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Concord real open beta is live


Played 1 full match and that was enough for me. Immediately uninstalled it. It just did nothing for me, nothing about it felt appealing, or engaging. I typically enjoy games like this, but this left me feeling like I may as well play something else that does it better. I will say the graphics and facial animations look nice though, lol.
Can we play Concord tonight
the peace that evening brings
the world, for once, in perfect harmony
with all its living memes.

Sony's holding back, its hiding
But what i can't decide
Why won't he be the publisher i know he is
The publisher i see inside.


Jesus, you should be a character in Concord.
Because I'm a PoC?.
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I was thinking more because you like to play on defence, but we can go with that if you like.
Because I said that I'll reserve final judgment until after playing the beta?

Or because I pointed out that anti-Woke acts just like Woke?
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I feel like im insane because im enjoying it lol, I dont like all the BS associated with the game etc but match to match im having a decent/good time tbh.
It’s a really well designed experience, hardly insane to find it fun lol. My thing with it is that it doesn’t have that certain something that the truly greats have, in my opinion. I’m enjoying it a lot, enough to purchase it, but I can’t say it gives the same narcotic feeling as playing, say, Titanfall or Apex Legends for the first time.


It’s a really well designed experience, hardly insane to find it fun lol. My thing with it is that it doesn’t have that certain something that the truly greats have, in my opinion. I’m enjoying it a lot, enough to purchase it, but I can’t say it gives the same narcotic feeling as playing, say, Titanfall or Apex Legends for the first time.
Progression/incentive to play.

There is hardly the feeling of working towards something.


I mean...the guy is one of the few in this thread voicing a positive opinion of the game vs 90% of you guys in this thread who could care less about it, but care enough to post negativity in every Concord thread at every opportunity.

His posts aren’t just “positive opinion”, they’re borderline delusion. It’s one thing to point out the positive things the game gets right, it’s quite another to make bold claims and analogies that the game is going to be up there with some of Sony’s biggest.

As to the latter part of your post, if you want a happy circle jerk echo chamber where everything is peachy and all criticism are “haters”, I suggest the Concord subreddit.


Moderated wildly
Wait, this free to play beta is performing worse than hellblade 2 which was a sold game while on gamepass?

I don't think you could get more DOA than that. Holy shit.

And, there's no way this game was cheap to develop. Those cg trailers and the game...

I bet those weekly vignette trailers don't happen after the first one or two.

Crushing for the devs but chase trends and find out.


I gave it a try today and i didn't like it, but i don't really like any of the hero shooters.
Graphics are nice and the character details and animations at least in the menus are AAA quality.


The message is clear, the consumer doesn't want these games. Suicide Squad bombed, this will bomb. Helldivers was an exception, because it keeps it simple, keeps players engaged and it was priced at 40 bucks or so, which likely helps too. Not to mention you can play it just fine with randoms, there is quite a margin of error.

A huge problem with these team shooters is that if one leaves, or one doesn't play their role, you're fucked and you are just wasting time playing on. Unless you have friends who play the same game.


Gold Member


People threw a fit when Overwatch 2 went F2P and review bombed it to hell. Now people are throwing a fit that Sony isn't making Concord F2P.

Make up your minds.
I think people are throwing a fit because concord exist, full stop.

These money could have been used for something else.
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Gold Member
Wait, this free to play beta is performing worse than hellblade 2 which was a sold game while on gamepass?

I don't think you could get more DOA than that. Holy shit.

And, there's no way this game was cheap to develop. Those cg trailers and the game...

I bet those weekly vignette trailers don't happen after the first one or two.

Crushing for the devs but chase trends and find out.
Whoever decided that weekly CGI sequences should be a thing for this should be immediately fired. It’s the most idiotic expensive idea I’ve heard of lately.

Maybe wait to see if the game actually gets traction and an audience - then move to weekly high-budget CGI? It’s bad decisions on top of bad decisions. This thing is going to be a money sink for Sony for a while.
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Lol just joined a discussion in the official Discord and said that low CCU on Steam was because Firewalk made the mistake of going Woke.

Instantly got flamed for "betting against the game" and being a "bigot".

Cant say anything objective anywhere without people getting their panties twisted.
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My fantasy is that my girlfriend was actually a young high school girl.
Overwatch 2 has ruined this genre for me. I downloaded the game and after some fucking around I couldn't play it so I gave up on this whole genre.
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Moderated wildly
Whoever decided that weekly CGI sequences should be a thing for this should be immediately fired. It’s the most idiotic expensive idea I’ve heard of lately.

Maybe wait to see if the game actually gets traction and an audience - then move to weekly high-budget CGI? It’s bad decisions on top of bad decisions. This thing is going to be a money sink for Sony for a while.

I felt exactly the same way when they announced that. It's like they thought it would have some positive effect to announce that but I just thought....you're doing what with a completely unproven franchise and selection of characters?

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Gold Member
Lol just joined a discussion in the official Discord and said that low CCU on Steam was because Firewalk made the mistake of going Woke.

Instantly got flamed for "betting against the game" and being a "bigot".

Cant say anything objective anywhere without people getting their panties twisted.

Either the game mechanically is shit and no one wants to play it and therefore the game will die because it's shit.

Or people dislike the direction this game has taken somewhere else... they can't have it both ways, this isn't some lack of marketing, people are well aware this game exists. So people have to pretend that somehow a "handful" of bigots can completely change the trajectory of a games success, because admitting their the handful and the majority dislikes this shit makes them super upset.
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Whoever decided that weekly CGI sequences should be a thing for this should be immediately fired. It’s the most idiotic expensive idea I’ve heard of lately.

Maybe wait to see if the game actually gets traction and an audience - then move to weekly high-budget CGI? It’s bad decisions on top of bad decisions. This thing is going to be a money sink for Sony for a while.

This is Hulst's career moment. You have to be a complete fucking retard for okaying something so obviously brain-dead stupid.

You have an industry that's lamenting rising budgets and you agree to something like that. Fuck what an absolute clown


Either the game mechanically is shit and no one wants to play it and therefore the game will die because it's shit.

Or people dislike the direction this game has taken somewhere else... they can't have it both ways, this isn't some lack of marketing, people are well aware this game exists. So people have to pretend that somehow a "handful" of bigots can completely change the trajectory of a games success, because admitting their the handful and the majority dislikes this shit makes them super upset.

Ngl that Discord is about to turn me against the game, just because of the Woke idiots in there.


Gold Member

Ngl that Discord is about to turn me against the game, just because of the Woke idiots in there.

I mean it is their target audience so there going to be there. In a way the marketing has attracted exactly who they expected, the issue is its alienating the core demographic who helps these games flourish.

Ask yourself, last time you saw an esports tornament for a competitive shooter, who where playing? What did they look like?

And that's your issue with marketing your next huge AAA budget GaaS game to people who aren't competitive, and making your income system based around buying outfits for character designs that don't appeal.
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Do we have playstation numbers? I wouldn't expect PC to be huge but would like to see the playstation numbers

Especially since according to the store only 4 people on my list played.


Gold Member
Do we have playstation numbers? I wouldn't expect PC to be huge but would like to see the playstation numbers

Especially since according to the store only 4 people on my list played.

There is zero chance Sony will release the numbers, because confirming your game is a flop is not great marketing for trying to sell your game.

This way they can extend "plausible deniability" that it flopped on Playstation, this is what Suicide Squad did until WB was forced to disclose it did indeed flop on playstation during an investor call.


I mean it is their target audience so there going to be there. In a way the marketing has attracted exactly who they expected, the issue is its alienating the core demographic who helps these games flourish.

Ask yourself, last time you saw an esports tornament for a competitive shooter, who where playing? What did they look like?

And that's your issue with marketing your next huge AAA budget GaaS game to people who aren't competitive, and making your income system based around buying outfits for character designs that don't appeal.
I know what they're aiming for. I'm just waiting to see if that's really the demographic that they're going to chase, or if they will tone down on the Woke going forward.

Hopefully the latter.


People need to calm down, if you dont like or need this type of game, it's okay, really. No need to climb your keyboard and try to make sure everybody sees your opinion, Or try to destroy the game just because you dont like it. Just dont play it and move on. i just downloaded the beta, will try it tonight.

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