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The Silent Majority standing with Hillary in this election is pretty wild honestly...

Internet Trump fans largely started with #GamerGate. Feminist critiques of sexism in video games drove bigoted young men mad and they wanted to lash out at women. A woman had cheated on her abusive boyfriend and that woman made a video game. People claimed that the woman used sex to buy good reviews for the game she made even though this never happened. From there, future Trump supporters sent death threats (more valid than usual since they posted her address online) and unending social media abuse to the woman while trying to smear her as a woman that paid for good reviews with sex. Then they targeted any other women that condemned the behavior.

Basically, young men sent nonstop rape and death threats to feminist women in gaming while trying to convince people that this was actually about ethics in gaming journalism and therefore smearing these women in various online forums.
Yo I had no idea it was this bad. This is downright repulsive. Going to google the rest. Let me guess, the brigades were formed at reddit?

East Lake

I liked her speech on Trump. I like how she's gone in hard on him. But I really don't want her to veer into a "vote for me because I'm not Trump" campaign, similar to how she started to argue the "no we can't" campaign against Sanders.

She has the plans.. but I want her to bring up, in detail her

1) Infrastructure plan
2) College plan
3) Immigration reform plan
4) How we're going to actually reach universal, (or, 100%) health care coverage
5) Prison/criminal justice reform
6) Her ACTUAL trade policy/ideas

A lot more, in ads, events, interviews,etc.. While Trump is dangerous, Hillary should argue more on her own merits rather than because of how much the other guy sucks.
There's not much of an upside to doing that. One problem is that outside of a general impression and somewhat coherent policies nobody cares about specifics that'll be handled by advisors when the time comes anyway. The other problem is that you'd be investing a lot of ad dollars into stuff that will end up changing through compromise anyway.
Lies. Deceit. Dishonesty. Britney Spears vocals.

Primary campaigning is not really the place to go for in-depth policy talk. But have you read her New York Daily News and Los Angeles Times interviews? In both she goes more in depth with her policy proposals than any candidate running for the nomination on EITHER side. And it's not even close. Hillary is THE policy wonk running this cycle.

Yeah, I know she's totally is the policy wonk this cycle. I mean, I know where she stands here on these issues, as do other gaffers. i guess what I'm trying to say is I feel like there has been a failure to communicate these things in a way that has resonated with people. Part of that is the medias fault tending to tone out when she gets too into her complex ideas.. but part I think is also her focus imo; she has a lot more energy and passion attacking Trump than what her policy and thoughts are on the other issues.

I feel like I'm still kind of disappointed on her not backing up free trade and some other issues when Bernie hit her over the head with it time and time again. Shockingly I thought Kasich gave the best speech on free trade policy this cycle during that one debate on Fox ( I think)
Bernie was supposed to give a statement and like such as with the Burlington Press Corps. He just got in his car and drove away instead, after they had everything setup.

Wait, do you have a source for this? This is crazy.

It's on MSNBC right now. They had everything setup. Campaign announced he would hold a presser. MSNBC teased it going to Chris Jansing, where she said "Ya, he got in the car and drove away." While she was talking, all the local press was striking the mics and stuff.


What a dirtbag.

HOW is this surprising behavior for Bernie Sanders at this point? Lol

Here's the live stream btw

Ha ha ha, embarrassing.

Highlight was the police (Secret Guy?) threatening to taser a photographer because he stepped over a red line that was like 100s of yards back from where Sanders was.
Is Bernie too far out there for Hillary to choose as her VP? I think bringing the fervor of his fans wouldn't be a bad idea, to be honest.

I still expect it to be a somewhat safe pick.

Sanders VP, will just open up the GOP to go ham on all his skeletons. There's a reason why many of us beyond just supporting Clinton believe that Sanders would be a horrific GE candidate.
There's not much of an upside to doing that. One problem is that outside of a general impression and somewhat coherent policies nobody cares about specifics that'll be handled by advisors when the time comes anyway. The other problem is that you'd be investing a lot of ad dollars into stuff that will end up changing through compromise anyway.

Right. I guess I have no clue what the solution would be.. or maybe I'm wrong on what the problem is.. but I can't help but feel like if you were to ask the average person or voter "why is Hillary Clinton running for president" that most wouldn't be able to give an answer is a problem that they should probably be doing more to fix
To expand on the Gamergate thing if people are still confused by the comparison-- Imagine that entire scenario, but instead of a video game review it's the presidency, and the woman at the core allegedly sleeping around for positive coverage is Hillary Clinton and not an indie game developer. We're fucked. One piece of good news! It's not something that will make Trump look good or move voters over to him. It'll just create a media shitstorm and scare people who are less likely to vote.

/r/the_donald has already posted some of its mission statement to be "piss off those SJWs," but what I'm worried about for now is the limited wing of Sanders people who are anti-feminist. They could be just 1-2 conspiracies away from a total flip, and they'd be more dangerous at sabotaging Democrats than some Libertarians just trying to make a fuss. Seeing backlash against Warren tonight has red flags starting to go up on this. Here's a solid reddit post on the matter-- https://np.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDi...lary_clinton_will_this_have/d41t1xb?context=3

There's no stopping this kind of campaign if it get started in earnest. All a candidate need do is go to reddit and personally ask for the help in an extremely vague manner that would still grant him plausible deniability.That made news on every mainstream outlet you could find, god, that was horrible. I'm more worried that they'll start the heaviest bombardment in the final lead up to the election. Reddit collectively losing its shit for a day or two after the election is over wouldn't have that many consequences.

Right, so, that's just incredibly depressing. I should shut up for the night before I look any more annoying.

Where is the sexism in the Reddit thread? I don't see any.

I don't understand why you would keep maligning us in this way. You've already won the nomination. How about focus on the general?

We didn't blame the Clinton campaign for putting out a fake campaign memo telling us to make glowsticks --- which were explosive -- no.. we knew that it was a small group of idiots from 4chan.

The Sanders campaign has nothing to do with Gamergate. Its a silly conspiracy theory. If you want to find sexists and racists -- you need only look to the Republicans.

East Lake

Right. I guess I have no clue what the solution would be.. or maybe I'm wrong on what the problem is.. but I can't help but feel like if you were to ask the average person or voter "why is Hillary Clinton running for president" that most wouldn't be able to give an answer is a problem that they should probably be doing more to fix
I don't think it's that big a deal. As long as people believe she's generally progressive that'll be enough for this election. Trump's circus routine is already starting to collapse in on itself.
Yo I had no idea it was this bad. This is downright repulsive. Going to google the rest. Let me guess, the brigades were formed at reddit?

Lots on Reddit, lots on 4chan before #GamerGate got banned from 4chan then they moved to 8chan.

8chan itself was even creepier than 4chan and one dude eventually had to compile an article about how much underage child porn that Gaters were posting on 8chan (with real and blurred images in the article) against the (super Trump-tastic) tactic of Gaters claiming that everyone else was lying about everything they were doing and that there was no child porn on 8chan.

The worst ones were probably went they convinced a mentally disturbed and heavily armed man about #GamerGate's righteousness and he then crashed his car trying to get to her house (to "challenge her to a car race" according to him) hours after talking on a livestream about wanting to stab her to death. The other worst one was this dude who tried to help a guy he thought was ISIS (actually an FBI agent) build a bomb.

Breitbart used the guy that tried to help ISIS build a bomb as their only source for a popular article once...


Warren was the token woman for the Bros to "prove" they're not sexist. As long as she was basically not involved they could point to her as an example of one of the good ones.
Where is the sexism in the Reddit thread? I don't see any.

I don't understand why you would keep maligning us in this way. You've already won the nomination. How about focus on the general?

We didn't blame the Clinton campaign for putting out a fake campaign memo telling us to make glowsticks --- which were explosive -- no.. we knew that it was a small group of idiots from 4chan.

The Sanders campaign has nothing to do with Gamergate. Its a silly conspiracy theory. If you want to find sexists and racists -- you need only look to the Republicans.
Sorry, I was using that Reddit post to show that there's self-awareness about it, and people actively concerned about it. The people are there but have just started to pop up.

I'm not equating any sort of mainstream aspect of the Sanders campaign to anything even remotely related to Gamergate. God no. I'm talking about the 1% of the 1% who are mind-blowingly misogynistic that landed with Sanders, and that reactions to Warren tonight look a lot like the seeds of previous incidents. This is really the first excuse for them to show themselves, and some have. Again, we're at 1% of 1% of Sanders followers that truly mean any harm. I have no doubt that 1% of 1% of Clinton supporters would have gone to try to sabotage things had things ended the other direction.

It's r/the_donald with the overwhelming heap of troubled persons when it comes to possible disruptions on reddit. There's little refuting that. But I'm arguing that it's extremely dangerous for even a very low number of progressive-leaning instigators to ruin things for the party than it could take a hundred times as many conservative-leaning. Attacks from within are always more vicious and personal. r/politics is the junction where all this is starting to meet.

And, ugh, don't get me started on the heinous "chan culture." That's another beast beyond the awful that reddit can be. That cannot really be moderated. Reddit can be, however.
Warren was the token woman for the Bros to "prove" they're not sexist. As long as she was basically not involved they could point to her as an example of one of the good ones.
Basically this. Might I recommend Tammy Baldwin next? That has their LGBT cred covered, too!

Post Power Rangers in Space the continuity of what happened with the Morphing Grid is problematic...especially since it somehow survived Zordon's purge to come back in Mystic Force and Operation Overdrive.

This is upsetting me. I can't get the timelines to work.

Also, I can officially donate to queen again....but I just dropped $300 on books for two classes. Mess. Sad. FRAUD.


The worst thing to come out of these Dem primaries is the destruction of the voting disenfranchisement discussion. There are so many true fucked up things about voter suppression around the world and people chose to focus on human error and people that are simply not informed, devolving in conspiracies.

If I'm recalling correctly, weren't you originally really down on Hillary over trans issues? That seemed to be the basis for your initial support of Bernie.

Was I? Don't think so?

I don't remember being vocally Sanders here much at all.

I had a preference for him for a bit back in in 2015 but looking at my back history I didn't get involved much with the primary discussion until the data theft scandal, which incidentally was the turning point for me starting to look into Clinton and see through the bullshit of 25 years of GOP rhetoric and then PP=Establishment scandal solidified that I was with her.

I don't recall ever thinking Clinton was anti-trans.
It's amazing that we have the 1st woman nominee of a major party and we're still talking about coddling Bernie fucking Sanders...

And holy shit this infomercial is really bullish on selling this damn pillow. Mane, if you need to eat just say so you don't need to hustle this damn pillow.
Has general election fund raising begun?

I saw an article saying she was now raising for the General. I can't give any more right now, alas, but if I get this contractor position to do on the side : fingers crossed :

It's amazing that we have the 1st woman nominee of a major party and we're still talking about coddling Bernie fucking Sanders...

And holy shit this infomercial is really bullish on selling this damn pillow. Mane, if you need to eat just say so you don't need to hustle this damn pillow.

I love infomercials. Seriously. I can watch them ALL day. I have no idea why, except that I like everything terrible and that's about as terrible as you can get? The George Foreman. The Ronco thing. Space bags. God, I love infomercials.


I can't get over the latest Sanders press release, how it opens.

SANTA MONICA, Calif. – To chants of “Bernie or Bust,” U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders told a roaring crowd of supporters on Tuesday that he will carry his White House campaign and their fight for a political revolution to this summer’s Democratic National Convention. “The struggle continues,” he declared to the loudest cheers of the night in the climax of the speech.
It's like a threat.

If even his own wife can't talk him out of his own bullshit I don't know who can.
Maybe I'm becoming naive in my old age again, but I really just hope they don't get stuck in this "everyone is corrupt" thing forever. I tend to believe that there are more than a few good people in Washington. Some of them are dumb (really really fucking dumb), and some of them I just don't agree with on anything. But a lot of them do what they do because they really believe it will help people.

I guess haven't really bought into the whole "money has destroyed politics" messaging for the past couple elections. Citizens United seems like an awful decision, but I don't think reversing will massively change elections. I mean Bernie's campaign itself has shown that spending more doesn't really guarantee you a win.

But also there are some corrupt evil assholes in Washington.

CU affects downticket races far more than the Presidential one


I can't get over the latest Sanders press release, how it opens.

It's like a threat.

If even his own wife can't talk him out of his own bullshit I don't know who can.

His campaign posted to /s4p/ yesterday too. They just reposted his stump speech. Including "gay movement"
A hardcore Bernie supporter just shared this on my Facebook:


I...can't tell if he's joking or not.
CU affects downticket races far more than the Presidential one

Yup, like, in the long run, I don't really care about campaign finance reform at the federal level. Outside of banning SuperPAc's and such, but running for President is expensive and everybody knows where you supposedly stand on stuff.

The things I'm worried about is the fact $50,000 can totally swing a close state legislature race.
My brother seemed to be flabbergasted after Clinton won New York by such a wide margin. Driving around town here, you see nothing but Bernie signs. They're mostly still up, too. I did not see a single Clinton sign in Madison, Wisconsin in the lead up to voting. I told him her supporters aren't super vocal about her. I have stood up against Bernie posting shitfacts and dank memes, but until last night, I didn't publicly say on social media that I was a Clinton supporter. I saw the abuse people voicing positive feedback about Clinton received. How anything without negativity directed at her was down voted or shat all over. No one wants to deal with abuse, and although the worse stuff happens in anonymous forums, I have seen these shit lords in public and on social media. It's easier to just quietly root her on and stick to anonymous forums. It isn't surprising that no one knew any Hillary supporters.

So much this. GAF is the only place I talk about Clinton other than occasionally in person.

The fact that people who never comment on anything I post on Facebook descended to go ham on Clinton and the people who voted fir her, after all I had said was yay first woman nominee, confirmed that I will be staying silent on social media. Not worth it. And this is my experience as a a Canadian in Canada. It's 10000 times worse foe actual Americans


His campaign posted to /s4p/ yesterday too. They just reposted his stump speech. Including "gay movement"
You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I fear that he's not firing half of his staff etc. because he knows things are winding down, but because he's going to explore the possibility of running as an independent and those people aren't needed as he would seek to restructure his campaign. We know from the Politico article that a lot of people in the campaign basically stood by while Bernie and his huge ego wrecked whatever progress they made because of his personal vendetta against those who hurt his feelings and his mission to get "two fucking delegates" in NV. He is such a baby, it's ridiculous.

I do not think the meeting with Obama will go smoothly today nor do I think he will be able to talk any sense into him whatsoever. This is a man who brags about Obama changing his mind on social security as a "win" for him. He clearly holds the President in not-so-high regard.


You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I fear that he's not firing half of his staff etc. because he knows things are winding down, but because he's going to explore the possibility of running as an independent and those people aren't needed as he would seek to restructure his campaign. We know from the Politico article that a lot of people in the campaign basically stood by while Bernie and his huge ego wrecked whatever progress they made over his personal vendetta against getting delegates and scolding those who hurt his feelings. He is such a baby it's ridiculous.

I do not think the meeting with Obama will go smoothly today nor do I think he will be able to talk any sense into him whatsoever. This is a man who brags about Obama changing his mind on social security as a "win" for him. He clearly holds the President in not-so-high regard.



Even in the UK I'm not immune. Only comments I've seen from friends on the election are to the effect that Hillary is literally a far-right war criminal. Oh European smugness, how much I loathe you.


Our campaign from day one has understood some very basic points, and that is first, we will not allow right-wing Republicans to control our government. That is especially true with Donald Trump as the Republican candidate.


But we understand that our mission is more than just defeating Trump. It is transforming our country.
So first and foremost we must beat Republicans but somehow on the other hand it's about more than defeating Trump, it's about Bernie's shit (policies) not stinking.

This whole fucking campaign, Bernie has tried to have it both ways and that is why I flat out do not trust him.


How the fuck can you use "the struggle continues" in a speech where your supporters sorta booed Obama and then booed Hillary for 30 seconds?


How the fuck can you use "the struggle continues" in a speech where your supporters sorta booed Obama and then booed Hillary for 30 seconds?
Because he wants you to think he's a victim of the establishment attacking progressive values. He wants people to feel bad for him. He's such an egotistical brat.


This is incredible. Hundreds of Sanders fans proclaiming they WON California.

It is not merely 1/3 votes remaining. There provisional ballots were mostly cast for Bernie. Thats why people are suggesting Bernie actually won by a landslide.

My university had a polling place where I voted under a provisional ballot, and I noticed EVERYONE was voting under one. I'm sure Bernie had the majority of votes, but none of them have been counted.

If they are only counting and reporting the votes that are beneficial to one side (early voting in this case, which look very shady going to hillary every single time by a huge margin), then why even pretend that this is a democracy. Lets have an emperor who is appointed within a small circle of aristocrats. Nothing would actually change but at least we could stop lying to ourselves.
Walked through my hometown supermarket Tuesday night. There was multiple conversations openly discussing bizarrely inaccurate the media came across all night, and expressed anger about it. Normally I find people reserved about their political beliefs. I found it telling that there was such a significant disbelief of the information flowing through, that people were dropping their reservations.

gonna annoy the living hell out of my county till they can SHOW ME that my vote has been counted


I agree with me. Why are you facebook friends with people that have utterly crap opinions?

Because half my friends are reasonable and sane people except when there's an opportunity to be smug and self-righteous about American politics :/


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Where is Daniel B? I wanted to know if there were any deviances from exit polling that seem highly suspicious.


Where is Daniel B? I wanted to know if there were any deviances from exit polling that seem highly suspicious.

According to Reddit there WERE deviances from exitpolling, and therefore fraud. That plus Bernie Sanders winning 100% of provisional ballots and therefore he's actually the winner anyway.
This explains Trump's rants on Twitter about CNN:


Scarborough sees the real culprit of Trump-enabling not at his own desk but at a rival network’s – and he related an off-air conversation with Trump about CNN boss Jeff Zucker that he believes to be revealing, and not in a good way. “He and Zucker are very close. Zucker personally calls Trump,” Scarborough said. “[Zucker] books Trump. “And Trumps laughs and calls Zucker ‘my personal booker’ because Zucker will call Trump. He hasn't said that publicly, but he's said it. I've said it publicly now. Trump will laugh every time Zucker calls.”


There's also a bunch of mail ballots still out there. I love how those are all ignored.

Some mentioned its improbable all outstanding votes are Bernie but they got attacked. Because the only reason they aren't counted is because they are Bernie votes and the DNC is trying to cheat the system so Hillary wins. So only Bernie votes would be held and uncounted.
no no no AP colluded with Clinton because knowing your candidate is winning without your vote makes it so you want to vote even more!

Duh, AP fucked Bernie, get with the program
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