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PoliGAF 2016 |OT6| Delete your accounts

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Okay, let's say that the 2024 election is between Kanye West and Ben Sasse. Sasse will try to cut Social Security and will appoint conservative as fuck judges and will cut taxes massively for the rich. On the other hand, Kanye would largely follow Democrat orthodoxy, but shows himself to be incompetent regarding many issues and Kanye made disturbing comments about nuclear war while showing no ability to handle being attacked (a problem for a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world who could probably start wars over grudges considering Iraq happened). Kanye also shows a desire to wildly expand the powers of the presidency to a point that makes most people uncomfortable.

Who would you vote for?


Okay, let's say that the 2024 election is between Kanye West and Ben Sasse. Sasse will try to cut Social Security and will appoint conservative as fuck judges and will cut taxes massively for the rich. On the other hand, Kanye would largely follow Democrat orthodoxy, but shows himself to be incompetent regarding many issues and Kanye made disturbing comments about nuclear war while no ability to handle being attacked (a problem for a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world who could probably start wars over grudges considering Iraq happened).

Who would you vote for?

Depends exactly on what Kanye's comments were. If after reading them I believed he posed a serious risk as Commander in Chief or that he was dangerously incompetent in other ways, I'd either abstain or vote Sasse.

He probably won't even admit he lost.

Let me dream :p
kanye made flashing lights. kanye

nothing would happen, he'd spend his whole term redecorating the white house and trying to establish a federal fashion agency
Okay, let's say that the 2024 election is between Kanye West and Ben Sasse. Sasse will try to cut Social Security and will appoint conservative as fuck judges and will cut taxes massively for the rich. On the other hand, Kanye would largely follow Democrat orthodoxy, but shows himself to be incompetent regarding many issues and Kanye made disturbing comments about nuclear war while no ability to handle being attacked (a problem for a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world who could probably start wars over grudges considering Iraq happened). Kanye also shows a desire to wildly expand the powers of the presidency to a point that makes most people uncomfortable.

Who would you vote for?

Kamala Harris after the DNC easily takes over the Green Party in the spring when it becomes obvious Kanye is winning.

Seriously though, I probably write in Obama. Just like I have total respect for Romney that he's likely just going to write in Reagan or H.W. Bush or McCain or his dad.


The house actually passed something potentially useful today. Weird, I know.

House passes Puerto Rico fiscal rescue bill ahead of July cliff

Good? Bad?

I'm not very high on the idea of emergency managers after what happened to Flint, nor am I happy about giving them power to suspend minimum wage and overtime laws, but there is a key difference of Obama selecting the management board and not Snyder.

I haven't looked at the bill closely but this is really important. Puerto Rico is not a state and thus not entitled to declare bankruptcy under chapter 9*. It also doesn't print its own currency. So it was kind of in a really bad situation here since it owed more than it was bringing in, had no real way to roll over debt, but had no access to court-mediated bankruptcy.

I kind of assumed PR would just do something illegal here and haircut bond holders unilaterally because it seemed really unlikely that Congress would pass a bill to fix the problem, so I'm glad they did. It may not be a perfect bill but almost anything is better than the situation Puerto Rico was already in.

* Technically states can't declare bankruptcy under chapter 9 but their state-controlled utilities can. There are other problems with chapter 9 here, but the point is that PR has no legal way to default.


Okay, let's say that the 2024 election is between Kanye West and Ben Sasse. Sasse will try to cut Social Security and will appoint conservative as fuck judges and will cut taxes massively for the rich. On the other hand, Kanye would largely follow Democrat orthodoxy, but shows himself to be incompetent regarding many issues and Kanye made disturbing comments about nuclear war while showing no ability to handle being attacked (a problem for a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world who could probably start wars over grudges considering Iraq happened). Kanye also shows a desire to wildly expand the powers of the presidency to a point that makes most people uncomfortable.

Who would you vote for?

I would be super concerned about the mysterious failure of the Democratic Party to control its nomination.

Then I think I would have to vote Sasse. Although, no joke, I would probably see first if a reasonable Democrat could be persuaded to run as Green.


Okay, let's say that the 2024 election is between Kanye West and Ben Sasse. Sasse will try to cut Social Security and will appoint conservative as fuck judges and will cut taxes massively for the rich. On the other hand, Kanye would largely follow Democrat orthodoxy, but shows himself to be incompetent regarding many issues and Kanye made disturbing comments about nuclear war while showing no ability to handle being attacked (a problem for a guy in charge of the most powerful military in the world who could probably start wars over grudges considering Iraq happened). Kanye also shows a desire to wildly expand the powers of the presidency to a point that makes most people uncomfortable.

Who would you vote for?

I think the democrats actually have enough leaders that people actually respect that they could put a stop to that kind of thing. If Obama calls up Kanye and tells him to knock it the fuck off, he probably does. And if he doesn't, he could certainly dissuade the public from voting for him.
I don't know if Warren should be VP.

What I do know is the Clinton campaign needs to have Warren plastered all over the fucking place from here util election night.

I don't know if there is anyone that feels more like they're fighting for them than her (sorry Sanders supporters, it's true).

She has shown to have this real fire.

Real talk, if she's not the VP, shouldn't she get the speech before Hillary's before the convention? And use it as an all-out assault on Donald Trump? What better stage? It would have the biggest audience and I think she would lay out the biggest case.

You have Obama headline one night, Bill lead into the VP choice another, and then Warren lead into Clinton (unless of course Warren is the VP).

Bernie can have a speaking spot but not a headliner IMO. Not over Warren. Warren is a much better surrogate for the Dems.

Honesty, I feel like had she ran for President, she had a much better shot than Sanders at beating Hillary. And she may have won. She'd suffer from many of the same problems (Hillary's built up support with minorities) but she may have been able to sway enough.
Warren would have been called shrill when she yelled and they would have made fun of her haircut instead of making it into a dumb tattoo.

Also no one reads the front page of these threads anyway after the first day.


Honesty, I feel like had she ran for President, she had a much better shot than Sanders at beating Hillary. And she may have won. She'd suffer from many of the same problems (Hillary's built up support with minorities) but she may have been able to sway enough.

Well, I imagine any economic proposals she made would have actually made sense, so she'd be more likely to get my vote.
After that interview I'm going to be pretty pissed if she doesn't get VP. Just announce it now. Whatever. Don't drag out any suspense. A two-woman ticket is already awesome + it's not remotely a stretch (vs Palin, for example) for qualified people so sexist jerks will look extra stupid + they're up against Donald Fucking Trump, currently the poster child of misogyny in all forms.

Still giddy over how yesterday played out. After first a week of the GOP looking like it was going to stomp on Democrats, that's been 180'd in an instant, in plain view and the media covering all of it at length. This is what surrogates do. Trump has a locker room of... who to counter this? Chris Christie? Ben Carson? Whining on Twitter will not will anyone a GE. For every 1 person who sees a retort there, there are 100 voters who have no fucking idea what Twitter is, how it works, or why they should care about it.


Warren is way too valuable in Senate. Campaign wise she is also better as an outside attacker together with Biden and Obama.

Also it is more important to be seen as centrist in the GE. The left will join naturally.
*looks at the wall of shame*

adam sis...

I'm running to be the new Queen of the PoliGays. Let me lead. Pleaseeeeeeee.

I also don't think Hillary needs a vp to help her tack to the center. She is seen as centrist. She needs, I think, a Veep who excites the left, left of the party.


Warren is way too valuable in Senate. Campaign wise she is also better as an outside attacker together with Biden and Obama.

She is definitely valuable as a senator, but she's still just 1 of 100 in the Senate, and not even near the top of the Democratic leadership in the Senate.

The power/influence of a VP depends entirely on the quality of the VP him/herself, and how the President chooses to use their VP - but a strong and active VP can be far more powerful and influential than a single Senator.

For all the hate the GWB years get, Cheney was far more powerful and influential than any single Senator during those years. In a different vein, Biden stayed more behind the scenes, but he was still vitally important in Obama's administration. Depending on how Hillary would choose to use her VP, Warren could potentially be far more effective in a VP role than she will ever be as a single Senator amongst 99 others.


Wow, I just realized.. if you like Joe Biden because he's lovable and honest and sticks to his principles and looks out for the working guy, but you hate Hillary because she's a snake and she's power hungry and is dishonest, you're actually just a sexist. It's not about policies because Hillary's more liberal than Biden and both voted for the Iraq war. You just relate to men better than you do women, and that's why you can look at the second most powerful man in the US who had to drop out of a presidential race for speech plagiarism and think "wow, I can have a beer with that guy" and then look at Hillary who came from a working class family and couldn't have even been called a millionaire until after she left the white house, and think "nope, can't trust that witch of a woman".

I mean, I've heard people point out this paradox before, but this is the first time I've realized the reason this thinking exists at all is sexism.
Well, at least you got there. The first time I saw someone wishing for "Uncle Joe" over Hillary while professing "wanting a real progressive as president", I knew it was all appearances and sexism.

Maybe guys just have trouble noticing these things. And when they do notice they double down and insist they aren't sexist. Always fun.
Just saw the Warren and Biden speeches/interviews.


TBH, Warren is putting the Clinton campaign in a bad position if they're looking at someone else. She's giving the sense of inevitability.

P.S.: I think Warren has coordinated with the Clinton campaign, but still she was very straightforward.


I'm just imagining in my head how vindicated Hillary must feel after both Obama and Warren expressed their holding back on their endorsements to see the election play out; more specifically on Obama's end concerning needing her to earn the nomination on her own while facing similar opposition as 2008.

I love watching her be victorious amidst not only those odds, but over everything that's been thrown at her for decades.



The meltdowns from sexists over a two woman ticket would be glorious. I would totally but that "men have had 240 years" shirt idea

The Kanye question, yea I'd have to find a way to vote strategic to prevent him from assuming office if he looked like he was going to cause nuclear war. We can't fix anything in society if we're all dead

On that topic it's... amazing/sad/jaw-dropping to see Rubio say he still thinks Trump is unfit to be commander in chief and have the nuclear codes, but he's still voting for him. Lol


That was such a great interview with Veepeesabeth Warren
My eyes welled up when she started talking so passionately about Hillary
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