Trump's assertion in the Halls of Congress Tuesday -- which he broadened to include all Indians who run casinos -- was just one more grenade in an hourlong assault on Connecticut, Indians and their casinos that one committee chairman said was the most irresponsible testimony he had heard in nearly two decades in Congress.
By the time the casino magnate and New York real estate developer was done testifying before the House Native American Affairs Subcommittee, Trump had:
Called the state's experience with casinos "a disaster."
Charged that Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. had been "bludgeoned" into accepting an agreement with the Pequots.
Claimed that the 300 Pequot tribe members carve up between $300 million and $500 million for themselves with all the glee of hungry children grabbing for pieces of a pizza.
Watch out, warned Trump. Organized crime figures are slithering into Indian casinos around the country.
"It will be the biggest scandal ever," Trump warned, "the biggest since Al Capone ... . An Indian chief is going to tell Joey Killer to please get off his reservation? It's unbelievable to me."
Much of Trump's testimony was unbelievable to the committee and other witnesses, including G. Michael Brown, president and chief executive officer of the Foxwoods casino, and Connecticut State Police Lt. Col. Robert Root.
Brown and Root vehemently denied there was a trace of organized crime at Foxwoods, and Brown called Trump's remarks "racist." And the idea that tribe members are pocketing such high profits, Brown said, is "totally false."
The day seemed perfect for his anger. When he walked into the hearing room, he could not find a seat. For 2 1/2 hours, the lord of New York City's Trump Tower had to stand, his head usually cocked upward so his square jaw pointed sharply at the witness table.
When it was finally Trump's turn, he discarded the seven-page statement he was going to read.
"I had a long and boring speech," he told the panel, "It was politically correct and something that would have gotten me into no trouble whatsoever."
Trump got very little compassion from the hearing room crowd.
"In my 19 years here, I don't know that I've heard more irresponsible testimony," Miller said. Abercrombie criticized Trump's "patronizing attitude," and F. William Johnson, chief operating officer of the Mystic Lake Casino in Minnesota, said of Trump's assertion about crime, "It is wrong; it is ludicrous, and it is based on unjustified jealousy."
Trump would not give in. "People have paper bags over their faces and nobody's looking," he said. "Everybody knows what's going on."
Abercrombie sighed. "Free speech reigns," he said, "no matter how idiotic."