She names Franken as her Veep Candidate. They win in a landslide.
Two months into her term, Hillary is indicted for emails. Not the old server, the new one that she installed in the West Wing. When she was emailing Bill pictures of what SHE was doing with an intern in the Oval Office, she accidentally hit "Reply all" and sent it to everyone. She's indicted, and Huma finally has had enough (Huma wasn't the intern, obviously...)
Franken becomes President, and names Tina Fey has his Veep. She takes the oath of office but HOLY FUCK IT'S ACTUALLY SARAH PALIN!
And then McTurtle announces Impeachment proceedings against Franken when Franken tries to get his "Not a human being, but a human doing" bill passed Congress. He is convicted for high crimes against comedy. Palin is made President (no Yasss Queening werk! fuck! alas...) She names Newt as VP...and we have our moon base completed by 2024*
*Except we're all dead because Palin went to war with Australia in 2019.