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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Hillary's PAC seems to be trying to convince people that they're bad human beings if they vote for Trump.


Might work, not sure. Worth an experiment.

Focus group testing has shown that him mocking the disabled reporter plays REALLY well with certain voter types - suburban women in particular. It completely invalidates him as a choice for president in some eyes. Tying a kid into it is a perfect combination.
The fact that she's gotten two different lawyers to pick this up leads you to believe she must have some sort of proof of some kind, although they could also just be scumbag lawyers.

I could find two lawyers to pick up just about anything if it meant having their name in the news.
He'll simply pay himself back by purchasing his products, staying at his hotels, etc like he's been doing (according to the FEC report). It's almost like money laundering.


remember me
Trump supposedly raised 11M in 24 hours. Not sure what that is comprised of.

Good thing the majority of his primary expenditures went into Trump businesses.

No doubt, but since it's a press release, it's more "hey donors, get on board, I'm not paying back myself" nonsense.

It's a play on donors, maybe he'll change something (ha), didn't read the press release to see if there's anything new.

Political Polls ‏@PpollingNumbers 24s25 seconds ago
North Carolina General Election,

Clinton 43% (Tie)
Trump 43%
Johnson (L) 4%
Stein (G) 2%


Romney won NC by 2 points

NC is clearly a battleground state.


Can anyone tell me why it's illegal to own a rocket launcher or a tank? It's all just property, right? Or do we restrict ownership of things because they're dangerous to society?
Nope, because it's not illegal to own either of those.

And "we" restrict ownership of things because "we're" paranoid and overreact to statistical noise. Kinda like when LyingCorruptHillary voted for the Patriot Act and Iraq War.
I'll believe Operation Clownshoes is over when he raises $100 mil. That should be easy.

Yeah, even if he does start to become funded and competent, I don't see how anyone could worry until Trump is leading in aggregated polling, at a minimum. Let's see how things look two weeks after the DNC. I bet he has hit bottom for now, but is entering a prolonged period where he is consistently running behind. He will eventually decide that this is a losing strategy, return to full-on Trump mode, and sink even farther behind, by which point it will be too late to recover.
Lindsay Graham approves of the Senate dems revision of the No Fly No Buy law. Apparently they reworded it to "fix" issues with due process on the matter by making it more possible for people who are flagged to have a hearing to get off of it.


No Scrubs
Lindsay Graham approves of the Senate dems revision of the No Fly No Buy law. Apparently they reworded it to "fix" issues with due process on the matter by making it more possible for people who are flagged to have a hearing to get off of it.

Shit, if we could get the due process stuff fixed then that might actually be a decent bill. I'd still want the gun-show loophole closed though.


Trump supposedly raised 11M in 24 hours. Not sure what that is comprised of.

Probably Trump + RNC combined (joint committees). Donors are directing nearly all their money from joint funds to RNC.

edit http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/rnc-raising-big-moneybut-not-for-trump-224700
The joint committees are comprised of Trump’s campaign committee and the RNC, while Trump Victory also includes 11 state party committees, allowing it to accept a maximum donation of $449,000, with the cash allocated to its component committees based on a formula.

The first $5,400 goes to the Trump campaign, with the next $233,800 going to RNC and its special convention and building maintenance funds, according to a document provided to donors that was obtained by POLITICO. The one-page document shows that the next $110,000 goes to the state parties and the final $100,200 goes to a special RNC recount fund.

The fundraisers have highlighted to donors a provision in the joint committees’ solicitations allowing them to essentially choose their own beneficiaries. It reads “Notwithstanding this allocation formula, a contributor may designate a contribution for a specific participant or participants,” according to one solicitation obtained by POLITICO.


Mnuchin, Trump’s finance chairman, didn’t answer when asked his thoughts on GOP fundraisers telling donors that they could give to the victory fund without any money going to Trump’s campaign.

“I’m just on a conference call so I can’t really go through anything right now, but shoot me a text and I’ll try to get back to you,” he told a reporter this week. He did not respond to a follow-up text.


Probably Trump + RNC combined (joint committees). Donors are directing nearly all their money from joint funds to RNC.

edit http://www.politico.com/story/2016/06/rnc-raising-big-moneybut-not-for-trump-224700

No way they're going to give money directly to Trump and the RNC would be stupid as well to send money his way. They should be focusing on protecting their house and senate seats and making sure their people aren't linked to Trump. They have to know they're not winning the White House. Plan B should focus on everything else and maintain control of Congress as best as possible.


The best part of that NC poll is that Burr is only leading Ross by three 40/37. Taking out Burr would be a HUGE win for the Dems this cycle and some delicious payback for Hagan.


I saw the other day that Latino registration is skyrocketing in Georgia.

Would be nice if we could pull a surprise win in the Senate race there too - the 08 election ended up being like 49-46 which pushed it to a runoff.

Yea, runoffs suck though because Dems don't really turnout for em : /

I am very hopeful this year and need to help register people.

Hillary's PAC seems to be trying to convince people that they're bad human beings if they vote for Trump.


Might work, not sure. Worth an experiment.

I think your wording is misleading. Reading your post I thought it was something risque, but it's just a good ad in general showing Trump acting like Trump and a kid who is affected by it.
Cause why not:

Jon Cohen ‏@jcpolls 24m24 minutes ago
The one you've been waiting for: #Brexit by @HillaryClinton vs. @realDonaldTrump: UK Clinton supporters 61% Remain, 37% Leave; Trump's 13-85

P.S.: Neutered Twitter Trump sucks.


The best part of that NC poll is that Burr is only leading Ross by three 40/37. Taking out Burr would be a HUGE win for the Dems this cycle and some delicious payback for Hagan.
Another big revealing bit from PPP this morning:
We've asked if people would rather have Obama or Trump as POTUS in NC, VA now.
Obama wins 49/48 in NC, 52/41 in VA

Virginia leans Dem already. That's a damn telling number.
Has there ever been a conservative meme that didn't have a misspelling?
Lindsay Graham approves of the Senate dems revision of the No Fly No Buy law. Apparently they reworded it to "fix" issues with due process on the matter by making it more possible for people who are flagged to have a hearing to get off of it.
Where are all the people who are for due process of the actual no-fly list, rather than just using it to determine gun purchases?
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