You know a lot of liberals in Florida said the same about Gore in 2000. That he was too corporate. Too moderate. So they voted Nader in Florida instead.
Tell me, how well did that work out?
In a way, this year does remind me of 2000. After 8 years of White House control, progressives are getting restless and angry at the slow pace of change, many handwaving the fact that the GOP has large responsibility/credit for grinding things to a halt.
- Dems nominate a mainstream Democrat
- GOP nominates a mainstream Republican
- the Dem's press coverage leans negative. OMG he sighed! Look, he's wearing earth tones! Is he an alpha? Wanna have a beer?
- a loud fringe on the left is angry; a challenger runs and attracts a slice of the bitter ones.
- The Dem "loses" the general election.
And after some time, leftists are in horror at two things:
- how terrible a GOP President can be for fulfillment of their long-term causes
- how that "mainstream Democrat" ended-up being stridently progressive (he probably would've been the most pro-environment president we would've had in history, for instance), but felt the need to tone his message for a general electorate
But there are a few encouraging differences here in 2016:
- we're 16 years down the demographic timeline
- the current President is popular and scandal-free
- the challenger on the left ran within the Democratic Party's apparatus
- the GOP has nominated perhaps their worst possible opponent for this cycle
I'm guilty of biting on Huelen's posts, but I promise I won't any further. Can we ignore these Bernie or bust fools? Their short sighted views about the world around them physically make me want to punch things. I've reached a point where I actively judge and dislike people who take these stances. They are no better than the tea party in any way.
I do love making them squirm on the court issue, though. Bel Marduk, for instance, would probably claim to be serious about Bernie's issues. I have to laugh at that claim, given his stance.
I'm more serious about Bernie's issues. I'm not willing to let them die. Isn't that right, Bel?