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2011 NBA Playoffs |OT| Don't Compare Refs to Cigarettes

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From Manu:

I got hurt during yesterday's game. MRI showed an elbow sprain (Ulnar collateral ligament). I'm doubtful 4 sunday. Hope to make it, tho. Luckily, the pain is almost gone. Thx!
Blackface said:
1. Bargs is right around league average for EFG%.

League average is 50% this year, he's at 48%. You know who is at 48.1%? Ryan Fucking Gomes.

League average for Centers is 52%. League average for PFs is 50.4% Congrats, he's below average shooting for a big man.

2. You are using stats that completely skew the perspective. Like usual, you don't watch games and toss out meaningless numbers without giving any type of context. Yes, Bargs EFG% isn't as high as other bigs, that's because he shoots tons of 3's, and is depended on to take more shots then almost any center in the NBA, including Dwight Howard. The more shots you take, the later in the game it is, the more you miss. Especially as a shooter. You also don't take into account he has been double teamed almost every game he has played this season. This skews the numbers greatly.

uh, efg% is used to account for 3s. 33% on 3 = 50% efg%. He shoots 34.5% on 3s or 51.8efg%. To get 48% means he is stinking it up inside the arc. You know, where bigs usually do well.

Really? Teams double team bargs on the perimeter? Granted, I haven't seen a lot of Raptor games because LOL but I would love somebody else to confirm this for me because I don't understand why anyone would double team bargnani like ever.

3. Don't post "leader stats" as they are as meaningless as PER. According to EFG% records Kendrick Perkins is one of the greatest shooters of all time. He averages 6 points a game and couldn't score his way out of a pre-school basketball game.

I knew you'd bring this up.

Perkins takes 3.4 shots per game at the rim. He converts 66% which is right at league average.

Bargnani? 57%

Bargnani is the only Center in the league to take 3+ shots in the paint in the league and convert below 60% of them. THE ONLY ONE. the same is true as a power forward. Over 60 centers and power forwards all take over 3+ attempts per game at the rim and only Bargs converts under 60%.

In fact, the only players in the league who convert at a lower rate than him but take more shot attempts than him are: Devin harris, Stephen jackson, Brandon Jennings, DJ Augustin, Carmelo, Rodney Stuckey. That's out of about 100 players.

edit: before you cry about him being doubled again, note that he is assisted on nearly 2/3 of his at rim shots, which is above average for a C. He just sucks at scoring in the paint.

Congrats, your Big Man converts at the rim like a 6 foot point guard and takes a ton of 3s which he's just okay at and a bunch of long 2s which is the worst shot in basketball. Bargnani is the king of taking bad shots and not converting good shots. Awesome offensive player is awesome.

Offensive Prowess baby!

Your biggest problem is you don't watch games. You just don't. You look at numbers and expect them to tell the entire story. They never do. You don't take into account factors that don't have statistics. You don't take into account systems, team-mates, role or any of the other aspects of basketball that don't appear as concrete numbers. All your arguments are based 100 percent on statistic, in which case, we may as well take Early Boykins over John Wall since his PER is higher.


For one, I've seen all but I believe 1 Laker game this season. A huge chunk of Clipper games and most of the national games involving Miami, Chicago, Spurs, Boston, Dallas, etc. Sorry Toronto isn't high on my list. But I've seen enough of Bargninny in my time to know what he's all about.

My argument is based on what I've seen. The numbers simply back all that up. And I am not using PER.

Bargs is a good(not great or anything above that) offensive big. He isn't the best shooter, but his all around range for a 7 foot player, is great. The problem is he is forced to play out of position, he gets double teamed ever single night, he is handed the ball WAY to often, and most of the plays drawn up for him put him in awkward positions to score. Two hands in your face instead of one or none don't show up next to TS%. Being forced by your incompetent coach to take an ISO at the three point line as a 7 foot center, doesn't factor into EFG%

So what you're saying is that he's shooting too much. We finally agree on something.

Bargs is an okay scorer. Not a good one. If he was good, you wouldn't be saying he shoots too much.

Basically, if you reduce his shot output he'd be an average shooting player. Yay! So he gives you average shooting with below average passing/turnover so he's below average on offense and cover my eyes before they bleed bad on defense.

Like I said. he does 1 thing and only 1 thing and he's not even that good at it. It would be like a guy whose only skill is to shoot 3s but he shoots them at 34% (point being, if you can't do anything but shoot 3s, you damn well better shoot above 40% like Matt Bonner, otherwise you are useless as is Bargs).

If you watch the games you see him drop 20+ on elite big man defenders, and destroy bad defenders. His problem is he consistently, night after night after night gets raped by the other team. He also can't rebound for shit. So whatever he does on the offensive end, is worthless. The Raptors need a defensive anchor at center, to allow Amir and Davis to grow.

This is exactly what I said. Since he sucks so bad on defense, he can only justify it by being good on offense. But he's not, he's just okay.

Andrea is still developing. If he can go to a team that could teach him to pull down a couple more rebounds a game, and be just an average defender, he will help them. Otherwise, he will forever be fucking worthless and not worth having on your team.

very rarely does a player learn after age 25. Bargs is who he is - a borderline bench player getting paid $12 million or whatever stupid amount it is.

You misjudged him. Time to accept it.


G***n S**n*bi
obijkenobi said:
From Manu:

I got hurt during yesterday's game. MRI showed an elbow sprain (Ulnar collateral ligament). I'm doubtful 4 sunday. Hope to make it, tho. Luckily, the pain is almost gone. Thx!
His commitment to flopping is somewhat commendable.


Black Mamba falls victim to Blackface's wall of text bombardment.

The guy used DJ Magazine as a basketball argument. Come on.


The problem is you are only using numbers that back your case, and not addressing any of the arguments against it. You keep making long winded, pretentious arguments that make little to no sense. Then you admit you have barely even seen him play.

Bargs converts at the rim like a SG because he plays like one. You keep comparing him to guys like Dwight Howard. He doesn't play like them. The only big man in the NBA who plays like Bargs is Dirk, and Bargs is no Dirk, Dwight is no Dirk, 95 percent of NBA players are no Dirk.

Black Mamba said:
League average is 50% this year, he's at 48%. You know who is at 48.1%? Ryan Fucking Gomes.

If Ryan Fucking Gnomes was forced to ISo at the three point line his EFG% would drop a lot. If Dwight was forced to run some of the plays Bargs is, he would have the worst EFG% in the history of the NBA. Just like if you asked Bargs to run the plays Dwight does, Bargs wouldn't even be in the fucking NBA, he couldn't do it. Only one other 7 footer does what Bargs is asked to do. You have nobody to compare him to. Stop comparing him to guys who sit under the paint and get easy buckets.

League average for Centers is 52%. League average for PFs is 50.4% Congrats, he's below average shooting for a big man.

So Bargs, who 80 percent of his shots are JUMP SHOTS is 2 percent behind the league average for centers. Good comparison.

Once again, stop comparing league averages and leader boards. Bargs was forced to take over 1,100 shots this year. Stop comparing him to averages that take into account players who shoot 50 times a season.

uh, efg% is used to account for 3s. 33% on 3 = 50% efg%. He shoots 34.5% on 3s or 51.8efg%. To get 48% means he is stinking it up inside the arc. You know, where bigs usually do well.

EFG% takes into account 3 points percentages, which is why his drops compared to centers who don't take them (99 percent of centers in the NBA). Both EFG% and TS% try to adjust for three point shots taken, but the adjustment is not perfect, just like those two stats are not perfect.

You keep talking about what "centers should be doing". As I said, he isn't a center, doesn't play like a center, never has played like a center. He should be playing at the PF position, and even playing their, would be a finesse PF.

Really? Teams double team bargs on the perimeter? Granted, I haven't seen a lot of Raptor games because LOL but I would love somebody else to confirm this for me because I don't understand why anyone would double team bargnani like ever.

Bargs is double teamed a lot. Not many teams guard him one on one, and even when it happens, like against OKC, he still will drop 20+.

I knew you'd bring this up.

Perkins takes 3.4 shots per game at the rim. He converts 66% which is right at league average.

Bargnani? 57%

Bargnani is the only Center in the league to take 3+ shots in the paint in the league and convert below 60% of them. THE ONLY ONE. the same is true as a power forward. Over 60 centers and power forwards all take over 3+ attempts per game at the rim and only Bargs converts under 60%.

In fact, the only players in the league who convert at a lower rate than him but take more shot attempts than him are: Devin harris, Stephen jackson, Brandon Jennings, DJ Augustin, Carmelo, Rodney Stuckey. That's out of about 100 players.

edit: before you cry about him being doubled again, note that he is assisted on nearly 2/3 of his at rim shots, which is above average for a C. He just sucks at scoring in the paint.

Congrats, your Big Man converts at the rim like a 6 foot point guard and takes a ton of 3s which he's just okay at and a bunch of long 2s which is the worst shot in basketball. Bargnani is the king of taking bad shots and not converting good shots. Awesome offensive player is awesome.

Offensive Prowess baby!

You knew I would bring it up because it's true. Stop using leader board stats. You argue basketball like a 13 year old runs his fantasy team. Perkins converts 66 percent of his shots at the rim because he onyl gets the ball when he is WIDE FUCKING OPEN. If he constantly converted 66 percent of his shots at the rim under any circumstance, why would a team not give him the ball more on offense? Thats because he fucking SUCKS at scoring. League averages are propped up because bad players are given the ball and told to score only when they are open. This increases their shooting percentages tremendously. If you took those same players and made them take over 1000 shots in the league, their percentages would go down. This is a fact. By your math, Perkins would be the best center in the NBA.

Stats do not always work, they do not always prove points. They are used as a guideline to measure a players performance, but are not, and never will be the definitive answer to all questions basketball related. If they were you would never draft on potential, never develop based on tools and you would mathematically be able to create a championship team. This is a fallacy, and what people new to basketball think.


For one, I've seen all but I believe 1 Laker game this season. A huge chunk of Clipper games and most of the national games involving Miami, Chicago, Spurs, Boston, Dallas, etc. Sorry Toronto isn't high on my list. But I've seen enough of Bargninny in my time to know what he's all about.

My argument is based on what I've seen. The numbers simply back all that up. And I am not using PER.

Your arguments are not based on what you have seen, because you openly admit to not watching Toronto games. So stop making an ass out of yourself. You keep comparing Bargs to paint players, he isn't one. He is a shooting guard in a centers body and that's his main problem. He does suck in the paint but the further you move from the basket the better he is. Which is why he is one of the best perimeter big men in the entire league. Is that valuable to a team? No the Raptors. But it doesn't mean he has no offensive talent. In 10 years all centers will be able to play the perimeter. There is a reason guys like Dwight are once in a decade type players now, but in the 90's and 80's were everywhere. Basketball is changing, for better or worse (worse).

So what you're saying is that he's shooting too much. We finally agree on something.

Bargs is an okay scorer. Not a good one. If he was good, you wouldn't be saying he shoots too much.

Basically, if you reduce his shot output he'd be an average shooting player. Yay! So he gives you average shooting with below average passing/turnover so he's below average on offense and cover my eyes before they bleed bad on defense.

Like I said. he does 1 thing and only 1 thing and he's not even that good at it. It would be like a guy whose only skill is to shoot 3s but he shoots them at 34% (point being, if you can't do anything but shoot 3s, you damn well better shoot above 40% like Matt Bonner, otherwise you are useless as is Bargs).

He does shoot to much, but neither you nor I know what his percentages would be like if he shot less. He shoots more because he is a third option, second at peak trying to carry a franchise filled with young or awful players. He isn't given free, open look baskets like almost all NBA centers and PF today (minus the handful of franchise ones). None of us know what Bargs would do if he suddenly had no pressure on his shoulders to carry a shit team. We could hypothesis based on his play two years ago, but he is a better player now, then he was then. This is what GM's see in Bargs.

This is exactly what I said. Since he sucks so bad on defense, he can only justify it by being good on offense. But he's not, he's just okay.

If he is the second best scoring center in the NBA, and is dropping 20+ on good and elite defenders, and 30+ on scrubs like Amare, then yes, he is just okay.

very rarely does a player learn after age 25. Bargs is who he is - a borderline bench player getting paid $12 million or whatever stupid amount it is.

You misjudged him. Time to accept it.

Most Europeans continue to improve their game until they are damn close to 30.

All this said, Bargs isn't a good player. But saying he has no offensive talent, or is just okay, is wrong. Numbers don't always tell the entire story. Not many big men in the NBA have been able to even stop him.

He does things centers like Dwight Howard can't do. Thats what makes him different. You can't just look at percentages because we have no guideline for what percentages for centers like him should look like. The closest we have is Dirk, but Dirk is an elite, HOF caliber player. We have not seen enough centers in the league like Bargs to judge if his numbers are good or bad offensively.

We can say by the traditional mold of an NBA center, who protects/players in the paint that he is fucking GARBAGE. But we can also say those traditional centers who can only play in the paint can't do half what he can do outside of it.

Your numbers don't account for speed, agility, quickness, lateral movement, basketball IQ, positioning, ability to shifft defenses, drawing double teams etc.. There are various other things that simply are not measurable.

He is not a player I want on my team, but to dismiss his ability offensively, when GM's and coach's don't, make you look, well, wrong.


linsivvi said:
Black Mamba falls victim to Blackface's wall of text bombardment.

The guy used DJ Magazine as a basketball argument. Come on.

I named a club, in Toronto, when talking about the night life in the city. It wasn't a basketball argument. Nice try though scrub.

Anyway, I am done with all these arguments. Time to watch over-rated teams get killed in the playoffs.

I still can't believe I was wrong about the Knicks. I thought they were going to be the 07 Raptors. But they were even worse then that. Oh well, maybe next year they will get to 47 wins.


you guys still talking about that guy, sjeez.

i just read manu might be out, that sucks for the spurs. They might lose game 1.


Hey guys, what's going in this oh god…



exarkun said:
That is not surprising that they target black minorities, but alot of what they did is fucked up. Fuck that, people need to read this. I still can't believe that the media was behind them for kicking that basketball player out.
Most of this article is bullshit and a witch hunt. We had a terrible football coach for a few years that would look over things far too often, he and just about anyone associated with him got fired. More black males get suspended for honor code violations because (suprise!) far less of them are mormon, and the honor code is far more foreign to them.

If you can't follow the honor code that you sign, don't go there, and don't bitch about it after you get kicked out for not following it. Also Davies was not kicked out, he is still a student, he was just suspended for the year from the team.

BTW there is one of these articles about every 2-3 years and it gets tiring.


ecnal said:
did i seriously just read two back-to-back essays about bargnani?


These few days between the end of the regular season and the start of the Playoffs is a perfect little summary of Off-Season NBA GAF.

Good God, I almost can't bear imaging the horror of a full season lockout for the 2011-2012 season.

Shit's gonna get apocalyptic in here.

The carnival of stupid will return.
I really don't see the upside that ESPN keeps hyping up for Barnes. Isn't his upside Aaron Afflalo or Wesley Matthews? He couldn't get to the rim in college, how will he score in the NBA?


SamuraiX- said:
These few days between the end of the regular season and the start of the Playoffs is a perfect little summary of Off-Season NBA GAF.

Good God, I almost can't bear imaging the horror of a full season lockout for the 2011-2012 season.

Shit's gonna get apocalyptic in here.

The carnival of stupid will return.
There won't even be Summer League. Shit's gonna suck.


charsace said:
diehard just use the avatar lovingstream has. It was what I was going to give you anyways. Enjoy!
wtf i don't even get an original avatar? dude that freaking sucks, come on man.

and lol "lovingstream".


ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
I really don't see the upside that ESPN keeps hyping up for Barnes. Isn't his upside Aaron Afflalo or Wesley Matthews? He couldn't get to the rim in college, how will he score in the NBA?

I see his ceiling being higher.

He can actually dribble and has a bigger, stronger body than Afflalo/Matthews. He has all the physical gifts necessary to be a legit SF. I think now it's all about him putting in the hours to refine and improve his skill set.

He could easily bust hard if he doesn't have the work ethic and is too complacent, but I'd still take a chance on him.
Wow Landon Donovan is a dick. Makes me swallow my American pride and be happy he got jizzed on by flopping Algerians in the World Cup.

It's so cute to see the Queen fans get all excited and think they're going to win, only to lose to the Champs once again. #seeyouinAnaheim

He then backpedaled like a pussy and deleted it after getting repeatedly shat on.
I thought Barnes' handle was actually pretty weak in college, but maybe I saw the wrong games. He just seemed like a straight line dribbler who could only get to the rim when defenders were anticipating him taking those awful stepbacks or pullups.


I know most of NBA GAF are angry teenagers who probably don't have a car let alone a family, but being a new father is definitely going to make it tough to watch the Laker playoff games (which I normally never miss and haven't in like the last 30 years when we made it in).

Lakers Age I will be with you guys in spirit!


Red Blaster said:
Wow Landon Donovan is a dick. Makes me swallow my American pride and be happy he got jizzed on by flopping Algerians in the World Cup.

He then backpedaled like a pussy and deleted it after getting repeatedly shat on.

Every time I looked at the guy there was something I didn't like about him.

It all makes sense now that I've learned he's a Lakers fan.

bionic77 said:
Lakers Age I will be with you guys in spirit!

Your memory will live on through the aggregates of drive-by lifelongs!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Blackface said:
I named a club, in Toronto, when talking about the night life in the city. It wasn't a basketball argument. Nice try though scrub.

Anyway, I am done with all these arguments. Time to watch over-rated teams get killed in the playoffs.

I still can't believe I was wrong about the Knicks. I thought they were going to be the 07 Raptors. But they were even worse then that. Oh well, maybe next year they will get to 47 wins.

Hahhaha, the real TRAX is back!

Who will do better this post season - Bosh or Amare?!
Apparently the Jazz love Reggie Jackson and are thinking about him at 12 even though he's projected to go second round. He's supposed to be freakishly long for a PG (6'3 with a 7'0 wingspan) and improved a lot in college, but he doesn't sound to have many positives otherwise.


Red Blaster said:
It's so cute to see the Queen fans get all excited and think they're going to win, only to lose to the Champs once again. #seeyouinAnaheim.

calling Gaborn

language like that will not be tolerated

Rodeo Clown

All aboard! The Love train!
Anybody listen to yesterday's BS Report? Simmons was talking about how "everyone misevaluated Bosh," how everyone can see now how soft he is and how bad he is on defense.

We here in NBA-Age were ahead of the curve.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Rodeo Clown said:
Anybody listen to yesterday's BS Report? Simmons was talking about how "everyone misevaluated Bosh," how everyone can see now how soft he is and how bad he is on defense.

We here in NBA-Age were ahead of the curve.

If you watched him play for more than 1 game (or just read box scores), I have no idea how anyone could come to a different conclusion.


FUCK YEAH!! Going to the Bulls game tomorrow....right behind the Bulls bench!!

Ketel One Club here I come!

Bulls in 4 BTW...


Brotherhood of Shipley's
cameltoe said:
FUCK YEAH!! Going to the Bulls game tomorrow....right behind the Bulls bench!!

Ketel One Club here I come!

Bulls in 4 BTW...

Enjoy! I saved my money for Round 2. I'm going to Game 5, Round 2, assuming the Magic win at least one.
SamuraiX- said:
These few days between the end of the regular season and the start of the Playoffs is a perfect little summary of Off-Season NBA GAF.

Good God, I almost can't bear imaging the horror of a full season lockout for the 2011-2012 season.

Shit's gonna get apocalyptic in here.

The carnival of stupid will return.

I won't be able to stand it.. Is it all Jazz and Raptors talk during the offseason?

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
So god damned pumped! Listening to the Bill Simmons podcast, reading up on previews, and getting my belly ready for pizza and beer!

Go Bulls! Fuck the lakers and the Heat.


Why is Luke Walton at the University of Hawaii?
StickSoldier said:
I won't be able to stand it.. Is it all Jazz and Raptors talk during the offseason?
Last season i was the only Jazz post in the off-season and i didn't talk about the Jazz more than like 30% of my posts. Itwasmeanttobe will probably quadruple the Jazz talk and quintuple the obscure European draftee's talk.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Hey Rodeo, how long until the Off-Season thread so that we can avoid Blackface nuttiness throughout the playoffs?


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Doc Holliday said:
So god damned pumped! Listening to the Bill Simmons podcast, reading up on previews, and getting my belly ready for pizza and beer!

Go Bulls! Fuck the lakers and the Heat.

Ugh. I'm doing my best to temper my expectations. I've officially raised my Bulls expectations to ECF at least. If we lose in the 2nd round, I'll be crushed. ECF is what I expect and I'll be okay with. Everything else is gravy for me.

dIEHARD said:
Why is Luke Walton at the University of Hawaii?

Last season i was the only Jazz post in the off-season and i didn't talk about the Jazz more than like 30% of my posts. Itwasmeanttobe will probably quadruple the Jazz talk and quintuple the obscure European draftee's talk.

Haha, I aint got no hate for the Jazz, but don't know shit about them now that they don't have the players from last year.
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