FC won't go with it if people can keep their insurance for pre-existing conditions.
What is going with the AHCA again? I'm hearing different things.
Except polling has shown they will get blamed for this.
Going with the "i'm too stupid" defence, it's a bold move Cotton, let's see how it plays out.![]()
Can't collude if you can barely communicate with anyone.
John Harwood‏Verified account @JohnJHarwood 2m2 minutes ago
Pentagon rebuts Trump via Reuters: "Pentagon renewed praise of Qatar for hosting vital US air base/enduring commitment to regional security"
How stupid is congress going to look if Special Counsel ends up taking everyone from Trump to Sessions down, while they're still fiddling with their dicks over unmasking?
FC won't go with it if people can keep their insurance for pre-existing conditions.
Betting $100 Trump didn't know about the massive US airbase The Leid in Qatar. Or forgot about it.That's not gonna happen anytime soon
The problem with all of this "but they won't do XXX" with the AHCA is that yes they fucking will shut up
The problem with all of this "but they won't do XXX" with the AHCA is that yes they fucking will shut up
I refer to Ayn Rand whenever I want to be able to predict what the GOP will do. Because outside of lord Reagan she's probably their go to philosopherThe problem with all of this "but they won't do XXX" with the AHCA is that yes they fucking will shut up
Well they're not ending the filibuster for it, that's at least true. So if it doesn't pass reconciliation (still up in the air on it), then it's dead, instantly, full stop.
They could do it over, but would they? Probably not. They already don't like how long this has been dragging on, they aren't going to waste the entire of 2017 on a healthcare repeal the majority of people don't even want.
Agreed.The problem with all of this "but they won't do XXX" with the AHCA is that yes they fucking will shut up
Anti-Comey TV ads paid for by Pro-Trump groups going up tomorrow.
Pro-Trump group labels Comey political 'showboat' in new ad
18 minutes ago
WASHINGTON (AP) A nonprofit issues group is labeling James Comey a political "showboat" in a television ad set to air Thursday, the day the former FBI director testifies on Capitol Hill.
Comey "put politics over protecting America," a narrator says in the 30-second spot, titled "Showboat," which was shared with The Associated Press. It accuses him of being "consumed with election meddling" even as "terror attacks were on the rise."
Great America Alliance has paid for the ad, which is slated to run digitally Wednesday and appear the next day on CNN and Fox News. The group, formed after President Donald Trump's election to advocate for his administration, is not required to disclose its donors.
The message of the ad reflects a strategy by Trump and his advocates to erode Comey's credibility.
This is just dumb.Schrodinger's ACHA. It's both alive and dead.
Can anyone point to an article which makes the case for why it would?So if it doesn't pass reconciliation (still up in the air on it), then it's dead, instantly, full stop.
There's a difference between saying that the AHCA could pass and just being a one note negative doomsayer and predicting the worse outcome everytime.
The great American democratic experiment has failed.Anti-Comey TV ads paid for by Pro-Trump groups going up tomorrow.
The great American democratic experiment has failed.
There's a difference between saying that the AHCA could pass and just being a one note negative doomsayer and predicting the worse outcome everytime.
This is insane. I need to stop reading the news.
It's stuff like this that hypes me too much for Comey's testimony. Like if Trumpkins are going to the point of spending campaign dollars on mitigating what lies ahead, what is it that has them so deeply afraid?
There's a difference between saying that the AHCA could pass and just being a one note negative doomsayer and predicting the worse outcome everytime.
Can anyone point to an article which makes the case for why it would?
Honestly, we need to pull waaaaaaaaaaay back here.
I don't think anything will come of this hearing, outside of confirming that which has already been reported (which is significant, but not juicy, 24/7 news cycle worthy). Just reflect on how frothed up this board was pre-Yates testimony - which served up nothing.
I can't find it right now, but it was some technicality about Native American health care
They want this over with. We know this. That's probably the only way it actually passes is because they're just bored of talking about it and want it to go away.
They absolutely are not going to drag this into 2018.
Honestly, we need to pull waaaaaaaaaaay back here.
I don't think anything will come of this hearing, outside of confirming that which has already been reported (which is significant, but not juicy, 24/7 news cycle worthy). Just reflect on how frothed up this board was pre-Yates testimony - which served up nothing.
Sahil Kapur‏Verified account @sahilkapur 23m23 minutes ago
White House @PressSec on President Trump's tweets: "They're considered official statements by the president of the United States."
It's just social media.BOOM.
RealPressSecBot vindicated
I don't know if I'm expecting bombshells per say but at the same time due to Comey's relationship with Mueller I don't think he'd be doing this if he didn't have anything to say. Hed likely just let his investigation carry on. But I think Comey believes whatever he has to say will give The special counsel direction and more leads based on how the WH or other republicans react to itHonestly, we need to pull waaaaaaaaaaay back here.
I don't think anything will come of this hearing, outside of confirming that which has already been reported (which is significant, but not juicy, 24/7 news cycle worthy). Just reflect on how frothed up this board was pre-Yates testimony - which served up nothing.
Although Comey has told associates he will not accuse the President of obstructing justice, he will dispute the presidents contention that Comey told him three times he is not under investigation.
It's just social media. in Oval: "Jared has actually become much more famous than me I'm a little upset at that." via pooler @Carrasquillo
He sounds so devastated. Must be boring in social media for him.Me and my fiancee voted for Wisniewski today. Saw my friend at work when I came in and asked if he was going to the polls later.
"No, after Bernie lost, I have no faith in the party anymore."
Can't wait to see what' the compromise ends up being. What a bunch of shit.Senate health bill likely to have state waivers
Hope you're ready for those $5/month plans that cover absolutely nothing.
ryan cooper @ryanlcooper
going to hit the debt ceiling months ahead of schedule b/c rich people are stalling payments hoping for tax cuts
Can't wait to see what' the compromise ends up being. What a bunch of shit.
I'm with PBY. We are in a reality where the worst case is becoming the norm. It started on election night.
The great American democratic experiment has failed.
Shit will continue to suck unless the Ds win in 2018. Rs can't be relied on to do anything.
I wouldn't worry that much considering two key pieces of news recently:
- Fox News has been dipping in ratings
- Breitbart has lost 90% of advertisers
The far right is losing the PR battle.
Maybe I wasn't clear. I was asking if there is any case that the AHCA should be allowed under reconciliation. It's hard to see how it might be possible. The Byrd rule is explicit. A reconciliation bill cannot include provisions which have no budgetary impact, or provisions whose budgetary impact are incidental to its non-budgetary​ impact.I can't find it right now, but it was some technicality about Native American health care
Isn't this just our daily reality now?
It's stuff like this that hypes me too much for Comey's testimony. Like if Trumpkins are going to the point of spending campaign dollars on mitigating what lies ahead, what is it that has them so deeply afraid?
I wouldn't worry that much considering two key pieces of news recently:
- Fox News has been dipping in ratings
- Breitbart has lost 90% of advertisers
The far right is losing the PR battle.
Better make entitlement cuts so we don't have to raise the debt ceiling THEN make even more entitlement cuts to pay for tax cuts! We all have to share in the sacrifice here
The great American democratic experiment has failed.