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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!

When did everyone jump on the FFX-2 bandwagon?

Well, it was included in the package so I figure might as well give it a second chance. Honestly though, if there was a CE sku on the PS3 of just X for the same price, I probably would have opted for it.

As for X, loved that game from the very first time I booted it up, years ago.


Well I do remember it being divisive on forums and the like. Then again: Final Fantasy. There is a case to be made that every FF has been divisive to some degree since VI.

Yeah, you're right, I don't remember much hate specifically toward X but there was definitely a vocal crowd of SNES era loyalists who derided anything from VII onward.
Annoying how I have to back out into the XMB and back into the game to sync my Cross-save. There should be a way to get back to the main screen from the game.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yeah, you're right, I don't remember much hate specifically toward X but there was definitely a vocal crowd of SNES era loyalists who derided anything from VII onward.

Absolutely. That was the first schism in the fanbase. Pretty obvious what would happen with VII being this mainstream phenomenon. "I was into FF before it was cool... VII's not the best anyway. In fact, it sucks!"

But you never heard anyone grumble about Tidus, linearity, no airships, voice acting (laughing scene)? There are legit things in X that might have make an older fan groan. I'm over it though.


X is the only FF since VI that I haven't seen an enormous group of FF fans hating it. I've always seen it getting a positive response.


anyone know how I can get yuna to learn black magic spells early in the game?

The only possible way to do this would be for you to get enough key spheres and move her to Lulu's section in the Standard Sphere Grid.

Now if you are playing expert sphere Grid, both the black and white magic paths somewhat overlap making it easier to teach both Yuna and Lulu both magic sets easier.

Thats the thing with the Standard Grid, each character is pretty much locked into their own path until a fair decent portion into the game. The Expert Grid generally doesn't have this issue as you can pretty much decide where each character goes right off the bat, however it comes with preparation of needing to plan your route carefully.


Or the X bandwagon for that matter. Extremely divisive games back then. Now? Sacred ground.

It's not nostalgia per se (though it's a part of it), but time tends to build a game's esteem.

You got it. Eventually, FF12 and FF13 will have fans saying they rather liked them and didn't really see why people got so worked up.


Or the X bandwagon for that matter. Extremely divisive games back then. Now? Sacred ground.

It's not nostalgia per se (though it's a part of it), but time tends to build a game's esteem.

Off topic aside, but I remember a time when Super Metroid wasn't considered GOAT. 10 years later? It was top 3 material.

X aint divisive...Its one of the highest selling FFs of all time.Remaster reviewed well among today's game critics.


Absolutely. That was the first schism in the fanbase. Pretty obvious what would happen with VII being this mainstream phenomenon. "I was into FF before it was cool... VII's not the best anyway. In fact, it sucks!"

But you never heard anyone grumble about Tidus, linearity, no airships, voice acting (laughing scene)? There are legit things in X that might have make an older fan groan. I'm over it though.

I was always of the opinion that IV to XII were all pretty amazing games.

Oh there was LOTS of groaning about Tidus and the laughing scene back in the day, but in general I remember the response to the game being rather positive. After VII's goofy translation, VIII's "...whatever" and IX's Zidane 'Gropey McGee' Tribal most people let a little bit of stupid stuff slide.


X aint divisive...Its one of the highest selling FFs of all time.
To be fair.. so is XIII. It's all about perspective. Though I don't think XIII will ever be looked back on as fondly as X continues to be. A X-3 would still probably outsell Lightning Returns (and possibly XIII-2 as well).
I don't recall FFX being that divisive when it released personally. To be fair, I wasn't hanging around forums nearly as much as I was now, but all the FF friends I had irl loved the game. I think FFXIII would have been looked back on a bit more fondly in a few years if not for them dragging it out over three games. If it had just been a one and done entry, I think people might have come around to it a bit more. But now, it's only gonna be remembered as the game that started "the whole XIII travesty." (not my words, I had some fun with the XIII series despite their many many many flaws)


~7 years ago I would have loved an X-3 (or X-0). 3 years ago, I would have liked it. Now I really really don't want that to happen...


Are you using Standard or Expert sphere grid?

The only possible way to do this would be for you to get enough key spheres and move her to Lulu's section in the Standard Sphere Grid.

Now if you are playing expert sphere Grid, both the black and white magic paths somewhat overlap making it easier to teach both Yuna and Lulu both magic sets easier.

Thats the thing with the Standard Grid, each character is pretty much locked into their own path until a fair decent portion into the game. The Expert Grid generally doesn't have this issue as you can pretty much decide where each character goes right off the bat, however it comes with preparation of needing to plan your route carefully.

I'm doing the standard sphere grid. I guess I need a teleport sphere to go to lulu sphere grid.


I also don't remember FFX being terribly divisive on its release. It seemed to be really well loved and well received. X-2 on the other hand had series purists up in arms.


On FFX's reception:



No im not trolling. There are very few RPGs I like but FF7 just blew me away. So you guys are trying to tell me FFX story is better the FF7 and the leveling up and gameplay is better? IMHO Hell no!



I lost interest in Final Fantasy when I bought FFX for PS2 and hadn't done anything other than watch cutscenes and walk between cutscenes 20 minutes in.



Best one since VI, in fact. FFX was terrible. Run down 100ft road. Takes 3 hours due to random battles, even though you've been able to see the end of the road the entire time. Game design!

FFXII, on the other hand, kicked ass.



(Note: This is concerning the U.S. version of FFX, though some points will hold true for the International & Japanese editions)

(Additional Note: Yes, I realize that we've gone over this before, but Scott over at #ga seems to think that I only put down FFX due to an irrational disdain towards the laughing scene)

Some numbered Final Fantasy games have their faults. FF2j's entirely broken progression system comes to mind. FF9's almost ridiculous attack animations & wait system combination. FF4's questionable translation. FF7's aesthetically displeasing popeye graphics. All these faults, and others, all pale in comparison to the motherlode of faulty numbered FF games: FFX.

The game is by no means immeasurably bad. A bored person with a lack of other options could be reasonably seen to pick up FFX and start hitting the X button in traditional Final Fantasy fare. However, the sickeningly vast combination of faults for FFX not only attempts to derail my neural pathways with fanboyistic desires of thread creation, but seeing people harp its praises it here and on IRC with no substantial points of defense happens to send me into my current state of delirium.

Final Fantasy X is most definitely the worst modern FF game (let's say 7-10, or 6-10 perhaps in a limited state), and here's why:

1) Linearity and Non-Linearity. The first 90% of FFX is almost entirely linear. Point A to B to C to D to E. I can deal with linearity, to some extent. The other modern FF games all start out locked down, and eventually open up (at least a bit, in FF9's case) as the game progresses. FFX probably wouldn't even seem as impeccably poorly constructed if it wasn't for the fact that the game instantly switches from entirely linear for the first 90% of the game to entirely non-linear for the last 10%. This is simply poor pacing. Ever see Mission: Impossible 2? Even that had better pacing between plot development and action.

2) The Voice Acting. My ears bleed at thee. The voice acting in FFX ranged from mildly amusing, to tolerable, to downright mind-numbing. The culmination of this is in the dreaded Laughing Scene, where I almost popped the FFX game disc out and sacrificed it to the gods of gameplay in hope that my soul would be cleansed. The voice acting is generally uninteresting, stilted, and almost a constant reminder of the localization team's poor job. I haven't heard the japanese voice acting, but I'd gather that it's probably better, if not just a little more tolerable, from what I've heard.

3) The Sphere System. The game's linearity wouldn't bother me quite as much if the linearity of the sphere system wasn't so obvious as well. There isn't much customization available at all until around the time of the non-linear breakoff of the story, leaving the system pretty far gone overall. A pretty big step back compared to most of the prior FF games.

4) The Battle System. Entirely rock-paper-scissors. You memorize the weakness of a particular enemy and swap to the appropriate character for the attack. Nothing else is involved. Auron against armored, Rikku against machines, Wakka against flying, etc. What might seem like an interesting, evolutionary method of making all party members useful (instead of choosing characters solely due to aesthetic preference or limit breaks, as with FF8), really just involves either character swapping, or just disregarding it altogether and building up three strong characters (I got tired of swapping and just built up three mains, which ends up working perfectly fine). It's boring, especially when the sphere system isn't a very rewarding form of progression.

5) The Story & the Characters. I suppose the importance of other aspects of FFX could be played down a tad if the story was even worth mentioning....but it isn't. As we follow the main characters on their journey of idiocy and posturing, we come to the conclusion that Tidus and Yuna are both most definitely gay, and that they deserve eachother. Taken directly out of what would normally be a very average anime series, FFX is an exercise in mediocrity, as far as the story is concerned. While perhaps not as draining as Xenosaga, the cutscenes are frequent and not particularly compelling (in part due to point #2), and lead up to a perplexing (if perhaps understood) conclusion that has a tad of subtlety...that of course is raped through the advent of FFX-2. I'd elaborate further, but it's been a couple years and for the life of me I can't recall many specifics. Seymour the androgynous evil-of-the-week? Sin teh big eval that remains ambiguous until the standard near-end protracted exposition? Jecht the haphazardly thrown in angst injection? Kimahri the incredibly dull main quest side quest? Eh, whatever.

6) Blitzball. Every modern FF game has some sort of additional game to play. Whether it be chocobo training/hunting, card gaming, or sometimes both, there's a distraction to keep you spinning the game disc when you're sick of cutscenes and random battles. Blitzball is the forsaken son of a motherless goat that we receive in FFX. I've played it, I've "mastered" it, and I have few things to say about it. It's extremely simple, and can leave you with a 100% chance of victory for every subsequent game after only 2-3 matches played. To this end, the game becomes overarchingly tired, although providing the additive quality of being a requirement for one of the ultimate character weapons, as well as some other items. Together, they make a FF fan violently smash the playstation 2 console.

That's all I can think of, off the top of my head. Anything else to add? ;b

I wonder whatever happened to that last guy?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
X aint divisive...Its one of the highest selling FFs of all time.Remaster reviewed well among today's game critics.
I'm telling you.. There was a time on forums when mentioning FFX caused as much drama as LR today.

It's 10 years later. The haters mellowed out, some even came around on it. The lovers love only increased, and those who were really young when it came out especially revere it un-challengingly. Time heals all wounds.

I don't think XIII is comparable to X (XIII was a real backlash, not just "divisive").. But I do think you'll see a mellowing of opinion on that too, especially from those who were kids when it came out... You will have conversations with people who adore FFXIII as their coming of age videogame. Get ready.
I remember the X talk. People were up in arms about the lack of a world map like in previous FFs. Lot of outrage over having to pick locations from a menu on the airship, instead of flying around. People also criticized the linearity and corridors. But every FF has had outspoken negativity, even when they're generally well-received.


Here are some screenshots I took on my Vita for our European brothas who can't play this yet.








Yuna's face when she wakes up from Djose
, I really like her new model

Edit: I actually forgot about all the various items you can get from just talking to people.


I got the Final Fantasy X|X-2 LE but I don't want it cause of the lack of case. Should i just suck it up and save me time and effort and keep it, or try and swap it since I'm not happy with it?

(Preordered it before there was a bonus)
I'm really itching to buy this, but I just bought DS2. I almost want to just replay the Ps2 copy at this point. Maybe comparison shots do more justice, but it's hard to tell the upgrade from here. I'd kill for a PSX trilogy remake set.


I miss lulu so much. She looks so damn good in that screenshot.

Haha I love that part!


Also, dat Lulu......

I never realized how good she looked until they first started releasing the shots for the HD remaster.

Man, the screenshots do not do it justice. It just looks amazeballs on the Vita.

Seriously. One of the few games that I can really insist that screenshots do not do the game justice. It looks sooooooooooo much better in motion on dat OLED Vita


Man, I really want to win the first Blitzball tourney against the Goers, but not being able to skip cutscenes every time I lose is really killing me.


Yeah, I forgot to save before the Goers so I was really worried I'd have to see a bunch of shit again, luckily I cleaned their clock.
Just remembered that the game has this this bit of dialogue....

Tidus: "They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple"
Wakka:"Macalania Temple."
Tidus "aye"

I generally enjoy the dialog in this game, but what Tidus says makes me cringe so hard.


Just remembered that the game has this this bit of dialogue....

Tidus: "They say Seymour went to Macarena Temple"
Wakka:"Macalania Temple."
Tidus "aye"

I generally enjoy the dialog in this game, but what Tidus says makes me cringe so hard.
I actually laughed far too hard at that bit. Maybe because my childhood was the 90s, IDK.
I'm telling you.. There was a time on forums when mentioning FFX caused as much drama as LR today.

It's 10 years later. The haters mellowed out, some even came around on it. The lovers love only increased, and those who were really young when it came out especially revere it un-challengingly. Time heals all wounds.

I don't think XIII is comparable to X (XIII was a real backlash, not just "divisive").. But I do think you'll see a mellowing of opinion on that too, especially from those who were kids when it came out... You will have conversations with people who adore FFXIII as their coming of age videogame. Get ready.

FFX had a minority of internet haters who didn't even understand the scenes they were bashing.

FF13 will never be looked at as a classic. The story is just not good. It's one good aspect was graphics which will look less and less impressive as time goes on. FFX has a good story and gameplay which will always stand the test of time.
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