Buy two sets and problem solved!
The only way!
Buy two sets and problem solved!
I think the point is that we haven't seen a Bowser figure announced yet. And who knows how that will even work out given his size....what I am looking at ?
I think the point is that we haven't seen a Bowser figure announced yet. And who knows how that will even work out given his size.
I think the point is that we haven't seen a Bowser figure announced yet. And who knows how that will even work out given his size.
They'll do it, don't worry.
They are simply keeping it as "main" amiibo for the Mario Party 10 release (as for Toad amiibo, that will be the flagship figure for Captain Toad release)
Interesting speculation.They'll do it, don't worry.
They are simply keeping it as "main" amiibo for the Mario Party 10 release (as for Toad amiibo, that will be the flagship figure for Captain Toad release)
We know that there could be different version of the same characters, but they haven't yet confirmed this 100%, and we don't know yet if a "Smash amiibo" will be different (videogame-wise) from a possible "Mario Party" Mario amiibo.
So, let's speculate that there could be some other Mario than the Smash one.
I think that it could become confusing to properly promote the new wave anad/or the new videogame and the interaction between the two, especially if releases of the videogame will be near one to each other.
So, I'm assuming that IF there will be a new (small) wave of figurines for each Amiibo compatible videogame, they'll try to symbolize it with a brand new figure.
That's the reason why I think that Bowser could be the "Mario Party 10" flagship amiibo and Toad the flagship one for Cap Toad.
I see two main issue with this assumption: Yoshi has already been confirmed for the first wave of amiibos, despite Yoshi Wolly being a 2015 game; Mario Kart is already on the market.
1) Yoshi could easily still be the flagship amiibo figures for Yoshi Wolly World: like this:
2) Mario could still be the flagship amiibo for MK8, like this:
those design choices would distinguish the existing Mario and Yoshi from the new amiibo ones pretty easily, imho
That actually makes a ton of sense. It's one of those things where it is so obvious, when someone says it, you then feel dumb you didn't instantly come to that connection.
I forgot about the Bowser involvement in MP 10. This makes me much happier. I will stop complaining about lack of Bowser in Amiibo threads now.
Guess I'll just buy Villager at first while I wait.
Interesting speculation.
Assuming these are successful, I'm fully assuming that they will have newer mini-waves of figure with each new game release (though some may be as small as 1 figure). They've already said that "the plan" is to create an Amiibo for every character in Smash, so I don't think they have a long term plan of holding out on certain characters. After smash there will be plenty of room to do different version of the same characters using different art-styles, costumes, and poses to match new releases.
Just as each new Mario game as some unique spin on the character for the box art, I'm expecting that there will be new Amiibos branded to each game. Co-promotion is a big part of Amiibos afterall.
I mean, just look at this art from the last E3:
I could totally imagine Amiibos for each game featuring Yarn Yoshi, Clay Kirby, and maybe even Bowser with a gamepad. I just take it as a given that this is the plan.
And to some extent this is all probably speculation/projection on Nintendo's part as well.Well yes, mine is just speculation. I can totally see Bowser being released as the main Amiibo figures for MP10, if they won't create amiibos for the entire Smash roster, while the Yarn Yoshi and the Clay Kirby would totally be different design for the same character, able to communicate the game immediately
I hate to know so little about amiibos >_<
Not seeing Kid Icarus yet on Amazon, but the others are there if you search for them.
Assuming you mean Pit:
Waiting for my waifu Palutena. I also heard that the goodsmile company will do a normal figure for her... well shit.
Have these been given an official release date yet? And is there any chance it would be before Smash Wii U, based off of Skylanders and other similar products?
I have some Best Buy in-store credit expiring soon, so I'm hoping it will be before November 21st.
The first wave comes out November 21st.
They are thinking about it.Wait, I'm confused.
Nintendo did say that their goal is to create an Amiibo for every playable character in the SSB4 roster, right? Well, does that also include the Mii Fighters ('cause I want a custom Mii Gunner with my Mii's head in place) & the third-party characters? Because I really wanted to pick-up the Blue Bomber, along with Rosalina & Little Mac. amiibo has the word "Mii" in it, is there a chance you'll allow players order custom figures based on their own Mii? If not, you can have that idea for free.
(Everyone laughs)
Takashi: It would be nice if we can make that happen.
Miyamoto: We do have a number of employees internally who want to be able to do something like that, and we're performing different experiments. So it's too late for us to steal your idea (laughs). There's different ways that we could do it and ordering could be one, or there's different structures that we could use. In fact, there is already an amiibo of my Mii.
They are thinking about it.
Miyamoto: .........In fact, there is already an amiibo of my Mii.
These are two different pics of Samus amiibo: I think it is the Other M design, and I really like it. Way better in terms of proportions than the Prime one.
I think that the small waist is somehow pretty "classic" for Samus, while in Prime they over exagerated the shoulders