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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Garland's better off waiting for a future Dem pres to nominate him to replace one of the conservatives. He's already been lined up for the highest job of his career, there's no need to step down at this point.


Not sure why Garland would take it; he has a job for life whereas Trump could fire him at any time should he be FBI Director. He probably would end up firing him too.

Also gotta love how Graham seems to be all "nothing to see here" while Rove is sounding the alarm.

I really think the investigation is gonna fall flat now.
Garland's better off waiting for a future Dem pres to nominate him to replace one of the conservatives. He's already been lined up for the highest job of his career, there's no need to step down at this point.

Yeah we could probably nominate someone more to the left, but I really think we should symbolically rally around "they stole his seat and we're giving it back" when we get back in there.


Liberals need to unfollow mensch.

FISA court doesn't issue indictments.

Did you miss the part about Mensch and Taylor claiming multiple grand juries (i.e. not just a FISA court) had been convened days before Comey confirmed it? I'm obviously taking this shit with a massive grain of salt, but to outright dismiss them on these particular point when they've hit some big things in the past....

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
McConnell is just as shitty as the rest of 'em, he's just smarter...

He's the worst of them all. He only believes in power. At least Ryan has an ideology, as shit as it is. McConnell is everything wrong with politics, and worst of all he is excellent at it.
In all honesty, it seems like Graham is baiting Trump.

You have to understand that Graham is one of the few old school republicans that has successfully stood up to the Tea Party. Dude knows where the wind is blowing and knows that once Trump and his fanbase lose power they will be begging for him to lead to party.

Like, he's one of the few republicans that can actually handle those town halls pretty well.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
In all honesty, it seems like Graham is baiting Trump.

That's the feeling I got. This was the closest I've seen him dance to the edge. He kept repeating the party line "I haven't seen any evidence" while continually suggesting he won't get snowed by bullshit. We'll see. his performance in front of the committee was much more highly partisan.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
You have to understand that Graham is one of the few old school republicans that has successfully stood up to the Tea Party. Dude knows where the wind is blowing and knows that once Trump and his fanbase lose power they will be begging for him to lead to party.

Like, he's one of the few republicans that can actually handle those town halls pretty well.

If the GOP is eventually going to do the right thing (and I believe the odds of this to be admittedly low), I have a feeling it will be Graham and Amash leading the way.


Kills Photobucket
Why do people even entertain the possibility that Garland would be nominated?

Does anyone really think Trump is going to nominate anyone but a loyal stooge who will pledge loyalty to him?
If the GOP is eventually going to do the right thing (and I believe the odds of this to be admittedly low), I have a feeling it will be Graham and Amash leading the way.

It's not even about "doing the right thing". It's about mitigating the blueward trend we are seeing with non-rural areas.
No way in hell that happens even if 2018 is a huge year for Dems like 2006 was. I also wonder if even Senator Casey here in PA will keep his seat because PA is so fucking conservative now. Trump's approval rating is actually climbing in many parts of the state. Just unbelievable.

Fuck I can't believe the 2006 elections were over 10 years ago. I cannot believe how much power the GOP has gained back and then some since then.
FYI there was just a poll that showed Casey has higher approval ratings now than he did before being re-elected in 2012. I'm honestly not sure where you're getting this information from.

And of course Democrats could hold everything in a wave year. 2012 was a D+1 year and we still held those states while Romney was winning them by double digits. Don't take that as a set prediction, I said "could."


Atop that, GOP budget writers will also likely include Speaker Paul Ryan’s (R-Wis.) proposal to essentially privatize Medicare in their fiscal 2018 budget, despite Trump’s unwavering rejection of the idea.

Please proceed
I wonder if the Republican Party just gave up on states like Massachusetts, Illinois, and Wisconsin in 2009-2010 because it's too hard and those are blue states so they aren't going to win them and it's not worth it to even try.
I wonder if the Republican Party just gave up on states like Massachusetts, Illinois, and Wisconsin in 2009-2010 because it's too hard and those are blue states so they aren't going to win them and it's not worth it to even try.
God, this. The GOP never gives an inch, why should we?

We're already seeing this mentality in Massachusetts and Maryland gubernatorial races. "Omg Baker/Hogan is unbeatable" No they're not. Just find a decent fucking candidate and run a decent fucking campaign. If we come up short, at least we can say we tried. Unlike Nevada and Ohio in 2014 where we conceded the top of the ticket and turnout fucking cratered, leaving us with nothing in either state.


Lindsay Graham just went out on a bunch of limbs.

Kept insisting that he personally had seen no evidence of Russian collusion with the campaign, but that trump should absolutely release all his taxes and when pressed, those of his LLC's and shell companies.

Also said he'd ask for a special or independent counsel if anything else showed up.

He's trying really hard to walk the line between GOP loyalist and bipartisan moderate publicly. Obviously his natural instinct is to be a loyalist (though I get the distinct feeling he strongly dislikes Trump personally) but all this posturing may bite him in the ass and force him to go against the grain if major shit starts coming out about the Russia ties.
He's trying really hard to walk the line between GOP loyalist and bipartisan moderate publicly. Obviously his natural instinct is to be a loyalist (though I get the distinct feeling he strongly dislikes Trump personally) but all this posturing may bite him in the ass and force him to go against the grain if major shit starts coming out about the Russia ties.

I dont think its a secret that Graham, Cruz, Rubio, etc all fucking hate Trump. But hes a republican in the white house so they'll cut throats to protect him.
God, this. The GOP never gives an inch, why should we?

We're already seeing this mentality in Massachusetts and Maryland gubernatorial races. "Omg Baker/Hogan is unbeatable" No they're not. Just find a decent fucking candidate and run a decent fucking campaign. If we come up short, at least we can say we tried. Unlike Nevada and Ohio in 2014 where we conceded the top of the ticket and turnout fucking cratered, leaving us with nothing in either state.

Seriously, defeatism is bullshit. I'll die an optimist.

And if we keep saying the country is uber partisan these days, you can't also claim that people like Baker and Hogan are untouchable. Put a dog turd with a D after its name up in Maryland with Trump in the White House and I bet we get 45% of the vote!

We need to push the message that uncontested elections are immediate grounds for dismissal of the party chair. Thankfully Perez has been on point with this; he mentions the Clinton districts with unopposed GOP Reps a lot.
God, this. The GOP never gives an inch, why should we?

We're already seeing this mentality in Massachusetts and Maryland gubernatorial races. "Omg Baker/Hogan is unbeatable" No they're not. Just find a decent fucking candidate and run a decent fucking campaign. If we come up short, at least we can say we tried. Unlike Nevada and Ohio in 2014 where we conceded the top of the ticket and turnout fucking cratered, leaving us with nothing in either state.

Definitely can't win Texas, either.

States Obama won in 2008 (in a D wave year, of course) by more than Trump won Texas that saw GOP Senate wins in 2010: New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Illinois, and Pennsylvania.

Run competent candidates whenever possible (except in, like, R+20 places or something) and some will work out, some won't. Just don't run Christine O'Donnell because then you might lose to a nobody.


You have to understand that Graham is one of the few old school republicans that has successfully stood up to the Tea Party. Dude knows where the wind is blowing and knows that once Trump and his fanbase lose power they will be begging for him to lead to party.

Like, he's one of the few republicans that can actually handle those town halls pretty well.

Did you watch his town hall? He put on the same performance the rest of his colleagues did, and got the same reception.

Graham is doing the same dance McCain is.


May contain jokes =>
Why do people even entertain the possibility that Garland would be nominated?

Does anyone really think Trump is going to nominate anyone but a loyal stooge who will pledge loyalty to him?

I guess you could argue that at this moment where Trump is, by all accounts, increasingly frustrated and isolated and possibly looking at purging his own staff, he might see this as the time to try a bipartisan gesture. The irony of course being that it's just a joke made up by the mainstream GOP and not something the Dems want.

So if you consider how reactionary and poorly-calculated of a move that would actually be, it starts to seem more likely from Trump.
Did you watch his town hall? He put on the same performance the rest of his colleagues did, and got the same reception.

Graham is doing the same dance McCain is.

Which one? He's had multiple ones. The one he had with McCain on CNN was received fairly well, and he gets flack in some of the town halls but not enough for him to completely avoid them like other GOP members have done.

He also gave one of best answers regarding the importance of post-war efforts.


You have to understand that Graham is one of the few old school republicans that has successfully stood up to the Tea Party. Dude knows where the wind is blowing and knows that once Trump and his fanbase lose power they will be begging for him to lead to party.

Like, he's one of the few republicans that can actually handle those town halls pretty well.

As I say, he seems to be trying to very carefully walk the line where if Trump goes down for Russia/corruption/etc he has enough leeway to jump off and survive (while people who tied themselves to Trump will be poison), but while Trump hasn't gone down, or if Trump never goes down, Graham is still seen as being loyal to the party.


Which one? He's had multiple ones. The one he had with McCain on CNN was received fairly well, and he gets flack in some of the town halls but not enough for him to completely avoid them like other GOP members have done.

He also gave one of best answers regarding the importance of post-war efforts.

I'm thinking of the most recent one he held on his own in his district.

As I say, he seems to be trying to very carefully walk the line where if Trump goes down for Russia/corruption/etc he has enough leeway to jump off and survive (while people who tied themselves to Trump will be poison), but while Trump hasn't gone down, or if Trump never goes down, Graham is still seen as being loyal to the party.

Which ultimately makes him just as useless as McCain.

Graham is a coward. We should pay as much attention to the two of them as the rest of the GOP does. None at all.
I'm thinking of the most recent one he held on his own in his district.

Which ultimately makes him just as useless as McCain.

Graham is a coward. We should pay as much attention to the two of them as the rest of the GOP does. None at all.

The problem right now is that if any GOP Senator tries going against Trump by themself, they get kicked out of the party by McConnell. Look what happened to Arlen Spectre for daring to vote for Obama's stimulus package.

The moment McConnell loses control is the moment that numerous GOP senators will openly vote against Trump.

One of the big focuses of 2020 needs to be unseating McConnell.


The power vacuum in the Senate once McConnell is finally fucking gone will be interesting to see.

No other GOP senator will have anywhere near the influence he has been able to grab.


The problem right now is that if any GOP Senator tries going against Trump by themself, they get kicked out of the party by McConnell. Look what happened to Arlen Spectre for daring to vote for Obama's stimulus package.

The moment McConnell loses control is the moment that numerous GOP senators will openly vote against Trump.

One of the big focuses of 2020 needs to be unseating McConnell.

Well yeah, but, I mean...what are the realistic chances of unseating McConnell?


Well yeah, but, I mean...what are the realistic chances of unseating McConnell?

low. You don't get made minority/majority leader unless you're safe because nobody wants the optics of the party leader getting removed from office. the closest he ever came to losing was his 100,000 vote margin in the 2008 dem wave
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