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PoliGAF 2016 |OT7| Notorious R.B.G. Plans NZ Tour

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Laws and facts are not conspiracy garbage.


Too bad that

1) it took until after I made that post for you to bring up any laws that might be relevant, and

2) that statement was based on your post history, not your current bugbear.

It's like PD
complaining that everyone only remembers him for the Obama/Hillary fanfiction. If all you've been doing recently is fucking that chicken, don't act miffed that everyone thinks you're trying to fuck that chicken.

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
So, sorry, is this a confirmation you got your info from Rush and Breitbart? Wow.

No, that is not a confirmation. I in fact did not get my info from there. Do you dispute that Lynch and Clinton met? Literally the only fact, along with public law and logic as I see it, underlying my argument.
No, that is not a confirmation. I in fact did not get my info from there. Do you dispute that Lynch and Clinton met? Literally the only fact, along with public law and logic as I see it, underlying my argument.

Do you want to answer my question that having a political relationship with Obama disqualifies you from prosecuting because he has a vested interest?

Joey Fox

Self-Actualized Member
Do you want to answer my question that having a political relationship with Obama disqualifies you from prosecuting because he has a vested interest?

It would only do so if Obama becomes implicated in the results of an investigation, as far as I can tell from that law.

Some might argue Obama has a vested interest in Hillary winning politically, but the hypothetical linkage to Lynch is indirect. We have whistleblower protections and such for a reason. At some point we need to trust our officials to do the right thing.
Trump in 1993, testifying in front of Native American affairs committee about Native American casinos:

And the response:

Video here.
I think Trump might be surprised know that many Eastern Native Americans are probably the descendants of ancient Irish who landed here many thousands of years ago, which is why they have surprisingly "white" features.


I think Trump might be surprised know that many Eastern Native Americans are probably the descendants of ancient Irish who landed here many thousands of years ago, which is why they have surprisingly "white" features.

Like what the fuck... does he think every american indian is supposed to be "red" like the "redskins".

Jesus fucking christ.

Why do I still let this assholes racism piss me off.
I'm trying to find a source for this now because I saw it on the history channel, didn't believe it, and then was told this again in college that it's very likely due to similarities in old tools, features, and most damningly genetics.

But now I can't find anything. Grr.


Trump in 1993, testifying in front of Native American affairs committee about Native American casinos:

And the response:

Video here.

Yeah I saw that tonight. I like (and by like I mean LOL) how Trump's response to the last line (which the judge delivered beautifully) was basically "but what about Reverse Racism?!?!"
Fucking wow, why did I ever believe anything on the history channel as a kid. Also, misremembered something from college. I don't even know why I post anything anymore, just put me on ignore.

The ancient Japanese still landed in Ecuador, though, right?

Not even referring to that. I swear there was some history channel special where they took dna tests of Cherokee and found out they were all Irish or something.

Wtf am I smoking tonight?


The history channel runs a lot of pseudo-scientific programs, sadly.

Brendan's voyage is where the "the Irish beat the Vikings!" stuff comes from. They're doing questionable DNA testing and investigation shit because of that story.


remember me
The Mormons think Jesus and a tribe of Israelites came to America. The Irish is new to me.

Uniquely in the Mormon faith, it is believed that a tribe of ancient Israelites came to America 600 years before Christ. Every summer, hundreds of the faithful act out the story on the same hill where Smith is believed to have dug up the golden plates.

After Jesus' resurrection, according to the Book of Mormon, he visited America. In fact, America plays a special role in Mormonism. Mormons believe that when Jesus returns to Earth, he will first go to Jerusalem and then to Missouri.


A news article from the time, covering Trump's testimony:

Trump's assertion in the Halls of Congress Tuesday -- which he broadened to include all Indians who run casinos -- was just one more grenade in an hourlong assault on Connecticut, Indians and their casinos that one committee chairman said was the most irresponsible testimony he had heard in nearly two decades in Congress.

By the time the casino magnate and New York real estate developer was done testifying before the House Native American Affairs Subcommittee, Trump had:

Called the state's experience with casinos "a disaster."

Charged that Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. had been "bludgeoned" into accepting an agreement with the Pequots.

Claimed that the 300 Pequot tribe members carve up between $300 million and $500 million for themselves with all the glee of hungry children grabbing for pieces of a pizza.

Watch out, warned Trump. Organized crime figures are slithering into Indian casinos around the country.

"It will be the biggest scandal ever," Trump warned, "the biggest since Al Capone ... . An Indian chief is going to tell Joey Killer to please get off his reservation? It's unbelievable to me."

Much of Trump's testimony was unbelievable to the committee and other witnesses, including G. Michael Brown, president and chief executive officer of the Foxwoods casino, and Connecticut State Police Lt. Col. Robert Root.

Brown and Root vehemently denied there was a trace of organized crime at Foxwoods, and Brown called Trump's remarks "racist." And the idea that tribe members are pocketing such high profits, Brown said, is "totally false."


The day seemed perfect for his anger. When he walked into the hearing room, he could not find a seat. For 2 1/2 hours, the lord of New York City's Trump Tower had to stand, his head usually cocked upward so his square jaw pointed sharply at the witness table.

When it was finally Trump's turn, he discarded the seven-page statement he was going to read.

"I had a long and boring speech," he told the panel, "It was politically correct and something that would have gotten me into no trouble whatsoever."


Trump got very little compassion from the hearing room crowd.

"In my 19 years here, I don't know that I've heard more irresponsible testimony," Miller said. Abercrombie criticized Trump's "patronizing attitude," and F. William Johnson, chief operating officer of the Mystic Lake Casino in Minnesota, said of Trump's assertion about crime, "It is wrong; it is ludicrous, and it is based on unjustified jealousy."

Trump would not give in. "People have paper bags over their faces and nobody's looking," he said. "Everybody knows what's going on."

Abercrombie sighed. "Free speech reigns," he said, "no matter how idiotic."


Just wanted to give kudos to itschris for your consistent news posts. You do solid work, man. You are truly PoliGAF's *insert prestigious reporter here*.


Just wanted to give kudos to itschris for your consistent news posts. You do solid work, man. You are truly PoliGAF's *insert prestigious reporter here*.

Thanks! I can't take too much credit - I get a lot of it from people that I follow on Twitter.


Fucking wow, why did I ever believe anything on the history channel as a kid. Also, misremembered something from college. I don't even know why I post anything anymore, just put me on ignore.

The ancient Japanese still landed in Ecuador, though, right?

Not even referring to that. I swear there was some history channel special where they took dna tests of Cherokee and found out they were all Irish or something.

Wtf am I smoking tonight?

I think you're talking about the Solutrean hypothesis, which was about a Paleolithic tool industry in western Europe (the Solutrean culture) whose stone tools look kind of similar to the tools used in the Clovis culture in North America. So it was speculated that European hunter gatherers traveled across the pack ice during the Ice Age to North America. It's been debunked though, because genetic studies have shown that Native Americans are unrelated to those people but genetically related to the ancient Siberian Mal'ta-Buret' culture.

Why Missouri?

That's where the Garden of Eden and Adam-ondi-Ahman are according to Mormonism.


More juicy stuff! Trump, on the "Imus in the Morning" radio show:

Imus: Okay. This is just my opinion, but I don't think it makes sense to anybody to have Indians operate casinos in New Jersey.

TRUMP: General George Custer was against it also and looked what happened to him.

IMUS: Would there be any reason, if push comes to shove, for you to become a member of these tribes?

TRUMP: Well, I think if we lost various things, I would perhaps become an Indian myself.

IMUS: You know, do one of those Robert Bly deals.

TRUMP: Well, I think I might have more Indian blood than a lot of the so-called Indians that are trying to open up the reservations.

I looked at one of them -- well, I won't go into the whole story. but I can tell you, I said to him, "I think I have more Indian blood in me than you have in you." And he laughed at me and he sort of acknowledged that I was right, but it's a joke. It's really a joke.

IMUS: A couple of these Indians up in Connecticut look like Michael Jordan, frankly.

TRUMP: I think if you've ever been up there, you would truly say that these are not Indians. One of them was telling me his name is Chief Running Water Sitting Bull, and I said, "That's a long name." He said, "Well, just call me Ricky Sanders." So this is one of the Indians.

IMUS: what's the status with your marriage? Are you still getting married?

TRUMP: Oh, I'm doing great. It's really fantastic.

IMUS: Yeah, but are you getting married?

TRUMP: That might be the most difficult question you've asked me so far. See, the Indian problem is a much simpler problem. That can be solved.

IMUS: Maybe you can have one of those traditional tribal ceremonies.

TRUMP: That's right. Maybe that would be the best way to do it. That way, it wouldn't be an authorized marriage. Therefore, I could claim marriage without any of the liabilities, right?

IMPS: That's what I was going to say.

TRUMP: "What are you talking. about? I never got married."

IMUS: "I gave her some beads and that was basically about it."

I got this from the congressional records, thanks to Liam Donovan on Twitter.


I wonder if the rumblings of Joe Kennedy gearing up for a run for Senate is another indication of Warren being picked as the running mate.

(I would still prefer Maury Healey.)
More juicy stuff! Trump, on the "Imus in the Morning" radio show:

I got this from the congressional records, thanks to Liam Donovan on Twitter.
Juicy indeed.

God, please let Clinton pick Warren. Trump won't be able to resist continuing his "Pocahontas" nonsense, giving them the perfect chance to not only call him out on being a complete racist, but also throw all of this right back at him every time he tries it as well. It's all too perfect, because Trump just can't hold it back at all when Warren is calling out his nonsense, so he'd just keep getting it brought up again and in the news cycle since he's too thin-skinned to be able to ignroe her. QUEEN PLS~ :D


Honestly, if I were reading the signs, it would have to be Warren. She wants someone she has a relationship with, and it seems with Warren's visit to Hillary's house, their phone calls and their rally in which their body language showed a sense of ease and comradery among the two - not to mention the hugging/hand holding and the first name basis between the two, and that's not saying anything about Clinton constantly touting her in fundraising emails and social media - I'd feel good putting down money on Warren being the pick.
Honestly, if I were reading the signs, it would have to be Warren. She wants someone she has a relationship with, and it seems with Warren's visit to Hillary's house, their phone calls and their rally in which their body language showed a sense of ease and comradery among the two - not to mention the hugging/hand holding and the first name basis between the two, and that's not saying anything about Clinton constantly touting her in fundraising emails and social media - I'd feel good putting down money on Warren being the pick.

Some where PhoenixDark is busy writing


At this point I'd need proof of otherwise to believe it's NOT Warren.

The Clinton Campaign has been so careful since the second half of the primaries. They're aware of the attention they're getting. They know what Hillary parading around with Warren looks like. They're aware of the speculation and excitement they're causing. And people ARE excited. I highly doubt Hillary would do all this just to pull a bait-and-switch and pick someone else. The backlash that would cause at this point. It would guarantee that her actual pick would be met with a wave of disappointment.

It's Warren. Now it's time to speculate how and when the announcement will be made.


At this point I'd need proof of otherwise to believe it's NOT Warren.

The Clinton Campaign has been so careful since the second half of the primaries. They're aware of the attention they're getting. They know what Hillary parading around with Warren looks like. They're aware of the speculation and excitement they're causing. And people ARE excited. I highly doubt Hillary would do all this just to pull a bait-and-switch and pick someone else. The backlash that would cause at this point. It would guarantee that her actual pick would be met with a wave of disappointment.

It's Warren. Now it's time to speculate how and when the announcement will be made.
This is my thinking as well though I would prefer a different pick. Clinton has been telegraphing Warren for a while now. To go with someone else would cause a wave of disappointment and questioning that her campaign doesn't need right now.


remember me
Night and day

Clinton Campaign Expands Latino Operation To Take On Trump

Faced with an opponent in Donald Trump with historically low national favorability among Hispanic voters, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is growing its Latino vote program.
The campaign is hiring staffers nationally and regionally to work in battleground states with large Hispanic populations, as well as in states where Latinos live but are not expected to directly affect the electoral outcome, and states the campaign is monitoring that may eventually come into play, like Arizona.

Republicans To Send “Letter Of Concern” To RNC Over Minority Outreach

Republican operatives representing different minority communities will be sending a “letter of concern” to the Republican National Committee, expressing their frustration with the lack of organization and outreach in more diverse parts of the country.
The letter, which is addressed to RNC Chairman Reince Priebus and is expected to be released later Tuesday, will be signed by Asian-American, African-American, Native-American, and Latino operatives who previously worked for Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush and for former GOP presidential nominee John McCain, BuzzFeed News has learned.
I don't think they have a particularly close relationship outside of this campaign song and dance.

I still think she's a bad choice. And potential net harm. But whatever. The VP isn't going to decide the outcome. Especially of this election.


The RNC isn't bothering with minority outreach because they know they can't sell the narrative that Trump isn't racist. They would rather let him lose without trying to sell him to minority voters then reach out to them after the election once they can try to wash their hands of Trump all together. The narrative will be "look! We've changed!"
At this point I'd need proof of otherwise to believe it's NOT Warren.

The Clinton Campaign has been so careful since the second half of the primaries. They're aware of the attention they're getting. They know what Hillary parading around with Warren looks like. They're aware of the speculation and excitement they're causing. And people ARE excited. I highly doubt Hillary would do all this just to pull a bait-and-switch and pick someone else. The backlash that would cause at this point. It would guarantee that her actual pick would be met with a wave of disappointment.

It's Warren. Now it's time to speculate how and when the announcement will be made.
Hillary choosing a native american as her running mate would be an uncharacteristically un-lame decision for her. If Warren is the vp, then I'll have to tearfully salute farewell to Bernie and give forma/emailghazi my vote


Not sure where else to post this. If anyone has previously donated through ActBlue, check your contributions. Looks like someone got into my account and donated $110 to Bernie Sanders campaign. Haven't accessed my account myself since late April.
The RNC isn't bothering with minority outreach because they know they can't sell the narrative that Trump isn't racist. They would rather let him lose without trying to sell him to minority voters then reach out to them after the election once they can try to wash their hands of Trump all together. The narrative will be "look! We've changed!"
2012 GOP autopsy report redux. It's a catch 22. They can't function as a party nationally without their nativist, anti-immigrant white base. Yet they cannot win nationally* without abandoning their nativist, anti-immigrant white base.

*they can win by taking advantage of an economic collapse or catastrophic event but that's about it right now. The window is closing.
luckily my only contribution on actblue is still a $5 donation i made to the DCCC four years ago. nothing from this cycle so far (which is strange because i could've sworn i donated to a couple senate campaigns thru them)


At this point I'd need proof of otherwise to believe it's NOT Warren.

The Clinton Campaign has been so careful since the second half of the primaries. They're aware of the attention they're getting. They know what Hillary parading around with Warren looks like. They're aware of the speculation and excitement they're causing. And people ARE excited. I highly doubt Hillary would do all this just to pull a bait-and-switch and pick someone else. The backlash that would cause at this point. It would guarantee that her actual pick would be met with a wave of disappointment.

It's Warren. Now it's time to speculate how and when the announcement will be made.

I definitely think you're counting your chickens waaay before they hatch. Such proclamations have been made time and time again, most often in error.

There's not gonna be any backlash either against a candidate who was never picked to be VP in the first place. America is going to get to know any candidate Hillary chooses, and will decide if they like or dislike them over a period of time. It's not going to be some collective moaning about Warren not being selected. Just like the BernieorBusters are withering into oblivion as they realized they have no power, there's not going to be any disappointment that won't come on home in the end anyway.

I like Warren a lot and would love to see her picked, but the case can be made either way right now as to her being picked as VP. And then going one step further and positing some sort of backlash for not picking this already hypothetical pick... it's just jumping to conclusions or whatever waaaay too soon :p

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
So tired. Just drove from Boise to Sacramento only stopping for gas. We're heading to my fiance's cabin in Sequoia National Park. It's going to be nice to be without internet for a week, but having no PoliGAF in an election year is going to be rough.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
God why does Bill Clinton have to be so fucking useless these days? Democrats just lost a layer of cushion.
You are an insane person if you think lynch was going to do anything other than follow the FBi recommendation. This is an abnormal level of paranoia from liberals.


You are an insane person if you think lynch was going to do anything other than follow the FBi recommendation. This is an abnormal level of paranoia from liberals.

Small to remote chance. But King/10 suited is better than King/10 off.
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