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You are an insane person if you think lynch was going to do anything other than follow the FBi recommendation. This is an abnormal level of paranoia from liberals.

You don't have to be paranoid to think Bill Clinton is a liability if he doesn't stay locked up in a room until November.
BTW, I don't believe it will happen for a second, but oh my gosh, if Trump could pick Mike Pence for a VP, that could only improve things for the state of Indiana.
You don't have to be paranoid to think Bill Clinton is a liability if he doesn't stay locked up in a room until November.

Its this kind of focusing on Bill's weaknesses without looking at his massive strengths that dictated Gore's strategy in 2000 and probably cost him the Presidency.


I just got an email that one of my libertarian professors is leaving the school to run for congress.

I, along with many other Americans, have watched the current national debate with great distress: Never in my adult life has our country been confronted with two such terrible choices for the Presidency. No matter whom we choose, I fear for our Republic.

In response, I have decided, much to my surprise, to toss myself into public life: I am now preparing myself to run for Congress [...]

I'm surprised he had any interest in running for office at all.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Next week. Obama's thugs shortened the length of the market day today in honor of gays.

So Loretta Lynch isn't going to stand in the way of the FBI and will accept their recommendations regarding Hillary?


The height of diablosing


Its this kind of focusing on Bill's weaknesses without looking at his massive strengths that dictated Gore's strategy in 2000 and probably cost him the Presidency.

Gore passed up having a popular sitting President stump for him. With Obama in the picture there's a far superior alternative to modern day gaffe-prone Bill Clinton.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Guess Kev wasn't kidding about the jerbs numbers. :(

I stayed up all night for that!

Well, not really but still.


Kills Photobucket
Gingrich is Trumps "smart" choice. He seems to be well liked by the gop base and might reassure some people.

I can't think of any advantage for picking Christie though.


MSNBC saying Lynch may "remain in the line of decision making" after all. Interesting. Halperin was on the phone with a Justice Dept. staffer or something along those lines, on live TV. LOL

In case of emergency break glass.

The Lynch/Clinton meeting definitely made for bad optics.
I love how we're suddenly supposed to ignore that optics can matter during a campaign.

Well, if this concern is over campaign optics, it doesn't matter because the other guy is Donald fucking Trump. If it's about Lynch committing to follow the FBI recommendation, it doesn't matter because she already said she'd do that, and they won't recommend indictment.


The politico article on Hillary as SoS and her work for LGBT rights is quite interesting, and offers significant pushback to the notion that LGBT people shouldn't be supporting her over Sanders:


The passport change for trans people is a big thing, and was done in a very Hillary way - make a policy change that you can accomplish, but don't shout about it because that will hurt the change/
When Clinton and Warren win, will it be the first President-Vice President pair where neither one has a wife?

Or will Trump-Newt set the record with six wives?


Well, if this concern is over campaign optics, it doesn't matter because the other guy is Donald fucking Trump. If it's about Lynch committing to follow the FBI recommendation, it doesn't matter because she already said she'd do that, and they won't recommend indictment.

It's completely about optics for me and the demonstrable lack of discipline or even common sense on display that resulted in this bringing up the emails in a news cycle that didn't need to happen.


what does this change?

Who thinks anything different today than before the meeting?

There were already conspiracies about obama or lynch gonna stop the indictment
All the networks are talking about it, even if it's not a big deal it just doesn't look good in light of the fact that the FBI hasn't informed the public of their decision yet.

Mixed messages coming from the Justice Dept. as well. Halperin's contact says she can still make a decision if need be but she would rather take a more limited role, others seem to be saying she's had a change of heart.

It just looks like a bad stunt with inconsistent messaging.
It's completely about optics for me and the demonstrable lack of discipline or even common sense on display that resulted in this bringing up the emails in a news cycle that didn't need to happen.

I mean, I agree that it was stupid, and it just seems like one of those stupid things Bill Clinton always manages to end up doing. But more importantly, I think it doesn't matter. The emails are gonna come up on Fox every news cycle. They're gonna find stuff to freak out about. And when she's not indicted, it was going to be a conspiracy theory either way. There is no perfect investigation that would have exonerated her. Sure, Bill shouldn't have done it. But it doesn't make a difference.
All the networks are talking about it, even if it's not a big deal it just doesn't look good in light of the fact that the FBI hasn't informed the public of their decision yet.

Mixed messages coming from the Justice Dept. as well. Halperin's contact says she can still make a decision if need be but she would rather take a more limited role, others seem to be saying she's had a change of heart.

It just looks like a bad stunt with inconsistent messaging.

they're filling time, there's nothing else

and I dont think the top story right before a holiday weekend is bad

and lol underlined


lol Trump campaign


Politico said:
“Having worked in GOP grassroots politics for more than 20 years I can honestly say I have never seen a Republican presidential campaign with this weak of a field presence,” said one Florida Republican — who, like all respondents, completed the survey anonymously. “Where are the local offices in the major cities?”

The responses from unnerved Republicans ranged from mockery to genuine panic.

“Donald Trump just hired a guy yesterday in Colorado,” said a GOP insider there. “One guy — does that count as an organization?”

Added another Colorado Republican: “Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush still have better organization here than Donald Trump.”

In Iowa, one insider called Trump’s organization “MIA.” Another said it was “as small as his hands.”

One New Hampshire Republican said the question was like “asking who would win a football game between Alabama and Plymouth State,” comparing Trump to the state’s Division-III team facing the school with the most national championships in the history of college football.

An Ohio Republican said Trump’s team there is comprised of “a bunch of posers who get no respect.” A Pennsylvania Republican called it “the embodiment of chaos.” A Virginia Republican said Trump’s campaign there amounted only to “a series of Fox News appearances.”

Politico said:
“There is exactly zero staff, zero campaign offices, and zero official campaign presence for Trump in Colorado, aside from a handful of red hats that individual supporters of the New York real estate developer have bought for themselves online,” said a Republican there. “To the extent that there is any campaign infrastructure that could be mobilized for a presidential year get-out-the-vote effort for the GOP, it has almost exclusively been built and paid for by the RNC. But in recent weeks there have been a significant number of Colorado RNC-funded field staffers who have quit, discouraged by the lack of organization and resources, stretched thin by too little funding and the dysfunction plaguing the state party, and frustrated with the infighting among various factions within the GOP that has depressed both donors and volunteers.”


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
In Iowa, one insider called Trump’s organization “MIA.” Another said it was “as small as his hands.”

top lel


This is why people need to ease up on the panic. Trump is still an atrocious candidate and his campaign is still a farce. Por favor.


I was thinking about how I thought Trump would want to pick a woman and why we aren't hearing about any. I bet there's a lot of people who would love to be VP, just not willing to tie themselves to Trump. Probably limits his choices.


The new Gravis poll that has Trump up by 4 in Florida has some of the greatest numbers I've ever seen.

Queen gets 20% of Tea Partiers, the two split the Hispanic vote and then you get these religious numbers:


Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I love Hilary, but fuck are they sloppy when it's comes the perception of impropriety. You've been running for president for a long ass time now and your husband was a President for 8 years, stay out of trouble! How hard it can be?

You know the GOP are looking for anything than can be used against you.

Don't give some dude who donated to your foundation security clearance
Don't use private emails, I don't give a rat's ass how convenient it is.
Don't let Bill meet with attorney general when the FBI is investigating you.

Seriously, learn from your former boss! If Obama had forgotten to wash his hands after going to the bathroom he would have been impeached!


I love Hilary, but fuck are they sloppy when it's comes the perception of impropriety. You've been running for president for a long ass time now and your husband was a President for 8 years, stay out of trouble! How hard it can be?

You know the GOP are looking for anything than can be used against you.

Don't give some dude who donated to your foundation security clearance
Don't use private emails, I don't give a rat's ass how convenient it is.
Don't let Bill meet with attorney general when the FBI is investigating you.

Seriously, learn from your former boss! If Obama had forgotten to wash his hands after going to the bathroom he would have been impeached!

Agreed, after eight years of Obama-discipline in both campaigning and governance, the thing I'm looking forward to least in a Clinton presidency is the constant tendency to step all over themselves and make totally obvious unforced errors.


this is like freaking out about superdelegates overturning the will of the voters which wouldn't happen and would cause a shitstorm.

So.. a perfect thing for liberals to freak the fuck out over
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