I'm dying here
Freud was right. It all comes down to mothers and buttholes.
I'm dying here
The bad part (for Dems) - one of our senators is the poster boy for this:Three in 10 members of Congress made a stock trade over the past two years
All told, they made over 21,300 trades
The top 12 traders are responsible for two thirds of those trades
Approximately 7,300 trades are attributable to a single congressman, Mike McCaul of Texas
31 percent of Republicans made a trade, as did 28 percent of Democrats
39 percent of senators made a trade, versus just 28 percent of the House
But, 11 of the top 12 traders are House members
More details, he apparently wasn't the only one but appears to be the most obviously egregious:Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse, the Rhode Island Democrat who sits on the Senate HELP Committee, which oversees health care, is a heavy investor in pharmaceutical stocks. Last November, as lawmakers closed in on a bipartisan deal over a significant medical research bill called the 21st Century Cures Act, Whitehouse bought shares in the pharmaceutical firms McKesson, Gilead, and Abbott Labs 10 days before the bill was made public. Whitehouse and his wife bought additional stock in Gilead and Amgen on Nov. 28, two days before the House voted on the bill. The day President Barack Obama signed the bill into law, Whitehouse started a series of three sales of shares in those companies.
I actually don't understand why they're focusing so much on Kinzinger (a GOP congressman) in this article given that he made a one-time investment in a small contractor, which is nowhere near the massive conflict of interest/day-trading behavior we're seeing elsewhere.In December, Congress approved the 21st Century Cures Act, a bill stocked with $6.3 billion in new funding for medical research and faster drug approval. In the months leading up to the vote, more than 1,000 lobbyists flocked to Capitol Hill to make their case for what should be included in the legislative package. It was a rare opportunity to dramatically increase the amount of federal money going into pharmaceuticals. It was also, as it turned out, a time when some of the members who contributed to the writing of the bill boosted their own portfolios of drug stocks, POLITICO found.
Whitehouse, Collins, Price and Fleischmann all invested in pharmaceutical companies over the months that the bill was being pulled together. Price traded and held multiple medical stocks, including McKesson, while contributing to the 21st Century Cures Act. Collins sat on the boards of multiple medical companies and bought and sold health care stocks while authoring parts of the bill.
Whitehouse, the veteran Democrat on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, began a series of purchases in health care stocks related to the bill in mid-November, through his own accounts and family accounts. At the time, negotiators were wrestling over the final version of 21st Century Cures and hoping to vote on it in a matter of weeks. Eager to battle prescription-drug addiction in his home state of Rhode Island, Whitehouse pushed leaders to include funding to fight opioid abuse, as well as health IT legislation. Both of Whitehouse's measures were eventually included in 21st Century Cures.
Ten days before lawmakers announced their breakthrough agreement on the bill, Whitehouse, through his and his family's accounts, bought shares in Gilead Sciences, Abbott Laboratories and McKesson, a pharmaceutical and health IT company. It was the third time that fall that he had bought McKesson shares. The three companies, which combined to spend more than $7.2 million on lobbying in 2016, had all been lobbying Capitol Hill on the 21st Century Cures Act. In the case of McKesson, the company also reported having lobbied on Whitehouse's IT bill.
Health care negotiators released the final version of 21st Century Cures on a Friday. The following Monday, Whitehouse purchased more stock in Gilead, as well as shares of the pharmaceutical company Amgen. In just over a week — with lawmakers racing against the December recess — the bill was approved by Congress. Ten days after President Barack Obama signed it, Whitehouse sold some of his stock in Gilead, Amgen and Biogen.
The most powerful congressman in New Jersey, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen, wrote a fundraising letter in March to the board member of a local bank, warning him that a member of an activist group opposing the Republican worked at his bank.
The employee was questioned and criticized for her involvement in NJ 11th for Change, a group that formed after the election of Donald Trump and has been pressuring Frelinghuysen to meet with constituents in his district and oppose the Trump agenda.
Needless to say, that did cause some issues at work that were difficult to overcome, said Saily Avelenda of West Caldwell, New Jersey, who was a senior vice president and assistant general counsel at the bank before she resigned. She says the pressure she received for her political involvement was one of several reasons she decided to leave.
The form letter, on campaign stationery, asks Frelinghuysens supporters to donate two years ahead of his next election because he is under attack. But lets be clear that there are organized forces both national and local who are already hard at work to put a stop to an agenda of limited government, economic growth, stronger national security, the letter says.
Above the word local, theres a hand-written asterix in the same blue ink as Frelinghuysens signature. At the bottom of the letter, scrawled with a pen, is the corresponding footnote: P.S. One of the ringleaders works in your bank!
Attached to the letter was a news article that quoted Avelenda. She says her boss presented her with both the letter and the news article. She was not fired, but she says she had a lot of explaining to do.
I had to write a statement to my CEO, and at my level as an assistant general counsel and a senior vice president, at this employer it was not something that I expected, Avelenda said. I thought my Congressman put them in a situation, and put me in a really bad situation as the constituent, and used his name, used his position and used his stationery to try to punish me.
We need Trump approval numbers in:
National level is good, but we need to know how things are looking in the old rusty belt.
Is this illegal? It's basically voter intimidation
Whoever intimidates, threatens, coerces, or attempts to intimidate, threaten, or coerce, any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner, at any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing such candidate, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
Why is KT still around if she was a Flynn flunkie and McMaster doesn't want her there? Also why is a deputy national security advisor printing out alleged time covers from the 70's regarding climate change? Isn't there some North Korea or isis crap to be dealing with?
BREAKING - Cert denied in NC voter suppression case Fourth Circuit ruling striking down NC voter ID law stands
Cert for NC Voter ID law was struck down. 3rd circuit ruling striking it down as discriminatory stands.
Good for NC but frustrating that the Supremes aren't willing to set a precedent on this.
Sorta worried what decision the court would come to here if they had to. Then again this could be one of those historic decisions like Korematsu that justices will not want their legacy attached to.
Is this illegal? It's basically voter intimidation
Good for NC but frustrating that the Supremes aren't willing to set a precedent on this.
Or they are waiting for a perfect storm of opposing cases.
Fun sidenote, conservatives are starting to mockingly call ESPN MSESPN now because MSNBC is sponsoring it. And how it's just a sign of them failing since they've been losing conservative voters they got a left leaning sponsor
WTF is going on at MSNBC
What's happening?
Looks like Lawrence O'Donnell is out, not renewing his contract. Probably the best host since he knows how Washington works.
MSNBC is going in a weird direction, shifting to the right.
Looks like Lawrence O'Donnell is out, not renewing his contract. Probably the best host since he knows how Washington works.
MSNBC is going in a weird direction, shifting to the right.
It isn't going to work for MSNBC. So they shouldn't even bother. They'll wind up with no one watching if they try. Coservstives aren't going to watch their channelRight leaning news is where the money is, so that's expected.
It isn't going to work for MSNBC. So they shouldn't even bother. They'll wind up with no one watching if they try. Coservstives aren't going to watch their channel
Looks like Lawrence O'Donnell is out, not renewing his contract. Probably the best host since he knows how Washington works.
MSNBC is going in a weird direction, shifting to the right.
I'm sorry. I feel like I must have misread. Though this would explain why they started putting Brian Williams segments on youtube, and skipping O'Donnell's. So who's next. Maddow? Hayes?
MSNBC would be fucking idiots to can Maddow. Her ratings have been better than ever. There is a thirst for more left leaning shows and even shows that don't bring on bullshit artists and give them a platform without challenging them. Colbert not shying away from the moment worked out amazingly well for him and has given his show a nice boost.
This is really weird.
Looks like the court ruling striking down NC's voter ID law stands and becomes a precedent too. But the way Chief Justice issued an explanation is confusing.
The interesting thing here is, last time the law went to SC, the court deadlocked 4-4, so the ban on the law remained. Now with the SC again having 9 justices, SC refused to hear the case completely.
Maybe because they're already going to hear the Wisconsin case?
edit: nope, completely different cases, ignore me.
Looks like Lawrence O'Donnell is out, not renewing his contract.
This is really weird.
Looks like the court ruling striking down NC's voter ID law stands and becomes a precedent too. But the way Chief Justice issued an explanation is confusing.
The interesting thing here is, last time the law went to SC, the court deadlocked 4-4, so the ban on the law remained. Now with the SC again having 9 justices, SC refused to hear the case completely.
I think it was said in an article that one of the head guys at MSNBC has a personal issue with Lawrence O'Donnell and that is why his contract isn't being renewed even while his ratings were great. It make sense that could be the case. He and Maddow are doing great in their time slots for MSNBC and against other networks and their content is always great. So if it isn't their performance then it has to be some petty shit going on behind the scenes. Not renewing him isn't good business.
I never liked O'Donnell's show myself. I don't find him very compelling, personally, even though he can be counted on to deliver an occasional zinger. Comes off a bit smug/superior too, even though I typically agree with everything he's saying. Plus I never forgave him for abusing young Jed Bartlett.
Conservatives on twitter have been up in arms about some Tim Allen show I've never heard of getting canceled, assuming the network axed the show because of it's dreaded family values. I feel like people are reacting to O'Donnell similarly. I bet there are reasons to let the guy go that don't have anything to do with right-left politics.
I have a hard time jumping on the MSNBC-to-the-right panic train too. A station with a few significant liberal voices that survives is a lot better than a station with all liberal voices that fails. As long as I have Chris, Katy, Joy, and especially Rachel I'll be happy.
Like I said, I like O'Donnell because how knows better than most hosts how Washington works (one of the few people on TV that has worked in Congress), seeing him out because the President of MSNBC doesn't like him is some pretty petty shit
2017, y'all:
As an able-bodied white Protestant who was once thrown out of the Junior Republicans for being above the threshold of racism we tolerate, I know a lot about what its like to be persecuted. I feel for the downtrodden, like us straight guys who sexually harass women they take catcalling as a compliment! Besides, its just biology, people! Its not a choice, like with the gays what? Why are you looking at me like that? I read part of The Importance of Being Earnest in seventh grade once, so Im not homophobic! Besides, one of the girls in my dorm has short hair, and I only glare at her suspiciously when I think shes NOT looking.
MSNBC would be fucking idiots to can Maddow. Her ratings have been better than ever. There is a thirst for more left leaning shows and even shows that don't bring on bullshit artists and give them a platform without challenging them. Colbert not shying away from the moment worked out amazingly well for him and has given his show a nice boost.
Last Man Standing had pretty good ratings, but the network's also been trying to bury it for a while (they moved it to Friday Night well in advance of Trump's election). Might have something to do with Tim Allen's politics, but the show was a network un-favorite for a while either way.
"ARE WE ANY BETTER?"Holy shit at Assad.
- ‘We now believe the #Assad regime has installed a crematorium at Sednaya prison, to dispose of bodies.'
That has nothing to do with Tim Allen and everything to do with modern conservatives having no moral center.Tim Allen is the best fucking marketer in the world; the guy's got a lock on being a family values conservative when he was literally a coke runner for drug lords.
Donald Trump has previously dismissed climate change as a "hoax". Later this month, the US president will announce whether the country will leave or reduce its commitments to the Paris Climate Agreement. But just a few hours from the US capital, Tangier Island in Virginia is slowly disappearing, amid land erosion and a steady rise in sea levels. Despite the obvious effects of climate change, most islanders remain staunch Trump supporters. Our correspondent went to meet them.
Climate change in the US: Tangier Island in Virginia is disappearing
Holy fucking shit at the video. I just...I have no words. These people are literally losing land back to the ocean and they're all "This is fine", including the fucking mayor.
That has nothing to do with Tim Allen and everything to do with modern conservatives having no moral center.
Donald Fucking Trump got a higher share of the vote from evangelical Christians than George W. Bush, an actual evangelical did.
As long as you say the right things about minorities and women, you're golden.