Bwhaha, it's satire.
It's amazing that it's that difficult to tell.
TYT has a polling video on whether or not Sanders supporters will vote for Hill:
Poll results are massively skewed towards their audience.
So, I feel so fucking betrayed today. Been listening to the Thom Hartmann show on WCPT820 for years now and just today he had a segment where he declared the ongoing "intervention" in Ukraine is a well measured and reasonable response to "US aggression in Eastern Europe" and "NATO expansionism", mentioning some bullshit that apparently NATO signed an agreement with the 1992 Russian government that NATO would never let any countries east of western Germany join NATO, nor involve themselves in any Eastern European politics. No such fucking agreement ever goddamn existed, even in theory - That is Grade A BULLSHIT.
So I decided to do some research and found out Thom Hartmann has been doing a TV talkshow on Russia Today since 2010, called "The Big Picture".
What the fuck.
Thom, you call yourself a progressive, you have a show on one of the few left wing radio stations in the Chicago area, yet you are a fucking meat-puppet mouthpiece for one of the biggest and most disgusting homophobic right-wing dictators on this planet.
As an ethnic Ukrainian, dear Thom Hartmann, you can go fuck yourself. I'm out. WCPT isn't getting any more ratings from me as long as you're on the air.
He was also a big pro-Bernie guy sooo... Fuck it, fuck Bernie too. Hillary 2016 baby! Where can I sign up for Correct the Record?
Got this RTed on my timeline, and it seems to sum up the situation pretty well given the polling data we're seeing:You know what gets me? When someone makes the argument "Bernie's people won't vote for Hillary so, therefore, Bernie should be the nominee."
How about no, Scott. I learned not to threaten to hold my breath until I got what I wanted when I was 3. Mainly because, had I tried, my mom would have let me pass out. It's just so childish...and it's grown people who are talking about it. Ugh.
Got this RTed on my timeline, and it seems to sum up the situation pretty well given the polling data we're seeing:
Are you fucking kidding me!? This shit....
That is not okay, and the brogressives who are responsible should be ashamed of themselves. Of course, they aren't...but they should be.
I've often thought there was going to be a silent group of voters who support Hillary..but I never thought it would be because of fucking fear for their own safety. My lord.
The only bad thing that happened was my 93 year old neighbor stole my Hillary sign. She knocked on my door holding it and said "I'm taking this." It's still hanging in her window. lol
You should put a new one out that's just blank white with the text "[INSERT HILLARY CAMPAIGN SIGN HERE]"
Are you fucking kidding me!? This shit....
That is not okay, and the brogressives who are responsible should be ashamed of themselves. Of course, they aren't...but they should be.
I've often thought there was going to be a silent group of voters who support Hillary..but I never thought it would be because of fucking fear for their own safety. My lord.
The only bad thing that happened was my 93 year old neighbor stole my Hillary sign. She knocked on my door holding it and said "I'm taking this." It's still hanging in her window. lol
Despite google being available at my fingertips, can give tell me why gamergate became such a big thing? It seems I never paid attention to it on the gaming side and treated it as another "games journalism lol" thing.100% serious here, unfortunately. These days it's easy to cause a (literal) international incident with that sort of stuff. Gamergate ruined me. From all the investigating and research I ended up doing you learn how little effort it can take to start phenomena or trends. It's terrifying. Government, corporations and organizations of all types are woefully equipped to handle it.
Hey, quit talking about Glenn Greenwald.
Been reading a lot of "how is it not even close in California?" posts from last night. Despite what people believe, the driving force in this primary has not been ideology. Yes, Sanders did win the more "hippie"/liberal places like Santa Cruz, CA and Madison, WI, for example. The 2016 Democratic primary was determined by three factors: race, age, and income. More specifically, it was a combination of these factors, but generally: 1) the more racially diverse a particular area, the higher share of the vote Clinton received, and the more white the area is, the higher share of the vote Sanders received; 2) the older the electorate, the higher Clinton's support was, and the younger the electorate was, the high Sander's support was; 3) Clinton received more support from affluent and lower income voters, and Sanders received more support among middle class voters.
I already have a new one....or four. But only one is out. I told her I'd happily give her a new one, but she wanted that one.
I've often thought there was going to be a silent group of voters who support Hillary..but I never thought it would be because of fucking fear for their own safety. My lord.
For Once I 'm Speechless...........President Obama 🇺🇸 @jimmyfallon
Almost done with Finals, so I guess I'm returning after my long leave of absence. This is slightly delayed but anyway:
All of this is great analysis. First of all, we're not that awesome in Madison, but your kinds words are welcomed! We'll vote straight establishment in November though and will be proud to. Despite being overwhelming White and painfully privileged, we're largely self-aware of it. In 2012 several wards in the city were over 90% for Obama and one over 95 in the hippiest hippie corner of town. Interestingly, the most conservative wards were the dorms on campus; Many children of wealthier voters from R areas around the state that can actually afford the place these days.Been reading a lot of "how is it not even close in California?" posts from last night. Despite what people believe, the driving force in this primary has not been ideology. Yes, Sanders did win the more "hippie"/liberal places like Santa Cruz, CA and Madison, WI, for example.
I will admit that I'm a little surprised that Clinton swept the Bay Area, but her win there is nothing out of the ordinary.
Yes, California's median age is lower than the American average (35 years old vs. 37 years old), so while Sanders did have that going for him, it wasn't enough for him to overcome everything else going against him. It's probably why, though, that he wasn't totally blown out in the state like he was in Florida (which has a higher share of senior voters). Ultimately, demographics was key, and the demographics pointed to a Clinton victory in California.
Despite google being available at my fingertips, can give tell me why gamergate became such a big thing? It seems I never paid attention to it on the gaming side and treated it as another "games journalism lol" thing.
This looks like Madonna is being cornered and she's in danger.
I don't know if PoligayGAF gets down on Madonna, but here's a picture she posted on Instagram from backstage (I assume) from the Tonight Show taping.
#bernieorbust showing up on my facebook feed is pretty much unfriend on sight at this point.
I can't endorse these fucking shenanigans.
This looks like Madonna is being cornered and she's in danger.
But what about how much she loves hot sauce?!?
She's just pandering! An establishment shill! In the pocket of Wall Street!
Great to be back though, I have missed y'all.
She probably said she was going to sing, and the Secret Service charged her to protect the President.
Kidding. She's likable enough
She's just pandering! An establishment shill! In the pocket of Wall Street!
Great to be back though, I have missed y'all.
Whoa, let's ease up a bit. That's like get a room talk right there. There are probably children here, or something.
Got this RTed on my timeline, and it seems to sum up the situation pretty well given the polling data we're seeing:
I was seeing the same thing in NYC but we all know how that went. I think Bernie people were just fanaticalI haven't been on my Facebook in weeks. I wonder if I should take a look LOL
In the era of GamerGate and other similar shit I'm not surprised. It also reminded me of that MSNBC story where a reporter was following a bunch of young, Latino Bernie Sanders volunteers in California and the volunteers mentioned how they hadn't seen Clinton signs in weeks on anyone's house.
Hey, I actually noticed you were gone!
Welcome back.
Speaking of people who are gone, I asked earlier but got no response. Is everything ok with Ivy? The name changed, then no posts since 5/14.
But do you think Obama told her that?
Whoa, let's ease up a bit. That's like get a room talk right there. There are probably children here, or something.
We missed you too. We all had to commit extra fraud because you weren't here.
CCS and I always have a room....![]()
Changed my avatar in light of the coronation. My instagram post got attacked but Facebook has been relatively civil on my end. Mostly people saying that they'll never give up on Bernie's message but that they are proud of where he has gotten. People happy that history is being made with Hillary - a few guys I deleted for attacking my female friends by calling them arrogant for their excitement. It's been pretty tame other than that. Or maybe I'm just not friends with the diehards.
Reading that Trump will probably fall well below fundraising targets for the GE and guessing he'll be loathe to spend much of his cash...
So is Trump going to struggle to raise money for even a barebones GOTV effort? Sure constantly saying outlandish things and grabbing media attention might drive some of the vote, but not necessarily for him.
Just some random thoughts here but for all the talk about how much conversation we've had his primary.. or how we've kept it about the issues.. honestly we've gotten little to no substance at all.
it's been a typical back and forth front page gossip/drama. It's kind of disappointing tbh. But I think both Hillary and Bernie are to blame. Bernie has been relentless in talking about the stuff he wants to talk about.. but his stump speech was too limited and I feel like I got more substance out of Hillary, especially with her college plan...
But she doesn't talk about what she's actually going to do enough and got too defensive and started attacking the impracticality of Bernie's ideals rather than defending the merits of her own policy.
I honestly don't think most people can really name some reasons as to why she's running.. Part of the problem is public perception but I'm not sure she's doing everything she can to keep it focused on her policy, and not just the dangers of Trump or whatever.
I liked her speech on Trump. I like how she's gone in hard on him. But I really don't want her to veer into a "vote for me because I'm not Trump" campaign, similar to how she started to argue the "no we can't" campaign against Sanders.
She has the plans.. but I want her to bring up, in detail her
1) Infrastructure plan
2) College plan
3) Immigration reform plan
4) How we're going to actually reach universal, (or, 100%) health care coverage
5) Prison/criminal justice reform
6) Her ACTUAL trade policy/ideas
A lot more, in ads, events, interviews,etc.. While Trump is dangerous, Hillary should argue more on her own merits rather than because of how much the other guy sucks.
Reading that Trump will probably fall well below fundraising targets for the GE and guessing he'll be loathe to spend much of his cash...
So is Trump going to struggle to raise money for even a barebones GOTV effort? Sure constantly saying outlandish things and grabbing media attention might drive some of the vote, but not necessarily for him.
I think he's genuinely arrogant enough to believe that he doesn't need any sort of GOTV effort and other similar features of a normal campaign. He probably needs an extra few percent in the polls to make up for that alone.
But she doesn't talk about what she's actually going to do enough and got too defensive and started attacking the impracticality of Bernie's ideals rather than defending the merits of her own policy.
A lot of the ladies I know my age are (begrudgingly) ready to stand behind her while the men seem to have just given up/lash out. They have a great tool ahead of them. I bet if all of the people who tried facebanking me on the day of the Missouri primary spent their time in the next few months just as diligently, there could be a chance Roy Blunt gets thrown out for Jason Kander. Same for many others. I hope they realize this soon. It could be a great asset for a left cause.What annoys me about this is so much emotional political conviction could be harnessed into actual change but they'd rather die on a Bernie-or-Bust hill than find other avenues that could.
Well, let me tell you. Okay? Are you going to ask fair questions. Are you going to be fair to me. Because, I promise you, that I need you to be fair to me? Okay. If you can't do that because, look, I want to build a wall, okay. And, I have the best words. Okay, the best words. So, look, I want you to be here, listening to my best words. But if you can't be fair, and maybe you can, I don't know, then you'll have to go. Now, ask Crooked Hillary why she helped Bill rape 30 women.
Have any of you see this new ad from Priorities Action USA?
Grace Ad
Just aired in Northeast Ohio. My mom, a retired special ed teacher, just fucking FROZE. Brilliant, BRILLIANT ad.
Kudos, facebook weirdos! You managed to prove most every stereotype about fanatical Sanders supporters online to be correct, and you did it all by yourselves without prompting. They're so convinced of it over there that they don't even feel a need to hide their identities. So courageous! Gamergate-style and most MRA stuff stay in places where anonymity can be preserved. Utmost respect for people defending the Senator there.
The internet is going to have a massive gang of violent, unhinged anarchists behind Trump by November. An order of magnitude worse than current strength, that is. Shitty posts will be retweeted so many times that Trump will always trend. Wikipedia pages will be vandalized. Any person or organization he ever mentions will be brigaded into instantaneous submission. Reddit will burn down (actually this part is fine). Large percentages of these people won't even be American. "For the lulz" is an international phenomena, of course, and what better way to screw with history than get Trump elected as President of the United States? It's the sort of disruptive influence that hostile governments might be wise to invest in when they have no actual power against the US in typical spheres of influence.
100% serious here, unfortunately. These days it's easy to cause a (literal) international incident with that sort of stuff. Gamergate ruined me. From all the investigating and research I ended up doing you learn how little effort it can take to start phenomena or trends. It's terrifying. Government, corporations and organizations of all types are woefully equipped to handle it.
...Okay, now I made myself sad. I'm not even scared of Trump winning in November because I rate the odds as statistically insignificant for now. It's the tangential effects that are going to ruin everything.
With the people who fall into the Venn Diagram of hating both Clinton and Warren and yet identifying themselves as the progressive left, I find it very, very difficult to believe that sexism isn't involved.
That made news on every mainstream outlet you could find, god, that was horrible. I'm more worried that they'll start the heaviest bombardment in the final lead up to the election. Reddit collectively losing its shit for a day or two after the election is over wouldn't have that many consequences.r/donald and donald related subreddits meltdown will be insane when he loses on election night. They are going to be spamming r/all like crazy on that night with threads and brigading other subreddits a lot to.. It will rival or be worse than the mess that occurred on reddit almost a year ago that involved reddit's former CEO.