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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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As long as we're talking people that have no chance, I want to see Ernest Moniz be VP, just to have someone that's hard to ignore or argue with about the huge significance of climate change.

Having a really smart scientist and good politician to vote for is very appealing to me, and Moniz is both.

I'd be all for that. Gonna need a haircut tho
I feel like the answer is black and the only reason we had a black president before a woman is that Bams is so goddamned charismatic.

As a black dude, I still can't believe that we had a black president. Before 2008, I was sure that it would take the perfect conditions of some sort of catastrophe on the GOP's watch plus a Martin/Malcolm-level charismatic black politician to get it done, and by God, that's exactly what happened.

I figure that the UK had Maggie Thatcher running the show as early as the '80s and they're the cultural progenitors of white Americans, so probably being white and a woman and president is in general an "easier" task to fulfill than being black and a male, though it didn't turn out that way because President Obama is an extraordinarily talented leader. However, being black and male is probably "easier" than being non-white and a woman.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Confession time:

I was a religious conservative in 2008 (not fanatical or anything.) I remember when Obama won the White House, I felt genuine emotion and joy despite my young political beliefs (I mainly was against his inexperience). I turned to my friend with real joy at America's progress and he and his mother just started saying "Yeah, but he's half-white though. He's not really black". I winced.

That helped sow the seeds for my eventual change. I see the same thing happening with the "First female? Nah, not a big deal" comments, and it still bothers me and reminds me of that moment.

I'm so glad I changed.

Well, he was a bit inexperienced, nothing disqualifying though. I think it showed to a degree in the first couple of years.


Well, he was a bit inexperienced, nothing disqualifying though. I think it showed to a degree in the first couple of years.

Definitely inexperienced. And, at least to me, I could have done a lot worse than voting for John McCain.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised if we had a gay male president before we had a black female president.
okay, like

can we stop posting /r/s4p threads

it's like 10 people circlejerking while switching between alt accounts at this point and quite frankly it's not very interesting
Hey PoliGAF, some of the more annoying Bernie or Bust folks keep mentioning Stein and I'd like more ammunition to dismantle her beyond that it's a wasted vote. I know it's been implied that she's anti-vaxx and sort of plays fast and loose around that, I'm wondering if we can pull together a dossier to throw in the face of Stein,uh,ers.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Hey PoliGAF, some of the more annoying Bernie or Bust folks keep mentioning Stein and I'd like more ammunition to dismantle her beyond that it's a wasted vote. I know it's been implied that she's anti-vaxx and sort of plays fast and loose around that, I'm wondering if we can pull together a dossier to throw in the face of Stein,uh,ers.

The more important question is, why are you trying to deal with his most extreme supporters right now. I'd wait a couple of weeks at the minimum for Sanders to (he better fucking) wind down his campaign and for some time and distance to occur.

I've been talking with some concerned facebook friends, but ignoring the crazies.
The more important question is, why are you trying to deal with his most extreme supporters right now. I'd wait a couple of weeks at the minimum for Sanders to (he better fucking) wind down his campaign and for some time and distance to occur.

I've been talking with some concerned facebook friends, but ignoring the crazies.

I want to be ready ;)
It's about women, might as well be a Ghostbusters trailer as far as Youtube is concerned.

God damn that had me crying, including trans people was powerful as fuck.

Thanks Hillary :)

If I'm recalling correctly, weren't you originally really down on Hillary over trans issues? That seemed to be the basis for your initial support of Bernie.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
i can't figure out who has more conspiracy theories...the sanders people still hanging on this time around or the hillary supporters after obama was declared nominee in 08

I feel for the Hillary supporters in 08 more due to FL and Michigan and the popular vote either being really close or even in Clinton's favor depending on how you sliced it.


Unconfirmed Member
Forgetting Hillary's personal qualities for a sec, what's the more difficult task? Becoming the first black president or the first woman president?

Well, there are currently 6 female governors, and 0 black governors. There are also currently 20 female senators and 2 black senators.

The crazy thing is there have only been 31 women and 5 black people ever elected to the senate throughout american history, and yet many people still think white men have the hardest time getting elected.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Bernie campaign was supposed to send out a letter to superdelegates to ask them to support him today.

The letter was not sent.

That's actually pretty significant. Assuming it's not just late like his rally last night, hehe.
How many states actually broke records in terms of voter turnout?

I don't understand why people aren't calling out "the revolution" for failing to actually top 2008 turnout

also should I feel stupid for not knowing who Nina Turner is? She's not even in government from what I can see


I enjoy salt of various kinds:


But then I just have to shake my head at this:


Salt is off the charts.
humbly requesting that future poligaf op's be a little shorter. Just trying to get to the past threads part for some research but i wore my pointer finger out scrolling the mouse wheel


Probably best to just leave people like that alone and let them get over it. Either they'll become reasonable eventually and grudgingly vote for Hillary, or they'll vote Green/not vote at all. But they probably won't listen to rebuttals right now - maybe after Sanders finally endorses.


I prefer the Democrat-approved term vulture captialism.

To be fair Bain and Bain Capital are divided up into private equity, venture capital, and vulture capital.

The third leg is blood sucking bullshit, but the others are valid forms of investment.



Trump just quote-tweeted this:
"@KathyCeurter: @realDonaldTrump please Mr.Trump make @SenatorJeffSessions your VP. He is a perfect running mate." He is a great guy!

I'm so fascinated on the topic of his VP. Who in their right mind would sign-up for this?

It's a great irony of this cycle: had the GOP gone with a sane nominee, he would've had a wiiiiiide expanse of VP options. But Trump is going to be channeled into picking a suboptimal running mate.


In my opinion, becoming the first woman President. Easily.

Don't get me wrong, Obama's had to deal with a a lot of dog whistle (and often blatant) racism. I hate to say one is easier than the other. But Obama still had the benefit of being a male navigating a traditionally male space. Whereas we as a society have so many avenues by which we consciously and subconsciously marginalize woman and apply a dual standard to how they're allowed to behave, that it has definitely had an effect on how Hillary's been able to campaign.

Putting aside that playing the oppression olympics is always a risky endeavor with few to no winners, I don't think its fair that Obama wasn't also shackled in what he could do or say as a campaigner or president due to his race. There are so many times I felt Obama wanted to let loose at one point or another but couldn't for fear of being labeled an "Angry Black Man". As another point, if Clinton had won in 2008, her "American-ness" would never have been questioned. I'm pretty sure there have been more women in Congress than Black people overall though that is likely just a function of there being more women overall than Black people (of either gender) in the country.

Overall I want to say that both Clinton and Obama had obstacles to overcome due to their gender/race and I'm not sure trying to figure out who had it worse is really a good use of our time. I will say its kind of ironic that the first woman and the first Black man good enough to become the nominee of a major party at the same time :p

Then why did black people get the vote before women did?

Because we had a literal war on the subject of race but not gender.


Hey PoliGAF, some of the more annoying Bernie or Bust folks keep mentioning Stein and I'd like more ammunition to dismantle her beyond that it's a wasted vote. I know it's been implied that she's anti-vaxx and sort of plays fast and loose around that, I'm wondering if we can pull together a dossier to throw in the face of Stein,uh,ers.

I'll kinda-bite, since I already wrote a post on this that I think makes the simplest and most direct point:



You guys are silly, the whole point of intersectionality is that it is impossible or meaningless to ask questions like "who had it easier, Obama or Clinton."


What are the odds of Bernie becoming Jill Stein's running mate? Never gave it much thought but I'll admit I'm a little concerned after seeing some facebook posts from people mentioning it.

Wouldn't that hurt Hillary?
You guys are silly, the whole point of intersectionality is that it is impossible or meaningless to ask questions like "who had it easier, Obama or Clinton."
I don't think the interrelationship and overlap between systematic oppression of different groups necessarily dictates that specific groups don't have their own distinct burdens. But I could be wrong.
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