Sibersk Esto
There's no reason for them to do GT. We can live without 60 episodes of "this thing sucks"
But Super is actually canon.I would rather GT then Super, but well see if even Buu happens.
But Super is actually canon.
The only thing hurting these recent episodes for me is that it mostly features Masayuki Uchiyama's butt ugly work on the series.
And Peacock from Skullgirls. Sarah Ann Williams is even voicing a main character, which is huge for TFS.Final Fantasy VII Episode 3
I'm surprised at the guest voices.
Also I just noticed that Tifa is Nonon in the KLK dub.
I mainly said KN because he's the main guy behind DBZA. But yeah, the core group hates GT. Though I hope they at least try their hand at Broly, but not before they do World's Strongest.
Imagine how Vegeta would interact with Kid Trunks.DBZA Vegeta is one of the best trash talkers ever, also hilarious around Trunks.
"Then again unlike you, he's half me."
"Course the other half is his mother, I mean look at that hair."
"You look like a fruit!"
"And not like a homosexual I mean like a literal walking fruit!"
Episode 50 Breakdown
Also included: KaiserNeko realizing that it's been over 7 years since they started.
Confirmation that they will be doing Buu. "Buu Mountain" as he calls it.
*suddenly appearing rocks in the original episode* Toei Seal of QUALITY
YAY!!!! I can't wait for their take on the Buu Saga.Episode 50 Breakdown
Also included: KaiserNeko realizing that it's been over 7 years since they started.
Confirmation that they will be doing Buu. "Buu Mountain" as he calls it.
*suddenly appearing rocks in the original episode* Toei Seal of QUALITY
That wouldn't surprise me. Plus it would allow TFS to follow up on their 13 tease.That, and it sounds like Android 13 is the next movie they're doing. Guessing it's the Christmas special since the movie starts with everyone shopping before 14 and 15 start attacking and then they go to not-North Pole to fight.
Episode 50 Breakdown
Also included: KaiserNeko realizing that it's been over 7 years since they started.
Confirmation that they will be doing Buu. "Buu Mountain" as he calls it.
*suddenly appearing rocks in the original episode* Toei Seal of QUALITY
I doubt that his normal normal voice, since it sounds a bit announcer-ish, but yeah.i really can't get over how his normal voice sounds like an anime dub
Episode 50 Breakdown
Also included: KaiserNeko realizing that it's been over 7 years since they started.
Confirmation that they will be doing Buu. "Buu Mountain" as he calls it.
*suddenly appearing rocks in the original episode* Toei Seal of QUALITY
- "C..C....C...COMBO!!"
I'm sorry, but I just really hate it when they do internet meme jokes. They always come off as so tryhard and cringeworthy, imo.Their best material is when they're being original.
I didn't even realize this was based on a meme, I just assumed it was just a fighting game reference.
- "C..C....C...COMBO!!"
I'm sorry, but I just really hate it when they do internet meme jokes. They always come off as so tryhard and cringeworthy, imo.Their best material is when they're being original.
- "C..C....C...COMBO!!"
I'm sorry, but I just really hate it when they do internet meme jokes. They always come off as so tryhard and cringeworthy, imo.Their best material is when they're being original.
You didn't catch "shoryuken "? That was a really nice fit. "sure you can", but pronounced like the Street Fighter 2 Ryu / Ken flying uppercut.
I didn't hear 'combo' though. Though Krillin's "Mission. Start." is Street Fighter 4's Guile starting phrase for a match. So I'm sure we're going get Krillin + Guile theme when he attacksCell in the next episode.Perfect
I just want a good reference to 'why didn't you use your kienzan?!' when he finally decides to fucking use it!
Final Fantasy VII Episode 3
I'm surprised at the guest voices.
Also I just noticed that Tifa is Nonon in the KLK dub.
I was sort of hoping they would just ignore that one as a phase of Gero. It's a terrible movie. I wouldn't even know how they could make fun of it, that how boring it is.
Though on the bright side, it will start the "why am I here" cycle of movie-verse future Trunks. Maybe it will have inserts of Android 17, at least that would worth it. He was cool.
Different story:
I have been watching the original Dragonball and I just noticed that living in this world must be seriously depressing if you want to collect the dragonballs. I mean, six of them are fine, but then when you want the four-star ball, you run into this guy who is like, crazy space alien powerful, and he likes beating people up. Particularly the ones who want his stuff. Like his grampa. Or as regular folk would call it: that goddamn *censored* dragonball.
No wonder nobody else ever collects them, unless Dumbass isn't looking or he's dead (again). If he's there, everybody just gives up at six ( "you know, I guess I don't need to feed my family that much. They'll understand..." ). I mean, hardly has he left the planet for Namek, or mr. Popo manages to collect them easily. Goku being dead for seven years must have led to bitchin' "He's finally dead! We can wish our loved ones back now!" dragonball collection parties.
Seriously, he might even try to eat you.
Dr. Gero was secretly the world's greatest hero for creating superhumans capable of ridding the world of that bastard.
hearing Freeza in Baba's voice is fun though
I was sort of hoping they would just ignore that one as a phase of Gero. It's a terrible movie. I wouldn't even know how they could make fun of it, that how boring it is.
I find it funny lol. Different strokes, etc.
Also @ the episode 50 breakdown. Funny how they fix a lot of shit that Toei didn't see/didn't bother to fix. (though without the breakdowns, I may not have noticed them at all haha)
How soon is soon
Vegeta playing Metal Gera Solid V is now on YouTube. Should I make a thread for the in the Gaming Discussion section?
MEh, if no one made threads for the other games he played.... The MGR videos were fucking GOLD.
A general TFS Plays thread would make more sense to cover all their gaming stuff. Their Xenoverse stuff was also pretty good at times.
They had the first 10 episodes done already. They're just releasing said episodes at a consistent rate.Final Fantasy VII Episode 5
They are pumping these out fast!
Also, according to the front page, the next DBZ episode is in editing.
They had the first 10 episodes done already. They're just releasing said episodes at a consistent rate.
Final Fantasy VII Episode 5
They are pumping these out fast!
Also, according to the front page, the next DBZ episode is in editing.