Has it ever occured to you that you just may not be the god of pvp your posting makes you sound like? Yes the blade dancer super is strong but it can be countered easier than golden gun, the titan smash, or the void projectile super. Because of that they are awarded extra time on the super. It is balanced compared to the other offensive supers.
I know my level as player in PvP, I don't have delusions about being some MLGPRO player. Same time it doesn't prevent me from understanding game mechanics when it comes to game modes, maps and classes.
Dashing bladedancer, in my experience, is hardest super to counter reliably where other supers are countered by same methods consistently when you pull counter off.
let me guess blade dancer wrecks you because you run around using a shotgun at super close range. Well thats a result of your chosen play style. You also probably experience tons of same time deaths because of 1 hit kills like the titan should smash. Once again thats a result of your chosen play style.
If Fist of Havocin Titan goes down mid-leap from 2x Invective rounds, when they also have a lot damage reduction, why same shouldn't go for Bladedancer? I put 2-3 rounds through him before when he is dashing, pre-slash, and he survives like nothing.
you sporting a shotgun and thinking you should be able to spray it in someones face and be invincible as long as you do is silly. The supers are going to trump that every time.
I'm sporting AR + Shotgun + LMG and swap constantly from situation to situation etc. I never think taking Invective to my hands makes me some how God that shouldn't die to anything. Anyone who thinks like that needs to make reality check to themselves.
I said dancing is dangerous in tight spaces and every map has those. I saw the dancer 4 times in ib last night. Killed them twice died once and mutual melee death once. Its not hard to beat one unless you are running right at them with a shotgun. Vary your play.
Do you have very reliable counter to dashing dancer? Running ones are super easy to counter with anything that fires bullets.