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Predict the RT and Metacritic score for Batman V Superman

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My god that dumb reviewer ... it's getting on my nerves
This man is nobody and a Marvel fanboy, why RT accept this kind of websites ?

He gave London Has Fallen 7/10 fresh, Zoolander 2 8.5/10 fresh
And Room (the oscar nominated one) a 5.5 rotten

RT needs to be more careful with who they consider a critic...

Tells me everything I need to know.


You seem to have an issue understanding that some reviews do not equal worldwide opinion. The very scores you point to paint a different picture against user/audience scores. And even having debates in the first place make what you say a bit pointless. In order for a debate to be had there must be two opinions.

Agreed. I too was confused when he used RT, Metacritic and fucking debates of all things to suggest Snyder doesn't make fun films. All three of those "sources" prove he's divisive, not good or bad.

He is divisive, but his movies have still been successful. Hence why WB kept him on.
The scuttlebutt so far, at least from a few impressions, is that it might not be all that great.

And it's pretty rare for the first review for these type of movies to be negative. Usually it's all positive then slowly you start getting a couple of negatives ones.

It's anecdotal, of course, but from my experience if it starts negative then it usually doesn't change. I don't think it'll get a ten or something but it'll probably get maybe a 70 rather than the 80-ish I first predicted.

Basically this. Not that the movie can't eek out a fresh rating (Jurassic World did if I remember right), but if the first few reviews are negative, anything over 65 is more or less out of the question.


Basically this. Not that the movie can't eek out a fresh rating (Jurassic World did if I remember right), but if the first few reviews are negative, anything over 65 is more or less out of the question.
Jurassic World was one of those odd ones that started rotten(57) and went up and stayed fresh at 71.
He's the guy who gave Toy Story 3 a bad review, right?
Yep, even his spoiler for the ending was false, lol.


Oh shit.

How can this guy keep a straight face? I remember him saying something like Transformers 2 was a triumph of the human spirit or something like that.
Oh my god, if he said that I don't what to think anymore, lol.

Lord Virgin

Unconfirmed Member
2 rotten, DCEU doomed, Hack Snyder fucked up, WB bleeding money #lolDC

Well, at least they still got Nolan.
Oh shit.

How can this guy keep a straight face? I remember him saying something like Transformers 2 was a triumph of the human spirit or something like that.

But it was, if you could sit through that whole shitshow without wanting to kill someone it was a triumph.
RT, MC and the debates on this very site suggest otherwise.

See above.

Yeah but reviewers pan a lot of good movies (and praise a lot of mediocre ones). Not that I'm saying this is a good movie since I havent seen it yet or that it's even been panned yet. But retroactive criticism has existed forever to correct dumb opinions

A lot of movie gaf is...lmao. RT is like some holy book for them....but only when the percentage backs their opinion on the matter.

Edit: Armond White writes great reviews for Spielberg movies and a few other directors and films but much of the time he is trolling the hell out of people no doubt. Will be funny to see him kill the hopes and dreams of many movie fans again soon if RT actually let him back
Armond White turns movie reviews into an artform. An artform carefully crafted and designed to annoy the shit out of as many people as possible

A lot of movie gaf is...lmao. RT is like some holy book for them....but only when the film backs their opinion on the matter.

RT is a mistake.
I, on the other hand, am not!


Armond White turns movie reviews into an artform. An artform carefully crafted and designed to annoy the shit out of as many people as possible

RT is a mistake.
I, on the other hand, am not!

All I got from this is you are Armond White. I figured it out. There's no denying it now.
So even though it's a site no one here probably reads from a "critic" no one probably cares for. Everyone starts losing their minds?

It's very sad how people from both sides react to these reviews. Worse then the gaming side imo.


Oh my god, if he said that I don't what to think anymore, lol.

I can't find that exact one-I think he said it on the slashfilm podcast. Anyways-here are some of his greatest hits (with the tomato-meter for that film):


Accolades for Otherwise Panned Films

Clash of the Titans (28%): "Leterrier certainly shows a better sense of meaningful, economic narrative than the mess that Peter Jackson made of the interminable, incoherent Lord of the Rings trilogy."

Your Highness (26%): "By trashing fairytale propriety, Green and McBride personalize the genre enthusiasm of the Star Wars generation."

Lions for Lambs (27%): "In the best directing of his auteur career, Robert Redford turns Carnahan's original script into a modern-day version of what Sergei Eisenstein called 'Intellectual Montage.'"

Resident Evil Afterlife (26%): "If critics and fanboys weren't suckers for simplistic nihilism and high-pressure marketing, Afterlife would be universally acclaimed as a visionary feat, superior to Inception and Avatar on every level."

Next Day Air (21%): "Filmgoers who think outside the artmovie box will discover that the artful and enjoyable Next Day Air offers an episode of 21st-century black American life that August Wilson never got to."

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (20%): " Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is more proof [Bay] has a great eye for scale and a gift for visceral amazement."

Just Go With It (19%): "The humorous tangents of Just Go With It are testaments to the fine art of improvisation and of comedy that doesn't take itself overly seriously."

Dance Flick (18%): " It isn't highbrow -- or encumbered by scruples -- but the Wayanses retain their vulgar, adolescent derision of sex, class and race. In this bow down to Hollywood millennium, their irreverence is almost subversive."

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry (14%): "It's a modern classic (despite a cheap-shot plug for Giuliani). By comparison, Hollywood's most celebrated gay comedies -- In and Out, Chuck and Buck, Blades of Glory, even the laughable Brokeback Mountain -- were all failures of nerve."

Grown Ups (10%): " Cheerful and surprisingly heartfelt."

Pans for Otherwise Well-Reviewed Films (Tomatometer Percentage in Parenthesis)

Toy Story 3 (99%): "Toy Story 3 is so besotted with brand names and product-placement that it stops being about the innocent pleasures of imagination -- the usefulness of toys -- and strictly celebrates consumerism."

Up (98%): "All this deflated cinema and Pixarism mischaracterizes what good animation can be (as in Coraline, Monster House, Chicken Little, Teacher's Pet, The Iron Giant). Up's aesthetic failure stems from its emotional letdown."

The Wrestler (98%): "Aronofsky inflicts as much pain on the audience as self-flagellating Ram Jam does when brutalizing/mutilating himself in and outside the ring."

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (97%): "Now that the Harry Potter series is over, maybe the truth can be realized: This has been the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises."

The Social Network: (96%) "Like one of those fake-smart, middlebrow TV shows, the speciousness of The Social Network is disguised by topicality. It's really a movie excusing Hollywood ruthlessness."

King's Speech: (95%): "Each scene in The King's Speech is so poorly staged that its ineptitude sometimes borders on the avant-garde."

The Dark Knight (94%): "The generation of consumers who swallow this pessimistic sentiment can't see past the product to its debased morality. Instead, their excitement about The Dark Knight's dread (that teenage thrall with subversion) inspires their fealty to product."

Iron Man (94%): "Iron Man is a dispiriting attempt to apply superficial principles to inherently silly kid culture."

Milk (94%): "A bizarre manipulation of the gay political impulse."

In the Loop (94%): " Instead of inspiring geniuses, Iraq war backlash has only resulted in snarky self-righteousness that -- from Charlie Wilson's War and now British import In the Loop -- has demonstrated the low ebb of modern comedy."

The Town (94%): "The Town is nearly as ludicrous as [Affleck's] debut Gone Baby Gone -- another poison pen letter to Beantown."

Gone Baby Gone (94%): "So far this year, no other movie has more risible dialogue."

Midnight in Paris: (92%): "The groupie-like celebration of Allen's doubled-up cultural insecurity and ambition represents a global degradation of culture standards."

District 9: (91%): "District 9 represents the sloppiest and dopiest pop cinema -- the kind that comes from a second-rate film culture."

There Will Be Blood (91%): "'No!' is the first word spoken in There Will Be Blood, and it should be the last said in response to Paul Thomas Anderson's latest pretend epic."

Up in the Air: (90%): "Only seriously deluded people could enjoy Reitman's funny-sad whiplash. He's playing that same Hollywood game: keeping people ignorant of political economy."

Michael Clayton (90%): "Hipster filmmakers keep looking backwards to the 1970s, hoping to disguise how ill-equipped they are to deal with contemporary social issues."

Bridesmaids (90%): "It's an overly contrived jumble, trying out too many comic ideas that eventually swamp the central subject of what a modern young woman expects regarding friendship, courtship and marriage."
Mouse over video for audio

Tangled: (89%): " By mixing up and confusing the purpose of cinematic amusement and fairy tales, Tangled is aptly named for the mass misperception of popular entertainment as a mechanism of gimmicks rather than an expression of feelings."

Black Swan (88%): "Aronofsky's ethnic denial and escape into Nina's psychological trauma actually trivializes her artistic pursuit. Turning art into genre movie silliness is a careerist's dance."

Blue Valentine (88%): "Despite Blue Valentine's blatant sensememories of nakedness and affection, irritation and itch, what Gosling and Williams reveal about their own concepts of heterosexual experience is ultimately inane."

Easy A (85%): "Easy A is now frontrunner for worst film of 2010."


68% RT: Wooden Cavil and hacky supporting cast are blamed along with the inability to keep the plot straight across 4 antagonists, can't support Batfleck, most people think it's too long.
Resident Evil Afterlife (26%): "If critics and fanboys weren't suckers for simplistic nihilism and high-pressure marketing, Afterlife would be universally acclaimed as a visionary feat, superior to Inception and Avatar on every level."


-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I love that I've thrown this topic so far off the tracks that we're talking about freaking Armond White

Gotta say though. Your review of the movie has somewhat dashed my hopes.
I almost wish you'd say something along the lines of 'I am looking forward to x-men apocalypse', so I can discredit your opinion ;)
Gotta say though. Your review of the movie has somewhat dashed my hopes.
I almost wish you'd say something along the lines of 'I am looking forward to x-men apocalypse', so I can discredit your opinion.

I'm just a dude. Take what I say with a grain of salt. A mountain, even!

This is a pretty easy movie to give impressions on, though. You like Zack Snyder? He's bringing it here. You don't like him? He's not gonna convince you otherwise here.


I imagine the type of people who celebrate White also enjoy Skip Bayless and those YouTube videos where guys get in people's faces with video cameras.
I'm just a dude. Take what I say with a grain of salt. A mountain, even!

This is a pretty easy movie to give impressions on, though. You like Zack Snyder? He's bringing it here. You don't like him? He's not gonna convince you otherwise here.

what if you like him sometimes (300, Dawn of the Dead) but not really like him the other times (the rest)?
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