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Xbox will no longer have permanent console exclusives going forward according to Jez Corden

It's joeover
It's Colt over.
What do you actually mean by xbox is dead to you, or in general?

I know this is the dream for so many Sony fans but there's no way "xbox" goes away. Or should I say microsofts investment into gaming.

Do you feel micorosft are just going to walk away from gaming?

It confuses me.
"Dead" as in:

They lost the console war. That selling 20-30M consoles means that your business (of selling consoles - and what that implies-) is not viable... you are dead


Pivoting, "changing the game". it's a different business model/strategy or plan.

in this case, is Xbox dead?
of course Not.

do they have a clear and easy path for domination?

are they (as a business) in a healthy, comfortable position?
Absolutely not. Xbox is not in a position of power whatsoever.

can MS walk away gaming or even it's gaming division implode under its own weight?
30% of that happening.

Xbox died in the "old war" the "traditional" console bunsiess model.

now they are Pivoting and trying different strategies. (from a position of weakness)

do you think Xbox is going to become the default gaming store front on:



do you think that just selling games as a publisher is going to grant the same level of success as a platform holder (console/store front)?

How I see it:
MS/Xbox really have a herculean task ahead if they want to achieve market dominance and rebuild their reputation.

i don't think Xbox fans/shills really understand how hard is going to be.


Gold Member
Stupid...just stupid.... I have all consoles,if my PS5 can play all Xbox games then why the fuck do I need an xbox again?
To play some games a year or so early I guess…tho if “everything’s and xbox” you can just play on a tv without an xbox I guess. The console itself will be generally pointless except for enthusiastic xbox fans.

Deleted member 848825

Unconfirmed Member
This ad is basically stating Xbox exists outside of the traditional console, so when the first and last options are gone you will still have the other ones available.


“It’ll make more sense later” 😉
Yeah, thats an advert for people with the IQ of a paper clip. I guess if quality doesn't matter to you, then fire tv is the way to go. Bit of a Don Mattrick, we have an Xbox box 360 for you, moment.


Nonsense. Sega took 7 years to die. 1994-2001. Even if it was "slower" as you say, it's because they've sold 40 million xboxes compared to 10 million Dreamcasts.
Sega went out in a ball of flames. 2 years into a launch of a console with games still being developed exclusively for Dreamcast. Yes the rot began to set in years before but there was genuine hope they could still turn it around with the dreamcast. The decline in Xbox is over 10 years now.



Because this thread needs it.

Things change. He doesn't run Xbox, nor does he work there. The people he gets his leaks from can be right until they aren't and it seems like Microsoft keeps evolving it's stance over time. it happens.
There are better ways to inform people of information correct at the time of writing. Smug sarcasm isn't one of them. I suspect his quotes get regurgitated because of that more than the info he has knowledge of at the time.
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Don't think I ever quoted so many posts in one thread so bear with me lol.

Everyone knows about the handheld but that’s so far off who knows where that will land
Would honestly be darkly hilarious if Xbox kept teasing a handheld for what has been a year at this point, then got beat to the punch by Sony.

No. lol

His sources are just bad.

This was 2 months before the Business Update Podcast. He quickly changed when more reliable insiders started reporting that more games would be coming to PlayStation.
I honestly think his sources don't give him bad Xbox news because they don't want him to harm himself over it or something.

He genuinely comes across as a very fragile person from an emotional standpoint.

The funniest thing about Jez to me and all this drama, isn’t even about Xbox. It’s about him seemingly never getting over the death of Windows Phones. He is constantly bringing it up and malding about it even in the tiny amount of clips I see of him speaking about the current state of Xbox.
He will bring up Mixer from time to time as well. He treats the death of a Microsoft product like losing a child.
These two products (especially Windows Phone) are a very bad note for Microsoft execs to experience again, so he pushes those buttons knowingly because he thinks if they get enough PTSD flashbacks, they might stop the ports.

Also jez corden is one of the biggest embarrassments i've ever seen. Imagine being a grown man and going on twitter defending a piece of plastic and attacking people left and right who dare criticize it. On top of that he writes articles that spin negative news into positive and proudly exposes himself as a corporate bootlicker and shill every single day of his existence. Calling himself a journalist is a stain on real journalist everywhere who bust there behinds everyday and tell it how it is.

Lmfao I love that intervention scene so much.

No because those companies don’t foster that sort of behavior and take these people out to luncheons and celebrate how many clicks they get or go onto their podcasts and laugh and joke with them.

Xbox made this bed
Honestly remarkable to hear how deep the parasocial relationship.

I was going to say that but now I'll just add that it's been incredibly obnoxious for many years and I wonder if it will get any better with things changing.
It won't, they will just push those influencers to start attacking other 3P publishers instead and maybe Steam.

Example: "Outer Worlds 2 is so much better than Mass Effect".

Aaron Greenberg was likely one of the worst of them and on more than one occasion he was told to tune it down some on social medias by papa Phil
Even Phil thinks Greenberg is cringe, lol.

I can't for the life of me understand why theyre bothering to design and launch new consoles?

The R&D is incredibly expensive and if you extrapolate how much further behind they've fallen this gen into the next, theres no way it be anything but a drain on profits.

Just say what everyone already knows, you lost, you quit. Head off to become the biggest third party publisher on earth and make a ton of money.

Thats how they can succeed. Is it just pride holding them back from the inevitable?
It's Pride that they can afford.

They don't want to get pushback from investors for not quitting Xbox earlier (Satya was under pressure when he 1st took over to shutter the division, Phil convinced him otherwise).

The org is overall drowning in money, so what's burning half a billion extra or so for the sake of not having to have a Sega-style "this is the end" moment?



Gold Member
Gamed with a few people that knows stuff

I would bet huge amounts of cash they will still have Xbox labeled hardware just maybe not a traditional console

I would, too. I don't know people who know stuff, but I think you only need common sense to figure this one out.

MS has something like 35 million Xbox owners. They aren't just going to leave them at the altar next gen. Further, MS is all-in on GP, and the majority of their GP subscribers are on Xbox. They aren't just going to strand them in the desert next gen. Yeah, they're coming in third, limping. But there is just too much to leave on the table. Despite the doomsayers, there are good reasons why people would buy an Xbox console next gen - their friends are on Xbox, they like GP, they want to continue to access exclusives first, they are invested in Xbox's ecosystem (all their games are there), they hate Sony, whatever.

I assume the console will look different, maybe have some Steam-like capabilities, but I have no doubt Xbox hardware will be there next gen. It just makes no sense to me that they would throw in the hardware towel completely at this point. I'm surprised that some people think they will.
Microsoft is not making this move because the console market isn't going to drive growth. It wasn't driving enough growth for Microsoft because of the decisions they made. Sony and Nintendo are doing fine in the console market. You can bet MS would be happy to remain focused on console growth if they had succeeded in dominating the market.

They are not going to dominate the PC/portable and phone space either if they continue with mixed messaging and actions. They have competition in those markets too. If anything, I feel they are late to the party and in a weaker position to do that now. Steam and ASUS are not going anywhere and if Steam OS takes off good luck to MS making Game Pass/Xbox be the dominate "platform" on PC gaming.

Does that mean Microsoft Gaming is a failure? Absolutely not. I do believe they are weakening the Xbox brand with the current marketing campaign by making "everything an Xbox" but the Xbox brand is still highly recognizable and associated with highly regarded games. If they focus on game output and quality, I believe everything else will fall into place. If they continue to chase trying to dominate the market, they will get the same results.

Yes, they are. The console market is not growing in total users, it's been capped around 300 million users for many years now. Sony and Nintendo are doing "fine" in the console market, as in they are making money, but they are not growing. That's why you see inflated budgets being a huge issue for Sony and their attempts to mitigate (they led with higher priced games this gen, and a pivot to live service games). Sony is trying to make up for the lack of console gaming growth by releasing more of their games on PC. Nintendo's budgets are not as out of control, but they also maintain higher margins. Sony and Nintendo are both supplementing their strategies by expanding growth of revenue through other markets - look at how much Sony is using their IPs for TV and movie (anime especially), where as Nintendo is also exploring this more and building theme parks like Disney.

Even if Xbox was more successful, console sales alone would not be driving the growth Microsoft seeks. I agree they have weakened the Xbox hardware brand, for a long time now. But here's the issue - Microsoft is interested in ROI and not particularly interested in their gaming hardware brand. They just care about the platform and making money, which is their measure of success - and they are objectively succeeding in this, especially after the Activision-Blizzard acquisition. NeoGAF users' measure of success is "beating Sony/Nintendo" in the console space, whether that is through unit sales or having more quality games. These are two completely different definitions of success, one in the mindshare of forum posters and another printing green in the real world.

Microsoft's goal isn't to dominate PCs or portables with their brand, so long as users are playing games that they publish (and preferably on a platform like Game Pass that they control). They don't care so much about the method. Now, Xbox itself does. And this is what I find funny/sad about GAF, and what I've tried to convey many times, that Microsoft as a company doesn't give a shit about gaming. Yet Xbox, and yes, Phil Spencer, do very much care about gaming and about the metrics of success we on this forum care about, beyond the money. This attitude is completely at odds with Microsoft the company. It's not a new phenomenon either - Microsoft hasn't cared about gaming throughout their entire history, and the only reason Xbox exists at all is because they were concerned about Sony getting a foothold through the living room and challenging their platform's dominance in the PC realm. People here direct their hate at Xbox and Spencer, but that's misdirected - if anyone, they should be taking it out on Microsoft and Nadella.


A friend of mine never upgraded to the newest generation, since he uses GamePass Ultimate streaming on his Xbox One. I have started streaming GamePass games on my Series X and there is a little hit on graphical fidelity, but it’s barely noticeable. I see this as where they will be headed. Microsoft is a service company. I see this at work where we have Teams, Office 365, virtual Windows, etc. It’s all in the cloud and the hardware does very little.


Moderated wildly
"Dead" as in:

They lost the console war. That selling 20-30M consoles means that your business (of selling consoles - and what that implies-) is not viable... you are dead


Pivoting, "changing the game". it's a different business model/strategy or plan.

in this case, is Xbox dead?
of course Not.

do they have a clear and easy path for domination?

are they (as a business) in a healthy, comfortable position?
Absolutely not. Xbox is not in a position of power whatsoever.

can MS walk away gaming or even it's gaming division implode under its own weight?
30% of that happening.

Xbox died in the "old war" the "traditional" console bunsiess model.

now they are Pivoting and trying different strategies. (from a position of weakness)

do you think Xbox is going to become the default gaming store front on:



do you think that just selling games as a publisher is going to grant the same level of success as a platform holder (console/store front)?

How I see it:
MS/Xbox really have a herculean task ahead if they want to achieve market dominance and rebuild their reputation.

i don't think Xbox fans/shills really understand how hard is going to be.

They're never going to have market dominance. That doesn't mean you can't have a successful business.

Samsung will never take out apple.

Pepsi and Coca-Cola

Lg tvs vs Samsung tvs

I just dont understand that there is this unhealthy obsession that Microsoft has to "win"

Appreciate the post though. I just don't think it needs to be viewed in the way you are

30 to 40 million consoles is not to scoff at. I don't get how all the sony guys can just label this as a failure and death of a platform.

Sony is clearly the market dominant company in console gaming.
Not sure why folks are entertaining the idea of Xbox being dead. Its definitely not, although what they will be, or even if the 'Xbox' side of the division losses their fight and its all 'Microsoft Gaming' going forward, is up for debate.

At a certain point, no company, no matter how much sunk cost fallacy is going on, will continue throwing good money after bad. Microsoft has always been infinitely more successful focusing on Software and Services, and its fine if thats what their future in gaming is.

There are, for sure, some very big and serious hurdles coming down the pipe in the next few years, particularly in the PC gaming space, and Microsoft is gonna have to prepare for them to weather that, or even the current model that they enjoy could be at risk. Regardless, gaming will always make them money. Might need a few more rounds of cost-cutting to get there though....


Gold Member
Yes, they are. The console market is not growing in total users, it's been capped around 300 million users for many years now. Sony and Nintendo are doing "fine" in the console market, as in they are making money, but they are not growing. That's why you see inflated budgets being a huge issue for Sony and their attempts to mitigate (they led with higher priced games this gen, and a pivot to live service games). Sony is trying to make up for the lack of console gaming growth by releasing more of their games on PC. Nintendo's budgets are not as out of control, but they also maintain higher margins. Sony and Nintendo are both supplementing their strategies by expanding growth of revenue through other markets - look at how much Sony is using their IPs for TV and movie (anime especially), where as Nintendo is also exploring this more and building theme parks like Disney.

Even if Xbox was more successful, console sales alone would not be driving the growth Microsoft seeks. I agree they have weakened the Xbox hardware brand, for a long time now. But here's the issue - Microsoft is interested in ROI and not particularly interested in their gaming hardware brand. They just care about the platform and making money, which is their measure of success - and they are objectively succeeding in this, especially after the Activision-Blizzard acquisition. NeoGAF users' measure of success is "beating Sony/Nintendo" in the console space, whether that is through unit sales or having more quality games. These are two completely different definitions of success, one in the mindshare of forum posters and another printing green in the real world.

Microsoft's goal isn't to dominate PCs or portables with their brand, so long as users are playing games that they publish (and preferably on a platform like Game Pass that they control). They don't care so much about the method. Now, Xbox itself does. And this is what I find funny/sad about GAF, and what I've tried to convey many times, that Microsoft as a company doesn't give a shit about gaming. Yet Xbox, and yes, Phil Spencer, do very much care about gaming and about the metrics of success we on this forum care about, beyond the money. This attitude is completely at odds with Microsoft the company. It's not a new phenomenon either - Microsoft hasn't cared about gaming throughout their entire history, and the only reason Xbox exists at all is because they were concerned about Sony getting a foothold through the living room and challenging their platform's dominance in the PC realm. People here direct their hate at Xbox and Spencer, but that's misdirected - if anyone, they should be taking it out on Microsoft and Nadella.
This isn't Microsoft giving up or giving it, it's them setting the stage for domination.


Sad day... i suppose an expensive ass Xbox branded PC that can play all previous Xbox games would be best at this point. Gimmie four.

Even with the way this stuff is head i'm still considering selling my PS5 and PSVR2, i just never play it. :/
They're never going to have market dominance. That doesn't mean you can't have a successful business.

Samsung will never take out apple.

Pepsi and Coca-Cola

Lg tvs vs Samsung tvs

I just dont understand that there is this unhealthy obsession that Microsoft has to "win"

Appreciate the post though. I just don't think it needs to be viewed in the way you are

30 to 40 million consoles is not to scoff at. I don't get how all the sony guys can just label this as a failure and death of a platform.

Sony is clearly the market dominant company in console gaming.
success is relative, and MS is setting up the expectations; it's their obsession.

I agree that Xbox shouldn't be number 1 to be considered a success tho


Might need a few more rounds of cost-cutting to get there though....

I hope not but there will probably be a 1,000+ gaming related layoffs in Jan, right before the developer direct like the last two years. I imagine Turn 10 and Ninja Theory are on thin ice.
30 to 40 million consoles is not to scoff at. I don't get how all the sony guys can just label this as a failure and death of a platform.
While I agree with the point you're driving at, that Xbox being 3rd place in the console space, even if distant, doesn't mean they either couldn't or shouldn't still have a place in the console market. I actually agree that there being more competitors in said space is good for both the gaming creators, the users, and everyone in between. Its a shame that we're basically at 2 or 3 major players now.

The issue, though, is that Microsoft themselves scoffs at 30-40m sold. To them, that is a market retraction, especially when market competitors are growing. From a corporate culture perspective, they don't just tank this sort of hit for long. And keep in mind: a significantly larger amount of money will have been spent this time around to sell the 30-40m units than last time around, when they sold like 40-50m. Heck, i've seen projections that based on current market trajectory, with no major changes, chances are Microsoft would only do half of even that given their current strategy with a new hardware generation. If Microsoft was perfectly okay with being at this level of marketshare and operating within it, that'd be one thing. However, this is Microsoft we're talking about here. If they aren't first or at least growing in a market sector, then its only inevitable that they cut their losses and move away from it, keeping in mind that i'm specifically talking about hardware here - Microsoft Gaming as a software entity is here to stay.


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
Welp looks like it’s PC, PS5 and Switch going forward there really is no need to have an Xbox at this point if you have a capable pc to use it for gamepass.

That's probably one of the reasons why Xbox console sales tanked. If you have a PC why buy an Xbox? All Microsoft first party games release on PC same day as Xbox, on Gamepass and on Steam.


Gold Member
Not sure why folks are entertaining the idea of Xbox being dead. Its definitely not, although what they will be, or even if the 'Xbox' side of the division losses their fight and its all 'Microsoft Gaming' going forward, is up for debate.

At a certain point, no company, no matter how much sunk cost fallacy is going on, will continue throwing good money after bad. Microsoft has always been infinitely more successful focusing on Software and Services, and its fine if thats what their future in gaming is.

There are, for sure, some very big and serious hurdles coming down the pipe in the next few years, particularly in the PC gaming space, and Microsoft is gonna have to prepare for them to weather that, or even the current model that they enjoy could be at risk. Regardless, gaming will always make them money. Might need a few more rounds of cost-cutting to get there though....

I'm fully expecting that within the next few years we're going to see a number of additional studios get closed, consolidated, or let go. Any studio deemed non-essential to their major franchises and not believed likely to create their own big hit will be expendable. I could see a scenario where Double Fine becomes independent again, Ninja Theory gets shut down, and Turn 10 gets folded into Playground. Also, if I'm any Zenimax studio not named Bethesda or Id, I'm nervous that my next game not making money is the end for me.


Reseterror Resettler
remember that weekend before that (pre-recorded) (not)livestream explaining their plans moving forward? Remember when everyone and their mom was like "oh shit, they're basically folding on the console war," and then the stream happened and they were like "Hey no this, this, and this are totes not happening, be not afraid," and then like literally this, this and this all happen in a staggered schedule over a year.

Marketing geniuses over there. They can manipulate the English language so that the meager masses will conflate them completely lying with some Geoff Keighleyesque lamentation about "the state of the industry," and "we're all affected,"

-Apparently by a race of parasitic alien who takes over potential planets by way of siphoning all of the talent and skill from every worker in every industry. Or retardation.

I know I sound pissed, but I'm not. Never owned an Xbox.

Tl;dr: The clouds will part and the sky cracks open and God himself will reach his fucking arm through, just to push you down. Just to hold you down. Swim in this hole with the shit and the piss and it's hard to believe it could come down to this - back at the beginning, sinking, spinning.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
remember that weekend before that (pre-recorded) (not)livestream explaining their plans moving forward? Remember when everyone and their mom was like "oh shit, they're basically folding on the console war," and then the stream happened and they were like "Hey no this, this, and this are totes not happening, be not afraid," and then like literally this, this and this all happen in a staggered schedule over a year.

Marketing geniuses over there. They can manipulate the English language so that the meager masses will conflate them completely lying with some Geoff Keighleyesque lamentation about "the state of the industry," and "we're all affected,"

-Apparently by a race of parasitic alien who takes over potential planets by way of siphoning all of the talent and skill from every worker in every industry. Or retardation.

I know I sound pissed, but I'm not. Never owned an Xbox.

Tl;dr: The clouds will part and the sky cracks open and God himself will reach his fucking arm through, just to push you down. Just to hold you down. Swim in this hole with the shit and the piss and it's hard to believe it could come down to this - back at the beginning, sinking, spinning.


Season 18 Omg GIF by America's Got Talent


The issue, though, is that Microsoft themselves scoffs at 30-40m sold.
This to me is key. They aren't just failing by external metrics, its pretty clear its also by internal metrics despite every attempt to obfuscate the numbers. Sudden and major strategy changes make that abundantly clear. So anyone who thinks MS isn't failing isn't watching.
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