To expand on the Gamergate thing if people are still confused by the comparison-- Imagine that entire scenario, but instead of a video game review it's the presidency, and the woman at the core allegedly sleeping around for positive coverage is Hillary Clinton and not an indie game developer. We're fucked. One piece of good news! It's not something that will make Trump look good or move voters over to him. It'll just create a media shitstorm and scare people who are less likely to vote.
/r/the_donald has already posted some of its mission statement to be "piss off those SJWs," but what I'm worried about for now is the limited wing of Sanders people who are anti-feminist. They could be just 1-2 conspiracies away from a total flip, and they'd be more dangerous at sabotaging Democrats than some Libertarians just trying to make a fuss. Seeing backlash against Warren tonight has red flags starting to go up on this. Here's a solid reddit post on the matter--
There's no stopping this kind of campaign if it get started in earnest. All a candidate need do is go to reddit and personally ask for the help in an extremely vague manner that would still grant him plausible deniability.That made news on every mainstream outlet you could find, god, that was horrible. I'm more worried that they'll start the heaviest bombardment in the final lead up to the election. Reddit collectively losing its shit for a day or two after the election is over wouldn't have that many consequences.
Right, so, that's just incredibly depressing. I should shut up for the night before I look any more annoying.