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PoliGAF 2017 |OT3| 13 Treasons Why

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Jamie Lovegrove‏

Jamie Lovegrove Retweeted Jamie Lovegrove
Graham on Flynn: "He has a 5th amendment right not to incriminate himself. If I were his lawyers, I'd tell Congress to go to hell."
Are these R bitches bipolar?
Are these R bitches bipolar?

It's a trap. Graham is baiting Flynn's team into actually doing that so that the Senate GOP has no choice but to arrest him.

Graham isn't going to outright condemn Trump but will instead do everything he can to bait Trump and his associates into fucking up. It's very clever actually because he can say to both Trump's fanbase and everyone else that he only did what he was legally require to do.


It's a trap. Graham is baiting Flynn's team into actually doing that so that the Senate GOP has no choice but to arrest him.

Graham isn't going to outright condemn Trump but will instead do everything he can to bait Trump and his associates into fucking up. It's very clever actually.
I wonder if Graham's play is effectively being the clean-up crew to reshape the party after McConnell/Ryan get pushed out.


My bad, I should have quote the two posters above me. Although it is a broader sentiment I have encountered here and on social media over the last couple of days.

I do not think that there is a big difference. I want Trump to be gone as quickly as possible in order to minimize the damage to the people of the United States, the country as an idea, and people around the world. If you hope that the investigation takes longer due to the nature of the investigation itself, you implicitly care less about the wellbeing of Trump's victims and the country as a whole than you care about the negative effects a longer investigation has on the Republican party. You literally put party before country. That or you actually do not believe Trump poses a pressing threat and therefore impeachment is not really justified.

It means I care just as much for the potential victims of President Pence and would want a check on his ability to govern. Or what do you think will happen if Trump is kicked out tomorrow? The GOP will coalesce around Pence and ram through an agenda that makes Reagan and Bush seem moderate.
I wonder if Graham's play is effectively being the clean-up crew to reshape the party after McConnell/Ryan get pushed out.

Oh he is definitely setting himself up for such a scenario.

My only question is what does he plan to do with or without the democrats to deal with trump's fanbase.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Graham has been baiting the entire administration for a while now.


It's a trap. Graham is baiting Flynn's team into actually doing that so that the Senate GOP has no choice but to arrest him.

Graham isn't going to outright condemn Trump but will instead do everything he can to bait Trump and his associates into fucking up. It's very clever actually because he can say to both Trump's fanbase and everyone else that he only did what he was legally require to do.

Not seeing the 12th dimension chess move here. Congress has so far shown little teeth in how they approach the whole Russia investigation. Graham isn't exempt.


Uh, what?

Mike Giglio‏ @mike_giglio
BREAKING: US official confirms to @BuzzFeedNews that the US-led Coalition hit Assad regime forces with air strikes in southern Syria today

Doesn't Congress need to be involved in this decision at some point? Is Trump going to unilaterally take us to war in a pathetic attempt to save himself?
Uh, what?

Mike Giglio‏ @mike_giglio
BREAKING: US official confirms to @BuzzFeedNews that the US-led Coalition hit Assad regime forces with air strikes in southern Syria today

Doesn't Congress need to be involved in this decision at some point? Is Trump going to unilaterally take us to war in a pathetic attempt to save himself?

Military strikes don't need congress approval.


No Scrubs
Uh, what?

Mike Giglio‏ @mike_giglio
BREAKING: US official confirms to @BuzzFeedNews that the US-led Coalition hit Assad regime forces with air strikes in southern Syria today

Doesn't Congress need to be involved in this decision at some point? Is Trump going to unilaterally take us to war in a pathetic attempt to save himself?

The president needs Congress to declare war, he doesn't need them to take action.


I have a hard time believing Lindsay Graham has been able to parlay his clout as a badly failed presidential contender to a Machiavellian puppetmaster of the executive and legislative branches within the span of a year.
Sessions is adorable. "You can buy booze, cigs, dip, vape juice, energy shots, energy drinks and mild amphetamines as your corner grocery store, but NEVER WEED! THAT'S GOING TOO FAR!"




It means I care just as much for the potential victims of President Pence and would want a check on his ability to govern. Or what do you think will happen if Trump is kicked out tomorrow? The GOP will coalesce around Pence and ram through an agenda that makes Reagan and Bush seem moderate.

To be clear, though, this is just the standard "party before country" position. No one wants to hurt the other party just 'cause. What Mitch McConnell tells himself is that what he's doing is best for the country long-term because the Democrats are just that bad. Massive obstruction under Obama to the point of shutting down the government and risking default had costs, yes, but it's "just a balance of that against what horrible things" the Democrats could do if they were more popular. Protecting Trump now is obviously not ideal, but if he goes down the Democrats are likely to do much better in upcoming elections and that's even worse, because the Democrats want terrible things.

I'm not saying that this line of thinking is always wrong, but it is what we're seeing when we wish that someone would instead put "country before party".


I have a hard time believing Lindsay Graham has been able to parlay his clout as a badly failed presidential contender to a Machiavellian puppetmaster of the executive and legislative branches within the span of a year.

You don't have to be machiavellian to pull the strings here. All you have to realize is that Trump is driving the GOP to a dangerous area in the near future which will result in a lot of the leadership going down. You have to simply be mildly contrarian while toeing the official party line. Then when everything goes down you have the clout to say "I was one of the good ones!"
You don't have to be machiavellian to pull the strings here. All you have to realize is that Trump is driving the GOP to a dangerous area in the near future which will result in a lot of the leadership going down. You have to simply be mildly contrarian while toeing the official party line. Then when everything goes down you have the clout to say "I was one of the good ones!"

Exactly. Everything Graham, McCain, etc do seems in preparation for a post-Trump republican party. They'll be able to say they gave him a chance, but ultimately had to help take him down (hearings, congress, impeachment, etc), assuming things go that far. That's not a terrible position to be in.

On the flip side there are republicans like Ben Sasse who have been opposed since day one...what will their reward be in a post-Trump world? Will it matter, or will simply being a republican be too toxic in the short term for anyone to benefit. We don't know.


Sasse has already been cultivating a big fan base among the media, clearly angling for the 2020 nomination. Very 2000s McCain. I still don't think he has a constituency in the Republican base.

You can't just put this unrestrained xenophobia and racism back in the bottle. Not when that is the Republican base. And it's not like he's a moderate either.

His only constituency is a media hostage to the "both sidezzz" mentality.


Unconfirmed Member
Via Marginal Revolution, a recent paper on the negative effects NIMBYism has had on metropolitan housing stock: http://marginalrevolution.com/margi...ns.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

edit: The study finds it amounts to a net decrease of around 2% of GDP. 2% of GDP is $370 Billion dollars.

Plus a bonus column that puts it more simply: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2017-05-17/taking-on-nimbys-in-the-quest-for-growth

I really like the idea of a progressive property tax.

Isn't a progressive property tax the same thing as a land value tax? Basically encourages the highest and best use of property or you are paying a "penalty". Or is it progressive based on wealth/income of owner (which wouldn't make any sense btw)

*Channeling my inner Matt Yglesias*


Isn't a progressive property tax the same thing as a land value tax? Basically encourages the highest and best use of property or you are paying a "penalty". Or is it progressive based on wealth/income of owner (which wouldn't make any sense btw)

*Channeling my inner Matt Yglesias*
Quick google check makes it seems like they're different solutions to the same general problem.
Not sure if this was posted but....


The tumult that began last week with the firing of FBI Director James Comey has consumed Washington, roiling the White House and putting congressional Republicans on the defensive.

Not so in Trump strongholds.

”I tuned it out," said 44-year-old Michele Velardi, a mother of three sons, during a break from her job at a Staten Island hair salon. ”I didn't want to be depressed. I don't want to feel that he's not doing what he said, so I just choose to not listen."

A few blocks away, die-hard Trump supporter Joseph Amodeo, 19, incorrectly praised the president for raising New York's minimum wage, something enacted by Democrats in the Legislature. The college student had little understanding of the Trump administration's deepening political struggles

But his son, 27-year-old Robbie Foy, said he hasn't paid close attention to the news in recent days. He's not backing off his initial reasons for supporting the president. Chief among them: his sustained disdain for Trump's opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton.

”Trump's not in it for the money. He's got plenty of money," the younger Foy said. Clinton, he added, ”was in it for herself."



For those giving Graham the benefit of the doubt:

Video: https://twitter.com/MattGertz/status/865268594954952705

Democracy was a mistake. Burn it all to the ground, and have Hillary stage a coup.

At least there'd be something to investigate then.


Jennifer Epstein‏Verified account @jeneps 15m15 minutes ago
DNC giving @GeorgiaDemocrat money for 10 organizers to target voters who didn't vote in Ossoff primary to get them to the polls for runoff

Jennifer Epstein‏Verified account @jeneps 9s9 seconds ago
Meanwhile, @HouseMajPAC is putting $700,000 into the race for @karenhandel, $500,000 of it for ads


I mean, I guess hypothetically, if the outcome was 100% guaranteed sure I'd want Trump's downfall to take as long as possible and inflict maximum damage to the GOP. But since there's still no certainty that any of this will end his Presidency short, I want him out tomorrow.


Graham was never shit and will never be shit.

To be fair, before and after Trump, people (namely Republicans) will still hate Killary, so this still plays.

Haha I love the simultaneous "I just won't watch" and giving credit to the president for things happening in your own state. Like, that's willful ignorance so not much you can do for that.


It's actually a pretty smart move by the GOP in the face of Trump tanking.

Act like you're really, for real, I mean it guys, for real, going to put Hillary in prison this time and get Trump's base to come out for that in the midterms.
It's about what I expected. Separate from the current GOP leadership, the Republican base still despises Clinton. Graham can act contrarian in a bid to take control of the GOP after the fallout, and then throw shit like this to the base to keep them on his side


Not really at odds at all with what this thread was saying about him.


also, who cares what a bunch of Staten Island Trump supporters think. Their votes are meaningless and they have to live in Staten Island.
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