not a republican, and I'm not black either but

1. I think it boils down to the fact that only one party has any focus on issues that matter to black people/lives. Black Evangelicals may be as homophobic as white Evangelicals but ultimately they have bigger issues to grapple with. Historically minorities voting for their self interest has meant more than simply voting for lower taxes for instance. Being a Lincoln Republican once meant supporting the party that freed the slaves and opposing southern democrats. Black party allegiance has shifted since the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and the Civil Rights Act, but the goal is still the same: supporting politicians who treat you like a human being, or at least pretend to.

2. I don't know, perhaps someone else has a better grasp on that issue. But demographic wise sure, many younger whites are moving out of the south. At the same time there has been a black migration back to the south over the last few years. That's another problem republicans face: the south will remain white enough to dominate for a long time, but holes are developing in some states. Georgia for instance getting blacker and browner.

I used to assume younger, white Evangelicals and/or conservatives would simply become more socially liberal and the party would naturally progress away from odious social views. But now given how ugly the "political correctness" and alt right types are, it's harder to see young conservatives evolving on these issues. Maybe I'm looking at this biased or in a vacuum (ie putting too much emphasis on what I see online/alt right for instance). But I don't know.


Gabbard's political career is dependent on Sanders' success, it's no surprise that she's urging him to continue.

It really shows that he doesn't know what goes into a political campaign if he thinks the money is just spend on awareness and publicity.

He thinks he can get by on news media like he did in the GOP Primary. He doesn't believe in analytics or infrastructure. That MSNBC story about his lack of campaign proves it. Trump thinks he can rely on THE MEDIA to keep him up.

This is gonna be a bloodbath.
Neo asked if I cried last night?


I cried with the video, seeing the struggle that women have gone through to just be treated with the absurd notion that they're people. I cried when the video mentioned the fight trans women are going through EVERY SINGLE DAY just to use the fucking bathroom of their choice.

I cried when she stood there, on stage, eight years after getting so damn close. I cried because she earned it, through blood, sweat and tears. No one handed her shit. She worked for it. I cried when she thanked Bernie and his supporters (as self serving as it may be) she reaffirmed that she has more class and grace in her pinkie finger than he has in his entire body.

I cried when my mom teared up. She never thought a woman would be nominated, especially after 2008. I cried thinking about how much my dad wanted to vote for her, but she was finally going to get to run...hopefully like a girl.

I cried when my 93 year old neighbor, an African American woman, knocked on my door to ask if we heard Hillary won. This is the woman my mom personally took to the polls on primary day to make sure she could vote. I cried when the two of them hugged each other and when she said she never, ever thought a Black man and a woman would be given the opportunity to run for the highest office in the country.

I cried because she won through a multicolored, quiltbag of people. Her coalition is women, African American, Latinos, LGBT people, progressives, liberals, rich and poor. It's about bridges not walls. It's made up of people who have said fuck you to Islamaphobia, racism, sexism, homophobia and every other invention small minds can come up with.

And I kinda got happy because I realized Trump has no fucking idea what is about to be unleashed on him. She is the perfect person to run against an asshole like Trump. She's dealt with men like him her entire life. Small brains, small hands, big egos and even bigger mouths. And she will own his soul.

And then...today, it just hit me that after this moment, there will never be another girl who wakes up in this country and thinks she can't be President. Because she can! She can run like a girl, fight like a girl and win like a girl.

And it was because of us, the Democratic party, that it happened.

When you make posts like this, I
don't care about your questionable mixology choices.


I'm calling it now: Clinton/Warren versus Trump/Gingrich.

At this rate, this is looking very possible. I could see Trump buying Newt's kind words, especially if certain money men (Adelson, etc) continue to favor Newt.


I wonder if Obama's endorsement was a deliberate leak in order to give Clinton a bump and ensure her victory yesterday without having to publicly endorse her before the contests.
I also feel like, okay, maybe Kaine helps her 2-3 points in Virginia....but someone more exciting like Warren maybe helps her 2-3 points nationally because it may get some hold out Bernie supporters.


He thinks he can get by on news media like he did in the GOP Primary. He doesn't believe in analytics or infrastructure. That MSNBC story about his lack of campaign proves it. Trump thinks he can rely on THE MEDIA to keep him up.

This is gonna be a bloodbath.

The same media that he attacked just last week for asking too many questions about his pledges to donate to veteran's groups
Trump thinking the media attention is enough just shows how dumb he is.

The Repub primary would have been boring without Trump and Trump drove ratings so they talked about him.

But the GE is non-stop Repub vs Dem for 5 months no matter who is running. So he doesn't get any added benefit, there.

And since he basically waged a war on the press, they're going to be mostly negative towards him. 5 months of that + Hillary campaign + less spending on defending himself means he will be hurt by the press coverage.

Trump is basically President Camacho. Anyone who thinks he's actually smart and knows what he's doing is only fooling themselves. Trump is a dumpster fire. He'll still get a lot of votes because he puts an R next to his name, but he's not nearly as good as the results make it appear.


I know it's not the most sensible choice given the senate seat risk but I so want Warren on the ticket. I don't know. It just seems so right. So so right. I love me Liz Warren.


So some on Reddit thinks all 12 million Sanders voters will write his name in the fall. Every single voter. Seems logical.
Honestly, Dems should goad him into California.

Just taunt him and say he has no shot here. He'd be crushed. Say he's going to leave California with his tail between his legs and wouldn't DARE campaign in the state.

If you attack his ego, he goes insane. He'll spend so much money here and it will be glorious.

He's not going to spend donor money in California. That's just the usual BS from Trump.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Trump thinking the media attention is enough just shows how dumb he is.

The Repub primary would have been boring without Trump and Trump drove ratings so they talked about him.

But the GE is non-stop Repub vs Dem for 5 months no matter who is running. So he doesn't get any added benefit, there.

And since he basically waged a war on the press, they're going to be mostly negative towards him. 5 months of that + Hillary campaign + less spending on defending himself means he will be hurt by the press coverage.

Trump is basically President Camacho. Anyone who thinks he's actually smart and knows what he's doing is only fooling themselves. Trump is a dumpster fire. He'll still get a lot of votes because he puts an R next to his name, but he's not nearly as good as the results make it appear.

I agree with everything except the bolded. The press may go after Trump hard, but they'll also triple down on things like emailghazi in order to maintain "neutrality".


I know it's not the most sensible choice given the senate seat risk but I so want Warren on the ticket. I don't know. It just seems so right. So so right. I love me Liz Warren.

I think the Senate risk is minimal given the short timeframe for the special election. There will be a diet Republican (keep in mind how moderate Baker is) for a little while, largely before Hillary and the new Senate even take office, and then we just don't let Martha Coakley run for the seat again.

Massachusetts has a pretty deep bench. Get Deval Patrick or Barney Frank out of retirement, or promote any of the well-qualified reps like Niki Tsongas or Mike Capuano. Maybe even Ayanna Pressley. She's one of the at-large councillors so all of Boston is already her constituency. Or, get Marty Walsh to run for it and Ayanna can be mayor.
I agree with everything except the bolded. The press may go after Trump hard, but they'll also triple down on things like emailghazi in order to maintain "neutrality".

Right. I never said they wouldn't be negative toward Hillary. So you actually agree with me in total. They can be negative towards both!

But it will hurt Trump more cuz no one who doesn't already have an opinion on Hillary gives a shit.

I'm not good at math...but how DARE California allow 103% of people to vote. FRAUD!

: finger wagging intensifies :

Not only that, but San Fran is now SoCal!


This is all I needed to see. It's over. He doesn't have the money and he isn't getting the big donors.

He's gonna get stomped by the DNC and Clinton ground game.
Oh my God. This really going to affect down ticket fundraising. This is going to be a crazy election.
I don't get why people didn't learn this as the primaries went on, more liberal places aren't more likely to go to sanders. Hillary won Alameda County, which Berkeley is in.

I've said it numerous times. Hillary has consistently won self-identified "liberals" in exit polls and every urban city which is more liberal and most liberal districts (if not all).

Sanders isn't garnering the liberal vote, he's losing it. He winning the very liberal vote, but that is a very small portion of the Democratic electorate.

The most typical sanders supporter is a young, white, rural/suburban, conservative to moderate male.
Hillary needs to swerve and pick Becerra. He doesn't lose you a Senate seat and he actually has the political experience. Throw everyone off their game.

Yassss Representative Daddy.

I find him hot as all hell. Like nearly O'malley level of thirst, tbh. Yassssss.
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