And here I thought you were a PC gamer from the start, oof. Another xbox refugee.
Okay I’ll still bite on that. Total honesty here, long post.
I’m really a Commodore refugee. And it’s been a tough life.
Been flip-flopping between platforms over 4 decades. Played on PC for a short while in late 80s and in late PS1 generation but eventually focused on consoles only.
First SNES. Fanboy.
Then PlayStation. Fanboy.
Then I got tired of being salty over exclusives and started buying all consoles around PS2 and the main platform with most usage has then changed depending on the output.
Been maining PC and Steam since 2014.
780ti>980ti>1080ti>3070ti>4090 + 4080S living room PC.
The last couple years of console war and Xbox Series train wreck and PS5 rise to domination is mostly noise for me. Entertaining to some degree but it really doesn’t matter for me personally. I barely use consoles at all, look at my ”impressive” yearly stats…
The Xbox stats are for PC too. So there is that. Not much PC Gamepass usage either. And I started moving away from PS5 last year and made a deliberate swap from PS5 to PC early this year when building a PC for the living room, started building up a Sony library on PC. Don’t know if that makes me a ”Xbox refugee” as you say, or just someone moving away from consoles in general because they aren’t really needed if you have a PC.
And as a PC gamer you’ll see no blind praising of Sony, has nothing to do with Xbox but comes from Sony delaying everything on Steam. I absolutely hate it. Bought a Pro because I hate it. And I’d say you can expect most PC-main gamers to not go around praising Sony, the delays are incredibly tiresome, go play Indiana Jones and Stalker 2 on your new PS5 Pro now in 2024 and you get a sense of how it is. I hate waiting.
But it could be worse, could be no ports at all, so I’m still glad that Sony are doing so many ports of course, often great ones. At this point I actually have more PS games on PC than PS5 and more are coming next year so things are getting better. Just hoping for shorter delays going forward. But like I said I have a Pro if I can’t wait.
Regarding Xbox and the overall change in strategy we see now. I really don’t think Microsoft are merging the Xbox and PC platforms as well as they think themselves.
The ”This is an Xbox” ad is offensive. If my PC is an Xbox then I fully expect to regain the access to all the games I bought over the years on Xbox Live Arcade and disc games on 360 and digital on XB1X. Some kind of Xbox legacy launcher with perfect emulation, plus a way to transfer old discs into digital codes. THEN it’s an Xbox.
But if they just pull the plug on Xbox and do nothing for old users and this is just a strategy for new games then they can go to hell. Then even Google did it better, when they pulled the plug on Stadia I got refunded.
Will I be refunded for all the purchased Xbox games I can’t access on my ”This is an Xbox” PC?