Gonna see Bill on Monday here in sac. Has anybody seen him in person yet during the primary?
Her future looks bright. She should have just gotten "Let's go fuck some whores!"Hmm, how about a Bernie tattoo instead?
Trump recorded his video address to the National Hispanic Evangelical conference earlier in the day using a cell phone to record and reading from a paper looool
He cares.
Four fingers "realistic" hand.
Well.. At least she did it in such a way that lets her remove the Bernie part down the line so she can still be left with a burning fist tattoo.
Also I've now started googling for people with Ron Paul tattoos.
I went too far down this "politician tattoo on person's body" rabbit hole.
I.. I don't understand.
I tried to look this up and found more Matt Bruenig grossness. Decided I was better off just closing the tabs.How has Jacobin harassed Sarah Kendzior for past two years? AFAIK the incident was a big mess where both sides made a bunch of mistakes. That's the impression that I've gotten from trying to read up on it.
I'm sure there are misogynist leftists who have abused her via twitter but there hasn't been some sort of concerted campaign on Jacobin's part to do anything like that.
President Obamas strong approval rating is bolstering Democratic chances of holding the White House, according to a closely followed election model.
Moodys Analytics is forecasting that the Democratic nominee, who is widely expected to be Hillary Clinton, will win the presidency in November over presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump.
President Obamas approval rating has crossed over the important 50 percent threshold for the first time in almost four years, said Dan White, a Moodys economist who oversees the model.
Aside from rising gasoline prices, a drop in Obamas approval rating is the only model variable that could possibly move far and fast enough to push the model in Republicans favor by November, White said.
This sudden surge could be a result of the messy primary season or a relative lull in geopolitical news from overseas, White said.
Moodys latest model shows for the third straight month that the Democratic nominee would take 332 electoral votes compared with 206 for the Republican nominee. The model has predicted every election correctly since it was created in 1980.
Democrats also are running ahead, although by narrow margins, in the key swing states of Ohio, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Florida and Nevada.
The model has predicted a Democratic victory in 2016 since its first forecast was released in July 2015.
The president's approval rating is a first-time variable added into the model for this election cycle and White said it has proven significant historically, "and back-tested extremely well, particularly in other atypical election cycles.
He cited the 1988 election, when Republicans pulled off the rare feat of winning the White House for three straight terms.
There's this fun opt-in survey thrown up by /r/enoughsandersspam, if you're bored.
Survey (short): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Exr4NI_ISdJ_qIPddNCM0uXfitMBfKbZOuVXzz7lzIo/viewform
Results: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Ex...KbZOuVXzz7lzIo/viewanalytics?usp=form_confirm
Most of the questions are standard Reddit demographic stuff; males, whites, educated. It's mostly dull but I'll put up a few highlights. Sample size ~1100 as I'm writing this.
- 35% list their "biggest" reason for the hatred as "His supporters won't shut the fuck up[.]"
- Median time of growing to hate him is a fairly undefined segment around the start of the year but before Super Tuesday.
- Only 45% have previously witnessed an open Democratic primary season.
Hillary to go Third-Party confirmed?http://www.wsj.com/articles/bernie-isnt-hillarys-problem-1463784149
I wonder who has more doom and gloom articles published about them: Hillary or Nintendo?
I knew Bernie as the "most left guy in the senate" before this year.
Hands down?http://www.wsj.com/articles/bernie-isnt-hillarys-problem-1463784149
I wonder who has more doom and gloom articles published about them: Hillary or Nintendo?
Besides, i came out the womb in full drag. I came out purse first. Hair did. Nails on fucking point. Makeup ROCKING. I was fully tucked...thank you.
True story my mom offered me $1000 to go to pride in drag this year. hahahahah
i have self resepct too.
My father told me I have a "don't talk to me" face![]()
Republicans are fucking stupid. News at 11.Andrew Kirell ‏@AndrewKirell 19h19 hours ago
Donald Trumps about to get endorsed by the NRA. http://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/...ald-trump.html But remember when
When Sanders complains that the Democratic primary is rigged against an independent candidate, he sounds like a white sorority complaining that they lost the step show on points because this years theme was Dark and Lovely. It takes a lot of gall to show up with a membership card so new the ink is wet and start complaining about the process. Now that same sorority is tearing up the gym, throwing chairs and threatening to go all the way to the Pan-Hellenic Council if they dont get their way. Just because you lost something doesnt mean it was stolenunless youre dipped in the kind of privilege that tells you something is owed to you to begin with.
African-American Democrats have every right not to like Hillary Clinton, who wore her white privilege like a ski mask in 2008 and whose policy history leaves a lot to be desired. But that doesnt make the self-righteous complaining of Sanders any easier to stomach. Yes, Sanders has been a freedom fighter for progressive causes for decades, but when it comes to the Democratic primary, he and his supporters have been consummate whiners reeking of privilege.
You want to talk about a rigged system? Look at Shirley Chisholm, Keyes, the Rev. Jesse Jackson or, even better, ask Democratic state Sen. Maria Chappelle-Nadal of Missouri, Republican Lenny McAllister in Pennsylvania, or dozens of other African-American Democrats and Republicans who are actual long-term party members who were betrayed in their primaries. If Sanders wants to be a part of the system, he has to find a way to beat it, then take it apart from the insidenot start halfway, then begin flipping chairs when the numbers arent adding up in his favor. Protest appeals to black voters, revolution appeals to black voters, but whining doesnt. It has not always been clear that the Sanders campaign knows the difference.
Cher is right. Trump does have dry, cracked, white lips.
The statement Hillary made was pretty much a fact. It's hard to argue without "yeah well you're a bitch" so I think it ended up working out pretty well!That Hillary thread turned into some good discussion.
We're always dissing OT threads, thought I'd call out a good one.
Meanwhile the keys to the White House are indicating a GOP win, so we'll see what holds up better.
To the poster who said no republican would win the presidency without a revamp. It's hard to argue with gut feelings, but Romney would have won this year. I think that even lil Marco would have been very very close, even with his shitty debate performance.
I think some of Oregon is still slowly coming in. I'll check tomorrow, I'm spending the day in Oakland today.Holmes when is your May update coming?
Meanwhile the keys to the White House are indicating a GOP win, so we'll see what holds up better.
With the redskins rule dead and buried we're running out of wacky coincidences.
Incidentally that 332-206 margin is exactly what Obama achieved in 2012.
Holmes when is your May update coming?
For some reason I seemed to remember Lichtman saying it pointed to a GOP win because Democrats lost the "no significant primary challenge" key, but I can't find it. Maybe I just imagined it.Could you provide a link? I'm seeing a Democrat win.
Hmm, how about a Bernie tattoo instead?
For some reason I seemed to remember Lichtman saying it pointed to a GOP win because Democrats lost the "no significant primary challenge" key, but I can't find it. Maybe I just imagined it.
The interview I found with Lichtman said he's unsure about the challenge key (because Bernie never really had a chance, but that hasn't stopped him) and the foreign policy success key (based on the Iran deal, which Obama has had a hard time selling to the public). I imagine if Democrats win the election he'll retroactively give them those keys. I would right now!
Shaun king says there are millions and millions of people leaving the Democratic party. Really, queen?
whoever did that forgot that the thumb is still fully connected to the hand and isn't in fact a chicken leg.
Shaun king says there are millions and millions of people leaving the Democratic party. Really, queen?
Being an adult is terrible. I'm just putting that out there.
Stupid tattoo is stupid, but it's no more anatomically incorrect than I am.
Stupid tattoo is stupid, but it's no more anatomically incorrect than I am.
And he gets this number from???
Crooked Hillary wants to get rid of all guns and yet she is surrounded by bodyguards who are fully armed. No more guns to protect Hillary!