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Daniel B·;206324380 said:
What a farce and Barack "TPP" Obama falling over himself to endorse Hillary "Cut it out!" Clinton, closely followed by Elizabeth "No friend of the revolution" Warren, what a shocker!
I swear you stole that one from me
god damn elizabeth no friend of the revolution warren is too good
If the GOP could agree on a candidate to replace Trump they would have replaced him before he won.

None of what's happening now was unforseeable, but it's happening anyway.

True but I wonder...let's say between now and the convention Trump has another "Mexican judge" tier implosion (ie something that forces republicans to repudiate him, he keeps digging, etc). Could that be enough to force the RNC's hand?



Thank you! What search did you do to find it?


Wish I could time the text but it works


I think the republicans are losing the senate no matter what they do, but I don't see them losing the house tbh. It's been gerrymandered ridiculously in their favor hasn't it?


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
I think the republicans are losing the senate no matter what they do, but I don't see them losing the house tbh. It's been gerrymandered ridiculously in their favor hasn't it?

Republicans losing the house in a single election is pretty much impossible, yeah. Best we can hope for is chipping it down over the course of multiple years.


That Mexican judge comment genuinely had the GOP shook. Like listening to republicans play down Trump is wild. The single press conference he had a while back post controversy being touted as a pivot? lmao please. Shit's some abused spouse syndrome.


Thank you! What search did you do to find it?

Wish I could time the text but it works

My way-too encyclopedic knowledge of the good years of the Simpsons let me know that Homer talks to a jock right afterwards and the jock responds "Pardon me?" I searched for that and went backwards in the episode.

If I couldn't go from there, I know that the next scene has that crusty bitter old dean say that he used to be the bass player for The Pretenders...


remember me
Republicans losing the house in a single election is pretty much impossible, yeah. Best we can hope for is chipping it down over the course of multiple years.
Nothing is impossible with Trump at the top of the ticket. He'll make all of our dreams come true!


The thing I hate most about Clinton and Trump being so disliked is that it means I have to hear more from Libertarians. Ugh...


That Mexican judge comment genuinely had the GOP shook. Like listening to republicans play down Trump is wild. The single press conference he had a while back post controversy being touted as a pivot? lmao please. Shit's some abused spouse syndrome.

Yep. It doesn't help that is was the biggest exclamation point to the notion that Trump is a racist. It just highlighted his views especially in the context of Trump not immediately denounced the KKK, saying Mexico is sending rapists, and talking about his Muslim ban.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
you can chip it down but it will just be chipped back up in 2 years.

Sadly that's probably true. I don't know what it's going to take to get Dems to show up to mid terms.


Sadly that's probably true. I don't know what it's going to take to get Dems to show up to mid terms.

If they can't get it in this environment of Trump in a presidential year where the base does show up, 2018 is a pipe dream of it happening.

2018 should be focused mostly on getting governorships and state legislatures back in as many states as possible. Do court challenges of gerrymandering in the red states that you can't compete in.
True but I wonder...let's say between now and the convention Trump has another "Mexican judge" tier implosion (ie something that forces republicans to repudiate him, he keeps digging, etc). Could that be enough to force the RNC's hand?
Nope they will keep saying they denounce his comments but continue to support him because Hillary Clinton. The last month or so gave you a preview of taste of things to come.
That Mexican judge comment genuinely had the GOP shook. Like listening to republicans play down Trump is wild. The single press conference he had a while back post controversy being touted as a pivot? lmao please. Shit's some abused spouse syndrome.

They haven't even really had to book Democrats to come on CNN or other networks to bash Trump because enough Republicans want to do it. Insane. Teflon Don no more


That McConnell quote about Trump not knowing much about the issues is incredible. I have no idea what is going on here.
They haven't even really had to book Democrats to come on CNN or other networks to bash Trump because enough Republicans want to do it. Insane. Teflon Don no more
Sippy Cupp and Ana Navarro have eviscerated Jeffrey Lord's talking points repeatedly with much more precision than Van Jones or any other surrogate, at least on CNN. If this is not a party civil war, I don't know what is.


Awesome as yesterday was, I definitely finally understood the pain some of you reported earlier in the primary about friends being idiots on Facebook.

A whole lot of "Obama stabbed Bernie in the back! Obama is a sell out now! Obama betrayed us!"

And then, my girl posts this article as her one and only contribution to political discourse this season.

At least I can always rely on at least one person in my life to keep their damn head no matter what. God, I love that woman...


Unconfirmed Member
I still would like Warren to stay in the senate where she can fight Hillary when needed, and to stay close to the legislation making process where she can affect the details of it.

But I also really would like her in a position to become even more well known, and have an even bigger platform to say all the things she saying.

Win/win either way really.
so i asked some gaffers what we should call Hillary when she's president and these are the answers i got:
- [ ] Queen Mother.
- [ ] President Clinton.
- [ ] President Rodham-Clinton
- [ ] President Rodham
- [ ] Madame President
- [ ] HRH Hillary
- [ ] President Queen
- [ ] Queen President
- [ ] God Emperor Clinton II

which ones your favorite? do y'all have any other suggestions? also i love you all gaf, such a list only could have spawned from this dear community :p


so i asked some gaffers what we should call Hillary when she's president and these are the answers i got:
- [ ] Queen Mother.
- [ ] President Clinton.
- [ ] President Rodham-Clinton
- [ ] President Rodham
- [ ] Madame President
- [ ] HRH Hillary
- [ ] President Queen
- [ ] Queen President
- [ ] God Emperor Clinton II

which ones your favorite? do y'all have any other suggestions? also i love you all gaf, such a list only could have spawned from this dear community :p

The Destructor
(As in, "choose the form of..")
Sippy Cupp and Ana Navarro have eviscerated Jeffrey Lord's talking points repeatedly with much more precision than Van Jones or any other surrogate, at least on CNN. If this is not a party civil war, I don't know what is.

Ana Navarro has been giving me life lately. I don't know much about her positions (I assume I wouldn't agree with most of them), but she's been an amazing anti-Trump agent.


so i asked some gaffers what we should call Hillary when she's president and these are the answers i got:
- [ ] Queen Mother.
- [ ] President Clinton.
- [ ] President Rodham-Clinton
- [ ] President Rodham
- [ ] Madame President
- [ ] HRH Hillary
- [ ] President Queen
- [ ] Queen President
- [ ] God Emperor Clinton II

which ones your favorite? do y'all have any other suggestions? also i love you all gaf, such a list only could have spawned from this dear community :p

Come on bruh, Hilldawg is and has always been moniker number one just like Barry-O is Obama's and Slick Willy is Bill's.

This is just science.


It's really getting absurd how nonexistent moderation is on Twitter considering how important it's become for many people's work.
hated every one of those but queen mother was the most heinous. makes hillary sound like an alien bug queen and we are all her buzzing bee servants

god emperor clinton 2 is lol, I vote for that

who was the completely boring person that went with President clinton?

Btw if you guys have thread title suggestions, I'm listening


Unconfirmed Member
I hope that recent Ryan interview of "Trump may be racist but I'm still supporting him" stays with him forever. Let that sink his future aspirations please.

Wonder if moderates might look back at allegations of Ryan's dog whistle racism in a different light after this.

Liberals have been banging on the table about dog whistle politics for years. My biggest hope is Republicans electing and backing an undeniable racist as their nominee should be the perfect proof that Republicans don't deserve the benefit of the doubt when it comes to that sort of racism

Might be too much to hope for though.

Paul Ryan said:
we have got this tailspin of culture in our inner cities, in particular, of men not working and just generations of men not even thinking about working or learning the value and the culture of work; and so there’s a real culture problem here that has to be dealt with


I feel like even if Hillary picked someone else for VP, we'd still get Warren digging in on Trump constantly because she can and she knows he hates it. You'd get another weapon in your arsenal with a different VP, in addition to Warren going around and getting media attention constantly. Plus, she gets to stay in the Senate and help lead the party's future.
Melania doesn't seem comfortable with giving speeches at all. Couldn't see her giving an entire speech at the convention. Maybe just a short introduction.

Probably a recorded segment and a brief introduction or something, ya.

Obviously a white collar resort prison if she doesn't even get a prison nickname.

She gonna be voted President of the cell block. Gonna lead the charge to get tapioca back on the lunch menu. Trust.


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
so i asked some gaffers what we should call Hillary when she's president and these are the answers i got:
- [ ] Queen Mother.
- [ ] President Clinton.
- [ ] President Rodham-Clinton
- [ ] President Rodham
- [ ] Madame President
- [ ] HRH Hillary
- [ ] President Queen
- [ ] Queen President
- [ ] God Emperor Clinton II

which ones your favorite? do y'all have any other suggestions? also i love you all gaf, such a list only could have spawned from this dear community :p

Wtf, where's "Khaleesi"?


I am kind of respecting the fact the Bushes are just staying out of it. The blind allegiance the GOP is showing is sickening
The Bushes and Romney don't have to worry about reelection, so they're in a safer position.

That said, I still gain some respect for them for not attending the convention and Romney continuing to stand up against him. Personally, I feel like they probably consider Trump "low class" compared to them, rather than directly hating his positions. But still, it's better than every congressional republican.
The Destructor
(As in, "choose the form of..")

and like
Ivo Shandor
in the game, she's smart enough to choose her own destructor form rather then let Ray do it.

, I imagine her Destructor form to be resistant to crossed ion streams.


I am kind of respecting the fact the Bushes are just staying out of it. The blind allegiance the GOP is showing is sickening

Anyone else think the Bush family will try again in 4 or 8 years? "Hey it's not our fault the GOP crashed and burned, but we're the ones to fix it!" (and then hope the electorate at that point either has forgotten Bush Jr, or at least has a more favorable view of him in context. Not saying it'll work, just saying they may try it).
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