Concord open Beta starts July 18


My first impressions were really negative. after playing it some more, i think its okay. it's certainly got potential. although the characters are still very ugly.
Next weekend it isn't.
Thanks for the clarification. I dunno, kind of on the fence about trying it. Can I enjoy this without a fire team? Can I excel as an individual, or must I work with a team of other people to enjoy the game? I don't like to get chatty with a group of complete strangers, if I'm being honest.
Thanks for the clarification. I dunno, kind of on the fence about trying it. Can I enjoy this without a fire team? Can I excel as an individual, or must I work with a team of other people to enjoy the game? I don't like to get chatty with a group of complete strangers, if I'm being honest.
I dont think you can lone wolf it tbh. It's very dependent on team work. You'll get steamrolled if your team aren't working together.


Thanks for the clarification. I dunno, kind of on the fence about trying it. Can I enjoy this without a fire team? Can I excel as an individual, or must I work with a team of other people to enjoy the game? I don't like to get chatty with a group of complete strangers, if I'm being honest.
It's free, so trying it out wouldn't hurt.

It's enjoyable solo, but it's good to keep in mind that it's clearly designed for teamplay. So if you try to stay with your team, the game can be rather fun.
I've noticed people are slowly getting used to this and there is far more teamplay than the first day.

Trying to Rambo your way through each match is definitely not the way to go, although some people might be able to make it work, I suppose.

Probably also depends on whether you play matches with respawn being available or not.
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I've played a few rounds at a friend's house. The controls really weren't good. Map design is almost non-existent. I think everything has already been said about the character designs. Some skills were fun, others not at all and the tanks are almost unplayable. As slow as they are. TTK is also far too long.

I had some fun here and there. The graphics are quite pretty. But I don't see me buying ps+ for this game on top of the 40 dollar price tag. The only thing that the game has achieved. That makes me want to play Overwatch and Xdefiant again.
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You know, I don’t think I’ve seen anyone actually make an argument for what is so bad about the character designs. It’s hardly original, but it looks about as I’d expect for cornball sci-fi. And from a gameplay perspective, the silhouettes work quite well.
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Thanks for the clarification. I dunno, kind of on the fence about trying it. Can I enjoy this without a fire team? Can I excel as an individual, or must I work with a team of other people to enjoy the game? I don't like to get chatty with a group of complete strangers, if I'm being honest.
The casual modes (respawn) are better for solo players. Game wasn't built around those modes however.
So do I but I wonder if they will recognize the issues and act on them. They have a week to make those changes before the next beta. Most games don't change based on feedback that quickly.

As someone who played a ton of the beta, I didn't really run into any of that. I think it's also possible that any 5 stack of above average players playing as a team could run the table for an extended period of time.

I've also played a lot of Daw and am shocked at how frequently my rando teammates fight away from my heal pads.


As someone who played a ton of the beta, I didn't really run into any of that. I think it's also possible that any 5 stack of above average players playing as a team could run the table for an extended period of time.

I've also played a lot of Daw and am shocked at how frequently my rando teammates fight away from my heal pads.

I sure as shit wish the people I was facing earlier got away from those damn pads.


is waiting for Starfield 7
The character designs are so bad and the female characters are all so ugly. My god. I'm a pony but I won't be buying this. Uninstalled.
It took me until tonight to realize this...

Those passive buffs you collect during Rivals modes are really strong. Don't ignore them. It's worth it to go into your crew builder and assemble a group that synergize together. I had a few games tonight with Lark where I became Neo and saw the matrix because had so many buffs that worked with his kit. That was a pretty smart design choice as it incentivizes you to pick a number of mains rather than just one. It also makes the inter round character select screen more engaging as there's some strategy choices to make based off teammates character selections.
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Yeah, I can see that. It's definitely not the pinnacle of map-design.
It's just like pretty much every other PvP shooter out there.

Iam not that big on pvp shooters or mp games in general. I just need them for in-between seasons on my sp games. But I prefer the map design of stuff like battlefield, the finals or rainbow six where maps are more dynamic. But you are right that most pvp games donr offer great map design either. Might be one reason iam don't put more time into them.
So I just played a couple of rounds for the first time and my impressions:

- Very easy to get into the game. Everything from the in-game map to the mechanics are pretty clear from the get-go. It's all very readable.
- Character designs. I know it's popular to absolutely shit on them, but I think they are 'fine' (the cat lady with the uzi is rubbing me the wrong way, tho). They are very distinct, that's probably one of the reasons they look so wacky. I can instantly spot what character is in combat with me and react accordingly.
- TTK is high, so it is pretty crucial to play as a team. The downside to this is that whenever someone on your team leaves (which happens) you are fucked.
- Graphics are good, again everything is very readable and pleasing to the eye. UI is solid, a bit of overkill on some (post-match) animation stuff, though.
- The downtime between matches is a bit long.
- I like the health not automatically recharging but requiring a health-pickup that respawns. Some old-school Quake nostalgia.

I had a good time playing it, it's fun. Having said that I never played a Valorant or Overwatch, so I don't feel the hero-shooter fatigue. When it hits Free-to-play in about 6/8 months I will definitely play it once in a while.
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Downloaded and played for an hour or so.

Gameplay is fine. It’s just so tired. A decade too late.

Will be F2P within a year.


Moderated wildly
I think they just need to get this over with and put it on PS Plus from day one. Then it might stand a short chance. They just need to make the decision now.

Plus, then I win my bet with Oppoi Oppoi


I think they just need to get this over with and put it on PS Plus from day one. Then it might stand a short chance. They just need to make the decision now.

Plus, then I win my bet with Oppoi Oppoi

No if they want to be serious about gaas they need to make it f2p or drop the mp requirement from plus. U


there’s a lot of competition in the F2P space, so going F2P may not necessarily be the panacea to all issues. And by charging money, they get to recoup on the investment.

I think they’re also pushing a template here, between Helldivers and this one. Charge with a lower barrier of entry ($40 instead of $70), but cementing that you don’t get to play premium Sony first party games for free.
I reckon I'll pick it up on release ($49 AUD) and play for a bit then trade it in. Won't lose much money and can get my fill at launch for a few weeks or a month. Had fun during the beta, enough to know I'll get a few dozen hours out of it. Not sure why everyone is looking for a 10 year game. Play it for what it is then move on.
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Moderated wildly

Jesus! Its effing dead Jim!

I didn't expect it to be this bad.


As a game it's fine but it needed to be exceptional to claw back any hope of being a hit and it's not. It's just, average.

Needs a big balancing pass. They need to advertise some sick cosmetics for people to unlock. If there is a PvE mode, which seems like there may very well be, I wouldn't drag my feet announcing it. I'd show it off ASAP. That alone will go such a long way in differentiating it from its rivals like Overwatch. It has great production values. The overall art design is really good but those character models are just boring. I'm gonna be honest, if they added at least two hot girls and some sick looking alien character, like some space dragon dude or something, that would greatly help tone down the negativity towards the characters.


World’s Biggest Weeb
Needs a big balancing pass. They need to advertise some sick cosmetics for people to unlock. If there is a PvE mode, which seems like there may very well be, I wouldn't drag my feet announcing it. I'd show it off ASAP. That alone will go such a long way in differentiating it from its rivals like Overwatch. It has great production values. The overall art design is really good but those character models are just boring. I'm gonna be honest, if they added at least two hot girls and some sick looking alien character, like some space dragon dude or something, that would greatly help tone down the negativity towards the characters.
They need to release an armpit hair + septum ring pack for the waifus, I bet it’d sell like hotcakes.

balls of snow

Gold Member
Yeah sony can be flexible here. If by the end of the next beta nothing is moving the needle, this is for sure a launch psplus extra game.
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Man.....a single player campaign (in addition to the multiplayer stuff) and better character design would have done wonders for this game.
I thought it was going to be a 70's/80's themed single player space FPS.

Can't believe it's an Overwatch rip off.
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