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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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If this helps



Ah, I've already got Muradin unlocked for her, this is one you want to give to a fresh newbie, maybe over in the General thread that popped up for the weekend promo.

Muradin's super-cheap (price wise.)
Ah, I've already got Muradin unlocked for her, this is one you want to give to a fresh newbie, maybe over in the General thread that popped up for the weekend promo.

Muradin's super-cheap (price wise.)

OK I'll try there, thanks.

If any new players want it, just PM me


So I got the portrait this time. It seems almost certain that uBlock Origin is what kept me from getting the last one. What a bunch of lame BS that is.


leveling up Rexxar to 5

this is probably the most boring hero I've played in this game. Those ults are just sad.

Played ~15 qm games with Li Ming to start learning her. Won all. Seemsgood.

I have Dehaka left to level up. well and cho'gall, I probably never do that. Can I play cho'gall with my RAF smurf btw?


Turns out I did watch the spring championships after all!

How an incredibly weird hero league game last night, where we had no tank and Illidan. We had Illidan, Sylvana, Falstad, Valla and Kharaim, versus tyrael / Stitches / Butcher / Zeratul / Rehgar. Enemy team draft was dumb as well, but I still would have given them the edge. instead, we stomped over them the entire game from start to finish.

What was interesting was the Sylv pick. She used mind control as a purely defensive tool - whenever Zeratul or Butcher went in, she just used it as a 2.5 second stun. Very cool to see and allowed us a lot of kills that shouldn't have happened, and I'm curious about using it on Illidan as well given how strong he now is.


Turning on the TV and seeing Jake and Trikslyr on ESPN still makes me do a double take and I've seen it a few times now.


Srey said:
I apologize for being a late with this statement. I have been incredibly busy these last few days, but more so I just needed some time to think about how and what I wanted to say.

My time with Tempo Storm lasted for nearly 5 months, and overall, I really enjoyed it. My LAN experience at Heroes Rising and Spring NA Regionals was fantastic and is something that I will always have fond memories of. It was really only after we came back from Regionals that we began to struggle. Seemingly overnight the team's morale and motivation disappeared. We stopped doing replays, communication dropped in-game to a nearly non-existent level, and the mood was sour when we'd finish scrims. This was around the time that So1dier left.

In addition to playing Tank, I also shotcalled for the team. It is very frustrating for me from a shotcaller's perspective when communication is nearly non-existent. Every rotation, every mercenary camp, every push, and 90% of ganks were individually microed by me. If I failed to call out these things then they were completed late or flat-out not done. Yes, it's my job to make these calls, but it's also each player's responsibility to feed information throughout the game. I was even calling basic things, such as who should soak, positioning, and how to rotate safely. I felt like I had to play 2-4 other Heroes in addition to my own, and my play suffered for it.

In the end, it just wasn't working. These past few days of scrimming with new teams have shown me how teams should function; communication shouldn't be tenuous and the atmosphere shouldn't be stressful. I'm also immensely enjoying being able to play a wider variety of Heroes. Although it sucks that I never received any salary from Tempo Storm for my time playing with them, I'm still glad I had the experience.

Moving forward, my focus right now is to qualify for the NA Summer Regionals, and although the qualifiers start in less than a week, I'm feeling optimistic. Thank you to all of the people that have been there to offer advice and kind words, I cannot express my appreciation to you.

So, I guess it wasn't working at all. Unless he's just being a salty dog about it all, which it doesn't really sound like it. Guess Tempo has a lot to work on to even be a contender. Maybe they didn't like Srey and weren't feeling it. Who knows.
Zoia's response, spoilers drama.

TempoZoia said:
Going to go ahead and nip this thread in the butt before it gets out of control. Really didn't want to make a response but kind of forced to shed light on this situation. Keep in mind people there are always two sides to every coin.
First of all Srey did not leave Tempo Storm. He was removed because his attitude and way of approaching improvement was very negative to the point that multiple members of the team were just miserable. The reasons why the team seemed to lack motivation, were talking less, so on was because they were just drained at this point. The night Srey was removed was basically a breaking point for one of the players. He got up and walked away mid practice to take a cold shower because he was just so tired of it.
As for the not getting paid srey/goku/zixz all knew they would not get a contract until atleast when kaeyoh/so1 were going to resign. Which was the end of January. When January came around we were in the process of redesigning our contracts as the old ones were a bit out of date for the current esports market. This took a bit longer than expected where we thought we would be getting contracts(same went for me/kaeyoh/so1) but delays happen sometimes. They got their contracts about a few days before regionals. Multiple members of the team waited until after regionals to look over the contract and then they all wanted to have a lawyer represent them for contract negotiations. This took a few weeks to finish and then the team got their contracts. Srey will be getting paid for the days that he was signed up until his removal. That has always been the case. Also because Kaeyoh and So1 were under contract for the event they do get a small portion of their prize pools taxed by Tempo. Because the other 3 members were not signed this does not apply to them. They get 100% of their earnings from those events.
As for the argument why couldn't we pay them even though they were signed. From the get go they knew that if they produced content either in video form or article on the website they would get paid the same our tempo storm writers do. None of them seemed interested in this though until they got their contracts.
I really like Srey. Outside of the game he is an awesome person and actually honestly like him a lot. However, I understood completely where my players were coming from and agree with their reasons for wanting him removed. Srey is a solid player and a fantastic shot caller. I wish him the best of luck in finding a team that can work well with him because if he does I have full faith he can lead a team to worlds

Starting to agree on Zoia being a bad manager. Your team doesn't fall apart twice in succession.


I mean I agree to an extent, Famalie. I think if it happens one more time, he may finally get he boot. But who knows. They may just have bad luck finding non-toxic players.


No dank memes allowed on hots subreddit. Video games serious business over there.

I don't visit as often as I used to, do they still not allow image posts and the like?


Nope, still don't. Also never ask if you can post in-game screenshots of one pro player calling out another, because then you'll face the wrath of Nazi mod Starryeyedsky.


Yeah a lump sum after months w/ no money towards anything in the meantime or living expenses, so basically working 8-12 hour days 7 times a week under a promise of a contract. Dats pretty unacceptable


Nope, still don't. Also never ask if you can post in-game screenshots of one pro player calling out another, because then you'll face the wrath of Nazi mod Starryeyedsky.

Listen, he has to get that next Blizzard eSports/Community Manager job okay. Blizzard likes to run a tight ship after all. Pls understand.

I liked the guy who ran the subreddit before he got that sweet job. Was he the one who put that policy in place though? My memory kinda hazy on when they did all that. It's also amazing that the subreddit has had basically the same amount of people since launch. I imagine not being able to upvote images to the front page of r/all has a big effect on that.


Yeah a lump sum after months w/ no money towards anything in the meantime or living expenses, so basically working 8-12 hour days 7 times a week under a promise of a contract. Dats pretty unacceptable

They had a chance to make money via writing and they chose not to? I mean you can paint it how you want, but they were up front with it all. They could've said no.


They shouldve said no like kob should have said no. I dunno the idea that getting onto ts allows you to freelance for their website isnt reall a "oh thats ok then" thing to me, im not really trying to spin things and nvt/c9 both contract and take care of their players.

Theyre ppl trying to make a players union in league
Yeah it seems a bit fishy. Tempo Storm pretty much gave half a roster + a manager in return for calling them their team and 3 free agents got a chance to contend at major tournaments.

It could be worse but you'd expect more with the way Tempo Storm handled the team.


FGC Waterboy
Anyone here going to heroes of the dorm in Seattle? I got tickets and am gonna head over there this evening.


Unions are a waste. They're only protect the deadbeats and then they're gonna have that long ass process if they need to get rid of a player.

Regardless tho, any of those dudes could've said no and that's the end of it. Really no arguing if any other way if they were up front.


I'm in an Union, dude. It's trash. If you can have people coming in drunk to work, getting caught on camera being drunk and almost destroying property and then for them to say oh well, umm... I'm pretty sure I know shitty unions.


unions are great. the people who run, organize, manage, and participate in unions suck

are we doing gaf groups with all this every hero free extra xp nonsense?


are we doing gaf groups with all this every hero free extra xp nonsense?

huehue, do we ever do gaf groups for anything? Everyone's schedules and shit are too spread out to make anything work really.

Thanks to this EXP boost I'll finally have all heroes mastered, though. Only have like 6 to go and they are all level 9 already.
Sreyz said:
Unfortunately, that's just not how things work. There were 2-3 months of tryouts (which is excessive IMO) and then we were promised contracts. It's not like we really had any options, it was either trust that we would receive our contracts or leave the team. If you say "Pay or I'm leaving" then I guess you're just leaving and now without a team that you worked so hard to be apart of.
Sreyz said:
As for the contracts, we were told that we would get signed in January, then the end on January, then February, and then suddenly we got the contracts 3 days before we flew to Regionals and were being pressured to sign before the tournament. We negotiated the contract when we got back and that delayed it another month. Honestly, I don't really have any beef with the contract being so late, I just think its bad practice to not pay players any back-pay for the time they already played with the team, even if it's just a month or two.

If that's commonplace they really need to unionize. Also Zoia's comment on how every player wanted a lawyer present was funny. At least the kids weren't entirely dumb but it shows a bit of a distrust between the org and players.


Having a lawyer for a contract like this is standard practice.

to me it seemed like zoia was sayin that since they wanted lawyers then that's why it took even longer to get the contracts signed... when it should be like of course they wanted lawyers, they're signing a contract. Dropping a contract on people and pressuring them to sign without lawyers is shady as fuck.


On the one hand, I can understand Tempo Storm's reluctance to sign Srey/Goku/Zixz cause they were like their 3rd or 4th options after they lost out on other players and didn't recruit anyone from EU. I think they, like us, knew that the team was gonna be 3rd place at best.

On the other hand, I can definitely understand Srey being upset about not having a contract. That's a legit complaint and other than trepidation I'm not sure what the holdup was there. I don't know that there is a reason that would make it seem logical or whatever. By the same token, whoever was in the house (and I have no clue if any of the new guys joined the older players in the house) basically got to live and eat for free, so it's not like they were in danger of starvation and he will get paid for all that time, it's just going to be back pay. It's not ideal and a little shady/suspicious, but at least they will make him whole (or so they say anyway).

I'm down with Srey's complaint on the contract, it was some bullshit, but also down with why the released him. We kind of figured the reason for the release, so that part is no surprise. I don't really lay the Srey attitude issues at the feet of Zoia, either. If the dudes can't get along, they just can't get along. He can't force them to, and there's only so many talks you can have with one side or the other not listening before it's basically out of your hands. It was pretty clear by Zoia's title change (he went from coach to just "manager") + Srey's general attitude about wanting to be in charge that Zoia was being phased out of the decision making and influence role with the team in favor of allowing Srey to have his moment in the sun as a shotcaller and drafter and overall decision maker, so it's hard to fault him IMO. If you have no influence on what happens in the game, it's hard to be the intermediary outside of the game when you're opinion isn't recognized anymore.

I do think we'll see Zoia out of Tempo Storm or out of this "management" role before too long, though. Team has blown up twice, whether through his fault or not, and he was already phased out before the second blow up. I'm not really sure what he does any more, and as he alluded, he is pretty much incapable of getting them (or the previous incarnation of the team) to produce any form of content whatsoever which really hurts the Tempo Storm brand because they could be making a killing on it and be the leading team (and basically the only team) producing said content. They'd become the TSM style go-to for NA. Dunno why the reynoodle would keep him around other than just wanting to have someone in the house watching over and reporting back.
Only the former Tempo Squad was living in the teamhous, now just Kayeoh and Zoia. Goku and Srey could only have come to the house for 6 months at a time because they are canadian and Zixz is queued to move in in May. Goku is now supposed to move in in June and leave after Blizzcon.


For the blame Zoia for the 2nd collapse crowd:

Srey said:
Zoia, although I love the guy, was essentially not involved with the team at all. He hadn't watched our games or been in comms since November and was basically only there to schedule scrims and events.

He was even more phased out than we thought. Zoia's response after someone pointed out when he was heavily involved, it went badly:

Zoia said:
This. I didnt have success a coach, nor did I ever want to coach. I gave it a shot, didn't like it, and didn't succeed at it. We have been looking for a coach but so far out of all the options they either are too expensive or just weren't worth it.

Srey has written a few more soliloquy's in that thread.

Srey said:
Just going to say upfront that I'm only writing this because I feel compelled to clear up some things.

Yes, I admit I was a bit coarse to work with during the early days, but I have worked extremely hard at fixing that, and honestly, I thought it was a non-issue and something that we had moved past because it hasn't been brought up in months. Recently, I could hear resentment in comms and I would ask "Is there anything wrong? Is there something that you want to talk about?" but the only answer I got was "No, I'm fine" or "Just IRL issues." I cannot express how hard I tried to make things work, but for all of my effort it seemed that 1-2 players had long decided that they didn't like me and essentially refused to work with me. I say 1-2 players because I thought I was friends with one of them.

It got to the point where I was literally unable to say anything during scrims or even discuss the game afterward for fear of setting someone off. I couldn't comment on what talents we should have gotten instead, how we should done a team fights, or what objective we should have taken because there would be blow-back. No one would talk in draft and I had to directly ask people to get any feedback whatsoever. There was no discussion or strive for improvement as a team, and as a result there was no growth. It was a stressful, frustrating, and exhausting situation.

I put everything into trying to make things work but when another player literally refuses to communicate or try to improve the situation, I don't know what else I can do. At the very least we needed some support staff. Zoia, although I love the guy, was essentially not involved with the team at all. He hadn't watched our games or been in comms since November and was basically only there to schedule scrims and events. I genuinely think the reason that Korea is a stronger region is because all of the players are dedicated to not only improving as individuals, but as a team as well. That's why they stay together for so much longer and that's why they're the best in the world.

As for the contracts, we were told that we would get signed in January, then the end on January, then February, and then suddenly we got the contracts 3 days before we flew to Regionals and were being pressured to sign before the tournament. We negotiated the contract when we got back and that delayed it another month. Honestly, I don't really have any beef with the contract being so late, I just think its bad practice to not pay players any back-pay for the time they already played with the team, even if it's just a month or two.

I really did not want any drama to come from my statement and I'm regretting even writing it now. I just want to move forward and continue working on myself, both as a person and as a player. Best wishes to the guys on Tempo Storm, both new and old, I don't hold any ill-will towards any of you.

Edit: If you have any questions please feel free to ask, I want to be transparent as possible.
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