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Skullgirls |OT| New age of Heroines


I'm playing on normal difficulty and I've beat Story Mode with Filia, Cerebella and Parasoul. Beating Marie with Filia was tough as I was still getting used to the game and what not but afterwards, future battles were challenging but not really frustrating. Listen to audio cues, use the good hitboxes on launchers and jumping hard attacks and you should be good to go.

Also, HOLY SHIT at Cerebella's ending. I wasn't expecting that 0_0!

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Make sure you save a couple of supers for the third stage and you should be set.


( ≖‿≖)
Someone who is awful and on XBL play with me

Also Double's teacup hitbox, so good.





I wish there was anything I could do to help the gang at Reverge Labs to meet all these demands for things, but sadly all I did was animation at college instead of going into the art/code degree they offered. If it means anything I wish I knew how to code to help you guys since this game is so incredible.

Its obvious (to me at least) that everyone is loving the game a lot and now are just wishing there had been someway for your team to have been able to incorporate all these other things into it that they also enjoy in fighters. You just didn't have a lot of coders and network guys though so there was only so much you could do though. We'll likely get some of those things, but at least you know one thing...it's good enough that everyone is wanting more additions added to the game.

Had no one cared they'd have just said "it sucks" and walked. Everyone is overjoyed at the gameplay and only seem to be after the other elements they love so they can go even crazier with this game. Here's hoping you guys see some good numbers on this game. I'm hoping like mad that you get some cash thrown into your studio. Top notch customer service the way you are here in the forums Ravidrath directly addressing everyone's opinion on the game like this. Good luck to you guys. You've given us one helluva impressive piece of work for a studio so small. Here's hoping you can keep up with the demand this game is generating for more additions...at least its in demand though.
I wonder how the conversation will shift once the patches containing all the missing features are released.
They'll shift to actually talking about the game and the people on the fence may actually have to buy the game then. Lobbies, spectator, move lists and the smaller fixes for loading will make buying this game a plain bank theft. I consider it a steal as it is right now(especially if you are a PS3 owner).
Yo, Real Talk™, if I have to choose between looking moves up online or lookin up hitboxes I will choose moves everytime. You know what else would be rad? In-game chart of frame data.

I would prefer the move lists myself since I have terrible memory when it comes to fighters(I'm all reaction and gut instinct). It's still not a deal breaker for me and it doesn't stop me from recommending the game to interested folks.
If it's 1 guy though I'm guessing you guys will either not have this for people until oh Super Skull Girls next year (or around the time you want to introduce some kind of big DLC package with characters and the mode bundled) or it'll be ignored altogether. :(
You'd be surprised by their speed and ingenuity. They did manage to get one man for the networking to actually implement the best GGPO style network of any fighting game yet on consoles. That alone should raise your eyebrow. A lot of things about this game are clearly of an extremely high quality even if there were some unfortunate necessary omissions.
Okay I'm terrified, how did DR2K become the point of reason in fighting game topics?

If there's anything to complain about with the content in the game it's the lack of any real training options. If you're willing to make a big deal about the lack of a move list (which at worst will take 10 minutes to work out/look up) then God knows how you must have reacted to the online if SF4/KoF/MVC/SFxT because it's pretty embarrassing that they've been outdone by a $15 title.
I know I lined up day one for that rushed crap, but I did it with the expectation that MvC3 would be supported and it bit me in the ass. A lot of people here fail to realize that Skullgirls is a parallel to MvC3 in the sense that it's clearly not fully featured, but they do a lot with SG that just didn't happen with MvC3. Vanilla MvC3 was a glitch ridden mess that was dumped, match searches in training mode took 10+ minutes at times on a 800k playerbase(and you got paired with folks who had 15x the matches you did), spectator was missing, the lag in the game was absolutely terrible, the balance was pretty freaking bad and the mission mode was garbage. Skullgirls actually applies GGPO pretty well with custom delay settings, doesn't pair you up with people who outclass you by several orders, has been tested repeatedly by the tournament crowd in search of glitches, has strong balance, includes an extremely high quality netcode and includes some pretty important training features like hitboxes/hitstun bars for the technical folks.

I took a leap with Capcom for $145(CE, standard edition and the "bible") like the many familiar faces in this thread. The fact that some are not willing to take a leap for $15 surprises me in some ways and it doesn't in some others.
It depends the the weight class but including launchers I'm currently using:

Light: 2HP, 9LP, HP, dash, MP (2 hits) HP, (grounded) 2HP (relaunch), 9HK, dash, MK, super.

Universal: 2HP, 9MP (3 hits), HK, dash, MP (3 hits) HK, (grounded) MP, 2HP, 9HP, dash, MK, HK super.

Green syringe loaded: 2HP, 9HK, QCF P, dash, HP, (grounded) HP into anything you can manage during their huge hitstun.

Those were day one as I've been spending most of my time with Painwheel but they were the best I could come up with.
Thanks for all these combos. I'm going to grind them out when I get the chance since I really do want to keep Val on my team.
Hitboxes aren't something I can figure out on my own...I'm so fucking thankful they included it. Conversation will shift to some other complaint from people who neither own nor plan on buying the game in the first place.
Yeah, I plan to really crack this game open when I have the free time. It's the kind of game that more technical players stand to benefit from the most(besides beginners). I'm more of a middle of the road kind of guy so this game has a lot to teach me with all these fancy hitboxes, 3S throws and hitstun bars. :p
Max plays Skullgirls, this should provide at least 100-1000 extra sales right?
I hope it's just as beneficial for him(in viewership and money) as it is for the game and the small community surrounding the game.
Everyone's first experience playing against Peacock:

"Ha ha, it walks like an old cartoon, that's funny."

"What the fuck was that? Did a little airplane just zoom by?"



Yeah, it's kind of hard to get salty at her shenanigans lol.
Don't expect a movelist, get it online. Temperary solution. It'll be patched in.
No lobbies. Just enjoy the great netcode and quick and excellent matchmaking. It'll be patched in. A few practice options missing, the tutorial should cover everything. They'll probably be patched in as well.

Developer is fully aware of what is missing, just try and put things into perspective, this is a very small team that was under a lot of pressure to release their game.


It's creepy to see you being so rational haha. Don't take it as an insult. I find your posts and overall manner kinda funny(in the way that makes me laugh with you :p). You are right on the money.
Messed around with the demo for the game since I am a true poverty monster right now. The game is so much fun, even if I basically went in blind regarding character moves and the like. I'm sure it must sound like beating a dead horse at this point, but I can't wait for that movelist patch. Nothing like getting bodied because you don't know what does what while facing someone who loves abusing Cerebella's armored moves. :lol

This shit's gonna be great. Good job Reverge. :)
Give me a heads up when you buy the game. I want to play you, Shao, Tobe and I want to fight Q more. I have a lot to learn and I want to play the shit out of this game. Send a message on XBL even if I'm not on. Just request a time/date or something and we can run that shit.
As someone kind of alluded to, I am concerned that we will race to fix things like the move list, and by the time we get it out after testing, etc. that no one will care any more and then accuse us of wasting time on that instead of other things. But I guess we'll deal with that when it happens. :p

We're a small company and everyone is trying to think of ways to be able to react faster, but ultimately it just comes down to manpower, and that means it ultimately-ultimately comes down to money.
Just make sure to take your time. I said the same thing around the SFxT launch and I think it holds even now. Take your time and the work in the end will be worth it. An extra week of testing before submitting that patch means an extra solid game as soon as the load times are improved and the move lists are in there which is necessary with all this competition in the genre. This game is just a few short changes(and one character) away from being a crazy deal at this point.
I think the number one priority should be glitch fixing and lobbies + spectator. Just throw in simple movelists and don't worry about the flair so that there can be more of a focus on lobbies.

Great work on the GGPO integration by the way. It's perfect. Got some sub-60 ping matches that were absolutely flawless, feels amazing man.
Yeah, the movelists don't need to be fancy. Just put some names/inputs in there and I'm set. Lobbies+spectator matter more than anything else in fighters(to me) with the exception of balance. Adding those two things will make this game my standard fighter for years to come.
The manual for this game is all sorts of creepo. I know this sort of thing is standard for a lot of Japanese fighting games and whatnot, but I sort of feel like this is going a bit far:
This is nothing.

Wow. People are pretty passionate about this game.
That's awesome.
I like to think that this passion is translating into good sales.
I was a Skullgirls hater at first, am still not on board with the art style completely, but I'm surprised at how much I'm enjoying the game. At this point, I just want to make sure I have someone to play it with before I pull the trigger, and am waiting it out a bit to see what post-launch support pans out as.

The Beserker Barrage line helped.
A wise decision for the most part. I don't think this game is lacking in terms of playerbase though. I've found matches left and right.
A lot of things in this game exists because it exists in most other Japanese fighting games, and this is precisely one of those things.
It's all pretty tame too. I really don't see the big deal. The art style itself ought to be more controversial than some harmless bios.
For example, when we add lobbies, Mike wants to eventually have "Exhibition" Lobbies that are about Spectator Mode, and our normal lobbies would let multiple pairs fight simultaneously, with the only waiting time being waiting for another opponent to finish.
This is exactly what I envisioned when Mike talked about his lobby plans on SRK. I really really reaaaaally hope this actually happens. I would have paid $40 for this game if it shipped with that and spectator. I do have a single question though. Has Mike considered including a training mode option in there for folks who want to train while waiting for opponents in a lobby? Sometimes I just like to spend some time training in my 1v1 player lobbies on BlazBlue during down time and I find it adds a lot(thanks to move lists :p).

I think I asked about this before...
I have some friends that feel like they've been burned by the netcode because they've gotten matches that are "laggier than KOF13" and just in general compared to when they play each other on other titles. I'm pretty sure this is because

1) the initial ping they got for GGPO delay was inaccurate
2) at least one of them didn't set an appropriate delay regardless
I know someone who wasn't even tweaking the delay settings. They've gotten lucky so far, but I had to explain that a higher delay may be recommended when fighting opponents with a high ping. It's surprising that people still don't grasp the concept when the game literally gives you a mini explanation every single time you search for a match...
I'd like to ask if you guys plan to keep the current system of showing ping and recommended frame delay largely as-is, or plan to revise it (by either providing an option that's more automated or forcing high-ping connections to not be able to pick low frame delay, or making the sampled ping more accurate and checking for connection stability/packet drop rate as well, etc).
I like this idea. It may be best to implement it at the extremes though. Maybe people who have a ping of 200+ can't select 0-2 delay and people who have sub 50 ping can't pick 6-8 delay. Sometimes people need to be guided even when the basics are right in front of their face.
Yea. She's manageable up until the last stage, then it's full on SNK boss mode. If you aren't on her when she transforms, good luck.
I only play story/arcade on sleepwalker. I'll stick to fighting beastly human players. They are far better than these terrible AI opponents that just piss me off.


Odd thought...anyone here use Adobe InDesign? It could easily format the combo lists people have put up and the movelist into a format with some of the graphics on the Skullgirls site to make a printable booklet that would look pretty swag.

Just thought it i'd suggest it in case one of the guys here has the time and thinks it'd be fun.


Someone who is awful and on XBL play with me

Also Double's teacup hitbox, so good.




I'd play with you but xbox live is being stupid right now. For some reason its telling my router is being weird and to unplug it, which I did but it still wont let me connect to live. This is wire too and I was online earlier...

So it works now. wtf.

El Sloth

Re-posting this in all the fighting game threads:

This seems like a good time to post that I just set up what I hope to be a FGC catch-all channel for GAF on IRC:

#gafilluminati (props to Stabby McSter for the name!)

on Dorksnet servers (irc.wiicafe.com, irc.gamecubecafe.com, irc.browsingtheinternet.com))

Mibbit link for those that don't have a chat program:

I recommend downloading XChat or mIRC though.

It's pretty quiet right now, but it was only literally just made 20 minutes ago. Probably best used during streams, but come and talk about whatever the hell you guys want.


Figured out how to beat the last boss if you're having trouble with pretty much every character. Jumping HP. Seriously. With EVERY CHARACTER so far it's worked. Just be careful and block and once you've blocked, jump HP. Try it. :p


Just bought the PS3 version to compare to the 360.

The load times are barely noticeable on PS3, it's like night and day between the two. Think I'll stick with PS3 until the 360 version gets patched.

Still a shit hot game no matter how you slice it though.
I tried Skullgirls at my friends house and OMG the game is so fun! Valentine, Painwheel, and Parasoul are the characters I used. My friend told me no one plays Painwheel, so I tried her out anyways, she's pretty good.
I tried Skullgirls at my friends house and OMG the game is so fun! Valentine, Painwheel, and Parasoul are the characters I used. My friend told me no one plays Painwheel, so I tried her out anyways, she's pretty good.

She seems to hit like a truck. Lots of jump cancel and super armor moves too. Really nontraditional character though.


Anyone have a bnb for Valentine air combos? I can't seem to find a way to continue the combo air dashing because of the upward movement for it.
GGs, I just wish I could get this shit to load the sprites of my characters when they get tagged in.

I didn't mean to quit, the thing auto kicks after 15 seconds. I thought it would rematch . . .

I was replying in the chat that I couldn't play . . . the irony D=


Is no one on PS3 playing, or has the chat just not taken off that much?

I still play, but the lack of lobby made the game really annoying to play. You can only play the same guy so many times, then you have to find someone else using the stupid PSN interface all over if you want to fight someone different.

It is at a point I just say "screw it" and only play with random stranger.


I still play, but the lack of lobby made the game really annoying to play. You can only play the same guy so many times, then you have to find someone else using the stupid PSN interface all over if you want to fight someone different.

It is at a point I just say "screw it" and only play with random stranger.

Eh I could play the same guy for 8 hours straight if they were good :p
I still play, but the lack of lobby made the game really annoying to play. You can only play the same guy so many times, then you have to find someone else using the stupid PSN interface all over if you want to fight someone different.

It is at a point I just say "screw it" and only play with random stranger.

Hmm, I guess I can understand that.

But at the same time, I'm like Q, if they're better than me, or just a fun match, I could play the same person all day long.


Just beat Story Mode with every character!

I now really hope that Canon Story Mode DLC happens. Especially after
the friggin tease that is Double's ending. Don't leave us hanging, guys!


i would love to see desk do something with this game.

Me too. Watching that guy do an infinite and just letting it rock long after the hitsparks turned red was entertaining. I wonder what all we could find in training if we went looking for infinites and ignored the IPS just to see how they looked.
It'd be like Skullgirls Capcpom edition!
why did you even post that second video... SEE ALL THAT PINK STUFF

Posted it because it was fun to watch. I know about the IPS and all that kicking in but it was still entertaining so I thought i'd share. Besides it let me know that her air stomp doesn't knock people that far so its usable in aerial raves more than I thought.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Now if only Marvel had the IPS that Skullgirls has.

I'm surprised it took so long for someone to have a mechanic like this. It lets you go all out on character moves knowing the game is loaded with infinites, and instead makes it a game of trying to extend the combo as much as possible without replicating. It's a simple but smart system and it makes a lot of the combos make logical sense in your mind of why they work, rather than them just pop out.
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