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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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What is it with this recent trend of all these defunct Republican campaign managers ending up on TV networks? Was there that big vacancy of positions that desperately needed filling?
Honestly yes. Most networks have trouble finding likeable conservatives who can articulate conservative ideas to a mainstream audience. They are starved at that position. But I also want to note that this guy doesn't meet any of those requirements either.


Politico: Kaine rises to top of Clinton's veep list

Interesting that Franken is on the list too. But Kaine does seem like the most likely choice.

I wish I could make gifs, because I would have inserted Al's face onto this long ago in preparation for this moment:

can't Hillary just wait for the GOP convention to be a done deal before deciding her on her running mate?

I understand that Kaine is better pick against a generic Republican while Warren is the best pick against Trump

but c'mon, Dems have until their convention to make a pick


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Franken would be an inspired VP choice that would be perfect for today.

As a result, I completely expect Vanilla Tim Kaine to be the pick.
If they're really considering Franken, that's who they should pick.

Dude's been a great senator, is incredibly smart, and his TV experience makes him a perfect foil for Trump because he can hit back quickly and smartly.

Might not shore up as much Bernie support as Warren just because he endorsed Clinton early which pissed off some Berniecrats, but man those same people are already mad at Warren for her Clinton endorsement and will probably turn on Bernie too once he offers even the most tepid endorsement.

Dayton can appoint whoever he wants and this could very well be Keith Ellison's chance to move up the ladder.


Franken would be a horrible choice. Don't underestimate how negatively his comedy background would be viewed. Even as a sitting Senator it probably puts him into "unfit to be President" territory.
Kaine is just....ugh. His stance on abortion is gross to me. In another year, in which Hillary didn't have to prove her cred on certain issues, Kaine would have been a perfect pick in 2008. I don't see him as a perfect pick in 2016.


Guy on MSNBC talking about this website. Telling Delegates to do whatever the fuck they want at the convention because NO TRUMP.
Franken would be an inspired VP choice that would be perfect for today.

As a result, I completely expect Vanilla Tim Kaine to be the pick.

I think Franken would make a good VP, but as a candidate he strikes me as gimmicky. It is one thing to overcome his comedian image in Minnesota, but to define himself seriously to swing voters nationally is a big lift and an unnecessary risk, in my opinion.


Oh, wow. It's the year of dreams. FFXV has a release date, The last Guardian has a release now, and now the Republicans actually have an ACA replacement!


Instead of the ACA’s tax credits to help people afford their premiums, the Republican outline would introduce a new tax credit. There’s no information on how much these new tax credits would be worth, or how much of people’s premiums they would cover.

We do know that, unlike the ACA, the credits would vary by age, not by income — which means low-income people wouldn’t get more help. And since their growth wouldn’t be tied to premium costs, the credits would grow more slowly than premium costs over time, leaving enrollees to shoulder an increasing share of costs on their own.

The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions from being discriminated against or denied coverage by insurers. It’s a very popular provision, which is why Paul Ryan also says he’ll do it.

The only problem is that his policies wouldn’t actually provide that protection. Rather, only people who maintain continuous coverage would be protected from price discrimination for pre-existing conditions. If Ryan’s tax credits aren’t large enough for you to afford your plan and you have to drop your coverage for a few months, then insurers would be free to price discriminate against you and your pre-existing conditions.

For states that have already expanded Medicaid, Ryan’s proposal would not repeal expansion outright. Instead, it would partially or fully roll it back by massively cutting federal funding for it. Currently, the federal government pays for the full cost of Medicaid expansion enrollees; its share gradually decreases to 90 percent in 2020, with states covering the remaining 10 percent. This is a much better deal than states get under traditional Medicaid. Ryan proposes gradually eliminating this enhanced payment share and replacing it with the traditional share. While disingenuously pitched as increasing state “flexibility,” this would massively shift costs onto state budgets in an effort to force them to roll back Medicaid expansion. As a result, millions of low-income people would lose coverage or see benefit cuts.

Paul Ryan also wants to raise the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 67. In 2012, the Congressional Budget Office estimated that this change would affect 5.4 million seniors, forcing them to find alternative sources of coverage. The Center for American Progress estimated at the time that almost 435,000 of these seniors would be at risk of becoming uninsured. Yet since these estimates assumed that low-income seniors could rely on Medicaid expansion in states that had chosen that option, Ryan’s Medicaid proposals would even further limit choices for seniors pushed out of Medicare. Furthermore, such a change would cost the rest of the health care system — including patients, employers, and states — twice the amount that the federal government would save.


A good article on how the Republican party may be going somewhere with Trump at the helm that may make them a minority party for at least a generation: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/07/the-white-strategy/485612/?utm_source=atltw

... and that it's over an issue that is not as big of a problem as they make it out to be.
This partisan split undermines the claim that Republicans are embracing Trump’s anti-immigration message primarily because of economic hardship. As the data journalist Nate Silver has pointed out, Trump supporters earn more than supporters of Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders. Yet Clinton and Sanders voters don’t generally blame immigration for their economic woes. That merely confirms the findings of shelves full of academic studies: Personal economic circumstances are not a major driver of immigration views.
The much stronger link is between attitudes toward immigration and attitudes toward race. In 2008, two political scientists at the University of Michigan, Ted Brader and Elizabeth Suhay, along with Nicholas A. Valentino of the University of Texas at Austin, showed several hundred white Americans a fictional news story about the negative effects of immigration. Alongside the news story was a photo of a “recent immigrant.” One group of participants saw a photo of “Jose Sanchez” from Mexico. Another saw a photo of “Nikolai Vandinsky” from Russia. The men chosen for the two photos were selected such that their features were “maximally distinct on the dimension of ethnicity.” The participants were then asked a series of questions about immigration policy. The result: The people who saw Sanchez were more than twice as likely to endorse anti-immigration measures as those who saw Vandinsky.
Of course. It's not about racism, it's about economics!

Great article, thank you for sharing. I don't think the party at large will learn, only a few will but it will not be enough. I do believe the GOP will continue to jump deeper into the shark infested pool. I know I won't forget this fuckery for the rest of my life.

Don't you be down on yourself, don't you do it.

Hahaha, thanks. I kinda had a down on myself moment when I decided to go the MA in English route instead of the MFA in Creative Writing. It's the smart brain choice for where I want to end up. HOWEVER, I did get accepted into two different creative writing programs, so I have that going for me which is nice. :p

Someone yesterday asked about those cards with Warren's name on them. Here's a direct link not through email.

Card with Warren's name on it

I think if she doesn't want Warren, that's fine, but she's going to need to dial back the endorsement stuff until after the convention. Warren sapped any excitement out of the room for Kaine (if there was any). It's a fine line she has to walk. She touts Warren too much, and then goes with someone else, that has the potential to piss a lot of people off.


If you want to make my eyes water in a political discussion right now, the easiest way is to mention Franken as a serious contender. Cruel of that article to get my hopes up..

I need a tissue.
Hahaha, thanks. I kinda had a down on myself moment when I decided to go the MA in English route instead of the MFA in Creative Writing. It's the smart brain choice for where I want to end up. HOWEVER, I did get accepted into two different creative writing programs, so I have that going for me which is nice. :p

Someone yesterday asked about those cards with Warren's name on them. Here's a direct link not through email.

Card with Warren's name on it

I think if she doesn't want Warren, that's fine, but she's going to need to dial back the endorsement stuff until after the convention. Warren sapped any excitement out of the room for Kaine (if there was any). It's a fine line she has to walk. She touts Warren too much, and then goes with someone else, that has the potential to piss a lot of people off.

Yeah just got that on facebook. Adding Warren to that list seems so much like a wink to me that it's hard to imagine otherwise.
If you want to make my eyes water in a political discussion right now, the easiest way is to mention Franken as a serious contender. Cruel of that article to get my hopes up..

I need a tissue.

She names Franken as her Veep Candidate. They win in a landslide.

Two months into her term, Hillary is indicted for emails. Not the old server, the new one that she installed in the West Wing. When she was emailing Bill pictures of what SHE was doing with an intern in the Oval Office, she accidentally hit "Reply all" and sent it to everyone. She's indicted, and Huma finally has had enough (Huma wasn't the intern, obviously...)

Franken becomes President, and names Tina Fey has his Veep. She takes the oath of office but HOLY FUCK IT'S ACTUALLY SARAH PALIN!


And then McTurtle announces Impeachment proceedings against Franken when Franken tries to get his "Not a human being, but a human doing" bill passed Congress. He is convicted for high crimes against comedy. Palin is made President (no Yasss Queening werk! fuck! alas...) She names Newt as VP...and we have our moon base completed by 2024*

*Except we're all dead because Palin went to war with Australia in 2019. :(


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
AHghfhdhfg Fuck off Tim Kaine and your dumb creepy ass half smile and your boring no shits given personality

I almost feel bad for him, in that his name has been floated as a top pick for at least 2 presidencies now.

(That's the only reason I know who he is, lol)


She names Franken as her Veep Candidate. They win in a landslide.

Two months into her term, Hillary is indicted for emails. Not the old server, the new one that she installed in the West Wing. When she was emailing Bill pictures of what SHE was doing with an intern in the Oval Office, she accidentally hit "Reply all" and sent it to everyone. She's indicted, and Huma finally has had enough (Huma wasn't the intern, obviously...)

Franken becomes President, and names Tina Fey has his Veep. She takes the oath of office but HOLY FUCK IT'S ACTUALLY SARAH PALIN!


And then McTurtle announces Impeachment proceedings against Franken when Franken tries to get his "Not a human being, but a human doing" bill passed Congress. He is convicted for high crimes against comedy. Palin is made President (no Yasss Queening werk! fuck! alas...) She names Newt as VP...and we have our moon base completed by 2024*

*Except we're all dead because Palin went to war with Australia in 2019. :(

This is the most gripping political fan fiction I've read in a long time. So many twists and turns. 10/10 would chortle over my lunch while reading again.
can't Hillary just wait for the GOP convention to be a done deal before deciding her on her running mate?

I understand that Kaine is better pick against a generic Republican while Warren is the best pick against Trump

but c'mon, Dems have until their convention to make a pick

She's not going to announce until after Trump does, and he's not going to announce until the Convention.

She'll just know who she wants well before then.
I almost feel bad for him, in that his name has been floated as a top pick for at least 2 presidencies now.

(That's the only reason I know who he is, lol)

And this is exactly why I don't want him

He's had forever to build a national profile. And nobody knows who the hell he is, or what his stances on literally ANYTHING are.

In all this political chaos this past year or so... where has he been? What does he think of Trump, this Republican obstructionism, their treatment of women and minorities? Their mockery of the judiciary branch? Does he care?

I know what Warren's stances are on these subjects. She has been fighting hard on the front lines where as Kaine is sitting in back of the classroom.

I will be pissed if he is selected, and basically made the "Next up" candidate for next cycle. He doesn't fucking deserve it because he doesn't give a crap.


Holy shit. House republicans held a vote in the middle of the night to try and overturn the rule that financial advisors have to act in their clients best interest?
Like Joe biden, Kaine seems like a great number 2 but I would never want him to become president. I'm starting to hop off the Warren train mainly because while I would love her to campaign with Hilary I don't know if I would want her to be the number 2 in the white house with no prospects being president outside of something unfortunate happening.

Warren can still campaign for Hilary just fine and then be a force in the Senate. That being said I would still prefer Perez over Kaine


What in the flying fuck?

Yep. It failed, of course. Then they came back to vote on Zika.

The Gohmert got on the floor shouting radical islamic terror killed the people in Orlando.

What about the children of Newtown? Or Colorado? Or Oregan? Or that planned parenthood? Or Virginia Tech? Or Charleston?


Like Joe biden, Kaine seems like a great number 2 but I would never want him to become president. I'm starting to hop off the Warren train mainly because while I would love her to campaign with Hilary I don't know if I would want her to be the number 2 in the white house with no prospects being president outside of something unfortunate happening.

Warren can still campaign for Hilary just fine and then be a force in the Senate. That being said I would still prefer Perez over Kaine

I agree 110%.

Why would we want Warren to enter a largely ceremonial position when she could be THE driving force in the Democratic caucus in the Senate? Wall Street may be bitching about Warren as VP, but I guarantee that they'd be much more nervous about Warren in a Senate leadership position when the Dems take it back. Let her keep being an amazing surrogate (which will help her establish her clout and build her power base) and when the Dems take back the Senate, she'll be one of the most powerful Senators we have.

Also, Perez is the correct answer.


Is Bernie going to give Thursday night speeches from here on out until the end of time or what? Where we go from here?


Shit I'm pretty sure he has 3 rallies scheduled now. Two of them for candidates who endorsed him. Pretty sweet deal when it includes Secret Service protection.


Kaine is so boring of a pick, Clinton needs Warren more than she needs a safe pick. Warren would be great as a vp for many reasons but man she could eviscerate trump over the next 5 months real good.


I go for Kaine as VP just because I've found him a solid politician for the kind of roles a VP needs to play, and I think he had a good record as governor. Plus it's been a while since we've had a President from Virginia, I'll take a VP in the meantime :)

Think Warren should be left in the Senate, I don't see her being executive material and that's fine.


Franken does good in the Senate anyway, he doesn't need to be Veep, although I would love to see more of him

How often do straight dudes give other dudes clothing of any kind, let alone v-neck sweaters? Have I been a bad friend? Should I be buying sweaters for my bros?

If you're my bro or my sis please don't buy me stuff

I have too much stuff already. Offer to pay for dinner or something if you must give me a present lol
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