Alright MSNBC you can cut the music, damn.
So old Bern will barely edge out Hillary?
Bernie is done
Damn it, I want Hilary to be able to say she won the state despite the slim margin... I reeeeeally don't want Sanders to have another excuse to act like a blowhard like he has been lately. orz
Interesting? How about myopic. Polling from West Virginia had just under 40% of Sanders voters saying they're voting Trump in the GE regardless of who the Dems pick. In 2012 WV dems voted in non-trivial numbers for a felon serving time in Texas.
The only thing about the white working class lost by the DNC as it pertains to West Virginia is just how goddamn racist it is. They prefer Bernie because he thinks racism is something he and MLK fixed 50 years ago.
It really does not matter at all.God, please don't let this be another damn Michigan with Bernie squeezing out a win after it was called for Hillary.
We don't need another Michigan.
"Three years ago, we weren't projected to win this state, and our poll numbers were terrible. But we did it, we won a dominating 50.01/49.92 matchup. Our path to the nomination is clear."
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
Clinton is tied heavily to the current black President. Who the white racists in WV too lazy to change their affiliation hate.That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
If Bernie had done rather than just discussed he might have won the nomination.
It really does not matter at all.
Clinton is tied heavily to the current black President. Who the white racists in WV too lazy to change their affiliation hate.
In my view, Bernie has been a lot less progressive than Clinton in this campaign when it comes to racial issues.
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
That's false. Bernie Sanders is more progressive on race than Clinton is. He might not be perfect, but he's been discussing racial justice for decades at times when Clinton was not.
If any bias helped Bernie win in West Virginia, it's misogyny.
You might not have known this, but MLK marched with Bernie.
Vermont incarcerates people at the fourth highest rate in the U.S., but no one talks about that. I have been beating on that drum for a while now, and I hoped that Bernie would up that mantle, but he has not. He is like a lot of Vermonters who like to congratulate themselves on how progressive they are but sweep these issues under the rug.
Excuse me, do you have a moment to talk about BernieYou might not have known this, but MLK marched with Bernie.
Sanders thinks all problems are economic problems. He's said as much himself. He ignores black rights groups in his home state. He picked Cornel West as a surrogate, someone who has referred to Obama in some pretty disgusting ways, when the vast majority of black people love Obama. He outright stated at the start of his campaign that his target demographic was middle class white people over minorities.
Yeah, sure, buddy's been doing work on that social justice, right?
I'm referring to something unrelated to politics.
Vin Scully feels me.
She wins KY.
I find it difficult to believe that there are that many conservative Democrats in West Virginia. The ideological alignment of the Democratic party was finished decades ago.
Besides his "ghettos" gaffe, what do you think Bernie did that was regressive?
But of course!It's looking like winner in Kentucky's primary will be FRAUD!
I find it difficult to believe that there are that many conservative Democrats in West Virginia. The ideological alignment of the Democratic party was finished decades ago.
Besides his "ghettos" gaffe, what do you think Bernie did that was regressive?
Not long after the showdown with Vitter, I sit with Sanders on a couch in Harry Reids foyer outside the Senate floor to discuss his highly specific vision for the Left. In recent months, Sanders has indicated hes willing to use his fire-and-brimstone act not simply to influence a presidential election, but also to lay the groundwork for something of a political revolution. Let me ask you, he says, his gangly frame struggling to contain itself to our couch, what is the largest voting bloc in America? Is it gay people? No. Is it African-Americans? No. Hispanics? No. What? Answer: White working-class people. Bring them back into the liberal fold, he figures, and youve got your revolution.
I suggest to Sanders that his vision for a new progressive base of old white guys runs somewhat counter to the conventional wisdom, but he cuts me off. Who told you that? he scoffs. Im talking from a little bit of experience. I did get 71 percent of the vote in my state. And despite popular conception with all due respect to my friends in California, Northern California, where you have wealthy liberals who support me and I appreciate that Vermont is a working-class state. So Im glad you raised that, because your analysis is incorrect. And Im right and everybody else is wrong. Clear about that?
The glut of cheese starts with farmers such as Carla Wardin, a 38-year-old who owns the Evergreen Dairy in St. John, Mich., with her husband, Kris. They expanded from 250 to 400 cows and bought a new barn in 2014 when milk prices were soaring. Nobody is making any money now, she said, but producers respond the same way whether prices are low or high.
You do the exact same thing, she said. You milk more cows.
Americans eat an average of 36 pounds of cheese a year apiece, but it isnt enough to keep up. Prices for block cheddar cheese fell to a six-year low of $1.27 a pound Thursday at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange; they have since risen one cent in the spot market.
Someone is going to eat all of this meat and dairy, said Mr. Shagam, with the USDA. How much room do you have in your stomach?
The republican Kentucky race was a caucus.Kinda weird that about twice as many people voted in Kentucky's democratic primary compared to their republican primary.
Kinda weird that about twice as many people voted in Kentucky's democratic primary compared to their republican primary.