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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I didn't watch it. He said it was bad when he put up the link, lol, didn't think he was serious.

EDIT: lolol at some of these comments in the reddit thread for the McIntierlist


Happened to me and Milly when he was pushing to rank 1 like 14 games in a row or something, IIRC. I typically always end up 3/4/5, which is fine. I would prefer not to go first. Would be nice not to go last so much, though.


I've honestly only played about 20-25 Li-Ming games. That other guy called dibs and played her to 10 and by the time he was done I wasn't into it. Should have, though, cause she still wins games in QM like crazy.

I've got dibs on Tracer, though. I can't wait to feed.

Also, this esports talk on Into the Nexus episode 100 is hilarious. They were talking about how to increase esports acceptance in America and it devolved into introducing esports functions to real sports like the Denver Broncos ban Tom Brady in tonight's matchup.


I've honestly only played about 20-25 Li-Ming games. That other guy called dibs and played her to 10 and by the time he was done I wasn't into it. Should have, though, cause she still wins games in QM like crazy.

I've got dibs on Tracer, though. I can't wait to feed.

Also, this esports talk on Into the Nexus episode 100 is hilarious. They were talking about how to increase esports acceptance in America and it devolved into introducing esports functions to real sports like the Denver Broncos ban Tom Brady in tonight's matchup.

I could get behind this. Fuck Tom Brady.


Does Macs tier list explain how Kael is Tier 2, and not dumpster tier? I really don't want to watch it but am curious to know why he rates Kael so much higher than everyone else.


Dunno, all I know is it's for solo queue. I didn't watch the video. I would suspect it has to be for some of the same reasons brian and co like him in ARAM. He still seems well enough for plebs in the games I've played (provided he's not against Li-Ming, which he wouldn't be in HL cause of bans). I dunno about being better than Jaina, though, but he plays more HL than I do.

If anyone is interested, the "best player in the world" MVP Rich is streaming on Azubu: http://www.azubu.tv/Rich.

He's playing Zeratul right now. Just watching one game and some of the plays these dudes are making, just the randoms, seems a bit better. sCsC was in there too.


Because the meta is melee heavy and CB punishes them is what he said.

Also he's higher than Jaina because he has more survivablity before 20 than her. Did admit that them both lacking bolt sucks.


Thrall is awesome right now. 2stronk4me

Rich playing Zeratul now again. He said Tassadar lol, I couldn't tell from the picture til the load screen came up.


Complaints about li ming are more about base things, in practice both li ming and thrall have counterplay

@aram i mean the mode is 85% rng. W/ regard to the tournament, i made it prtty clear to my team that i wanted to keep it loose (ptsd from reg aram room) and everyone was immediately down. We were in voice comms and did relaxed stuff like call out globe and cd timers and think aloud about things we could or couldnt do, but we didnt go ham w/ target calling or anything. The tools to make it competitive were there but the idea that someone would take aram seriously is pretty foreign to me.

I dont think kael is better than jaina but i think both are a little underrated


I totally disagree with Tassadar being on tier 1 for solo q. Nope. Just nope.

Yeah, definitely has not been my experience or our shared experience.

True but while y'all where complaining about Li Ming, Thrall is just slightly below her imo.

I think he's arguably OP, but not slightly below her. Just the melee factor in general prevents that IMO. The ease with which she blows up people, resets, and then blows up more people is just unmatched in this MOBA. She very much feels like she was made in the image of League or Dota.
True but while y'all where complaining about Li Ming, Thrall is just slightly below her imo.

Thrall has to be in your face to do damage, Li-Ming throws shade from downtown.

Thrall being strong is fine because there's actual risk/reward in his design. All you have to do is interrupt Thralls hammer combo and he loses his sustain.


The bad thing about the macintier discussion on reddit is that ppl are still too obsessed w/ winrates and it just shuts down any thinking on their part

Thrall and li ming are both op but i mean that's perfectly fine. My main issue w/ li ming, like barring core changes which are likely not coming, is that even if you react to ur teammate getting slayed by retreating a bit she can still tag you with laser, im cool with her numbers and what not


A big thing that affects perception about li ming and her resets is that ppl are unwilling to dodge her shit after a ding and her shit is heavily dodgable if you arent getting cced. Another thing is that ppl arent reluctant enough to provide her oppurtunities to be effective, sticking around her while half-health, etc.

Most of my main issues w/ her have been resolved nicely, her building damage, her infinite mana (could use a further nerf on her base valuea tho, but that one talent is gone now), i just think there should be counterplay to a reset laser


That's bull shit though. Her shit is heavily dodgeable, but it doesn't matter when it's on a 5 second cooldown and reaches you from the fog.

Flame strike is 7 seconds, falstads hammer is like 12 or something.

And just don't stick around when your close to half hp? Sounds like nova, who also has longer cool downs and is punished heavily for missing or wasting abilities.

Yes that's how you play against her, and it's what you gotta do to win the game, but that doesn't mean it's not total bullshit.

It's not perception. Why would you ever pick any other ranged assassin when li Ming is available?

Edit: my bad. Magic missiles is three second cooldown. 3 Seconds! Seriously fuck that hero.

imagine if nova could snipe you from the back line on a 3second cooldown. And then add like 400 damage to snipe.


I mean i said she was op lol
But the issue here isnt that you cant dunk on her or prevent urself from getting dunked on like a lot of ppl make it out to be


ppl are unwilling to dodge her shit after a ding and her shit is heavily dodgable if you arent getting cced

I agree with you, in ideal circumstances (ie: the lane, when she's visible, etc) the orb and missiles are relatively dodgeable. My question is when are you in a team fight that you aren't cc'd, though? Nearly every hero has a slow, bare minimum. The slow is all it takes to put a hero without a Barrel Roll/Vault/Blink from being a possibly hit target to an easy target. If you're the tank, melee, or a shorter range hero you can forget about it when it comes to dealing damage against her. She either has to be distracted and aiming in another direction, or you pretty much have to eat it as you chase her never-ending blinks or whoever else on her team you're after.

It's not really as simple as you make it out to be, which is why she is banned in every HL game nearly without exception.

Another thing is that ppl arent reluctant enough to provide her oppurtunities to be effective, sticking around her while half-health, etc.

Most heroes go to half health or thereabouts (or less) in one combo from her, nevermind the other 4 heroes trying to do damage in a team fight. So if you're engaged 5v5, you eat an orb, you just peace with half health? That's a good way to get flamed for abandoning your team, and completely opposite of how you play versus pretty much anyone else sans Greymane or old Chain Bomb KT.

The range on her stuff is ridiculous with her mobility. The ease with which she can talent into teleport and escape/sustain is pretty insane. She should never have the damage she does with the teleport to begin with. It should be less teleports = more damage or current teleports = less damage. Then, after you get all that out of the way, the resets are what really make it crazy. All it takes is one of your teammates getting caught and combo'd and she can just clean up your entire team with a reset, or get you all so low/push you back so far that it's a virtual wipe and free map control for her team until everyone hits the base.

I honestly don't think the complaints on Li-Ming are overblown at all. I can't even imagine what a fucking shitshow it is playing with her in lower MMR tiers where you know no one is dodging anything and it's feed city due to how much everyone likes to fight over every objective.

I really think you should hop into HL finally. You said you were never interested cause of lack of bans IIRC, well they are here. Hop in there and get some non-QM non-ARAM perspective. The game is much more enjoyable without her in it throwing bombs every few seconds.


Im speaking purely from my own experience ofc + theory so take it for what it's worth for yall

But i mean have you guys never felt like you werent doing much as li ming in a game or felt like you didnt automatically win because you had li ming and they didnt? Like that's what im arguing against, this perception that shit is in the bag when li ming is involved when it clearly isnt
she is the most broken hero to be released, even since alpha. its even more telling that despite every patch hitting her hard with nerfs shes still at the top by a large margin.


No the issue is very much that you can't prevent yourself from getting dunked on. It's waaaaay to hard to not die to the hero. Because even if you dodge it, you gotta dodge it again immediately after. It's just like trying to catch the hero. You gotta catch her, and then catch her again, and then catch her again.

It's better said like: you need to prevent your selves from getting dunked on 12 times in a row while also nailing a half court three pointer.


Like im trying to get at reasons why she's hated, not that she's not strong or that she's hated because she's strong. Even most of the language yall are using has to do w/ frustration w/ how you feel playing against her, same w/ tassadar who many of you feel is weak, both share the exact same winrate.


But i mean have you guys never felt like you werent doing much as li ming in a game or felt like you didnt automatically win because you had li ming and they didnt? Like that's what im arguing against, this perception that shit is in the bag when li ming is involved when it clearly isnt

Oh, definitely, she's not autowin. But no hero ever really has been. Brightwing with the activatable D, Stitches with all the damage + hook, Thrall with Battle Momentum, Ignite KT, etc. They still lost 40% or more of their games for the most part. 40% odds aren't bad odds if you were gambling, but we aren't gambling.

Her winrate is only like 53% or something, so obviously some games your team sucks or they don't know how to let you poke. I definitely don't think she's an autowin, but I do think she heavily tilts the game in your favor in QM because of the randomness of comps (assuming no mirror). I liked it better when Rehgar could at least go in on her and enable players to easily take care of her previously, before his nerfs.

Like im trying to get at reasons why she's hated, not that she's not strong or that she's hated because she's strong. Even most of the language yall are using has to do w/ frustration w/ how you feel playing against her, same w/ tassadar who many of you feel is weak, both share the exact same winrate.

Yeah but that just sounds like some philosoraptor shit lol, do we really need to use a specific language/wording to make it okay to say she's OP? Why does it matter that players are frustrated that she's so strong in comparison to other ranged? She's just OP man. She's not fun to play against for the vast majority of the playerbase, whatever their individual reasons may be. That's pretty much all there is to it really.


Oh, definitely, she's not autowin. But no hero ever really has been. Brightwing with the activatable D, Stitches with all the damage + hook, Thrall with Battle Momentum, Ignite KT, etc. They still lost 40% or more of their games for the most part. 40% odds aren't bad odds if you were gambling, but we aren't gambling.

Her winrate is only like 53% or something, so obviously some games your team sucks or they don't know how to let you poke. I definitely don't think she's an autowin, but I do think she heavily tilts the game in your favor in QM because of the randomness of comps (assuming no mirror). I liked it better when Rehgar could at least go in on her and enable players to easily take care of her previously, before his nerfs.

Yeah that's all im really saying + trying to connect the vitriol and autoban w/ how ppl think of her. I didnt check her winrate in qm yet but in general i dunno if itd skew too different

I dunno i never said she wasnt op, but i thought the discussion came out of thinking about thrall vs. Li ming, where both are op but ppl are pretty cool w/ thrall


I don't hate the hero. I think she's cool. I wish she was balanced so she was fun to play as or against. I'm upset at the balance. I hate the fact the blizz doesn't seem to realize their own inconsistencies in balancing heroes. When they say the stuff like heroes are supposed to have core weaknesses and not have talents that make up for that, and blink is too strong on KT/Jaina, and nova is unfun, while also simultaneously saying they see no balance issues with li Ming and it's just a matter of her being new and player perception and stuff, it's fucking frustrating because they are so obviously wrong.

So you know you post that li mings issues are a perception thing and I'm triggered.


Um, a full Li-Ming full combo does a lot more than half health. She can literally take a ranged carry from 100% to 0% if all her stuff hits. It's ridiculous that she has that potential compared to what any other ranged hero has to do to kill someone.


So can thrall and falstad i guess

Also as an aside im prtty into a short period top-heavy op assassin meta since it's waaay less oppressive than a meta where something like rehgar or etc or dehaka are too op

I didnt mean to trigger you ketch my b, i think she needs a nerf


I don't think she's hugely over the line BTW - just slightly over it. And no, Thrall and Falstad can't do what she can do. Well, maybe Falstad if he has stacked his hammer up to stupid amounts, gets a thunderstorm off and has taken Hinterland Blast, and that all hits? But note that's using everything he has, including a 2 minute cooldown, over the space over 4+ seconds. After stacking the hammer to egregious levels.


I honestly think the Li-Ming complaints would be lessened if they had allowed KT and Jaina to be viable second options. Now they are like 5th/6th options or worse. As Ketch said, what sense does it make remove blink from them to preserve weaknesses in their kit while allowing a hero who does more damage to have the same ability at level 1 on like a 5 second cooldown or whatever? Seems silly.

Ultimately, though I'm the Blizzard cheerleader around here, I would prefer to see change in their approach to balancing.

Say like right now, Falstad needs a nerf to gust according to most players. I'd assume they will hit more than gust (I may be wrong). How about instead of nerfing Falstad this coming Tuesday/whenever the next patch is, they leave him alone and implement the next set of balance changes and see where those changes take the meta. Is Falstad still OP? Now nerf. Did the changes to other heroes bring him in line? Good, now he's just a good hero.

I feel like Brightwing (activatable D with reduced #'s across the board would've been fine), Valla (pre-BM removal and whatever else happened), Nazeebo (inexplicable nerf a few months back when he had just barely snuck into competitive again), Diablo changes to his charge and stuff last summer/spring, Tychus nerfs long ago, and several other of the changes they've made would have ultimately been just fine if they still functioned more or less the exact same right now (though probably not Brightwing with activatable D, at least not without nerfed #'s). I'm sure there are other examples, those are just the most prominent ones that pop in my head.


Also, just wanted to add, whatever the opinions it's a good discussion about the game. Much better than stalking Twitter for BigE updates, no? :p

EDIT: I do agree Falstad and Thrall can rekt some fools, but Falstad has to put himself at serious risk typically and we all know Thrall has to be in the poop to stir the actual poop up. They are def good heroes, but I think the risk/reward is pretty good on them for the damage they have. Same with Greymane for the most part.


Whaat thrall and falstad can def kill a squishy if they get all their stuff off

Not in the same way. Not sure how much of decent Li-Ming play you've seen, but I'm talking literal one rounded from a mile off. No auto attacks, no time to do anything, you just *die* if the orbits missiles hit and then she disintegrates. Falstad and Thrall require you to be up close and require auto attacks as well as their abilities. As someone who plays ranged carries pretty much exclusively, no-one has her potential to do that - nor have they ever. Even Greymane, a hero designed to execute folks, doesn't do what Li/Ming does.

And then she blinks forward and does it again.


Nazeebo top winrate hero at 55.9% which is 2.1% higher than the next closest hero (Xul, 53.8%). I didn't count TLV as a regular hero in that, as they are second.

What is fueling Nazeebo's rise? He's got 20k games showing in that, too, that's a pretty dece number.
I like Dehaka because he's a fairly decent counter to a lot of the heroes that are strong right now. Brushwalk and Isolation are great for dealing with those problematic backline heroes that need to be shutdown, if only for a few seconds. Can't fight under a siege-mode Hammer, burst through Morales healing or fight under an ulting Li-Ming, Isolation shuts those heroes down. Drag is a fantastic counter-initiation tool against melee heroes like Thrall, Illidan and Greyman.

Depending on how a fight starts and who the focus is, you don't have to initiate on your target by using Brushwalk, you can also just bully your way through the damage to these targets using essence, get close enough to cast Isolation or CC them with Drag. With Dehaka's trait (provided you've been activlely farming essence) and burrow you can throttle a lot of the incoming damage. Sometimes Adaption is the better choice because it allows you to last longer in harassing that backline unit.

Nazeebo top winrate hero at 55.9% which is 2.1% higher than the next closest hero (Xul, 53.8%). I didn't count TLV as a regular hero in that, as they are second.

What is fueling Nazeebo's rise? He's got 20k games showing in that, too, that's a pretty dece number.


I was gonna say Toad build is stronk but then almost no one is using Toad Affinity in conjunction with Toads of Hugeness and Infested Toads.


Yeah isolation is a great tool for a lot of stuff thats around atm

Nazeebo is prtty decent against a lot of the common pleb picks, that plus his already low skill ceiling prob explains it imo


This is what's up w/ Zeebo- (Diamond/Master only)

Infernal Shrines 328 60.4 %
Cursed Hollow 326 59.2 %
Towers of Doom 323 59.1 %
Garden of Terror 304 57.6 %
Dragon Shire 330 57.0 %
Tomb of the Spider Queen 351 56.1 %
Battlefield of Eternity 297 54.9 %
Blackheart's Bay 237 54.0 %
Sky Temple 306 52.0 %
Infernal Shrines 2477 59.7 %
Dragon Shire 2366 56.8 %
Towers of Doom 2481 56.4 %
Garden of Terror 2399 56.3 %
Tomb of the Spider Queen 2708 56.2 %
Cursed Hollow 2530 56.0 %
Battlefield of Eternity 2234 54.3 %
Blackheart's Bay 2154 53.6 %
Sky Temple 2410 53.2 %

His poke gameplay is really, really strong on a bunch of maps. Also, you probably pick Dead Rush if you're not going Toad Build (Gidbinn/DR/Leapers). The top build is mass-harass.


Heroes who can do a lot of things reasonably well tend to have good win rates given most games are Quick Match.

This is similarly why Zagara is so good.


Yeah that's a good point too + ppl in this game still have a hard time pulling the trigger on poke and nazeebo has the added benefit of being able to defensively zone

Id be really into hotslogs stats once the arbitrariness of diamond/master becomes more clear too but more realistically the skill level for this game is just poor still.
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