Identifies as young
Because you only need one good one
Then let Bungie make that "one good one" and let the other studios do what they are good at: single player games.
Because you only need one good one
I would welcome game from them as long as it’s not VR game because I don’t want to pay close to $800 to buy VR just to experience their game. I also play their playroom game that came with PS5 when you first got it and it was good experience.Those type of games still exist and are still being made, Team Asboi literally is hiring more.
Sony growing Astro's PlayRoom developer Team Asobi
Sony is growing Team Asobi, the developer of the wonderful PlayStation 5 pack-in game Astro's
For what they were doing with The Last Guardian, they felt they needed the budget, had development hell and it just didn't pay off for the developer, why blame everyone else for the choice of the team? Most publishers would have cancelled a game taking that long and taking up that much resources and it’s even more shocking they were not closed down soon after its release, but continued to make games.
Might not hit plus they have a ton ip multiplayer ip to pull from some resurrections are in orderThen let Bungie make that "one good one" and let the other studios do what they are good at: single player games.
Clap Hanz wanted to have their own IP for a long time. This is a weird studio to choose for this talk considering that they took almost 6 years to develop NEW Everybody's Golf for the PS4 (and they went on to make the PSVR entry afterwards), and Sony doesn't really announce stuff until it's due out soon anymore.Far fewer of those games are being made. ClapHanz was a reliable partner that could work with a modest budget and got sent to the shadow realm.
No they don't. They're going to shut down duds just like always.Good thing xbox has that super rich daddy covering their fuckups then.
I would say that too, but when NaughtyDog and Insomniac game is making one, then it is not. These companies have never made live service games.True but worth a shot
Might not hit plus they have a ton ip multiplayer ip to pull from some resurrections are in order
Agree.Then let Bungie make that "one good one" and let the other studios do what they are good at: single player games.
That is the kind of thinking that create wannabe World of Warcraft Killers. If all you think about is copying what's hot, you die. Penny counters don't make fun games, formulas don't make fun games. Games have to be FUN, and if you don't care about fun then get the fuck out.
I would welcome game from them as long as it’s not VR game because I don’t want to pay close to $800 to buy VR just to experience their game. I also play their playroom game that came with PS5 when you first got it and it was good experience.
Also I maybe alone on this fucking hell I loved The Last Guardian, it was such interesting experience. I hope we see new from Team ICO soon.
Nothing is a sure thing they have said as much plus what if you want to try different genres other than shooterslol.....if Bungie can't then the rest of them are really screwed. Bungie was the one that was supposed to teach the rest how to do it.
Clap Hanz wanted to have their own IP for a long time. This is a weird studio to choose for this talk considering that they took almost 6 years to develop NEW Everybody's Golf for the PS4 (and they went on to make the PSVR entry afterwards), and Sony doesn't really announce stuff until it's due out soon anymore.
It would be a much better conversation in 2027.
Are we forgetting Vanillaware and Monolith Soft games here? I also enjoy Atlus own games as well.Basically Japan is :
Square ENIX
P.S Atlus fans relax.
The 12 GAAS projects are an attempt to lead to growth and are much safer bets than another Team ICO project.
Financial and development resourses were, they got a huge help from Apple in this regard with their Arcade service.Nothing was stopping them from creating their own IP in the past.
It did as good as Everybody's Golf 5 at the very least, it had a pretty dedicated fanbase in Japan (obviously). I don't think they ever saw it as a commercial failure at any point.Everybody's Golf for PS4 was probably considered a commercial failure or at best, a modest success.
Deflecting accountabilityHijo de la chin.
I swear I will never buy a game from this man again.
Game development is not a charity, you need to bring in money or risk closure.
It must be a zoomer thing because it's crazy for any regular consumer to want devs to focus on gaas games. Gaas doesn't do anything new that regular multiplayer games didn't already do.Then let Bungie make that "one good one" and let the other studios do what they are good at: single player games.
Because Sony wants more GAAS, including exclusive ones. And Bungie is judge and jury. Assuming the claims are true when Sony bought Bungie, Bungie is supposed to have latitude to do what they want including making multiplat games.Then let Bungie make that "one good one" and let the other studios do what they are good at: single player games.
Nothing is a sure thing they have said as much plus what if you want to try different genres other than shooters
I would welcome game from them as long as it’s not VR game because I don’t want to pay close to $800 to buy VR just to experience their game. I also play their playroom game that came with PS5 when you first got it and it was good experience.
Also I maybe alone on this fucking hell I loved The Last Guardian, it was such interesting experience. I hope we see new from Team ICO soon.
Taito - they’re owned by SE. So there’s more than you might think. I don’t think it’s a small number.Let’s be real. Most successful Japanese game studios at this point make mobile games. The remaining few can make some profit but aren’t doing ridiculous numbers or consistent results.
Basically Japan is :
Square ENIX
Even the above release wet noodles like exoprimal and forspoken . Fromsoft doesn’t miss. Bandai namco tends to publish fromsoft games but everything else under them is low budget caca aside from what, Tekken ?
Then when we focus on specifically PlayStation exclusives from Japan all the good ones stopped long ago.
You can only shovel so many whack anime games that look like PSP titles.
P.S Atlus fans relax.
My point is that we see a lot of assumptions about what Sony considers worth funding or not, but we can never be so sure because of the way they do things now.
Housemarque's case was more of growing ambitions for the studio and finally being able to create their biggest project yet. Sony being happy with the results of stuff like Resogun is why Returnal was allowed to exist in the first place.I think we have enough data to spot trends. Look what they are doing with Housemarque.
If you need to get high to enjoy video games, then maybe the video games suck.Not sure I believe any of this but if true, big kudos for PS studios for being against GaaS. I need more of the good stuff from them (not GaaS)
1, get high
2, boot up Spiderman 2
3, have a blast
4, repeat
But if only type of game are allowed to made are the ones make big bucks then gaming industry would boring as fuck.
Developers like Vanillaware will never make big numbers but I want them continue exist because I love their games.
Thats why Sony is pushing GaaS failing over and over again, right?
Are we forgetting Vanillaware and Monolith Soft games here? I also enjoy Atlus own games as well.
It must be a zoomer thing because it's crazy for any regular consumer to want devs to focus on gaas games. Gaas doesn't do anything new that regular multiplayer games didn't already do.
I think we have enough data to spot trends. Look what they are doing with Housemarque. They are no longer satisfied with boutique releases that they were more than happy to promote in generations past. And that's no disrespect to Returnal as a lot of people loved that game.
Oddly enough I think the person this thread was started about,davidjaffe , started Sony down this path with God of War on the PS2 and was later solidified by Naughty Dog on the PS3 with Uncharted and TLOU. Sony seemingly wants every title to be blockbuster and while blockbusters are important to the history of PlayStation, so are the likes of Vib Ribbon, Ico, and Wiepout. Previous leadership understood this and it doesn't appear Hulst or Ryan do/did. I guess that isn't surprising coming from Hulst considering a big part of his studios beginning was trying to chase down Halo.
Respectfully, not sure I want a future of “safer bets” in gaming compared to wild card, risky and innovative kind of games
I get what you are saying but Jump still continues bring new series to magazine, some will succeed and some won't, my problem with current Sony is they kind of stopped trying and putting much of their focus on western first party games because they make the most money.Then these developers making games aimed at smaller audiences need to manage budgets accordingly, market themselves quite well, and just understand how to be appealing to enough people even if it’s not a massive audience.
Hell, Japan themselves are no stranger to this. Shonen Jump, the most iconic manga magazine, is notoriously cutthroat in cancelling a series if it dips into low sales even for a short period. Chainsaw Man is one of my favorite manga of the last decade, and I’m happy its sales numbers have been very high. But if it had failed to find an audience, I wouldn’t blame Jump for cancelling it. They can’t keep bleeding money purely for artistic vision, and honestly it would be unfair to those employed who are bringing in enough of an audience.
I don’t think anybody is cheering that Japan Studios shut down, but when people start going, “mean old Sony killed them!”, my eyes can’t roll hard enough.
Well, look at it this way. Which first-party developers turn games around fast, like 1-2 years between releases? The only ones I can think of are iterating on a single, proven franchise.
I get what you are saying but Jump still continues bring new series to magazine, some will succeed and some won't, my problem with current Sony is they kind of stopped trying and putting much of their focus on western first party games because they make the most money.
Doom85 To be fair, most people are not as logical as you when it comes to thinking about this.
Its why most are just jumping to some emotional appeal type thing completely disregarding any business or logic.
Fortnite isn’t even the biggest game player , sales, or revenue wise buddy. Get over your hate boner.Taito - they’re owned by SE. So there’s more than you might think. I don’t think it’s a small number.
So the dream is dead? Everything must be Fortnite? Did Epic Games make all the suits and ties over at Sony jealous and money hungry? Bring out the zoomer battle royal because zoomers need to buy more PSN cards for DLC skins. Why even be a game designer if all you make are wanna be Fortnite games?
I like Epic, but some days I wish Fortnite never existed. I feel like it’s screwed gaming. Everyone wants that type of money.
Yeah, I try to think about it like this: FOX became notorious for canceling a lot of TV shows in the 2000s. Two of my favorites, Arrested Development and Firefly, were among these. Now let’s see here:
Arrested Development: was ahead of its time by having no laugh track, recurring jokes and stories that made watching all episodes in order a necessity for full enjoyment, was quite expensive to make for a sitcom due to the many sets, and yet was still given three seasons. The show was low on marketing, but to be fair, I’m not sure how one markets AD’s humor
Firefly: the network aired episodes out of order including not showing the pilot until after the show was cancelled, multiple episodes were preempted due to sporting events, and the show aired on Friday which is a death sentence for most shows
In terms of the two, I blame FOX mostly for Firefly being cancelled, while AD was more an inevitability (if it had debuted many year later on a streaming service where everyone would see all the episodes in order, it would have lasted longer, like I said, it was ahead of its time)
Are you serious!? Just because the game has Japanese setting it doesn't fucking make it Japanese game, it like saying RE is western game because it has western setting.We literally just got Ghost Of Tsushima a few years ago, new IP, set in Japan
I get what you are saying but Jump still continues bring new series to magazine, some will succeed and some won't, my problem with current Sony is they kind of stopped trying and putting much of their focus on western first party games because they make the most money.
Which GaaS game has Sony launched that has failed?