How about I post a super controversial one and we test this theory out? Who wants to bet?
False flag
How about I post a super controversial one and we test this theory out? Who wants to bet?
Even putting aside the grammar fuckery, how are they still on this "homosexuality is a choice" bullshit? I know anti-empiricism is the cornerstone of the GOP, but come ooooooooooooooooooon."Homosexuality is a chosen behavior that is contrary to the fundamental unchanging truths that has been ordained by God in the Bible, recognized by our nations founders, and shared by the majority of Texans."
False flag
It is, of course, not bathrooms that are at issue to them, but the idea of change to notions of sex and gender that transgender acceptance supposedly represents (in tandem with the many other challenges to such things that have emerged in recent years). Not really that hard to understand, even if you don't agree with it, I don't think, given that, a decade ago (maybe even now, I'm not sure what the numbers are), the vast majority of people - even just in the U.S., let alone the wider world - would have scoffed at the notion that a biological male could be a woman. It's about preserving an understanding that currently exists that is seen as superior, for one reason or another, to a new perspective that threatens to displace it. Y'know, conservatism.
I'm not saying that I'm shocked they're anti-transgender equality. I fully expect that. Where I am surprised is that the cross they'ved decided to die on is the bathroom issue. I can think of a ton of other ways that would cause way more harm than this juvenile shit.
I'm not. I knew as soon as marriage equality passed they were going to try everything they possibly could. The religious freedom laws have had a huge backlash, so it seems like they have moved on to transgender issues which I think they presumed less people would care about. Luckily, the Obama administration was having none of that bs.
But what I'm confused about is that they picked a subject that made them look as ridiculous as bathrooms. They could have gone with more technical bullshit like requiring more counseling before transitioning or trying to limit the supply of hormones. These things would have been terrible, but they wouldn't have been ridiculous looking to voters.
Appointing yourself "bathroom police" looks ridiculous.
But what I'm confused about is that they picked a subject that made them look as ridiculous as bathrooms. They could have gone with more technical bullshit like requiring more counseling before transitioning or trying to limit the supply of hormones. These things would have been terrible, but they wouldn't have been ridiculous looking to voters.
Appointing yourself "bathroom police" looks ridiculous.
I may be in tinfoil territory but I think the GOP saw stuff like Prob 8 in Cali where there was a larger religious minority vote for banning gay marriage and are trying to apply that to the GE. If this was a push to get the standard religious demo they would be pushing abortion harder not this. They want to appeal to the deeply religious black folk and Hispanic folk to stray from the Dems in Nov.
But what I'm confused about is that they picked a subject that made them look as ridiculous as bathrooms. They could have gone with more technical bullshit like requiring more counseling before transitioning or trying to limit the supply of hormones. These things would have been terrible, but they wouldn't have been ridiculous looking to voters.
Appointing yourself "bathroom police" looks ridiculous.
Voters would probably not have cared very much about those other things. Bathrooms, on the other hand, are THE most prevalent site of sex-/gender-based segregation. One thing Republicans know MUCH better than Democrats is that it's visceral emotion that sways voters.
But the only visceral reactions to this comes in the form of ridicule.
Not even Donald Trump fans cared about Ted Cruz warning that transgender women are raping your daughter in a bathroom at this very moment and everywhere outside of the GOP is mocking this stuff.
Trying to keep this up after Cruz couldn't even get Trump voters (whose top concern is whether or not they can call Obama the n-word) on-board is just dumb.
Benchmark Politics ‏@benchmarkpol 39s
Every week, we post a state of the race... All polls <60 days. Trump moved AZ and OH to neutral. Clinton still wins.
Two years before the housing market collapsed in 2008 and millions of Americans lost their homes, Donald Trump said he was hoping for a crash.
"I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump said in a 2006 audiobook from Trump University, answering a question about "gloomy predictions that the real estate market is heading for a spectacular crash."
The U.S. housing bubble burst two years later, triggering the stock market crash of 2008 that plunged the U.S. economy into a deep recession, leaving millions of Americans unemployed.
Trump was speaking with Jon Ward, a marketing consultant who "masterminded all the initial education programs for Trump University," according to his website. The audiobook is available on iTunes.
"If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you can make a lot of money," Trump said in the 2006 audio book, "How to Build a Fortune." "If you're in a good cash position -- which I'm in a good cash position today -- then people like me would go in and buy like crazy."
The Trump campaign did not respond to requests for comment.
Good, good.
On another note:
Donald Trump in 2006: I 'sort of hope' real estate market tanks
There's so much juicy opposition research to use against Trump in the general.
Oh boy!
You know who else flies a flag that is a symbol of oppression and terror? Confederates
Patriots want to fly a flag of traitors?
Seriously Bernie supporters are all having meltdowns
PoliGAF should do watch events where we watch politics-related movies/tv shows and live talk in the discord chat. (I only say this since Weiner's about to release)
Could be a cool idea.
PoliGAF should do watch events where we watch politics-related movies/tv shows and live talk in the discord chat. (I only say this since Weiner's about to release)
Could be a cool idea.
Seriously Bernie supporters are all having meltdowns
I like this idea. We should also get around to that Civ V game.
Adam approves of this idea
Chase Strangio
BREAKING: OK lawmakers introduce anti-trans bill and declare state of emergency over trans bathroom use.
Weiner's getting pretty good reviews too. I actually wanna watch.Adam approves of this idea
PoliGAF should do watch events where we watch politics-related movies/tv shows and live talk in the discord chat. (I only say this since Weiner's about to release)
Could be a cool idea.
Adam approves of this idea
It's why you never drink the kool aid.
Wait, what?
H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2h2 hours ago
How many times have you experienced online harrassment and threats from Hillary Clinton supporters? If so, you are owed an apology from HRC
40 retweets 91 likes
H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2h2 hours ago
Democrats must rally around Bernie Sanders, because his supporters will not back Clinton, and FBI will sink her 3.9 pt lead over Trump.
38 retweets 68 likes
H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2h2 hours ago
Dear entitled progressive writers for HRC, BERNIE SUPPORTERS ARE OWED AN APOLOGY for the $1 million HRC paid online trolls to intimidate
47 retweets 82 likes
H. A. Goodman ‏@HAGOODMANAUTHOR 2h2 hours ago
NOTE TO CLUELESS DEM PUNDITS: Clinton beats Trump by 3.9 pts compared to BERNIE'S 11.6 pts, WITHOUT RISK OF INDICTMENTS. You concede, not us
How many of you have ever felt personally victimized by Hillary Clinton?
Usually with raid groups we make a synchtube and watch things together
Bruenig's "I don't hate black women, I hate old black women" shit is fucking hilarious, omg. These guys and Lund's assholes hopefully never come back.
Independents neck and neck? That's worrisome.