trick to sniping in destiny pvp is to find a sniper with
>high rate of fire
>low range/smallest zoom/agile scope
>high stability
>high reload
>large magazine
Praedyth checks most of those marks. would be perfect with the unflinching ability.
then you stick to mid range and get used to lining up shots before other players see you.
the guy hard scoping one long line of sight with an icebreaker can't do anything if you ambush him.
Finished my first Hard raid attempt tonight. took like 5 hours. Still just as fun. I love challenges like this in games.
I also got these bad boys
Finished my first Hard raid attempt tonight. took like 5 hours. Still just as fun. I love challenges like this in games.
I also got these bad boys
Finished my first Hard raid attempt tonight. took like 5 hours. Still just as fun. I love challenges like this in games.
I also got these bad boys
Is there any trick for hardmode gatekeeper as in different strat? Or is it just a gear check?
Finished my first Hard raid attempt tonight. took like 5 hours. Still just as fun. I love challenges like this in games.
I also got these bad boys
Finished the Raid on my alternate character and got a Suros Regime, Atheons Epilogue and some shards from the final boss alone!
What makes the Suros the best Auto Rifle in the game? I played a Strike with it and it sure feels badass, very stable. What else?
Anyone wanna try nightfall? 28 Titan. Psn Bicep_Curls
Thank you. I did notice it was very stable and accurate the very first time I used it, even moreso than the Vanquish I've been using (which is a killer rifle BTW).high impact, range, accuracy, stability, and a large magazine to boot. makes enemies stagger, and if you have good aim you kill very quickly with it. virtually no drawbacks.
Really, you got a Suros for showing up to the lottery. LOL. PEACE.Got Suros regime for being first place in iron banner on the losing team.
Too bad I already have one :|
Is there a group for performing the Raid on hard for PS4?
Finished the Raid on my alternate character and got a Suros Regime, Atheons Epilogue and some shards from the final boss alone!
What makes the Suros the best Auto Rifle in the game? I played a Strike with it and it sure feels badass, very stable. What else?
Finished my first Hard raid attempt tonight. took like 5 hours. Still just as fun. I love challenges like this in games.
I also got these bad boys
Low zoom/agile scope is so important for pvp. I wouldnt have been able to do what i do with snipers in pvp. Like this to sniping in destiny pvp is to find a sniper with
>high rate of fire
>low range/smallest zoom/agile scope
>high stability
>high reload
>large magazine
Praedyth checks most of those marks. would be perfect with the unflinching ability.
then you stick to mid range and get used to lining up shots before other players see you.
the guy hard scoping one long line of sight with an icebreaker can't do anything if you ambush him.
Anyone want to start the raid? Ps4. We have a level 28 titan and level 29 Hunter with raid experience. Psn j_rocca42
Me too - Kartik21. Add me.I'd like to do the hard raid
psn- Dhruv_hanom
Yeah, curious about this as well. I beat the raid on Hard. Any point in going in on normal?if you clear raid on normal, i assume you only get items from cleaning bosses if you redo on hard in the same week?
I keep getting the exact same 3 exotic bounty choices over and over again. Is this a bug or what? Ive gotten them 5 times in a row now.
Yeah, curious about this as well. I beat the raid on Hard. Any point in going in on normal?
You receive the hard and normal reward/chests playing Hard.Yeah, curious about this as well. I beat the raid on Hard. Any point in going in on normal?
First Attempt? Damn, took me 5 clears to get the mythoclast. RNGesus is with you. Had to do it on my 28 hunter since I cleared it on my other two characters. First 4 times all I got was a couple ships and a single sparrow.
That sounds like something that could leave a scar on my life.Just got dumped into an Iron banner match against a premade team, at least 4 of them had the Vex Mytho.. Fuck that noise.
Class you are playing... I never saw anybody getting a gears from another class.Do you get gear for the class you are playing in VOG? Or Can a hunter get warlock raid gear drop?