I'd be lying if I said I wasn't glad to be back. I'm also glad I didn't get perma'd because I believe everyone deserves a second chance. Which reminds me: I'd like to sincerely apologize to Dyno for the ugliness that lead to our bans. I'd also like to apologize to TorontoGAF - not for our often differing political views, opinions or ideals, but for any comments I have made that were offensive. It truly was a good break to put my GAF time into other things, so thanks to the Mods for that. Good to be back though.
The latest news in the Ford saga is quite timely as I had forgotten about my ban being lifted this month. And although I think many are hoping that I will continue to defend for Ford, I will not. He has addictions/issues which he needs help with, but not while holding the position of Mayor. Even if you completely ignore the drugs, alcohol, and audio/video, the recent review of actual "savings" during Ford's term contrasted with what he claims to have saved Toronto definitively proves he is unfit to be Mayor. I honestly didn't think he would still be in office by time my ban was lifted.
As far as Toronto politics are concerned, my focus has shifted away from defending Ford to my ongoing anxiety with regards to the inadequacy of the current candidates, and the TTC. I'm sickened thinking that Chow (or even Ford) could slide into office based on the lack of competent, forward thinking candidates. Hell, even Miller is looking pretty good at this point, even though he is white and male apparently. I'm still on the fence about Tory, Soknacki has potential, and am appalled that Stintz has the audacity to run. Morgan Baskin puts most of the widely publicized candidates to shame. Reading about her is inspiring and makes me wish I had my name on the ballot too.
The TTC continues to be a huge clusterfuck. The optimist in me thinks that Byford and Ross are moving in the right direction and thankfully Stintz stepped down. I still think that it should be mandatory for all TTC management to actually take the TTC on a daily basis, but that won't happen with exception of a select few. See how they feel when they are late for work because a 15 minute trip took a hour and 15 minutes. Transit needs to be a top priority for all candidates even if the solution won't be implemented during their term. I would argue to fix what we have instead of expanding, but that doesn't seem popular.
I love this city and want the best for it. In spite of adversity Toronto continues to be a great place to live. I just think our leadership, not only City Hall, is capable of much more. The election is still months away and a lot can happen. Until then it's Fear and Loathing: on the Campaign Trail '14.
When is the next meetup anyway?