Concord - Reviews Thread (PS5/PC)


Gold Member
I know it isn't peak time yet, but....



Matthew Broderick GIF
Fire Hulst


World’s Biggest Weeb
I wonder if that chick is gonna call herself "the professor" on her job application forms after the studio is gone in a few months.
My god, I would love to be a fly on the wall when she walks into an interview at some respectable company and introduces herself like “hi, I’m nonbinary and my preferred pronouns are Professor or Prof”

“Oh, are you a professor?”

the people ruling, informing, educating, & entertaining us? they're of us, but they're not us. & it's why they keep getting everything that involves us wrong...

edit: see image above...


it will be f2p and included with ps plus probably by october

I hope the studio gets rid of all the art designers and woke people and lets some of the talented game designers support Bungie or something
That is the best option to attract more players. FF14 thrived after a revamp, but that had a massive brand name behind it.
I don't see sony supporting this beyond basic F2p changes. Concord is a poisoned well and a miracle would be needed to bring people in.
Fire Hulst
Indeed. What we are witnessing is the real outcome of both Hulst and Ryan's leadership. It was predictable and predicted by many. And it will get worse from there. The last real good playstation games were either released on PS4 and/or driven by decisions from the previous team or luck (buying a passion team who has already done Helldivers 2).
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100-200M? Where is the evidence of this? That's just a wild ass guess. I am doubtful, given the studio has ZERO proven IP.
Not a weird ass guess at all. I can find where I heard it. I'm pretty sure it was one of SkillUp's recent videos, or a Luke Stephens video about it as I glanced at it. Will report back later as I have stuff to do ATM.

It shouldn't be doubtful at all as Sony purchased them. Considering the amount that they've paid in the past for studios, even the smaller ones, it shouldn't be a shocking number. Especially after they originally dropped 3.6 billion for Bungie. Regardless of the exact sum, it doesn't change the fact that it doesn't really feel like the money was spent well at all.
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