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I agree with me. Why are you facebook friends with people that have utterly crap opinions?

Mine have been posting something even more absurd. That 2/3rds of Bernie's votes weren't counted.


Their reasoning? 'It has been learned from poll workers that 50% to 90% of people who were supposed to be eligible to vote' were given provisional ballots, and that these people were almost 100% in favor of Bernie Sanders.



Mine have been posting something even more absurd. That 2/3rds of Bernie's votes weren't counted.


Their reasoning? 'It has been learned from poll workers that 50% to 90% of people who were supposed to be eligible to vote' were given provisional ballots, and that these people were almost 100% in favor of Bernie Sanders.

What are the odds of Bernie jumping on this train? That's the real question.
AP being in cohoots with Hillary to lower turnout fall apart completely when you look into Hillary's lead with people who voted before yesterday

Anyway, when is the Bams/Bernie meeting going down? Noon?
I've been listening to Thom for years, for probably a decade now. Bernie was a regular on fridays Brunch with Bernie segment. His stump speech is a rehash of all the stuff he said on Thom hartmann show. Anyways, even though he's smart and talented, he holds kooky beliefs. He's into alternate medicine, totally against GMO and that Russia bit you mentioned. It's sad because he's so knowlegeble in other areas.

That's my take on him too. Smart, but insufferable and sometimes really wrong or extreme on an issue. It's also where I know Bernie from.


After posting this crucial info I'm sure the poster moved on to their anti vaccine forum of choice.

Left wing tea party is real. 😕
It is. My favorite thing going around now is trying to get the Bernie campaign to demand every single primary in which the results were outside the margins of error in exit polling be done again from scratch. They want half of the primaries redone all over again or else they are hiding "fraud" because if Hillary won fair and square they shouldn't be afraid of having the vote again. Apparently this is a perfectly reasonable request.


It is. My favorite thing going around now is trying to get the Bernie campaign to demand every single primary in which the results were outside the margins of error in exit polling be done again from scratch. They want half of the primaries redone all over again or else they are hiding "fraud" because if Hillary won fair and square they shouldn't be afraid of having the vote again. Apparently this is a perfectly reasonable request.


That's the one thing that concerns me about Bernie or Bust.

PUMAs were pissed about Democrats voting Obama, pissed about Independents being allowed in a number of states since they typically picked Obama, pissed at the Caucus system.

I don't recall any of them believing they won in a landslide but it was hidden because of a massive conspiracy lead by the media and DNC like Berners do this year.


Edit - oh shit this is ancient. Mock me... MOCK ME

... nobody posted ameritude?

Seriously poligaf, too much effort spent on Sanders


Are you serious?
Apologies for freedom?
I can't handle this.

When freedom rings, answer the call.
On your feet! Stand up tall!
Freedom's on our shoulders, USA!

Enemies of freedom, face the music.
Come on, boys, take 'em down!

President Donald Trump knows how to make America great.
Deal from strength or get crushed every time.

Over here! (USA!)
Over there! (USA!)
Freedom and liberty everywhere.

Oh say can you see, it's not so easy,
but we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call.

We're the land of the free and the home of the brave! (USA!)

The stars-and-stripes are flying,
Let's celebrate our freedom.
Inspire proudly freedom to the world

Ameritude! (USA!)
American pride! (USA!)
It's attitude, it's who we are, stand up tall.

We're the red, white and blue.
Fiercely free, that's who!
Our colors don't run, no-sirree.

Over here! (USA!)
Over there! (USA!)
Freedom and liberty everywhere.

Oh say can you see, it's not so easy,
But we have to stand up tall and answer freedom's call.


Campaign finance question. How do you get money out of politics?

So, Trump calls white men sad losers and whiners and the Dems win by 20 points. You have house, senate, court, presidency. What do you actually do? How do you stop a billionaire from holding "Bible rallies" and inviting Ted Cruz to speak at them throughout the country?


So is it safe to say that Hillary Clinton will be the first woman to get an electoral vote? Since there's been women leading tickets since Reconstruction, but only for irrelevant parties?


This is the kind of headline I like:
Drop in U.S. jobless claims points to labor market strength

The number of Americans filing for unemployment benefits unexpectedly fell last week, pointing to sustained strength in the labor market despite a sharp slowdown in hiring last month.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits declined 4,000 to a seasonally adjusted 264,000 for the week ended June 4, the Labor Department said on Thursday. Claims for the prior week were revised to show 1,000 more applications received than previously reported.

Economists polled by Reuters had forecast initial claims rising to 270,000 in the latest week. Claims have now been below 300,000, a threshold associated with a strong job market, for 66 straight weeks, the longest streak since 1973.

Very happy that the lackluster jobs report was overshadowed.

Sanders supporters warn Obama: Don't try to stop Bernie

Some of the Vermont senator's backers think the president is trying to end the Democratic fight prematurely.


put some respek on his name


Has general election fund raising begun?

Donations of over $2700 would automatically have been applied to the general before, she would just have had to refund it if she didn't get the nom. Just read the fine print on her website when you donate.

She is just focusing on raising for the general now, in fundraisers. She didn't want to do that until she captured the nom, because she did it in 2008 and was bitten.
What are the odds of Bernie jumping on this train? That's the real question.

He might pay it some lip service but it's highly unlikely he claims he actually won. He hasn't publically accused the Clinton campaign or the Democrats of fraud. The most he's done is to take steps when there were issues with not enough polling stations, or where there were large numbers of voters removed from the records. Of all the shouts of fraud, I think he's only actually done anything in a couple of states.

His complaints are more things like 'they don't want me to win, so they set up the rules unfairly against me. I could have won if the rules were different'. That's massively different to what his supporters are claiming.


A glimmer of hope from Sherrod Brown; posted this in the Sanders thread, also posting here in case you missed it:


It may take a few weeks or months, but Bernie Sanders will come around and campaign for Hillary Clinton on the general election trail, Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown said Thursday after a conversation with the Vermont senator.

During an interview with CNN's "New Day," the Clinton backer said he spoke with his Senate colleague Wednesday night. While noting that Sanders did not tell him so explicitly, Brown said he "fully expect him to be strong for Hillary under his timetable whether it's this week or whether it's the convention or whether it's right after the convention."

"But I know he supports most of the things that Hillary does and I know that he is very concerned about a Donald Trump presidency, so I have no doubt in my mind that Bernie will be there and Bernie will bring 80, 90 percent of his supporters with him ultimately just like Hillary did for Senator Obama and that means it's good news in the fall," Brown predicted.

And while the primary process was "contentious" and there are "hurt feelings and anger," those are normal, Brown remarked, portraying it as a stark contrast to the "name-calling" on the Republican side of the race.

"And that's why we will move forward. We will heal. Bernie supporters will be there. Bernie will strongly be there," Brown continued. "As I said, it's his timetable, I don't know if it's coming out of this meeting today or if it's the next month or coming out of the convention, but either way, August, September, October, I expect Bernie to be, I expect to be campaigning with him in Cleveland or Akron and expect him to go around the country as I'll campaign with Hillary and as I'll campaign with the president in Ohio. Because we win Ohio, we win the race and that's what I expect."

Asked about a POLITICO report that characterized Sanders aides as saying the Vermont senator thinks "progressives who picked Clinton are cynical, power-chasing chickens," like Brown, the Ohio senator said Sanders told him he "absolutely didn't say that."

"I've known Bernie for 30 years," Brown said. "I believe he didn't say that. I know that there are always unhappy campaign people, especially when a race is lost. If that doesn't bother me, it shouldn't bother anybody else, those words about me in print about me said by somebody that's unhappy or has an agenda. Bernie didn't say that. I'm confident of that. I'm equally confident that Bernie will be there. Bernie told me he didn't say that."

80-90% of his supporters, he says. But he also gives a timeframe that goes as late as October for Bernie to get a grip on reality and come around. By then it would be too little, too late. His supporters too need time to process this and if he drags his hissy fit out until the fall, it's going to doom anyone but Donald Trump/the GOP. Get your shit together, Bernie.


lol, colbert in response to sanders saying he is good at arithmetic, following the ca primary:

Sanders is good at arithmetic, especially division.


If Bernie gets the retroactive momentum in Washington DC, he can get 5000 delegates and beat $hillary Clinton. It's the new math.


This is the kind of headline I like:

Very happy that the lackluster jobs report was overshadowed.

Anecdotally I'm noticing a lot more "help wanted" signs up.

Cousin got a summer job after HS, quit on day 1 since they didn't tell him it was 2nd shift, and has another job already.
A glimmer of hope from Sherrod Brown; posted this in the Sanders thread, also posting here in case you missed it:


80-90% of his supporters, he says. But he also gives a timeframe that goes as late as October for Bernie to get a grip on reality and come around. By then it would be too little, too late. His supporters too need time to process this and if he drags his hissy fit out until the fall, it's going to doom anyone but Donald Trump/the GOP. Get your shit together, Bernie.

80% plus sounds in line with numbers I've seen before. The Bernie or Bust group were pegged at around 20% of his supporters. The majority of his supporters aren't going to rallys, or phone banking, or 'doing their own research' on reddit or active members of pro Bernie groups on Facebook or what have you.

When Bernie endorses Clinton, and the Bernie or bust crowd reject Bernie... that'll be a great day.


I'm glad to see you're back
Sherrod Brown, a friend of Bernie's who just spoke with him is at best cautiously optimistic when assuring everyone that Bernie will get a grip, even if it goes as far as October.


Bernie is a selfish, pitiful man who can't be reasoned with and all of his friends are helpless to stop him.
May as well call the election now.

Overall, Clinton is in a good position, but FL, PN and OH are going to be hard battles.

Trump's going to run a media campaign, I wonder how effective that will be.

This is assuming he even reaches the nomination, another trainweck and he's out.


Why would Bernie need "months"? I think that's pretty silly.
My only guess is that no one, not even his closest friends and allies can tap into what he's really thinking; they can only assess that Bernie would campaign for Hillary under the right conditions, but how they would get there is a big question mark as he will not give anyone a straight answer as to when he will finally back off.

He's the most annoying politician I've ever seen in my life. No one who has lost so hard in a primary failed to face reality as they kick and scream through it, except for Bernard. Hillary for as upset as we were with her back in '08 had a much closer race and had much more justification to be angry, as irrational as it seemed at times. This... behavior by Bernie however just completely defies logic and is just so incredibly selfish and absurd, not only to Democrats but the country as a whole as we are now faced with Donald Trump being one of two possibilities for being our next President which is terrifying.
Bernie really wanted to be the guy to lead America to a better place on all those issues, but more than he wanted that (and he clearly really wanted that) he wants to see America move in a specific direction.

More than he wanted to be President, he cares about certain issues. Once it sinks in that he can't be President, then he has to go back to being an advocate for certain policy goals, the majority of which Clinton is also promising to fight for.

He might not believe her, and he can sure as hell stick around to keep her honest in that regard.

He *doesn't* owe the DNC anything. He came as close to winning as he did without them. But they don't owe him anything, because he lost and did it while constantly criticizing them.

If he truly cares about his platform, and I know that he does, he can satisfy his ego by trying to be a key part of minimum wage increases, or expanded healthcare coverage, or whatever.

Or he can refuse to work with the party. Get nothing done, and get no credit for it.

I really hope he can accept that he lost by the end of the week. I really hope he doesn't take this all the way to the convention to fight for super delegates. But at some point he will know he lost. Then he can either let history dictate him as a bitter loser, or he can follow in the footsteps of 2008 Clinton and go back to fighting for the issues, rather than the Presidency.

If he keeps fighting to be the President no matter what... then he's showing himself to be the exact sort of person he accuses Clinton of being.

And I do not think that's going to happen.


Overall, Clinton is in a good position, but FL, PN and OH are going to be hard battles.

Trump's going to run a media campaign, I wonder how effective that will be.

This is assuming he even reaches the nomination, another trainweck and he's out.
Overall, Clinton is in a good position, but FL, PN and OH are going to be hard battles.
but FL, PN and OH are going to be hard battles.
My Facebook feed was terrible on primary day. AP calling the nomination really brought out a lot of angry posts about Hillary, the media, superdelegates, etc. But since then there have been a bunch of posts from people who were silent up until now sharing articles about Hillary winning the nomination and declaring their support. I've also seen several posts from Bernie fans (including a couple I considered quite hardcore) that are some variation of "I wanted Bernie to win, but now it's time to unite behind Hillary." There's only been a couple of bitter posts/comments, fewer than I expected. Oh, and my father in law posting pro-Trump memes, but that's nothing new.


Bernie really wanted to be the guy to lead America to a better place on all those issues, but more than he wanted that (and he clearly really wanted that) he wants to see America move in a specific direction.

More than he wanted to be President, he cares about certain issues. Once it sinks in that he can't be President, then he has to go back to being an advocate for certain policy goals, the majority of which Clinton is also promising to fight for.

He might not believe her, and he can sure as hell stick around to keep her honest in that regard.

He *doesn't* owe the DNC anything. He came as close to winning as he did without them. But they don't owe him anything, because he lost and did it while constantly criticizing them.

If he truly cares about his platform, and I know that he does, he can satisfy his ego by trying to be a key part of minimum wage increases, or expanded healthcare coverage, or whatever.

Or he can refuse to work with the party. Get nothing done, and get no credit for it.

I really hope he can accept that he lost by the end of the week. I really hope he doesn't take this all the way to the convention to fight for super delegates. But at some point he will know he lost. Then he can either let history dictate him as a bitter loser, or he can follow in the footsteps of 2008 Clinton and go back to fighting for the issues, rather than the Presidency.

If he keeps fighting to be the President no matter what... then he's showing himself to be the exact sort of person he accuses Clinton of being.

And I do not think that's going to happen.

I think you're creating an ideal image for the man. He doesn't owe the party that allowed him to run on their infrastructure anything? He was helped and mostly treated with respect from day 1. They could have buried him last year and he would have been a smaller Ron Paul.
I thought the bitter boat had sailed.

What he wants is the world's biggest soapbox to yell things from. And the world's biggest spotlight shining on him, The soapbox is going away. The spotlight is going away. The crowds are going away.

No more memes. No more 15 minutes. No more feel the Bern. No more kids getting awful tattoos that they'll need to laser off.

Back to Vermont and obscurity. No one wants that.

My other read on it is that they've burned through all their cash and "the struggle continues" to pay off remaining debts.


Gonna spend all my Correct the Record money on McDonalds to buy votes from poor people

Got this RTed on my timeline, and it seems to sum up the situation pretty well given the polling data we're seeing:

Sounds believable. It's still hard to be a woman on the internet. Speak your mind and there are tons of people ready to jump down your throat.

Campaign finance question. How do you get money out of politics?

So, Trump calls white men sad losers and whiners and the Dems win by 20 points. You have house, senate, court, presidency. What do you actually do? How do you stop a billionaire from holding "Bible rallies" and inviting Ted Cruz to speak at them throughout the country?

If you stack the Supreme Court with judges that will overturn Citizen's United, then you can (eventually) get rid of Super PACs and go back to the $2700 limit per individual being the most anyone can give to a campaign. I believe you could still give $2700 to every race in the country if you were rich enough, but it's not as powerful or flexible as a Super PAC.
lol, voter suppression would affect both Hillary and Sanders. God these people are morons.

And I think Florida is in the bag for Hillary.
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