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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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I wish Benchmark had benchmarked the Brexit...cause they'd have got it bang on. Because, you know, they'd have just fudged the numbers until they win!

I hope the report that Corey's nondisclosure agreement was void is true, because CNN might be using him to spill some good dirt.

It was between the joint fundraising with GOP.
And it was on Tuesday.

Also, some donors are calling to give to money to the GOP and not Trump or very little to Trump.

I suspect most funds will get redirected to down-ticket folks instead of to Trump. Going to look like 2010 when Dems were running from Obama (foolish as it was).

Another big revealing bit from PPP this morning:

Virginia leans Dem already. That's a damn telling number.

If the RNC genuinely wants to win, they can't cede Virginia. That's just going to anchor the 270 votes right there. You could call the race on that result.

If Britain were to leave the E.U. What would that mean for the U.S?

I'm not an expert on this, but I have to assume we'd start to re-examine some deals with them. All of our deals for years are predicated on them being backed by the EU; it'd be like doing business with someone who was partnered with a rich person, only to break off that arrangement. Sure, you might stay in business with them, but you certainly have to re-evaluate that relationship. Because if we're ever forced to pick a side between the EU and UK, we're going with the EU every time.
So Paul Ryan's Obamacare replacement plan is toss the subsidies, toss the Medicaid expansion, promote health savings accounts, promote plans that cover nothing, eliminate the exchanges, and pre-existing conditions are suddenly a thing again.

Sounds great!


No Scrubs
So Paul Ryan's Obamacare replacement plan is toss the subsidies, toss the Medicaid expansion, promote health savings accounts, promote plans that cover nothing, eliminate the exchanges, and pre-existing conditions are suddenly a thing again.

Sounds great!

I'm gonna write him a letter, it is going to say this (in big bold red letters):

If Britain were to leave the E.U. What would that mean for the U.S?
We royally fuck them over in a trade deal that they come to us desperate to negotiate in order to improve their leverage to negotiate a deal with the EU after they hardline them to preserve future EU existence to avoid other countries leaving
So Paul Ryan's Obamacare replacement plan is toss the subsidies, toss the Medicaid expansion, promote health savings accounts, promote plans that cover nothing, eliminate the exchanges, and pre-existing conditions are suddenly a thing again.

Sounds great!

But what about block granting Medicaid so that Kansas can stop giving medicine to any poor people.
If Britain were to leave the E.U. What would that mean for the U.S?

In the US system, they'll come running running like chickens with their heads cut off for treasuries. In other systems, there'll be a flight to safety to whatever the safest/most liquid asset is i.e. their equivalent tool.


So Paul Ryan's Obamacare replacement plan is toss the subsidies, toss the Medicaid expansion, promote health savings accounts, promote plans that cover nothing, eliminate the exchanges, and pre-existing conditions are suddenly a thing again.

Sounds great!

Probably the best thing about the ACA was ditching that pre-existing condition bullshit.

Paul Ryan can eat poop.
Also President Trump would pass that Ryancare bill without a second of thought.

"It's a great deal." The President remarked before boarding Air Force One on its way to Pyongyang.


No Scrubs
I have some integrity. Some. Not a lot, but some. No talent, though....


Don't you be down on yourself, don't you do it.
Hmm, we've got a #take here.

Perhaps the biggest unreported story of this presidential election is the humiliation of the American male. Unless I’m blinded by confirmation bias – which is entirely possible – it seems to me that the humiliation of American men is now institutionalized in the media.

Check out this commercial for dishwasher detergent. And take careful note of the American man’s v-neck sweater. That’s the uniform of a man who is owned by a woman.

You’re laughing because you know it’s true. How many of the married men reading this blog have received those same sweaters as “gifts” from women? Personally, I’ve received about 25 over the years. None from men. I received three of those sweaters so far this year. I throw them away. Nice try.

Many of you can’t talk about this topic without being accused of sexism, losing your jobs, and being cast out of your social groups. But I can talk about it because I endorse Hillary Clinton for president. I did that for my personal safety, because I live in California, but still, I’m on the progressive side now. That gives me some extra freedom of speech.

If you are following the election polls, you know that Clinton has greater support from women while Trump has greater support from men. Trump probably can’t win the presidency unless he gets massive voter turnout from American men.

Will that happen?

The dishwasher soap commercial should give you a hint of how big that turnout might be. You might not notice the size of the coming tsunami because American men generally don’t voice their humiliation in public. That would just make it worse.

But in the privacy of the polling booth, the men who don’t talk are free to act.

You can criticize Donald Trump on many dimensions. You can say he’s not really a great businessman. You can say he’s offensive. You can say he lies. You can hate his position on issues. You can say he has insufficient policy details. And lots more. But I think we all agree that Melania never asks Donald to go back to the store because he’s too dumb to buy the right kind of soap on the first try.

I predict you will see the largest male turnout of any presidential election in American history.


In the interest of completeness…

In my opinion, Hillary Clinton has already done a great service to the country because – win or lose – she already effectively broke the glass ceiling on the most visible and important job in the nation. If she falls short of the presidency, few people will think it was because of gender discrimination against women. Clinton has been a strong role model for women and deserves massive credit for that.


I’m sure women do have it worse than men in this country in lots of ways. But it isn’t a competition. My point is that the psychological state of American men in 2016 is one of persistent humiliation for simply being male. That sense of humiliation might be more imagined than real – which is not an important distinction – because either way it affects how people act.

Video in question:




Lewandowski ran a fraudulent campaign for a fascist, probably assaulted a woman, and has a fucking CNN gig?


Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling

You’re laughing because you know it’s true. How many of the married men reading this blog have received those same sweaters as “gifts” from women? Personally, I’ve received about 25 over the years. None from men. I received three of those sweaters so far this year. I throw them away. Nice try.

How often do straight dudes give other dudes clothing of any kind, let alone v-neck sweaters? Have I been a bad friend? Should I be buying sweaters for my bros?


If Britain were to leave the E.U. What would that mean for the U.S?

Maybe Donald Trump.

I didn't see this until just now. As a dude named Aaron, this one kills me. I don't know how no one knows how to spell my name, but they don't. People will even email me where they have to type aaron@sdlknsdfnkldsnkl.com, and then they'll start their email with 'Hey Arron'.

Have you tried explaining it's Aa as in Aardvark?

Or that, like Wojciehowicz, it's spelled like it sounds.


Politico: Kaine rises to top of Clinton's veep list

Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine is emerging as the leading candidate atop Hillary Clinton’s vice presidential short list, according to Democratic allies and operatives close to the campaign.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren and HUD Secretary Julian Castro are also top prospects for the Democratic ticket — both representing nods to important Democratic constituencies.

But they have serious drawbacks that make them less appealing for Clinton than the Spanish-speaking, Terry McAuliffe-endorsed, former missionary and swing state governor, who was a finalist in Barack Obama’s vice presidential vetting process eight years ago.

Kaine currently towers over other top-tier candidates still in consideration like New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker, Labor Secretary Tom Perez, California Rep. Xavier Becerra and Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown.


Clinton allies said that the campaign has been keen on Kaine for months. But like Obama, who also focused on Joe Biden from the beginning but went through the due diligence of looking closely at different models, Clinton is still vetting a host of candidates.

Castro, 41, makes for a striking tableau standing next to Clinton: a rising Latino star of the Democratic Party, paired with the older, experienced, first female major party nominee, gives the sense of a big tent party. Castro has been working hard for Clinton on the trail, traveling to 11 states as a surrogate, but Democrats close to the campaign said there is concern his inexperience would cramp Clinton’s ability to frame Trump as someone lacking the appropriate resume for the Oval Office.


Warren, 67, the fantasy number two pick for many progressive-leaning Democrats, offers the promise of a historic two-woman ticket, and would help soothe the hurt feelings of millions of Bernie Sanders supporters who find great appeal in the message of an economic system that is rigged for those at the top.

But the Massachusetts senator is seen as a potentially difficult bedfellow for the next eight years, and there is a lack of any personal relationship between the two leaders to draw on. There’s also a sense in Clinton circles that in a race against Trump, Clinton doesn’t need to make what would be a buzzy but risky bet with a number two who has her own clear agenda to push — one that has not always been in line with Clinton’s. Warren insiders have expressed distrust of Clinton on her core issue of Wall Street reform.


One dark horse that Clinton allies said is also on the list is Minnesota Sen. Al Franken, a close ally who is also popular with the progressive wing of the party and enjoys a closer bond with Clinton.


“She is in a strong position and doesn’t need to throw the long ball,” said Democratic consultant Michael Feldman, a former top aide to Al Gore. “More important, she is experienced and has been around the process long enough to know the essential criteria. Do no harm, because the downside of a mistake is greater than the upside of a great choice. Make sure it is someone who you are ready to work down the hall from for the next four to eight years.”

Interesting that Franken is on the list too. But Kaine does seem like the most likely choice.

If you had told me two years ago that the online conservative presence would be dominated by Dilbert-worshipping anime bros who unironically use the word "cuckold," I never would have believed it. Oh how I long for the days of the early oughts, when the right wingers online were cantankerous old raisin farmers who wrote 10,000-word thumbsuckers about how we had better adopt ancient Greek models of masculinity or we would lose World War 4.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
So Paul Ryan's Obamacare replacement plan is toss the subsidies, toss the Medicaid expansion, promote health savings accounts, promote plans that cover nothing, eliminate the exchanges, and pre-existing conditions are suddenly a thing again.

Sounds great!

Health savings accounts are the biggest scam idea ever. What an absolute disaster that would be.
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