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College Football 2015 Week Nine Thread: Clemson, Clemsoned


there were times I at least had hope we'd break through. 2011 @ Wisconsin was probably the big one. Being in the top 10, big opponent on the road at night. The conference title games in 09, 10 and 12 (even in 06 with Callahan).

Felt the same, brother. I don't know that there's much difference between those disappointments and this one except that after 15 years of disappointment it all adds up and cumulatively becomes something greater than any individual letdown. It's hard to care for so long only to experience more painful losses like this on a regular basis. It wears away at you.


I take it the Rutgers job will be open? That's a lot of Power 5 schools that need coaches


I mean we really need a new head coach ... but it's a horrible year to be hiring, as the USC's of the world will be hiring a coach from a school lower in the Power 5 food chain, so the amount of power 5 schools needing coaches will be enormous.


ugh, we possibly lost Michel for the game too depending on how bad that wrist injury is.

Welp. No running game for us unless our QB can get it going.


Just some stellar QB work in this FLA/GA game.

I think its Bauta's first ever start. He was considered 3rd string.

Our QB play is so terrible when playing someone with an actual defense. When we had Chubb and Michel both we could cover that up some and help them out. But, with Chubb gone those short passing routes dried up. If Michel is out for any length of time I expect just about all passing routes to dry up.
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