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Phew. I live safely 5 blocks outside of the nuke zone.
I think that in 2008 by comparison HRC had started "pivoting" in tone. But I could be wrong.

Her wins now _should_ get him to do that at least even if he continues. Should.
God, this whole Nevada thing is exhausting. One of my friends tried to tell me that the rights of the people who were trying to steal delegates for Bernie were "trampled".



Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Damn it, I want Hilary to be able to say she won the state despite the slim margin... I reeeeeally don't want Sanders to have another excuse to act like a blowhard like he has been lately. orz


God, please don't let this be another damn Michigan with Bernie squeezing out a win after it was called for Hillary.

We don't need another Michigan.
The NYT tracker which is based on AP from memory says 95% reporting. But also says 488 of 623 Jefferson precincts - which has been stuck there for ages.


Damn it, I want Hilary to be able to say she won the state despite the slim margin... I reeeeeally don't want Sanders to have another excuse to act like a blowhard like he has been lately. orz

"Three years ago, we weren't projected to win this state, and our poll numbers were terrible. But we did it, we won a dominating 50.01/49.92 matchup. Our path to the nomination is clear."


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Interesting? How about myopic. Polling from West Virginia had just under 40% of Sanders voters saying they're voting Trump in the GE regardless of who the Dems pick. In 2012 WV dems voted in non-trivial numbers for a felon serving time in Texas.

The only thing about the white working class lost by the DNC as it pertains to West Virginia is just how goddamn racist it is. They prefer Bernie because he thinks racism is something he and MLK fixed 50 years ago.

That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny rather racism. Given her Protestant background and long affiliation with the South, Hillary is more similar to these voters than Bernie is.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
"Three years ago, we weren't projected to win this state, and our poll numbers were terrible. But we did it, we won a dominating 50.01/49.92 matchup. Our path to the nomination is clear."

Lots of people would totally eat that up too... I'm tired of replying to e-mails from his campaign telling them to stop fucking e-mailing me with their bullshit. >>;


That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

Past performance is no guarantee of future returns.

In my view, Bernie has been a lot less progressive than Clinton in this campaign when it comes to racial issues.


That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.

If Bernie had done rather than just discussed he might have won the nomination.
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
Clinton is tied heavily to the current black President. Who the white racists in WV too lazy to change their affiliation hate.

In 2012 Obama only won 60/40 in the WV primary.


That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.

Bullshit. He's done jack shit in his home state of Vermont. FYI african americans are 1.2% of Vermonts population, but are 10% of it's prison populations. Going to have to find this one salon article about him basically ignoring black activists, and just pivoting to his same tired ass stump speech as a way to help african americans.

edit: He likes to talk as if he's been this mesiah of the minorities when in reality they have been on the back burner for him since he hasn't ever needed to get their votes until now.


It really does not matter at all.

Of course it doesn't matter, Hillary's had the nomination since February if we're being real here.

But every victory at this point chips away at Bernie's moral argument, encourages more suppers to openly declare, and puts more pressure on Bernie to cut the crap and drop out.

And with the Republicans wrapped up and waiting, I'm ready for this zombie primary to be over so we can turn our full attention to the general.


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Clinton is tied heavily to the current black President. Who the white racists in WV too lazy to change their affiliation hate.

I find it difficult to believe that there are that many conservative Democrats in West Virginia. The ideological alignment of the Democratic party was finished decades ago.

In my view, Bernie has been a lot less progressive than Clinton in this campaign when it comes to racial issues.

Besides his "ghettos" gaffe, what do you think Bernie did that was regressive?
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.

West Virginia has a long history of being very pro-workers rights. It was a reliable blue state for decades. If you look at the age breakdowns you'll see that Hillary won voters 45-64 in the state but lost voters 65+ because many of them were blue collar democrats before the southern strategy was even a thing. There was certainly some misogyny at play too, but I think Bernie was just more in line with WV voters than Hillary. WV has a pretty fascinating history when it comes to workers rights, I'd recommend a quick google of "the battle at Blair Mountain" and you'll see that a lot of Bernie's message is very much in line with what the older generations in the state grew up believing.


That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.

If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.

Sanders thinks all problems are economic problems. He's said as much himself. He ignores black rights groups in his home state. He picked Cornel West as a surrogate, someone who has referred to Obama in some pretty disgusting ways, when the vast majority of black people love Obama. He outright stated at the start of his campaign that his target demographic was middle class white people over minorities.

Yeah, sure, buddy's been doing work on that social justice, right?
I made around $100 when Benchmark first called it for Hillary, selling at 94c. Then that Pike County update came in, and I was able to get a bunch more Bernie No at 72c, which I just flipped for 97c. Great night.
Yeah, Sanders' lack of a good response to the intersectional nature of racism in this country puts him further behind than Clinton on this one. He's arguing his message from a class perspective, and that's just not correct (in my opinion). Rising tides and all that, but if everyone's boat goes up 10 ft, minorities' boats are still much lower than white peoples'. Add to that the complete lack of a connection with civil rights groups around the country and his own state, and he's not that great on issues of racism. He's just a professional protester.


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Sanders thinks all problems are economic problems. He's said as much himself. He ignores black rights groups in his home state. He picked Cornel West as a surrogate, someone who has referred to Obama in some pretty disgusting ways, when the vast majority of black people love Obama. He outright stated at the start of his campaign that his target demographic was middle class white people over minorities.

Yeah, sure, buddy's been doing work on that social justice, right?

None of Cornel West's criticism of Obama are unfounded, though. Focusing so much on him was a misstep, but Bernie aligned himself with West early in his campaign, before other black officials and public intellectuals (Ralph Ellison, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ben Jealous) announced their support.

Do you mind showing me where Sanders outright said those comments about middle class whites over minorities?

That's deplorable but it isn't unique. In New York, an outright majority of incarcerated people are black. I don't think either of these problems can really be blamed on either Sanders or Clinton, because senators have little power in affecting local policing. While Sanders likely could have done more to influence politics within his state, the exact same could be said about Clinton. When comparing them on racial justice, this is a moot point.


I find it difficult to believe that there are that many conservative Democrats in West Virginia. The ideological alignment of the Democratic party was finished decades ago.

Besides his "ghettos" gaffe, what do you think Bernie did that was regressive?


39% of Bernie Sanders supporters in the WV primary said they'd vote for Trump over Sanders in a GE matchup. Sounds like your standard Democratic party constituency in every other state across the nation, right?


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I find it difficult to believe that there are that many conservative Democrats in West Virginia. The ideological alignment of the Democratic party was finished decades ago.

Besides his "ghettos" gaffe, what do you think Bernie did that was regressive?

Not long after the show­down with Vit­ter, I sit with Sanders on a couch in Harry Re­id’s foy­er out­side the Sen­ate floor to dis­cuss his highly spe­cif­ic vis­ion for the Left. In re­cent months, Sanders has in­dic­ated he’s will­ing to use his fire-and-brim­stone act not simply to in­flu­ence a pres­id­en­tial elec­tion, but also to lay the ground­work for something of a “polit­ic­al re­volu­tion.” “Let me ask you,” he says, his gangly frame strug­gling to con­tain it­self to our couch, “what is the largest vot­ing bloc in Amer­ica? Is it gay people? No. Is it Afric­an-Amer­ic­ans? No. His­pan­ics? No. What?” An­swer: “White work­ing-class people.” Bring them back in­to the lib­er­al fold, he fig­ures, and you’ve got your re­volu­tion.
I sug­gest to Sanders that his vis­ion for a new pro­gress­ive base of old white guys runs some­what counter to the con­ven­tion­al wis­dom, but he cuts me off. “Who told you that?” he scoffs. “I’m talk­ing from a little bit of ex­per­i­ence. I did get 71 per­cent of the vote in my state. And des­pite pop­u­lar con­cep­tion — with all due re­spect to my friends in Cali­for­nia, North­ern Cali­for­nia, where you have wealthy lib­er­als who sup­port me and I ap­pre­ci­ate that — Ver­mont is a work­ing-class state. So I’m glad you raised that, be­cause your ana­lys­is is in­cor­rect. And I’m right and every­body else is wrong. Clear about that?”

I think that really explains everything.

East Lake

Interrupting this thread's meltdown for cheese news.

The glut of cheese starts with farmers such as Carla Wardin, a 38-year-old who owns the Evergreen Dairy in St. John, Mich., with her husband, Kris. They expanded from 250 to 400 cows and bought a new barn in 2014 when milk prices were soaring. Nobody is making any money now, she said, but producers respond the same way whether prices are low or high.

“You do the exact same thing,” she said. “You milk more cows.”

Americans eat an average of 36 pounds of cheese a year apiece, but it isn’t enough to keep up. Prices for block cheddar cheese fell to a six-year low of $1.27 a pound Thursday at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange; they have since risen one cent in the spot market.

“Someone is going to eat all of this meat and dairy,” said Mr. Shagam, with the USDA. “How much room do you have in your stomach?”


Was hoping she would have won Indiana too, but at least she didn't get locked out in the May states. The "momentum" talk would have been just as insufferable as it was when Bernie won the string of caucuses.
Kinda weird that about twice as many people voted in Kentucky's democratic primary compared to their republican primary.
The republican Kentucky race was a caucus.

Also the state Dem party is huuuge. The 2015 gubernatorial election was somewhat of an aberration (and hopefully not the start of a new trend).
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