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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Yeah, I dropped the ball on the image quality of some of the text stuff for sure. First time making a community thread and was unsure of so many things. But looking back at what I achieved on a day's notice, i'm mostly satisfied.

The OP is amusing and the title clever, just messing with you about the image quality :p.

Like Suiko said, for future reference PNGs work better at keeping text clean for images of posts

I forgive, but the Zodiac does not
What a year, where the Republican National Convention is this summer's must-watch hit show?

Cleveland burning to the ground will make for great TV, sorry Adam.


This is a little different to the stuff I sometimes share from my facebook wall. Politico and many others have been running stories about the Clinton campaign picking up ex Sanders staff. Like this one:


Well something I've kept to myself so far, is that I know someone who works on Bernie's campaign. Here is the reaction of someone else on his staff.


That's supremely douchey. Why not be happy for a former colleague? Instead they want to insult them and burn bridges? Sigh
That's supremely douchey. Why not be happy for a former colleague? Instead they want to insult them and burn bridges? Sigh

Honestly, she's been pretty pleasant during this whole campaign. This is the first thing she's posted that's been particularly negative that I've seen. I don't want to read too much into that, but she's shown zero signs of salt before. You can make of that what you will.


Honestly, she's been pretty pleasant during this whole campaign. This is the first thing she's posted that's been particularly negative that I've seen. I don't want to read too much into that, but she's shown zero signs of salt before. You can make of that what you will.

It's just weird. I guess I understand her feeling kinda betrayed, based on what Cybit and Keepin' it 1600 have said about the animosity that builds during a campaign, and perhaps that's all we're seeing here.

Just gotta remember what side we're all on and who the actual enemy is.
Honestly, she's been pretty pleasant during this whole campaign. This is the first thing she's posted that's been particularly negative that I've seen. I don't want to read too much into that, but she's shown zero signs of salt before. You can make of that what you will.

I'm confused, did you friend transfer over or is she the one insulting the women who did?
Honestly, she's been pretty pleasant during this whole campaign. This is the first thing she's posted that's been particularly negative that I've seen. I don't want to read too much into that, but she's shown zero signs of salt before. You can make of that what you will.

Losing is hard. I am sure she just needs to decompress. If I were you, I would just be positive and try to keep her from forming any lasting bitterness.
Losing is hard. I am sure she just needs to decompress. If I were you, I would just be positive and try to keep her from forming any lasting bitterness.

Like I say, she's been mostly positive and factual with everything she's been posting. Hasn't really touched on the fraud and the conspiracies. Sure she's shared stuff from the mainstream media criticizing Clinton on the e-mails or the Clinton Foundation, but that's nothing upsetting. She's far from my closest facebook friend, but generally I'm trying to give my disappointed friends space.


remember me
facebook is the worst



I guess I was maybe seeing it veer off into a generic "Bernie Bros have privilege and we don't, assholes" thread, which is why it sort of hit a nerve with me (as someone whose two best friends growing up enlisted in the wake of 9/11, and one is MIA from Iraq and the other is permanently injured from his third tour of Iraq). If the thread was staying explicitly on race, that'd be one thing, but it (at least to me) felt like it was turning into an oppression olympics circle jerk, and that all Bernie supporters are too privileged to understand how important Clinton is. Though, admittedly, the thread has taken a turn back towards actual discussion of the article than the derailing it was at when I posted initially. :D So reading the thread now - it's generally a lot better, so most of my remarks in that post aren't nearly as valid as they were.

As someone who (thankfully?) only knows a handful of Bernie Bros, and the majority of them are Iraq vets...that's kinda fucked up empathy wise to heavily insinuate "too privileged to understand what voting for Clinton means".

W/R/T race (and gender and where in the country you live and sexuality) stuff - I really hate politics of division, and I think a lot of the modern discourse around identity politics are fundamentally based around being politics of division and politics of rejecting the concept of empathy. One of the key assumptions around that discourse seems to be that unless you ARE X/Y/Z category, you can't possibly understand what it is like, and with that, if you are X/Y/Z, you're all the same, and if you aren't, you're disparaged by said group. Add in this lazy and selfish conflation of ignorance and malice when it comes to many of these conversations...ugh. It seems just self-serving and virtue signaling to me.

It bugs me like hell that we choose to isolate with our differences rather than share our commonalities. Maybe it's because I'm a south asian who grew up in rural IL; but I don't fit most of the stereotypes of asians - and it frustrates me that it is always assumed to be so.

W/R/T race and GAF specifically - being Asian, it seems like in the US we're basically Schrodinger's Minority - whites claim us as minority status when talking about achievement, non-asian minorities claim us as minorities when it comes to representation and pretty much everything else. It's occasionally frustrating being south asian on the internet (or if you have a beard like I did, in the US post 9/11). :p

I'll probably come back and edit this as I think about it more - gotta run an errand for a bit.

A) I can't speak to the state of the thread when you entered it but unless war-vets are specifically being called out it seems pretty obvious to me the conversation is taking place across the axis of race, why Sanders campaign failed to appeal to many minorities and why minorities find the prospect of a Trump presidency so terrifying that a third party vote (or hell eve a vote FOR Trump) to them seems even dumber than usual. I don't think criticizing Clinton's Iraq War vote is unfair but that never seemed to be the major/primary disqualifying factor for many of the #BernieorBust crowd of #BotharetheSame crowd (which is different than voting for Bernie in the primary but not thinking Clinton is the devil and being willing to vote for her in the GE) I saw but anecdotal evidence and all that. It would have helped if, IMO of course, Sanders demonstrated any particular foreign policy experience or interest over the course of his campaign or the drive to improve over the time of the campaign :(

B) The issue I have with the discussion of "identity politics" is that like the term "SJW", it might have value as a pejorative but so often the people who use it un-ironically are doing so in a condescending, unemphatic, ignorant or combative way. Talking about intersectionality isn't about division but rather acknowledging the innate differences between people along these axes and how that has change their world view and life experiences. Recognizing and respecting those differences is how people will better understand each other. Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. all come from the inability of people to appreciate how people different from them feel and think and live along these axes that comprise aspects of their person that they couldn't choose but rather were assigned by the genetic lottery.

The classic analogy that has been used to describe America is that of a melting pot but that implies that everything combines into one uniform soup with indistinguishable elements. The appropriate analogy is that of a salad - multiple parts that are are all similar (food/people) and combine to form a greater whole (salad/America) as well as influence each other but are made of distinct elements that retain their individuality and can be separated. The point is to make people stop and think outside their bubble - to increase empathy by getting people to see through the eyes of others. Sure, some people are just going to run around screaming "you're too privileged!" without nuance but as with anything, some people are dumb. The main goal and point of these sorts of conversation are clear and are generally positive.

As an example, even though I certainly don't agree with every feminist on every subject (humans and their opinions, how do they work :p) these sorts of conversation were very important in me being able to better understand feminism and the perspective of women over the course of my life. I think that is an example of a way I've improved as a more emphatic person. As such, when I have the time and energy, I will make a concerted effort to make sure other people can better understand the Black experience through my eyes and I will be sure to listen so that can better appreciate the experiences of others who have seen life through different eyes than my own.


Been reading a lot about how someone under 50 would be a good choice for VP, someone who can be groomed by leadership to make a run in 2024 but... do we really need that? I know the Obama -> Hillary transition was pre-ordained back in 2009, and a lot of people foamed at the mouth over it (and some are still mad today). I don't think I want that all over again in 8 years. I think I want fresh new faces in 2024... Kamala Harris, in particular.


Trump claiming hes "the least racist person" after calling Senator Warren Pocahontas 4 times. Sometimes I wonder if he actually believes the shit he says.


I think it will mostly depend on the economical and political landscape at the time anyway. If Hillary kills it for 8 years and the economy is booming, and the GoP hasn't figured out inter-sectional politics, then does it even matter who we nominate?

Kamala seems like a great up and coming progressive, I hope she has a successful Senate term and we'll see where she goes from there
Ya, but when you account for FRAUD and retroactive momentum, and the bird. Don't forget the bird......

I really wonder if she can break a 500,000 vote lead. I hope so.

I hope so too. I still have facebook friends who are convinced Bernie is still going to win once all the votes are counted.
What do they think him winning California would accomplish?

Let Bernie fight all the way to convention like he was originally planning rather than dropping out next week. Which he needs to do to help ensure that Biden doesn't get the nomination if Clinton is indicted.

That's a real example.
The Twitter Left (ie. DeBoer/Jacobin folks) are so upset that people are pointing out that not every Sanders voters was actually an ardent social democrat.
I hope so too. I still have facebook friends who are convinced Bernie is still going to win once all the votes are counted.

Some s4p people are tracking the county by county results and celebrating that he may have switched San Luis Obispo. Then I realize we're still paying attention, and I realized we're basically the same...just without the conspiracy theories. This is a good sign for unity.


No Scrubs
Let Bernie fight all the way to convention like he was originally planning rather than dropping out next week. Which he needs to do to help ensure that Biden doesn't get the nomination if Clinton is indicted.

That's a real example.

Even if he didn't drop out in that scenario it would still go to Biden. Super's abstain on the first vote, no one gets the magic number, Biden walks in, they back Biden, he lobbies for Clinton's delegates and eventually wins.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
These idiots have no perspective on shit, do they.

It's amazing really, we have a candidate that is arguable to the left of Obama on virtually everything except foreign policy (but still noticeably left of W Bush). We also have a candidate that is arguably White but certainly a Nationalist.
This is a little different to the stuff I sometimes share from my facebook wall. Politico and many others have been running stories about the Clinton campaign picking up ex Sanders staff. Like this one:


Well something I've kept to myself so far, is that I know someone who works on Bernie's campaign. Here is the reaction of someone else on his staff.


Vipers all of them... Jesus


I'm seeing a lot of Hillary is Umbridge posts. Bear in mind, these are typically from libertarians or people who are now supporting libertarians.

The amazing Stephanie Edd, who I am blessed to consider a friend, wrote this amazing piece which I thought I'd share with everyone here. It's a fantastic guide on how to engage in political discussion, which even if you think you don't need it you might want to read... and which you might find helpful to share with your friends.


When I talk about my many *rational* Sanders friends, Stephanie stands at the top, and is already doing good work for the Queen now that she's clinched. There's some stuff in here that I think I need to go back to school on, as I know I can get baited into fights, and that I take some shallow pleasure from getting people to lose their temper at me from time to time.

It's probably going to be TL:DR for some of you but maybe at least a few of you will find something in here that connects.


It's amazing really, we have a candidate that is arguable to the left of Obama on virtually everything except foreign policy (but still noticeably left of W Bush). We also have a candidate that is arguably White but certainly a Nationalist.
Ugh, shows how little they know about people. No excuses, they can just go on the internet and do their research but I guess that requires some modicum of effort. Too much for them. Hell, Trump has called mexicans, latinos, hispanics rapists, while Hillary wants immigration and criminal justice reform. Idiots.
This is a thing i took the time to make. I blame alcohol.

My gf's friend is a lawyer who specializes constitutional law and he now refuses to vote in the general election because he "refuses to choose between Hitler and Mussolini". It's infuriating.
Welp, I... I...
I'm seeing a lot of Hillary is Umbridge posts. Bear in mind, these are typically from libertarians or people who are now supporting libertarians.



Hillary wouldn't be a Half Blood.

She'd be fucking Wizard Royalty.

Team Voldemort for lyfe.

Real talk: Is Hillary a Ravenclaw or a Hufflepuff?

For Hufflepuff hardworkers were most worthy of admission.....
For Ravenclaw the cleverest would always be the best....
The Twitter Left (ie. DeBoer/Jacobin folks) are so upset that people are pointing out that not every Sanders voters was actually an ardent social democrat.

Like pretty much all of West Virginia.

Btw unlike others I feel no shame making my first appearance on the Wall of Shame. Quite proud....!


FGC Waterboy
A) I can't speak to the state of the thread when you entered it but unless war-vets are specifically being called out it seems pretty obvious to me the conversation is taking place across the axis of race, why Sanders campaign failed to appeal to many minorities and why minorities find the prospect of a Trump presidency so terrifying that a third party vote (or hell eve a vote FOR Trump) to them seems even dumber than usual. I don't think criticizing Clinton's Iraq War vote is unfair but that never seemed to be the major/primary disqualifying factor for many of the #BernieorBust crowd of #BotharetheSame crowd (which is different than voting for Bernie in the primary but not thinking Clinton is the devil and being willing to vote for her in the GE) I saw but anecdotal evidence and all that. It would have helped if, IMO of course, Sanders demonstrated any particular foreign policy experience or interest over the course of his campaign or the drive to improve over the time of the campaign :(

B) The issue I have with the discussion of "identity politics" is that like the term "SJW", it might have value as a pejorative but so often the people who use it un-ironically are doing so in a condescending, unemphatic, ignorant or combative way. Talking about intersectionality isn't about division but rather acknowledging the innate differences between people along these axes and how that has change their world view and life experiences. Recognizing and respecting those differences is how people will better understand each other. Racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. all come from the inability of people to appreciate how people different from them feel and think and live along these axes that comprise aspects of their person that they couldn't choose but rather were assigned by the genetic lottery.

The classic analogy that has been used to describe America is that of a melting pot but that implies that everything combines into one uniform soup with indistinguishable elements. The appropriate analogy is that of a salad - multiple parts that are are all similar (food/people) and combine to form a greater whole (salad/America) as well as influence each other but are made of distinct elements that retain their individuality and can be separated. The point is to make people stop and think outside their bubble - to increase empathy by getting people to see through the eyes of others. Sure, some people are just going to run around screaming "you're too privileged!" without nuance but as with anything, some people are dumb. The main goal and point of these sorts of conversation are clear and are generally positive.

As an example, even though I certainly don't agree with every feminist on every subject (humans and their opinions, how do they work :p) these sorts of conversation were very important in me being able to better understand feminism and the perspective of women over the course of my life. I think that is an example of a way I've improved as a more emphatic person. As such, when I have the time and energy, I will make a concerted effort to make sure other people can better understand the Black experience through my eyes and I will be sure to listen so that can better appreciate the experiences of others who have seen life through different eyes than my own.

A) The thread got a lot better quickly; the last post I saw when I opened it was the "All Sanders supporters are dumb" post before I posted (well, I saw that post, then had to go off and do a few things, and then posted in PoliGAF without checking back on the thread). Hence my frustration at the thread - it felt more like a "bash Sanders and his supporters" thread rather than any kind of actual discussion. The military part comes in because it's a very obvious counter-argument to the "BernieOrBust people all have more privilege" than me. Just like Sanders' policy weaknesses would disproportionately hurt minorities over whites, Clinton's policy weaknesses disproportionately hurt enlisted folks (who are predominantly poor and minority). The fact that folks were arguing with a straight face that the first was unacceptable but ignoring / unwaware of the second...is like a blind spot some Sanders supporters have of racial minority issues. The hypocrisy of the argument at the time bugged me.

B) Overall I pretty much agree with you (in my case, hispanic culture / experience is the one I'm really lacking, since I've had very little experience on that front). In that thread at the time, and as often in identity threads on Main OT GAF (and other places), I think it turns not into discussions about gaining perspective and sharing experiences but using their identity as a club to beat people over the head with and try to show how virtuous they are. I enjoy actual discussions, but in the OT threads that I see that are tied to identity politics, in my experience, tend to have a lot of folks using social justice as a cudgel for being an asshole and it being "OK". (The Trump thread where folks were justifying actual fucking terrorism because they were minorities might have done it for me).

"Identity politics", like "SJW", are terms that are like tools. How they are used and what they stand for is very much based on the wielder and the observer. (I say this as what might be called a SJW myself, but more of a SJ Cleric, because NO ONE EVER WANTS TO BE THE FUCKING HEALER). Do people use SJW as a pejorative to be an asshole to someone? Absolutely. Are there fanatics (especially online) who go way too fucking far and deserve the pejorative usage of that term? Absolutely.

Or, in longer, better terms, what I try to work on myself (the ending is what makes it all spot-on)


Anyway, sent you a PM if you wanted to keep discussing and not derail the thread further. :D
So Hillary is Rmasay, right?
If so, then fuck yeah, #TeamRamsay all the way. All of royalty must die and he's the best at that.

Ramsay is the one who's played by Iwan Rheon right? The guy from Misfits and Vicious?

Cause, I'm on whatever team he's on. Period.
I feel your pain, guys. People that equate Clinton and Trump are just plain dumb. I scrubbed all the Trump supporters off my social media and out of my life, but now I have friends posting this kind of thing.

Watching Mock the Week:

Trump is like Silvio Berlusconi...except in a country that matters.

I lol'd.


If he becomes President, we'd be able to laugh at Americans for reasons they understand.
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