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Bernie was supposed to give a statement and like such as with the Burlington Press Corps. He just got in his car and drove away instead, after they had everything setup.
Maybe it's because I was white and on welfare as child, but our struggles sandwiches were 50 cent chips on white bread with "salad dressing".

The eighties.
Wait, do you have a source for this? This is crazy.

It's on MSNBC right now. They had everything setup. Campaign announced he would hold a presser. MSNBC teased it going to Chris Jansing, where she said "Ya, he got in the car and drove away." While she was talking, all the local press was striking the mics and stuff.
Lololol Mitch McConnell on CNN having to defend his support Donald Trump making Barry Goldwater comparisons. That's what you really wanna be doing in June of an election year. Inviting Goldwater comparisons.


HOW is this surprising behavior for Bernie Sanders at this point? Lol

I mean, Bernie is crazy, but you can't just get in a car and drive away from your own press conference that you threw. That's like not going to your own wedding because American Idol was on.


As a Texan, whenever I see a bolo tie, I know I need to leave that place immediately. Now they're on TV? I can't escape them!
I mean, Bernie is crazy, but you can't just get in a car and drive away from your own press conference that you threw. That's like not going to your own wedding because American Idol was on.

This isn't the first time he's done something like this. He did it in....some state after one of the Super Tuesdays too. He stranded his entire press corps in Pennsylvania (I think?).
That's crazy. Maybe he had second thoughts after considering the kind of questions he would likely be asked.

She also said Bernie spent the entire flight playing with his grandkids while Jane and Weaver were "looking at computer screens, and printouts" and pouring over late votes in California.


She also said Bernie spent the entire flight playing with his grandkids while Jane and Weaver were "looking at computer screens, and printouts" and pouring over late votes in California.

That's honestly pretty sweet and the human thing to do.


If your mom gets this hyped about politics, lord knows how hyped she gets about the real issues, like American Idol.


Deep into his 30th decade
You guys are crazy, bolo ties are awesome.

You do have to be Texan to properly pull it off though. And older. Preferably with a large mustache.
I'm going to say something that might ruffle some feathers, here.

I don't think the VP matters much. As long as you don't nominate a Palin person, I don't think it moves the needle much. What did Ryan do in Wisconsin, again?

All you need is someone who is ready to take the job, can be an attack dog on the campaign trail, and not say really stupid shit. well..that's about it.

Too much hand-wringing over the VP. That's all just fun and games for media but mostly meaningless.

I'd say a good VP, besides being able to do the job if something bad happens, should shore up a weakness that the presidential candidate has, offer a benefit to the party, and be a good "next in line" candidate in 4 or 8 years. Biden helped reassure voters about Obama's experience (or lack thereof) and targeted white working class voters in states like OH/PA/etc. Cheney shored up Bush's foreign policy weaknesses. I think both were great VP selections and it's not surprising both were consequential VPs. Yet both weren't "next in line" type candidates per se.

There are different types of picks. IMO Paul Ryan was a desperation pick, similar to Palin. Both McCain and Romney didn't truly excite the base and needed someone to win over folks. Palin excited the base but scared the hell out of normal voters. Ryan excited the base but reinforced negatives about Romney (Medicare cuts, "doesn't care about people like me"); even worse picking Ryan was an early tell that Romney's camp was relying on bad polling.

To me, Hillary has a variety of problems as a candidate: people don't trust her, she's not exciting, she's "old news" etc. The recent republican play would likely be to pick someone like Cory Booker or even Becerra - younger, more exciting, rally the base, etc. I just don't believe Hillary needs to do that. I'd rather pick someone who further highlights how un-qualified Trump is by having an impressive resume; Clinton and the right VP could easily be the most qualified/impressive ticket since 1980. Kaine was a very popular governor and has been a good senator, which are great qualifications. He's not exciting but he is likable and trustworthy - two things Hillary Clinton is not (in the eyes of voters). He is very popular in Virginia, a state Hillary would likely win without him but I still like the idea of shoring it up because without VA, Trump virtually has no path to the WH.


Bernie's probably still dealing with the his nomination loss. Probably can't handle the pressure of the press right now.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie's probably still dealing with the his nomination loss. Probably can't handle the pressure of the press right now.

Did he do anything at all today in public?


It's got to be hard even though the switch was pretty gradual, but still, every single question is going to be about dropping out, supporting Hillary, getting decimated in California. Any I have a chance conversation will be met with a snicker and eyeroll and not a single person is going to be interested in any meaningful conversation with him that isn't about him losing.
Bernie's probably still dealing with the his nomination loss. Probably can't handle the pressure of the press right now.

I agree. He needs some time. But it's another reminder of how freakin' happy I am he's not going to be our nominee or President. He's never seemed like a multitasker.

Did he do anything at all today in public?

I believe he was received by supporters at the airport in Vermont.


Some people are taking the word "progressive" into the same ill-defined nonsense of terms such as "establishment" and "neoliberal".


She also said Bernie spent the entire flight playing with his grandkids while Jane and Weaver were "looking at computer screens, and printouts" and pouring over late votes in California.

Andrea Mitchell said Jane was supposed to be talking Bernie down, not looking for vote fraud
Sarah Silverman's sister, Laura Silverman, who I love but no one knows who she is, supported Clinton in the primary and dragged Cenk on Twitter. Total bae.

Holy shit. Hey Cenk, Clinton praised Sanders repeatedly in her speech. Congratulated him and spoke positively about his campaign and passion.

Sanders mentioned her once paused to let everyone boo her, and he only mentioned hetr so he could say that she called him and that he congratulated her. No praise, nothing positive.
I think she should focus on none of them.



Some people are taking the word "progressive" into the same ill-defined nonsense of terms such as "establishment" and "neoliberal".

It has that Weasel Word potential there where you can make it mean anything that is convenient for your argument. No real surprise.


Oh boo boo, poor Bernie. I had a few fucks to give, but my fuck buddy claimed them.

Bernie Sanders has had no realistic path to the nomination since March 15. Since then he has had several opportunities to end his campaign on a high note, and he burned that bridge every. single. time.

He wanted to keep up this charade of having a shot and going to the very end, lobbing grenades at Hillary and the DNC every step of the way. And now what? Everyone is laughing at him. Nobody takes him seriously. And, surprise surprise, the media's not paying any mind to the idea that his continued candidacy is worth the attention.

Just because Bernie wants to game doesn't mean everyone has to play along. And it's only going to get worse from here if he keeps stubbornly trudging along.


I don't think Hillary will have any trouble securing the 75 to 80% of Bernie supporters who are open to voting for her once Obama and Elizabeth start campaigning for her.

I don't think the magnitude of his endorsement of her matters in the end.


Bernie needs his space like Hillary did. He also has the right to wait it out until DC. No reason to deride him yet.

Agreed, if he's still running around next Friday after being held below viability in DC, then people can start getting upset, but I feel like the anti Bernie fervor is going a bit too strong right now


What the hell is going on in the OT? Apparently Hillary secretly hates gay people and only came out for gay marriage because polls said its popular.
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