User 463088
Bernie was supposed to give a statement and like such as with the Burlington Press Corps. He just got in his car and drove away instead, after they had everything setup.
I thought she already endorsed her a while back?
Reuters Breaking: Warren to endorse Clinton.
Bernie was supposed to give a statement and like such as with the Burlington Press Corps. He just got in his car and drove away instead, after they had everything setup.
Wait, do you have a source for this? This is crazy.
Bernie was supposed to give a statement and like such as with the Burlington Press Corps. He just got in his car and drove away instead, after they had everything setup.
Wait, do you have a source for this? This is crazy.
It's on MSNBC right now. They had everything setup. Campaign announced he would hold a presser. MSNBC teased it going to Chris Jansing, where she said "Ya, he got in the car and drove away." While she was talking, all the local press was striking the mics and stuff.
Why is this guy on MSNBC wearing a bolo tie? I won't stand for this.
HOW is this surprising behavior for Bernie Sanders at this point? Lol
I mean, Bernie is crazy, but you can't just get in a car and drive away from your own press conference that you threw. That's like not going to your own wedding because American Idol was on.
Emely ‏@Kelticca 10m10 minutes ago
@Reuters The end of a great career as a progressive. Today she joined corporate America. No condolences, SHE made that choice. #NeverHillary
That's crazy. Maybe he had second thoughts after considering the kind of questions he would likely be asked.
She also said Bernie spent the entire flight playing with his grandkids while Jane and Weaver were "looking at computer screens, and printouts" and pouring over late votes in California.
I'd have probably missed my wedding if Carrie Underwood was singing on American Idol![]()
I'm going to say something that might ruffle some feathers, here.
I don't think the VP matters much. As long as you don't nominate a Palin person, I don't think it moves the needle much. What did Ryan do in Wisconsin, again?
All you need is someone who is ready to take the job, can be an attack dog on the campaign trail, and not say really stupid shit. well..that's about it.
Too much hand-wringing over the VP. That's all just fun and games for media but mostly meaningless.
Bernie's probably still dealing with the his nomination loss. Probably can't handle the pressure of the press right now.
Bernie's probably still dealing with the his nomination loss. Probably can't handle the pressure of the press right now.
Did he do anything at all today in public?
I think she should focus on none of them.I think we can divide the Bernie people into three groups
I think she should focus on that middle group.
She also said Bernie spent the entire flight playing with his grandkids while Jane and Weaver were "looking at computer screens, and printouts" and pouring over late votes in California.
Sarah Silverman's sister, Laura Silverman, who I love but no one knows who she is, supported Clinton in the primary and dragged Cenk on Twitter. Total bae.
Some people are taking the word "progressive" into the same ill-defined nonsense of terms such as "establishment" and "neoliberal".
Sarah Silverman's sister, Laura Silverman, who I love but no one knows who she is, supported Clinton in the primary and dragged Cenk on Twitter. Total bae.
Huelen banned. RIP, you saint.
Bernie needs his space like Hillary did. He also has the right to wait it out until DC. No reason to deride him yet.
Bernie needs his space like Hillary did. He also has the right to wait it out until DC. No reason to deride him yet.