Indeed. Also great advice when applied to his supporters. Even the #BoB ones.Bernie needs his space like Hillary did. He also has the right to wait it out until DC. No reason to deride him yet.
Is Bernie too far out there for Hillary to choose as her VP? I think bringing the fervor of his fans wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest.
I still expect it to be a somewhat safe pick.
Agreed, if he's still running around next Friday after being held below viability in DC, then people can start getting upset, but I feel like the anti Bernie fervor is going a bit too strong right now
Why would someone want to wait a week to lose by like 60%? If it was a winnable contest he could go out on maybe.
Is Bernie too far out there for Hillary to choose as her VP? I think bringing the fervor of his fans wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest.
I still expect it to be a somewhat safe pick.
I like Clinton a lot more than Warren. Anyone else? Am I broken?
Bernie needs his space like Hillary did. He also has the right to wait it out until DC. No reason to deride him yet.
I'm giving him until the end of THIS week. DC is meaningless. He gains absolutely nothing staying in that way. It's just going to be one final embarrassing loss for him. His mantra for months was that he was going to ensure that the people of California got to vote. Not DC. He didn't say crap about DC until last night.
But I'm not going to call for him to drop until Monday. You might say two more days don't make a difference... but you can keep saying just two more... just two more.
He has lost the pledged delegate vote. He said the winner should be the person who won that. No one made him say that. It's done. He's got a few days to grieve before I start judging him for staying in.
I just read on S4P that around a million+ ballots (provisionals and other mail ins) have yet to be counted
retroactive momentum?
I like Clinton a lot more than Warren. Anyone else? Am I broken?
Too streetWhat about Corey Booker for VP?
How shocking.Guess who's baaaaaaaccckkk!!!!
Clinton already has black, Latino and Asian voters. The roles have flipped- Clinton inherited the Obama coalition, Sanders took the angry white voters.The Obama coalition was black, Latino, Asian and young voters, right? At least largely?
Obama campaigning can probably win back over enough of those to help. The question is which ones he can't win back this time?
What about Corey Booker for VP?
Guess who's baaaaaaaccckkk!!!!
As much as I'd love either of the two, Kaine would probably be best for maximum effectiveness. So yes.Hillary's demographic weakness is white men moreso than True Bernievers.
So if we're talking optics and plugging holes, doesn't Kaine do that better than a Perez or Warren.
Apparently "Fighting for Us" means those who gave to Clinton Foundation or who paid BIG speaking fees to Clintons.
Someone of Mexican heritage as VP would give Trump a stroke.
Not to mention it would be nice to see, being Mexican myself.
Hillary's demographic weakness is white men moreso than True Bernievers. Exits didn't show her really losing self-described liberals from memory.
So if we're talking optics and plugging holes, doesn't Kaine do that better than a Perez or Warren.
I'd want to know how swayable white men are. If he can help, that'd be fantastic.Hillary's demographic weakness is white men moreso than True Bernievers. Exits didn't show her really losing self-described liberals from memory.
So if we're talking optics and plugging holes, doesn't Kaine do that better than a Perez or Warren.
Hillary's demographic weakness is white men moreso than True Bernievers. Exits didn't show her really losing self-described liberals from memory.
So if we're talking optics and plugging holes, doesn't Kaine do that better than a Perez or Warren.
Says the Koch puppet
Hillary's demographic weakness is white men moreso than True Bernievers. Exits didn't show her really losing self-described liberals from memory.
So if we're talking optics and plugging holes, doesn't Kaine do that better than a Perez or Warren.
But this would require white men to be open to her in the first place.
What about Corey Booker for VP?
Democrats don't watch NASCAR, Adam.
F1 only, maybe some Rally or Indy car races as well.
As one of them you are giving them too much credit.
Don't want to lose a senator.
Pick Eric Fanning, goddamnit!
Current Secretary of the Army
Under Secretary of the Army
Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense
Secretary of the Air Force
Under Secretary of the Air Force
Deputy Under Secretary of the Navy
Plus he's gay! Make history twice in one presidency, Hillary.
Plus plus just look at the guy.
They don't listen to Achy Breaky Heart either, but Adam likes to prove them wrong.
I like Warren a lot. She is clearly very smart, an excellent communicator, and has done more than Bernie to explain why the Democratic mission is really the socialist mission (rule 1 of feminine socialization management tactics, explain why you actually agree). I generally think she's very strong on the issues she talks about. I also appreciate her uncommon gift of mostly not talking about the stuff she knows she does not know about, like foreign policy.
If Warren had been twenty years younger when elected to the Senate I would be pushing right now to get her on the ticket so that she could be president eventually. Unfortunately she just can't get vetted enough in time for a run.
I think she would be fine as a VP. I am much more risk-averse than Cesare Borgia is because, as I've said, I think VPs are tail risks more than anything else, so my main focus is just not fucking up, and I worry about two old white ladies one of whom does not have that
much political experience. But in terms of shoring up the base and getting Bernie to go away quietly, she's good.
Due budget cuts the remaining Sanders staff must resort to struggle sandwich for nourishment
Yes, I'm not saying she's going to suddenly sway white men. But under the traditional plugging holes approach he makes more sense.
As noted above, under the perspective of doubling down on the contrast with Trump he makes more sense as a highly qualified pick with both legislative and executive branch experience.
From the perspective of winning moderates that this year are probably highly susceptible he makes more sense.
He comes from ostensibly a swing state compared to other names bandied about.
It's basically a no brainer.