i want people to make an electoral map for Nov 6. Use 270towin to guide you (I'll save links; no changing links after October 31). Then, in the same post, I want a popular vote margin. For "in case of tie" purposes, I also want everyone to guess the time Virginia will be called for either candidate.
The winner will get a 20 dollar gift on Steam of their choice.
Submissions over on the last day of October 2012.
your average voter has the memory of a goldfish
So far (as of last week? or early this week) democrats were vastly overperforming in terms of absentee voting compared to 2008, and most LV polls have Romney and Obama tied there. If this trend continues, we take florida in a walk.
I'm feeling pretty confident.
I'm hoping that Florida trends back to tossup in the 538 forecast. With the ground game and early voting advantage, Obama may have a chance to win it. Unfortunately, with ten days to the election, I'm not prepared to assume that it's going to tighten. Out of VA, CO, and FL, Florida has remained the most intransigent, and I think Romney pulls it out narrowly. I hope I'm wrong.So far (as of last week? or early this week) democrats were vastly overperforming in terms of absentee voting compared to 2008, and most LV polls have Romney and Obama tied there. If this trend continues, we take florida in a walk.
I'm feeling pretty confident about it.
I'm not. Economist is a terrible magazine. It portrays itself as the wise insider, but more often than not the articles read like a high school report, completely failing at any believable nuance and chasing down a single narrative in an attempt to sound "informed". They have good stories from time to time, but most of it is terrible, which isn't really surprising when you consider the vast amount of articles they churn out every week.
Most dishonest ad of the campaign so far? Shame on Mitt Romney and Politifact for assisting him
I think you should make a thread for this in OT so GOPers can get in on the contest too. Would love to see some unskewed maps
The amount of individuals already with a map at 303 Obama, 235 Romney and a Pop Vote Margin of 0.5%-1.5% is already pretty telling
if I did I don't know if I'd be able to keep up with all the submissions, I don't have THAT much time for this
Plus I think it's kind of nice to open this primarily to PoliGAF regulars who make this place so much fun
Gingrich Defends Mourdock’s Rape Remarks: ‘Get Over It,’ Obama Is The Real Radical On Abortion
“If you listen to what Mourdock actually said, he said what virtually every Catholic and every fundamentalist in the country believes, life begins at conception,” Gingrich said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Now, this seems to be fixated by the Democrats, but the radical on abortion is Obama, who as a state senator voted three times in favor of allowing doctors to kill babies in the eighth and ninth month who were born, having survived late-term abortion.”
The amount of individuals already with a map at 303 Obama, 235 Romney and a Pop Vote Margin of 0.5%-1.5% is already pretty telling
You underestimate old people and they're desire to vote.
Not a defense but Economist isn't weekly. Also not sure what narrative push there is to be had for many of their stories which are often about pretty obscure global events and politics. Calling Economist "high school" seems like a stretch.
The Economist is published weekly, 51 times a year, with the Christmas double issue remaining on sale for two weeks. The issue is dated Saturday and goes on sale each Friday.
"old people" always vote. For republicans to take florida, they're going to need something that depresses democratic turnout, and I don't think they have it.
O: 263
R: 275
Popular vote: Romney +1%
Virginia: 11:20 PM
Looking at the most credible maps for a Romney victory really shows what an uphill EV battle he has.
Oh God, the storm has made Minnesota a toss-up state
That's actually an interesting thought: aggregate the GAF-maps and see how that, as a prediction, stacks up against the pollsters, betting markets and Nate-Silver-alikes. I don't have the time to do it myself, unfortunately, but I'd love to see it done.
Umm... Scranton isn't anywhere near the Ohio border dude. It's in eastern PA, below NY (Lackawanna County). I think people forget about how big PA is.Lol @ Biden in PA = Panic
PA shares a border with Ohio and there's overlap with Ohio voters there.
Umm... Scranton isn't anywhere near the Ohio border dude. It's in eastern PA, below NY (Lackawanna County). I think people forget about how big PA is.
My county (Allegheny, where Pittsburgh is) has some "overlap" with OH voters since it's pretty close to the border. Also isolated in a sea of red counties.
Also, just reminding everyone, if Sandy were to land near NJ/Eastern PA it would hit all those blue counties you see in the lower right. Those counties deliver for Dems every time.
Umm... Scranton isn't anywhere near the Ohio border dude. It's in eastern PA, below NY (Lackawanna County). I think people forget about how big PA is.
My county (Allegheny, where Pittsburgh is) has some "overlap" with OH voters since it's pretty close to the border. Also isolated in a sea of red counties.
Also, just reminding everyone, if Sandy were to land near NJ/Eastern PA it would hit all those blue counties you see in the lower right. Those counties deliver for Dems every time.
Your prediction is even more pessimistic than Phoenix'. Think about that.
Umm... Scranton isn't anywhere near the Ohio border dude. It's in eastern PA, below NY (Lackawanna County). I think people forget about how big PA is.
My county (Allegheny, where Pittsburgh is) has some "overlap" with OH voters since it's pretty close to the border. Also isolated in a sea of red counties.
Also, just reminding everyone, if Sandy were to land near NJ/Eastern PA it would hit all those blue counties you see in the lower right. Those counties deliver for Dems every time.
Right now, Nate has a 73.5% chance of Obama winning Ohio, 59.8% of winning Virginia, and 57.7% chance of winning Colorado.
Not bad odds.
To spice things up:
McCaskil (MO)
Warren (MA)
Murphy (CT)
Nelson (FL)
Brown (OH)
Tester (MT)
Kaine (VA)
Baldwin (WI)
Berkley (NV)
Donnelly (IN)
Kerry (NE)
Carmona (AZ)
Heitkamp (ND)
Democrats: 54 (+1)
Republicans: 46 (-1)
I think Heitkamp could go either way, honestly. But she hasn't been polled that much and the state fundamentals have worked against her. Same with Berkely. Strange that Indiana isn't being polled more after the rape comment.
you forgot King in ME. technically an independent, but expected to caucus with dems
Good news everyone!
Obama can withstand the storm
So the only two maps posted with Romney winning are predicated completely on him flipping a state he is behind around 3 points in and has never lead in the aggregate for even a single day at the last second?
My "bubble"? Central PA is a bubble. Pittsburgh and a lot of the surrounding suburbs are actually nice. Allegheny County is a good place to live. Cost of living is great but you aren't out in the sticks (unless you want to be).And we are reminding you to stay in your bubble in the north and let the big boys on the southeast side of the state deal with a storm that will be gone a week before election day
I'm still wondering how a storm a week before the election is going to have that big an impact.
A Pittsburgh visit would make more sense than Scranton for the purposes of getting the attention of Ohio voters.You don't even realize how elections work, neighboring states benefit from visits and advertising. Its why you advertise in MN to reach WI, for example.
You think PA is huge, when you the Midwest were 3-4hrs distance is normal its a different way of thinking. If it were really in trouble Obama himself not Biden would be there.
I'm still wondering how a storm a week before the election is going to have that big an impact.
You think Obama's going to win TWO Nebraska districts?