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I don't get this. For all his faults, whining about losing during the primaries was not one of them. He conceded gracefully. All of his whining has been proactive, preemptive whining.

Yeah, agreed. He wasn't echoing the shouts of the Bernie or bust group that claimed he'd been cheated almost every time he was beaten. He wasn't yelling about coin flips, or Bill Clinton at polling stations or most of that. He did complain about reduced numbers of polling stations and voters being pulled from the rolls, but not in the same way the Bernie or bust group were, more in a general, everyone should get to vote kind of way.

Yes, he's mathematically eliminated and dodging that fact right now. Yes he's lost the race and dodging that too. But I truly believe that by this time next week he'll have conceded and maybe even committed to fighting alongside Clinton against Trump, even if he never gives her a ringing endorsement.


I think Trump is capable of conceding gracefully. The question is what level his animosity will be at on election day. He could also go and appear gracious on television while launching a lawsuit behind the scenes.

That said, I got an awkward feeling this morning when I realized a Marvel vs DC thread is going more civilly than most of the politics threads these days.
Clinton and Warren worked together in the 90s when she was first lady

Not enough for Clinton to be confident in picking her as VP (yet).

I do think she's VERY open to the possibility.

But at this point, if she's NOT picked, it's going to be a big disappointment for many.


I'm very LTTP but the Colbert Hungry For Power Games cold open was sogood.gif

This will be the Bernie punchline for as long as he stays in. If he drags it out beyond next Wednesday, his name will even become synonymous with 'overstaying your welcome', the same way Ralph Nader is synonymous with 'made W president' despite all his good, hard work on consumer issues. That should be a compelling reason for Bernie to bow out (and personally I expect he will after DC).


Warren is way too valuable in Senate. Campaign wise she is also better as an outside attacker together with Biden and Obama.

Also it is more important to be seen as centrist in the GE. The left will join naturally.


VP is where old politicians go to die, and sometimes young ones go to get groomed. But lately it's the bucket list before being sent to pasture.

Warren would be much more powerful as Senate Majority Leader and Chair of the Banking and Finance Committee
Thin skinned at it again.

Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 11m11 minutes ago
Pocahontas is at it again! Goofy Elizabeth Warren, one of the least productive U.S. Senators, has a nasty mouth. Hope she is V.P. choice.
She is definitely valuable as a senator, but she's still just 1 of 100 in the Senate, and not even near the top of the Democratic leadership in the Senate.

The power/influence of a VP depends entirely on the quality of the VP him/herself, and how the President chooses to use their VP - but a strong and active VP can be far more powerful and influential than a single Senator.

Thing is that Warren is possibly the only current Senator with the depth of understanding needed to effectively check Wall Street. This story is somewhat hyperbolic but it does show that she was able to trip up Janet Yellen on the status of JP Morgan's living will and the result is more oversight of that process. Most senators either don't understand the legal requirements well enough to do this or are afraid of pissing off the financial lobby. Warren would have less freedom to do this as the VP.



No, really.

Someone explain Lizzymania to me.

Remember that scene in House of Cards Season 2 where
Frank Underwood struts into the Senate and tells the President Pro Tempore "you're in my chair."

There's no reason Warren couldn't negotiate to spend more time as President of the Senate than as a traditional VP.
At which point she'd sit there all year, doing nothing but occasionally tie-break. There is literally no real role for her there other than that, so I have no idea why you'd want her there.


I like Warren, but if she's going to be VP, then the party needs to have a comprehensive plan to recruit new blood and/or elevate current elected party members to have a decent bench for 2024. They can't sit idly buy and let the talent to choose from for Presidential candidates atrophy.
No, really.

Someone explain Lizzymania to me.

I'll give it a go, because I've gone from ambivalent to her as Veep, to supporting it because it helps us, to actively wanting it.

Firstly, I still believe that Hillary's biggest problem group of voters is going to be the Bernie/Warren wing of the party. Hillary has no issues with African American, Latino, Asian American, female, or gay voters. A pick that appears to bring her towards the center (i.e someone like Kaine) has, in my opinion, a better chance to hurt hr than to help her. To this side of the party, Hillary is a centrist. I don't see the harm in having someone (slightly) to her left on the ticket. A Warren pick is a concession to Bernie voters because no one in their right mind can argue that Bernie and Warren aren't ideologically linked. (I mean, she's under the bus with the rest of us now...but Bernie will be joining us soon enough, no doubt). I have no doubt that party unity is going/has already happened, but I think this IS an olive branch. (And I know we disagree on the utility of reaching out to the Bernie or Bust people.)

Secondly, she's a damn good attack dog. Hillary is too, and she doesn't need help attacking Trump. However, I feel like the Veep candidate does need to be able to throw punches. Could someone like Kaine or Becerra do it? Absolutely. But, speaking frankly, I worry about the optics of letting a male Veep throw most of the punches for a female candidate. Do I think Hillary is weak? Absolutely not. Do I worry about optics? Absolutely. Warren gets under Trump's skin so damn well. He can't resist himself. The more subtle ways we push his buttons, the better. And, ya, I realize we're turning this election into a sequel to Mean Girls, but fuck it.

Thirdly, I don't see Warren having a huge official leadership position within the Senate anyway. Schumer isn't going to go anywhere for a long time. Bernie, I think, is going to consolidate the progressive caucus to him, even though he's not a spring chicken. She's still going to have power and relevance, but perhaps she could leverage that successfully in the Executive branch. A lot of people say give her a cabinet position. Meh. That doesn't help electorally, and we still lose the seat. I feel like she could use the VP position effectively.

Fourthly, oh god, it would piss the GOP off. We're talking Trump foaming at the...whatever because of it.

Fifthly, I'm not a fan of using the Veep slot in 2016 to build the bench for 2024. The chances of us holding onto the White House for that long are slim, at best, anyway. By that time, there will have been a thread of the Obama/Clinton people for sixteen years. Let our bench develop outside of the executive branch a bit. (This one is rather unimportant)

Finally, and this ties back to the first thing again, I think there's an exploitable narrative with Warren. She was the type of Republican we can and should be targeting. Her conversion to the Democratic party mirrors what I expect a lot of potential crossover Republican voters went through.

Also, there's a real hunger for it within the party. Why not give us what we want?! : stamps foot :


Warren's reply.




I want to see some of the other VP prospects do some auditioning. At his point, it's pretty clear that Warren is consistently successful at baiting Trump, and now I'd like to see if Kaine, Becerra, etc can also get him to raise his hackles.

(Also waiting to see if Trump responds ro Biden. Biden's critique last night was damn solid work.)
I want to see some of the other VP prospects do some auditioning. At his point, it's pretty clear that Warren is consistently successful at baiting Trump, and now I'd like to see if Kaine, Becerra, etc can also get him to raise his hackles.

I've seen Becerra go on the offensive a few times. He did it over Judgegate recently. He was effective. He's a good choice too. It wasn't a Warren level beat down, but it was definitely coherent and classy.

Plus, he's hot. There, I said it. (again...)
I'll give it a go, because I've gone from ambivalent to her as Veep, to supporting it because it helps us, to actively wanting it.

Firstly, I still believe that Hillary's biggest problem group of voters is going to be the Bernie/Warren wing of the party. Hillary has no issues with African American, Latino, Asian American, female, or gay voters. A pick that appears to bring her towards the center (i.e someone like Kaine) has, in my opinion, a better chance to hurt hr than to help her. To this side of the party, Hillary is a centrist. I don't see the harm in having someone (slightly) to her left on the ticket. A Warren pick is a concession to Bernie voters because no one in their right mind can argue that Bernie and Warren aren't ideologically linked. (I mean, she's under the bus with the rest of us now...but Bernie will be joining us soon enough, no doubt). I have no doubt that party unity is going/has already happened, but I think this IS an olive branch. (And I know we disagree on the utility of reaching out to the Bernie or Bust people.)

Secondly, she's a damn good attack dog. Hillary is too, and she doesn't need help attacking Trump. However, I feel like the Veep candidate does need to be able to throw punches. Could someone like Kaine or Becerra do it? Absolutely. But, speaking frankly, I worry about the optics of letting a male Veep throw must of the punches for a female candidate. Do I think people will see Hillary as weak? Absolutely not. Do I worry about optics? Absolutely. Warren gets under Trump's skin so damn well. He can't resist himself. The more subtle ways we push his buttons, the better. And, ya, I realize we're turning this election into a sequel to Mean Girls, but fuck it.

Thirdly, I don't see Warren having a huge official leadership position within the Senate anyway. Schumer isn't going to go anywhere for a long time. Bernie, I think, is going to consolidate the progressive caucus to him, even though he's not a spring chicken. She's still going to have power and relevance, but perhaps she could leverage that successfully in the Executive branch. A lot of people say give her a cabinet position. Meh. That doesn't help electorally, and we still lose the seat. I feel like she could use the VP position effectively.

Fourthly, oh god, it would piss the GOP off. We're talking Trump foaming at the...whatever because of it.

Fifthly, I'm not a fan of using the Veep slot in 2016 to build the bench for 2024. The chances of us holding onto the White House for that long are slim, at best, anyway. By that time, there will have a thread of the Obama/Clinton people for sixteen years. Let our bench develop outside of the executive branch a bit. (This one is rather unimportant)

Finally, and this ties back to the first thing again, I think there's an exploitable narrative with Warren. She was the type of Republican we can and should be targeting. Her conversion to the Democratic party mirrors what I expect a lot of potential crossover Republican voters went through.

Also, there's a real hunger for it within the party. Why not give us what we want?! : stamps foot :
I don't think the major group that's going to be her problem is the Bernie people. I think that once he finally fades away, aside from the crazies who were never going to vote for her anyway, the others will come around without any need for concession.

I don't think the VP needs to be an attack dog. They'll have one debate against whoever is dumb enough to sign up with Trump. And they should be spending most of their time talking up the actual candidate anyway. They are a bridesmaid, not the bride.

She's currently a strategic policy advisor, she could have a more formal leadership role going forward.

I think people are projecting what they want, as people who closely follow primaries, as people ideologically probably closer to Warren than Clinton, and as people already enamoured with Elizabeth Forma... with what the broader electorate that needs to be appealed to actually will want.
I don't think the major group that's going to be her problem is the Bernie people. I think that once he finally fades away, aside from the crazies who were never going to vote for her anyway, the others will come around without any need for concession.

I don't think the VP needs to be an attack dog. They'll have one debate against whoever is dumb enough to sign up with Trump. And they should be spending most of their time talking up the actual candidate anyway. They are a bridesmaid, not the bride.

She's currently a strategic policy advisor, she could have a more formal leadership role going forward.

I think people are projecting what they want, as people who closely follow primaries, as people ideologically probably closer to Warren than Clinton, and as people already enamoured with Elizabeth Forma... with what the broader electorate that needs to be appealed to actually will want.

That's all fair. I think the only thing we completely disagree on is the need to court the far(ish) left wing. I do think Hillary has to do that, and Warren would be an olive branch in that direction. We can agree to disagree on that, though.

In a typical year, I'd agree with you about the VP not needing to be an attack dog. I think we do need that this year. See how badly it pisses off Trump? Every day we keep him off message (LOL like he has one...) is a good day for us.

Also, I was mostly ambivalent about Warren. I did some phone banking for her because FUCK Scott Brown. I liked her, but I wasn't exactly running through the streets, you know?

I'm fine with anyone...but I'm not a fan of Kaine. He's like cabbage soup. Bland, bland, bland.

any polling from DC??

I doubt anyone will spend money on it. Queen won't have a campaign event there. Bernie won't be having any more either. It's like 50% AA and the rest probably Establishment shills. Huge blowout for Queen.
Not that this 1) matters at all 2) is a surprise to anyone, but it's worth mentioning that apparently Hillary's margin in California is expanding instead of shrinking as the processing continues, contrary to the Reddit (and Daniel B, I guess?) narrative that the ~1 million ballots being processed would change things.
I've already posted this, but my feelings on Warren have also changed. I previously thought she would be a very poor choice for VP and preferred someone else. I still prefer someone else, but I think she'd certainly not be a poor choice anymore - there's a lot of pros, even if she doesn't tick every checkbox of what a VP is suppose to be.
Not that this 1) matters at all 2) is a surprise to anyone, but it's worth mentioning that apparently Hillary's margin in California is expanding instead of shrinking as the processing continues, contrary to the Reddit (and Daniel B, I guess?) narrative that the ~1 million ballots being processed would change things.

Just more fraud brah.
well Clinton won the first week of trump vs clinton as the party selections.

that being said, just wait for Trump/GOP to get their act together (it will happen) and he will probably have a week like this. LONNNNG way to go in this race.


well Clinton won the first week of trump vs clinton as the party selections.

that being said, just wait for Trump/GOP to get their act together (it will happen) and he will probably have a week like this. LONNNNG way to go in this race.

How would he achieve a week like this? To do that, you need not to be an insane huckster and you need to have surrogates who are actually not partially mentally handicapped.
Also, I'll eat some crow. Cenk surprised me by having a very coherent concession that it's time to work against Trump rather than continue to stay in the Bernie train as it falls from a collapsing bridge. (I disagree with some of his reasoning, but it at least had a train of logic - unlike the comedian pundit guy just having aneurysm on air like I've become accustomed to). I sincerely expected him to dig in his heels.

Then again, this was probably stupid on my part anyway. From a strictly business perspective, there's nothing much he could do. TYT milked the Bernie campaign for so much coverage and viewers, but those viewers are about to mostly vanish. In the absence of trying to realign back to a more generic progressive media agenda they were going to become increasingly irrelevant again if they continued to die on a hill for Bernie. Business is business after all.

That being said, this tweet cracks me up - either they're playing dumb or they aren't aware of just how down the rabbit hole they went this primary:

Cenk UygurVerified account
Over 20,000 votes on our app and @YouTube - over 80% of our audience saying they'd never vote for Hillary. I'm shocked by that result.


Also, I'll eat some crow. Cenk surprised me by having a very coherent concession that it's time to work against Trump rather than continue to stay in the Bernie train as it falls from a collapsing bridge. (I disagree with some of his reasoning, but it at least had a train of logic - unlike the comedian pundit guy just having aneurysm on air like I've become accustomed to). I sincerely expected him to dig in his heels.

Then again, this was probably stupid on my part anyway. From a strictly business perspective, there's nothing much he could do. TYT milked the Bernie campaign for so much coverage and viewers, but those viewers are about to mostly vanish. In the absence of trying to realign back to a more generic progressive media agenda they were going to become increasingly irrelevant again if they continued to die on a hill for Bernie. Business is business after all.
I hope their viewership crashes and burns as they get rejected by the rabid mob they've helped create.


Then again, this was probably stupid on my part anyway. From a strictly business perspective, there's nothing much he could do. TYT milked the Bernie campaign for so much coverage and viewers, but those viewers are about to mostly vanish. In the absence of trying to realign back to a more generic progressive media agenda they were going to become increasingly irrelevant again if they continued to die on a hill for Bernie. Business is business after all.

Ding ding ding. It's performance art.

Unless your are bringing in $20 a day like Rush, you have to pivot to where the people are going. TYT ain't no king that can rule by decree. Liberals just don't buy into it.


Noah Rothman ‏@NoahCRothman 4m4 minutes ago
@kkondik If the polls start to look bleak -- double digits bleak -- we will be hearing the phrase "suicide pact" a lot.

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 5m5 minutes ago
7. Anyway, there could be quite a contrast in re: "unity" during those 2 weeks in July, FWIW

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 6m6 minutes ago
6. Many of Trump's defeated 2016 rivals also may pass on speaking at the convention

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 6m6 minutes ago
5. No former presidents or vice presidents or recent nominees appear likely to speak

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 7m7 minutes ago
4. Now think about the GOP convention

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 7m7 minutes ago
3. There may be turbulence around the convention, but the primetime parts *probably* will put out a fairly unified message

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 8m8 minutes ago
2. Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, and other top Dems

Kyle Kondik ‏@kkondik 8m8 minutes ago
1. Think about the likely roster of prominent speakers at the Dem convention

I would love to have an alternative universe where I get to see hypothetical twitter battles between historical presidential candidates. I have a hard time believing they wouldn't be just as vicious and ridiculous.
This could make a nice attack ad:

My only issue is that this is happening sooner rather than I would like. Hopefully, he can keep it together until after he's been officially nominated. Kasich did an interview last night saying he wasn't sure if he would endorse Trump or not. If we can keep Kasich from endorsing, even after Trump supposedly asked him to, we're going to plaster that shit all over Ohio. 24/7.


I just realized you could have a redux of the "Romney Singing" ad for Trump, but instead use Roseanne Bar's infamous "singing" of the National Anthem in the background with a replay of Trump's most damning quotes instead, and the last shot would be Roseanne spitting on the ground followed by a shot of a smiling Trump.
My only issue is that this is happening sooner rather than I would like. Hopefully, he can keep it together until after he's been officially nominated. Kasich did an interview last night saying he wasn't sure if he would endorse Trump or not. If we can keep Kasich from endorsing, even after Trump supposedly asked him to, we're going to plaster that shit all over Ohio. 24/7.

Anyone who hasn't endorsed won't endorse him now, only after the convention.

But Dems need to go soft on him until the convention or they risk facing another republican in the fall.
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